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SQL Server 2000
Exercise 2:
Manipulate Data and Stored Procedure
-----Week 5-----
Please follow those steps to practise:
1. Use bcp to export all data from Orders table of PracticeDB to
c:\Orders.txt (or to c:\Orders.csv)
2. Change some data in the c:\Orders.txt and save. Then import to Orders
table from the text file using bcp
3. Import Orders.txt to Orders table using BULK INSERT
4. Create a Linked Server ‘LinkedPracticeDB’ which link to an Access
database ‘PracticeDB.mdb’ (firstly you have to create an Access database
similar to PracticeDB in SQL Server and input some data). Then do a
select data using four-part name and OPENQUERY
5. Using ad hoc computer name with OPENROWSET and
OPENDATASOURCE functions to select data from ‘PracticeDB.mdb’
6. Create the following Cursor
DECLARE @au_lname varchar(40), @au_fname varchar(20)
SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Northwind.dbo.Employees
OPEN Employee_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor INTO @au_lname, @au_fname
PRINT 'Author:' + @au_fname + ' ' + @au_lname
FETCH NEXT FROM Employee_Cursor INTO @au_lname,