Good morning Mrs Thuy, let me introduce myself first, my name is
Bui Cong Hoang, a student from class 10A2. Today, I warmly welcome
you to my very first presentation about answering the topic’s question:
To maximize protection from the Covid-19 and prevent possibly
spreading it to others, what can people do? So now, Let’s begin!
As far as we know that, since December 2019, the coronavirus
pandemic has been spreading through Chinese communities and within
following months, spreaded to many other countries all over the world.
We can clearly see that the world is now being covered by COVID-19;
many countries and territories are overloaded with patients. As a result,
many fields are on the verge of bankrupting and everyone is really tired
of hearing the word “covid” being mentioned again every single day.
Therefore, I hope that the following ways will be effective in
helping our people as well as the government put this awful situation
under control so that anybody can go back to their normal life!
According to Health Ministry’s guidances, there are two ways of
acting like a social vaccine. This simply means two things: not getting
infected & not infecting others.
My first point is to not getting infected
Firstly, Getting vaccinated as soon as it’s your turn and
following local guidance on vaccination is highly recommended
because it can prevent you from becoming severely ill, needing to
be hospitalized, or dying from covid. Moreover, vaccines also
protect people around you who cannot get vaccinated and help
reduce the spread of COVID-19 in your communities.
And the second important thing here is that you must keep
your hygiene. Although it may seems to be trivial, the very best
thing you can do is to wash your hands regularly. After coming
from the outside; removing your mask; going to the bathroom,
coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose; and; of course, before
eating, wash your hand with soap and water or an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer for at least 30 seconds. Because of being encased in
what is basically a layer of fat, virus can be ripped away with the
mechanical motions of washing. Especially, you must remember to
avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed
My second point is about not infecting others
Nevertheless, if you aren’t able to get vaccinated or sadly showing some
covid19 symptoms, wearing a mask and practicing physical distancing
are required.
For example, when crowds can’t be avoided, A proper mask can do
its job for you since it limits the volume and travel distance of
expiratory droplets dispersed when talking, breathing, and
coughing. In addition, both masks and plastic veils without vents
or holes will also filter out particles containing the virus from
inhaled and exhaled air, reducing the chances of infection. To
maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly
spreading to others, wear a mask in public if you are in an area of
substantial or high transmission, which are shown in orange or red
in the map.
Social distancing intended to slow the spread of the disease by
minimising close contact between individuals. Although these
seems to be not a very happy experience, if you can stay at home,
stay at home to protect those who need to be out for society to
function. Remember that from doctors to police officers, you
depend on all of them; they all depend on you to not get sick.
Last but not least, health declaration is crucial to be completed,
just about five minutes, but the healthcare staffs will really
appreciate your contribution! In fact, none of this is fun, but when
looking at the big picture, it is a really small price to pay.
Well, that’s the end of my presentation, I hope that those
solutions would be able to help people handle the worsening
circumstance. And yeah, my very first time presentation, thus,
there are some mistakes in either pronunciation or grammar.
Next time, I will try my best to creat another better one. Hope
you like it, I wish you with health, happiness and prosperity.
Thanks for your listening and see you soon!