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Topic Fashion and Style Speaking

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Topic: Fashion and Style
Speaking Part 1 – Topic Fashion Questions:
1) What type of clothes do you enjoy wearing?
Well, actually, this is kind of a challenging question for me, because I do
not attach myself to any particular style. I would say I’m quite an unpredictable
individual. So, my approach to fashion is pretty much mix-and -match. I would
always like to try new combinations and have fun with it and see how it goes. But
at the moment I would say I’m very obsessed with trench coats. I think they are
very versatile with different patterns and silhouettes. They can bring completely
different looks to you in ways that you’ve never thought about before.
2) Do you enjoy buying clothes?
Everyone around me knows I’m a slave for fashion. So, it should come as no
surprise that I take a very serious interest in purchasing clothes. It’s such a huge
part of my retail therapy and it gives me inexplicable joy. You know, the feeling of
being able to venture into boutiques, to find pieces of clothing that really suit you
and reflect your personality is something that gives me absolute thrills.
So splurging in clothes is one of my guilty pleasures, I must say.
3) Has your style of clothing changed compared to 10 years ago?
Definitely, I do think there has been a drastic evolution in my styles of clothing. A
decade ago, I was practically a secondary student, and I don’t think my sense of
identity in fashion had ever begun to develop at that time. Most of my shirts or
pants were actually what my mom bought for me, which I was okay with. And
obviously, by now, I have matured and my style has become much
more refined with a lot of attention to detail, silhouettes and more finesses in
general. And I’m very proud of that change.
4) What types of clothes do people in your local area enjoy wearing?
That depends on people’s age. For the elderly or the middle-aged demographics
in Hanoi, I would say their clothing is quite casual and very suitable for the
weather. Hanoi’s weather is very erratic so it’s completely understandable why
people would choose to prioritize function. On the other hand, the youngster, it’s
more about aesthetics than practicality. These days, the youth have an urge

to express themselves, and appearance would is such a great way for them to
do so. These days, for people of my age, you can see their clothes tend to have
a very bold designs, lots of colours, different silhouettes. Overall, it’s just
more diverse. So I do think that’s the main difference.

Từ vựng và cấu trúc chủ đề Fashion

energetic (adj) năng động

sport clothing (n) quần áo thể thao

casual clothing (n) quần áo thoải mái

exercise-friendly (adj) phù hợp cho việc vận động

trend-setter (n) người dẫn đầu xu hướng

bold design (n) thiết kế ấn tượng, mạnh mẽ

mix-and-match (n) kết hợp (trong phối đồ)

versatile (adj) đa dạng, linh hoạt

silhouette (n) hình bóng

finessed (adj) tinh tế

refined (adj) sắc bén

to be a slave for something (phrase) cực kì thích, đam mê gì

to be obsessed with (phrase) ám ảnh với

to give one an absolute thrill (phrase) khiến ai phấn khích

to splurge: vung tiền vào mua

to have an urge to do something (phrase) có nhu cầu làm gì

Part 2

Describe a piece of clothing you like
You should say:

What the item of clothing is

Where and when you got it

When you prefer to wear/wore it

Explain why you like it

Describe someone you know who dresses well
You should say:

Who they are

How you know them

What kind of clothes they wear

Why you like the way they dress

Key 2: I’d like to talk about one of my teachers … Miss Evans … she

teaches us English in the school I go to … we always look forward to
seeing what she’s going to wear when our lessons start … she’s always
very well dressed and takes a lot of pride in her appearance … it’s not
that she dresses in very smart clothes … she doesn’t come to school
dressed to kill or anything like that … but what she wears really suits her
… and she has a great sense of style as well … we often ask her where
she gets some of her clothes and most of the time they’re just off the peg
… and she says she’s not interested in designer labels or anything like
that … she doesn’t seem too concerned about keeping up with the latest
fashion … she just wears clothes that are timeless… yes … Miss Evans
is the person I think looks great in the clothes she wears.
Part 3:
Examiner: What factors do you think affect the clothes we choose to
Maki: It depends … where we are or where we’re going is a big factor …
if you are going out to a club or party you’re going to dress for the
occasion … and then there are those who think it’s important to look like
they’re on trend … they’ll want to wear the latest fashions … there are

lots of factors really …
Examiner: What kind of things determine what is in fashion and what we
should be wearing?
Martin: I suppose the big fashion houses and fashion shows must have
an effect but the clothes you see on the catwalk don’t always reflect what
normal people wear … so I suppose it will be things like what singers are
wearing in videos or models are wearing in magazines … that kind of
thing …

Is it possible to look good without spending lots of
money on clothes?

Examiner: Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on
clothes? Corinna: I’m sure it is … yes … I suppose it’s about having an
eye for what looks good … knowing how to mix and match different
items of clothing that go well together … I think you can pick up great

bargains in charity shops … sometimes for youngsters even hand-medowns can look good …

to mix and match: to wear different styles or items of clothing that
aren’t part of a set outfit

hand-me-downs: clothes that are passed down from older brothers
or sisters to their younger siblings

to have an eye for (fashion): to be a good judge of

Do the fashion shows have impact on what we are


Do you think have fashion trends changed
