Table of Contents
Back Cover
Java All-In-One Desk
Reference for Dummies, 2nd
About This Book
How to Use This Book
How This Book Is Organized
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Book I: Java Basics
Chapter 1: Welcome to Java
Comparing Java to Other
Important Features of the Java
On the Downside: Java's
Java Version Insanity
What's in a Name?
Chapter 2: Installing and Using
Java Tools
Using Java's Command-Line
Using Java Documentation
Chapter 3: Working with
Editing Source Files
Compiling a Program
Running a Java Program
Running an Applet
Chapter 4: Using Eclipse
Getting Some Perspective on
Understanding Projects
Creating a Simple Project
Adding a Class File
Running a Program
Debugging a Java Program
Refactoring Your Code
Book II: Programming Basics
Chapter 1: Java Programming
Dealing with Keywords
Working with Statements
Working with Blocks
Creating Identifiers
Crafting Comments
Introducing Object-Oriented
Importing Java API Classes
Chapter 2: Working with
Variables and Data Types
Initializing Variables
Using Final Variables
Working with Primitive Data
Using Reference Types
Working with Strings
Converting and Casting
Numeric Data
Thinking Inside the Box
Understanding Scope
Shadowing Variables
Printing Data with System.out
Getting Input with the Scanner
Getting Input with the
JOptionPane Class
Chapter 3: Working with
Numbers and Expressions
Dividing Integers
Combining Operators
Using the Unary Plus and Minus
Using Increment and
Decrement Operators
Using the Assignment Operator
Using Compound Assignment
Using the Math Class
Formatting Numbers
Weird Things about Java Math
Chapter 4: Making Choices
Using if Statements
Mr. Spock's Favorite Operators
(the Logical Ones, of Course)
Using the Conditional Operator
Comparing Strings
Chapter 5: Going Around in
Circles (Or, Using Loops)
Your Basic while Loop
Breaking Out of a Loop
Looping Forever
Using the continue Statement
Validating Input from the User
The Famous for Loop
Nesting Your Loops
Chapter 6: Pulling a Switcheroo
A Better Version of the Voting
Machine Error Decoder
Using the switch Statement
A Boring Business Example
Complete with Flowchart
Putting if Statements Inside
switch Statements
Creating Character Cases
Falling through the Cracks
Chapter 7: Adding Some
Methods to Your Madness
The Basics of Making Methods
Methods That Return Values
Using Methods That Take
Chapter 8: Handling Exceptions
Catching Exceptions
Handling Exceptions with a
Pre-emptive Strike
Catching All Exceptions at
Displaying the Exception
Using a finally Block
Handling Checked Exceptions
Throwing Your Own
Book III: Object-Oriented
Chapter 1: Understanding
Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding Objects
The Life Cycle of an Object
Designing a Program with
Diagramming Classes with
Chapter 2: Making Your Own
Working with Members
Getters and Setters
Overloading Methods
Creating Constructors
More Uses for this
Using Initializers
Chapter 3: Working with Statics
Working with Static Fields
Using Static Methods
Counting Instances
Preventing Instances
Using Static Initializers
Chapter 4: Using Subclasses
and Inheritance
Creating Subclasses
Overriding Methods
Protecting Your Members
Using this and super in Your
Inheritance and Constructors
Using final
Casting Up and Down
Determining an Object's Type
Poly What?
Creating Custom Exceptions
Chapter 5: Using Abstract
Classes and Interfaces
Using Interfaces
More Things You Can Do with
Chapter 6: Using the Object and
Class Classes
The toString Method
The equals Method
The clone Method
The Class Class
Chapter 7: Using Inner Classes
Using Static Inner Classes
Using Anonymous Inner
Chapter 8: Packaging and
Documenting Your Classes
Putting Your Classes in a JAR
Using JavaDoc to Document
Your Classes
Book IV: Strings, Arrays, and
Chapter 1: Working with Strings
Using the String Class
Using the StringBuilder and
StringBuffer Classes
Using the CharSequence
Chapter 2: Using Arrays
Creating Arrays
Initializing an Array
Using for Loops with Arrays
Solving Homework Problems
with Arrays
Using the Enhanced for Loop
Using Arrays with Methods
Using Two-Dimensional Arrays
A Fun but Complicated
Example: A Chessboard
Using the Arrays Class
Chapter 3: Using the ArrayList
The ArrayList Class
Creating an ArrayList Object
Adding Elements
Accessing Elements
Printing an ArrayList
Using an Iterator
Updating Elements
Deleting Elements
Chapter 4: Using the LinkedList
Creating a LinkedList
Adding Items to a LinkedList
Retrieving Items from a
Updating LinkedList Items
Removing LinkedList Items
Chapter 5: Creating Generic
Collection Classes
Creating a Generic Class
A Generic Stack Class
Using Wildcard-Type
A Generic Queue Class
Book V: Programming
Chapter 1: Programming
Understanding Threads
Creating a Thread
Implementing the Runnable
Creating Threads That Work
Using an Executor
Synchronizing Methods
Creating a Lock
Threadus Interruptus
Chapter 2: Network
Getting Information about
Internet Hosts
Creating Network Server
Introducing BART
Chapter 3: Using Regular
A Program for Experimenting
with Regular Expressions
Basic Character Matching
Using Regular Expressions in
Java Programs
Chapter 4: Using Recursion
Displaying Directories
Writing Your Own Sorting
Book VI: Swing
Chapter 1: Swinging into Swing
I've Been Framed!
Hello, World! in Swing
Positioning the Frame On-
Using the JPanel Class
Using Labels
Creating Buttons
A Word about the Layout of
Chapter 2: Handling Events
Handling Events
The ClickMe Program
Using Inner Classes to Listen
for Events
Adding an Exit Button
Catching the WindowClosing
The ClickMe Program Revisited
Chapter 3: Getting Input from
the User
Using Text Areas
Using Check Boxes
Using Radio Buttons
Using Borders
Designing a Pizza-Ordering
Using Sliders
Chapter 4: Choosing from a List
Using Lists
Using Spinners
Using Trees
Chapter 5: Using Layout
Using Flow Layout
Using Border Layout
Using Box Layout
Using Grid Layout
Using GridBag Layout
Using Group Layout
Book VII: Web Programming
Chapter 1: Creating Applets
The JApplet Class
Looking at a Sample Applet
Creating an HTML Page for an
Testing an Applet
Chapter 2: Creating Servlets
Using Tomcat
Creating a Simple Servlet
Running a Servlet
An Improved HelloWorld
Getting Input from the User
Using Classes in a Servlet
Chapter 3: Using Java Server
Using Page Directives
Using Expressions
Using Scriptlets
Using Declarations
Using Classes
Chapter 4: Using JavaBeans
Looking Over a Sample Bean
Using Beans with JSP Pages
Scoping Your Beans
Book VIII: Files and Databases
Chapter 1: Working with Files
Using Command-Line
Choosing Files in a Swing
Chapter 2: Using File Streams
Understanding Streams
Reading Character Streams
Writing Character Streams
Reading Binary Streams
Writing Binary Streams
Chapter 3: Database for $100,
What Is SQL, and How Do
You Pronounce It?
SQL Statements
Creating a SQL Database