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Vocabulary unit 4 change and technology dest c1c2

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back up
make a copy of information on your computer; give support to someone by telling
other people that you agree with them: ủng hộ, sao lưu dữ liệu
backup noun of BACK UP
change around move things so that they are in different places or positions: di chuyển các đồ
trong nhà
change into stop being in one state, condition or form and start being in another, or make
something do this; take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are wearing and put on different
ones: chuyển sang, thay đồ mới
change out of take off the clothes or a piece of clothing you are wearing and put on different
ones: thay đồ
do up repair, paint and improve an old building, car, boat, etc; fasten (an item of clothing): trang
trí, sửa lại, cài vào
fade away

disappear slowly: mờ dần,yếu dần, phai nhạt dần

key in put information into a computer or other electronic machine using keys or a keyboard:
nhập dữ liệu vào máy tính
make into

change someone or something so that they become something else: biến cái gì

mix up put things together without any order; think that one person or thing is another person or
thing: nhầm lẫn, lộn xộn
mix-up noun of MIX UP
take apart

separate an object into pieces: tháo rời

break a habit to stop doing something that you do regularly: từ bỏ thói quen
break with tradition

to do something different from what is usually done: phá vỡ truyền thống

make the break (from)begin something new or do something different from, to escape from
somewhere, to stop a relationship: chấm dứt (quan hệ, công việc...)
a welcome break fromget away from something unpleasant; to do something pleasant instead of
that thing: có kết quả tốt từ việc tạm dừng
undergo a change

experience, be affected change: trải qua sự thay đổi

against the clock
- If you do something -----, you are rushed and have very little time to do
- cật lực, chạy đua với thời gian
Vd: With her term paper due on Monday, she was racing ----- to finish it
around the clock

all day and all night without stopping, 24/7: suốt ngày đêm

If something works like ----- it works very smoothly and correctly; do something
with precision, very regular: như một cái máy, đều đặn
date from/back to

originate at a particular time; have existed since: có niên đại từ

keep sth up to date
- incorporate the latest developments and trends; to continue giving or
adding the most relevant information - --- Liên tục cập nhật cái gì
Vd: Whenever we get a new booking we add it to the calendar so we can ----at a later/future date - (formal) at some time in the future
- một ngày nào đó (trong tương lai)
Vd: The details will be agreed ----meet/satisfy a demand- to give sb what they wanted(demand); supply as much as people need or
- đáp ứng nhu cầu
Vd: There are reports that the company cannot produce enough to ----on demand
at any time that someone wants or needs something; available whenever you call
for it; readily available when you demand it
Vd: They believe that abortion should be available ----in demand

it's popular and people want it

put/throw your energy into
làm gì

enthusiasm and determination: bỏ/tốn công sức vào, dốc hết sức

take/assume the form of
to begin to have a particular quality or appearance, appear as sth:
thành hình, xuất hiện như, dưới hình thức
fill in/out a form

complete an application or document: điền vào đơn

for sb's own good

for the benefit of sb: vì lợi ích của ai

in the know

knew: biết


knowledge of how to do something: bí quyết, phương pháp

lead to/down/through to guide or direct someone to sth or a place/down to a lower point or
level/go through: dẫn tới/ dẫn xuống/dẫn qua
put sth in(to) place

to set up, install: đặt cái gì vào đúng vị trí

in place of
- instead of someone or something
- thay cho
Vd: You can use margarine ----- butter in some recipes.
out of place

not in the proper place, incongruous: không đúng chỗ, lạc lõng, bất thường

peace process a series of discussions to try to find a peaceful solution to a war or to political
violence: tiến trình hịa bình
serve a purpose

to be useful in some way: Phục vụ mục đích, đáp ứng nhu cầu

a sense of purpose
Recognizing that you have value and importance as a person lets you set
and reach goals: chí hướng , mục đích rõ ràng
toolbar thanh công cụ
tool kit bộ dụng cụ
trang web

The person responsible for maintaining and updating a website: người quản lí

take the wheel to be in control of the steering wheel of a vehicle or a vessel: cầm lái
wheel of fortune

vòng quay may mắn

a leopard can't change its spots
used for saying that someone will never change their
behaviour or character: bản chất con người không thay đổi
all mod cons all modern conveniences, the machines and pieces of equipment in your house
that make life easy and comfortable: những thiết bị hiện đại trong nhà
break the mould
change a situation by doing something that is very different from what
most people usually do or have done in the past: làm một điều khác thường, phá cách
change your tune

change your opinion or attitude: thay đổi ý kiến, thái độ

have a change of heartchange your opinion about something or decide not to do something you
were planning to do: thay đổi suy nghĩ, tình cảm, ý kiến
know sth inside out - be very familiar with sth

- biết hết mọi thứ, hiểu rõ tường tận

Vd: He ----- business ----reinvent the wheel
waste time and effort trying to do sth that someone else has already done
well: phí tgian, cơng sức làm việc mà ng khác đã làm tốt
stick to your guns
refuse to change what you are saying or doing despite the opposition or
criticism of other people: ko chịu thay đổi, giữ vững lập trường
the tools of the trade the skills and equipment that you need in order to do your job: kỹ năng,
công cụ cần cho công viêc
alternate (v) - if one thing -----s with another, it happens after it and keeps being repeated
- xen kẽ, luân phiên
Vd: You go first this game, and then we'll ----alternate (adj) - happening on one day, week, etc, but not on the day, week, etc that immediately
- luân phiên
Vd: We usually go to visit my grandma on ----- Sundays
amend - to change in a formal way; to change for the better
- (v) cải thiện, cải tạo
Vd: Could you ----- the report before you send it?
conservative - not willing to accept much change, especially in the traditional values of society
- adj. /kən´sə:vətiv/ thận trọng, dè dặt, bảo thủ
Vd: I grew up in a village where most of the people were quite ----convert (v)
- to change from one system, use or method to another, or to make sth do this
Vd: We're -----ing to a new computer system at work, so it's chaos at the moment
- to change your beliefs, especially your religious beliefs, or to persuade s.o to do this
Vd: I was rather shocked when my dad -----ed to Islam
- (v) đổi, biến đổi, chuyển đổi
convert (n)
s.o who has changed their beliefs in an important way

Vd: I didn't use to like Fiat cars, but now I've become a ---decay -(v) to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change, or to destroy sth
in this way: thối rữa, suy tàn, phân hủy...
Vd: When leaves -----, chemicals are returned to the soil
- (n) the gradual destruction of sth as a result of a natural process of change: sự phân rã, suy tàn,
mục nát, bị sâu...
Vd: Too much sugar in our diets is a major cause of tooth ----deteriorate
to become worse: (v) xấu đi, tồi tệ đi
Vd: The situation in the country has -----d and tourists are advised not to go there

distort to change sth such as information so that it is no longer true or accurate: bóp méo, xuyên
Vd: Journalists often ----- statistics in order to tell a good story
continuously changing, growing or developing: Năng động, sôi nổi, không ngừng
thay đổi
Vd: The world of electronics is a very ----- area
endure to last for a long time: kéo dài
Vd: Shakespeare's works have -----d for over 400 years
modify to change sth slightly, especially in order to improve it or to make it less extreme: (v) làm
dịu, làm nhẹ, giảm bớt; sửa đổi, thay đổi; bổ nghĩa
Vd: We've -----ed the design to solve the problem
radical - a ----- change or way of doing sth is new and very different from the usual way
Vd: That's quite a ----- suggestion
- (adj) hoàn toàn, triệt để, quyết liệt
từ rễ hoặc gốc, cơ bản
cực đoan, cấp tiến
(n) nguồn gốc căn bản, nguyên lý cơ bản
dấu căn (maths)
refine - to make some changes to something in order to improve it

- (v) lọc, chọn lọc, làm cho tinh khiết
cải tiến, trau chuốt
Vd: You need to ----- your argument to make it clearer
reform -(v) to improve a situation by correcting things that are wrong or unfair, or make a system
work more effectively: cải cách, cải thiện, cải tạo
Vd: The government is planning to ----- the health system
-(n) a change intended to correct a situation that is wrong or unfair or make a system work more
effectively: sự cải cách, sự cải thiện, cải tạo
Vd: These -----s don't go far enough, in my opinion
revise - to change your opinion or judgment of s.o or sth
Vd: I think I'm beginning to ----- my opinion of Tim
- to change, improve or make additions to sth such as a book, law or piece of writing
Vd: ----- your essay and I'll have a look at the changes when you've finished
-(v) xem lại, duyệt lại, xét lại, sửa đổi
status quo
- the present situation or the way things usually are
- phr. nguyên trạng, hiện trạng
Vd: Let's just keep the ----- until we know what's happening

steady to hold sth firmly without shaking or moving it
Vd: Could you just ----- the ladder?
- to remove one thing and put something else in its place
- (v) thay thế, thế chỗ
Vd: You can ----- cream with milk, if you have any
sustain - to provide the conditions in which something can happen or exist
-(v) chống đỡ, chịu đựng, giữ vững được, duy trì
Vd: The atmosphere on Mars won't ----- life
switch -(n) a change from one thing to another

Vd: I knew the magician had changed the cards over but I didn't spot the -----(n) sth such as button or key that controls the electrical
supply to a light, piece of equipment, machine, etc: công tắc
Vd: This ----- controls the volume
-(adj) able to send different types of communication signals at the same time: dải
sóng rộng
Vd: You need a ----- connection to watch the video
-(n) a high-speed Internet connection: băng thông rộng, mạng kết nối
Vd: Have you got ----- at home yet?
(games) console
- A small piece of electronic equipment that you connect to a screen, used
for playing video games
- máy chơi game
Vd: There's a lot of competition between manufacturers of -----s
manuala book containing instructions for doing sth, especially for operating a machine: sách
hướng dẫn
Vd: See what it says about this problem in the ----network
(v) to connect computers together so that each computer can send and receive
information to and from the other computers: kết nối thành mạng lưới
Vd: We've -----ed all the computers in the office so that we can send files to each other more
- at a very simple stage of development, before modern technology
-(adj) nguyên thủy, sơ khai
Vd: Da Vinci drew pictures of what we might see as a ----- helicopter

not capable of being changed: không thay đổi được, unchangeable


a complete change from one system or method to another: sự chuyển đổi

capable of replacing or changing places with something else: (adj) có thể
hốn đổi, thay thế cho nhau
liện tục, ko gián đoạn, noun of continuous
continuation n. sự tiếp tục, tiếp nối, noun of countinual


biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively
uninfluenced by experience: quá trình trưởng thành

noun of NEW

anew - adv. Once more, again especially in a different way
- lại, một lần nữa; lại nữa; bằng cách khác
Vd: The film tells ----- the story of his rise to fame and power

revolt n. cuộc nổi dậy; v. nỗi loạn, làm ghê tởm

thrilling, exciting: rất thú vị, hấp dẫn


noun of CONVERT

filthy very dirty: bẩn thỉu, dơ dáy
