Therapeutic approaches for prion and Alzheimer’s diseases
Thomas Wisniewski
and Einar M. Sigurdsson
1 Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, NY, USA
2 Department of Pathology, New York University School of Medicine, NY, USA
3 Department of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, NY, USA
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and prion disease belong to
a category of conformational disorders showing sub-
stantial overlap in pathologic mechanism [1–3]. The
basic pathomechanism in both disorders is related to a
conformational change of normally expressed proteins:
amyloid-b (Ab) in AD and the prion protein (PrP) in
Alzheimer’s disease; metals; mucosal
vaccination; prion; vaccine
T. Wisniewski, New York University School
of Medicine, Departments of Neurology,
Psychiatry and Pathology, Millhauser
Laboratories, Room HN419, 560 First
Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA
Fax: +1 212 263 7528
Tel: +1 212 263 7993
(Received 9 March 2007, revised 3 May
2007, accepted 4 May 2007)
Alzheimer’s and prion diseases belong to a category of conformational neu-
rodegenerative disorders [Prusiner SB (2001) N Eng J Med 344, 1516–1526;
Sadowski M & Wisniewski T (2007) Curr Pharm Des 13, 1943–1954;
Beekes M (2007) FEBS J 274, 575]. Treatments capable of arresting or at
least effectively modifying the course of disease do not yet exist for either
one of these diseases. Alzheimer’s disease is the major cause of dementia in
the elderly and has become an ever greater problem with the aging of
Western societies. Unlike Alzheimer’s disease, prion diseases are relatively
rare. Each year only approximately 300 people in the USA and approxi-
mately 100 people in the UK succumb to various forms of prion diseases
[Beekes M (2007) FEBS J 274, 575; Sigurdsson EM & Wisniewski T (2005)
Exp Rev Vaccines 4, 607–610]. Nevertheless, these disorders have received
great scientific and public interest due to the fact that they can be transmis-
sible among humans and in certain conditions from animals to humans.
The emergence of variant Creutzfeld–Jakob disease demonstrated the trans-
missibility of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy to humans [Beekes M
(2007) FEBS J 274, 575]. Therefore, the spread of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy across Europe and the recently identified cases in North
America have put a large human population at risk of prion infection. It is
estimated that at least several thousand Britons are asymptomatic carriers
of prion infections and may develop variant Creutzfeld–Jakob disease in
the future [Hilton DA (2006) J Pathol 208, 134–141]. This delayed emer-
gence of human cases following the near elimination of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy in the UK may occur because prion disease have a very
prolonged incubation period, ranging from months to decades, which
depends on the amount of inoculum, the route of infection and the genetic
predisposition of the infected subject [Hilton DA (2006) J Pathol 208, 134–
141]. Therefore, there is a great need for effective therapies for both Alzhei-
mer’s disease and prion diseases.
ACT, a1-antichymotrypsin; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; Ab, amyloid-b; apoE, apolipoprotein E; BBB, blood–brain barrier; BSE, bovine
spongiform encephalopathy; CAA, congophilic amyloid angiopathy; CNS, central nervous system; CWD, chronic wasting disease;
DC, dendritic cell; GSSS, Gerstmann–Stra
usler–Scheinker syndrome; PrP, prion protein; sAb , soluble Ab; sCJD, sporadic CJD;
Tg, transgenic; vCJD, variant Creutzfeld–Jakob disease.
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prion disease (Fig. 1) [4,5]. This occurs without an
alteration in the amino-acid sequence of the proteins.
Ab is a 40–43 amino acid peptide, which, in AD, self-
assembles into toxic oligomers and fibrils that accumu-
late in the brain, forming plaques and deposits in the
walls of meningocephalic vessels [6,7]. The same pep-
tide can be detected in most physiological fluids, such
as serum or cerebrospinal fluid, where it is called sol-
uble Ab (sAb) [7]. PrP
(C-cellular) is a 209 amino
acid, cell membrane anchored protein expressed at
highest levels by neurons and follicular dendritic cells
of the immune system. In the setting of prion disease,
this protein undergoes a transformation to toxic PrP
(Sc-scrapie) [8–10]. Fibrillar A b and PrP
have a high
b-sheet content which renders them insoluble, resistant
to proteolytic degradation and toxic to neurons. Neu-
rological symptoms in AD and prion disease are
directly related to loss of neurons and synaptic connec-
tions. Oligomeric and fibrillar A b can be directly
neurotoxic and ⁄ or can promote formation of neuro-
fibrillary tangles [7]. Both fibrillar Ab and PrP
capable of forming amyloid deposits. The presence of
amyloid deposits is necessary for making the diagnosis
of AD [11,12]. Abundant amyloid deposits composed
of PrP
(full length or fragments) are a neuropatho-
logical hallmark of variant Creutzfeld–Jakob disease
(vCJD), Gerstmann–Stra
usler–Scheinker syndrome
(GSS), and kuru [13]. They are also present in 10% of
sporadic CJD (sCJD) cases [9].
A number of proteins may actively promote the con-
formational transformation of these disease specific pro-
teins and stabilize their abnormal structure. Examples
of such proteins in AD include apolipoprotein E (apoE),
especially its E
isoform [13,14], a1-antichymotrypsin
(ACT) [15] or C1q complement factor [16,17] (Fig. 1).
In their presence, the formation of Ab fibrils in a
solution of sAb is much more efficient [13,15]. These
‘pathological chaperone’ proteins have been found
histologically and biochemically in association with
fibrillar Ab deposits [18] but not in preamyloid aggre-
gates, which are not associated with neuronal loss [19].
Similarly, in prion disease, extensive data points toward
the existence of an unidentified protein X actively
involved in the conversion of PrP
into PrP
AD and prion diseases exist as sporadic and inher-
ited illnesses. In addition, prion disease can be trans-
mitted from one subject to another. In experimental
model settings, some evidence also exists for the infec-
tivity of AD [21,22]. An important event in the patho-
mechanism of AD is thought to be reaching a critical
concentration of sAb and ⁄ or chaperone proteins in the
brain, at which point the conformational change
occurs [23]. This leads to the formation of Ab aggre-
gates, initiating a neurodegenerative cascade. In
sporadic AD, this occurs due to an age-associated
overproduction of Ab, impaired clearance from the
brain, and ⁄ or influx into the central nervous system
(CNS) of sAb circulating in the serum [24]. Inherited
forms of AD are associated with various genetic
defects, resulting in overproduction of total sAb,or
more fibrillogenic Ab 1–42 species [25].
Sporadic prionoses like sCJD are thought to result
from the spontaneous conversion of PrP
into PrP
[26]. The mechanisms that stabilize PrP
structure are
largely unknown but, once PrP
assumes its patholo-
gical conformation, it can bind to PrP
and induce a
conformation change. This starts a self-perpetuating
vicious cycle allowing PrP
to replicate without DNA,
using the host cell’s PrP
as a template [9,26]. Most
inherited prionoses such as GSS or inherited forms of
CJD are the result of a point mutation in PrP
increases the propensity for it to assume an abnormal
conformation. Virtually all genetic defects implicated
in familial forms of AD and prionoses are inherited in
an autosomal dominant fashion. Unlike AD, prionoses
can be easily transmitted between subjects of the same
Random Coil
Alzheimer’s Disease
Neuronal loss
Spongiform changes
Fig. 1. Conversion of sAb peptide or PrP
to their pathological
b-sheet conformers is a key step in the pathogenesis of AD and pri-
onoses, respectively. In AD, these b-sheet rich structures consist
of oligomers, protofibrils and fibrils that form plaques within the
brain parenchyma or deposit in the cerebrovasculature. A compar-
able entity in prion diseases consists of the proteinase K resistant
scrapie form of the prion protein (PrP
) that, in certain prion dis-
eases, fibrillizes and deposits as plaques within the brain. This pro-
cess is facilitated by various pathological chaperones as well as
several metals. The aim of most therapeutic interventions for these
conformational disorders is to reduce the amount of the substrate
(sAb, PrP
) and ⁄ or its availability for this structural alteration;
interfere with the conversion either directly or indirectly (via the
pathological chaperones or metals); and promote removal of the
disease-associated conformers.
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species. Transmissibility of prionoses between different
species is generally ineffective due to differences in the
PrP sequence. The phenomenon protecting one species
from acquiring a prion disease from another is called
‘the species barrier’. Therefore, scrapie (a prionosis
affecting sheep) is not transmissible to humans. The
species barrier does not provide absolute protection;
therefore, transmission of scrapie to cattle and trans-
mission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
from cattle to humans results in the emergence of
vCJD. In transmissible prionoses, exogenous PrP
present in the inoculum is responsible for the conform-
ational transformation of host PrP
. Upon entering an
organism, PrP
initially replicates within the lym-
phoreticular organs, including the spleen, lymph nodes
and tonsils, for months to years prior to neuroinvasion
and the onset of neurological symptoms. Therefore,
infected but asymptomatic individuals are a reservoir
of infectious material. This occurs because PrP
expressed by follicular dendritic cells and other lym-
phoid cells [27]. Accumulation of PrP
in the lympha-
tic organs of presymptomatic humans infected with
BSE has been demonstrated by immunohistochemistry
[28]. PrP
replication is possible because it does not
elicit an immune response [29]. This is related to the
inability of the immune system to distinguish between
and PrP
Vaccination approaches for AD
Vaccination was the first treatment approach demon-
strated to have genuine impact on disease process, at
least in animal models of AD. Vaccination of AD
transgenic (Tg) mice with Ab1–42 or Ab homologous
peptides coinjected with Freund’s adjuvant prevented
the formation of Ab deposition and, as a consequence,
eliminated the behavioral impairments that are related
to Ab deposition [30–35]. Similar effects on Ab load
and behavior have been demonstrated in AD Tg mice
by peripheral injections of anti-Ab monoclonal serum
indicating that the therapeutic effect of the vaccine
is based primarily on eliciting a humoral response
[36,37]. The striking biological effect of the vaccine in
preclinical testing and the apparent lack of side-effects
in AD Tg mice encouraged Elan ⁄ Wyeth to launch clin-
ical trials with a vaccine designated as AN1792 which
contained preaggregated Ab1–42 and QS21 as an adju-
vant. This type of vaccine design was aimed to induce
a strong cell-mediated immune response because QS21
is known to be a strong inducer of Th-1 lymphocytes
[38]. The initial safety testing of AN1792 in phase I of
the trial did not demonstrate any adverse effects. The
phase II of the trial was prematurely terminated when
6% of vaccinated patients manifested symptoms of
acute meningoencephalitis [38,39]. An autopsy per-
formed on one of the affected patients revealed an
extensive cytotoxic T-cell reaction surrounding some
cerebral vessels; however, analysis of the Ab load in
the brain cortex suggested that Ab clearance had
occurred [40]. It appeared that the immune reaction
triggered by AN1792 was a double-edge sword, where
the benefits of a humoral response against Ab were
overshadowed in some individuals by uncontrolled
cytotoxicity [41]. Not all patients who received
AN1792 responded with antibody production. The
majority mounted a humoral response and showed a
modest but statistically significant cognitive benefit
demonstrated as an improvement on some cognitive
testing scales compared to baseline and a slowed rate
of disease progression compared to patients who did
not form antibodies [42]. The follow-up data from the
‘Zurich’s cohort’, who are a subset of the Elan ⁄ Wyeth
trial followed by Dr Nitsch’s group [42,43], indicated
that the vaccination approach may be beneficial for
human AD patients but that the concept of the vaccine
has to be redesigned.
It appears that a humoral response elicited by the
vaccine has at least two mechanisms of action and both
of these are thought to be involved in amyloid clearance
[44,45]. Conformational selective anti-Ab serum may
target Ab deposits in the brain [43] leading to their
disassembly [46,47] and elicit Fc mediated phagocytosis
by microglia cells. The second mechanism by which
anti-Ab serum likely prevents Ab deposition is the cre-
ation of a ‘peripheral sink’ effect, where the removal of
excess sAb circulating in the blood stream leads to sAb
being drawn out from the brain [31,34, 47,48]. This per-
ipheral sink mechanism is likely to be the dominant
means of reducing Ab peptides in the brain.
The cause(s) for the toxicity in 6% of the Elan
trial patients are not entirely known; however, from
the available clinical and limited autopsy data, it is
thought that an excessive Th-1 cell-mediated response
within the brain was to blame [49]. The concept of a
redesigned AD vaccine puts emphasis on avoiding
this cell-mediated response in the following ways:
(a) avoiding stimulation of Th-1 lymphocytes so the
vaccine could potentially elicit a purely humoral res-
ponse; (b) using nontoxic and nonfibrillogenic Ab
homologous peptides, so that the immunogen can not
produce any direct toxicity; and (c) enhancing the
peripheral sink effect rather than central action.
Passive transfer of exogenous anti-Ab monoclonal
serum appears to be the easiest way to fulfill the goal of
providing anti-Ab serum without risk of uncontrolled
Th-1 mediated autoimmunity. AD Tg model mice
Therapy for prion disease and AD T. Wisniewski and E. M Sigurdsson
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treated this way had a significantly reduced Ab level and
demonstrated cognitive benefit [36,37]. The major draw-
backs of this approach are the high cost, limited half-life
of monoclonal antibodies (2–21 days depending on class
and isoform) and the potential for inducing serum sick-
ness with resultant complications such as renal failure
or lymphomas. Nevertheless, clinical trials for passive
immunization trials are underway. Alternative approa-
ches for passive immunization which are less likely to be
associated with toxicity, are use of Fv fragments or
mimetics of the active antibody binding site.
Another potential source of toxicity in association
with passive immunization is cerebral hemorrhage. The
mechanism of this hemorrhage is thought to be inflam-
mation in association with cerebral amyloid deposits
(congophilic amyloid angiopathy; CAA) that weakens
the blood vessel wall. Several reports have shown an
increase in microhemorrhages in different AD mouse
models following passive intraperitoneal immunization
with different monoclonal antibodies with high affinity
for Ab plaques and CAA [50–52]. The risk of micro-
hemorrhage following active immunization in animal
models has not been fully assessed. It has not been
a problem in our own active immunization studies
[34,35], but has been reported in one study [53].
Furthermore, the clinical trial data from the limited
number of autopsied cases suggests that vascular
amyloid was not being cleared and that hemorrhage
may have been increased [54–56]. In one of these
autopsies, numerous cortical bleeds, which are
typically rare in AD patients, were evident [55]. In
addition, the association of T lymphocytosis and
cuffing with the cerebral vessel Ab in these autopsies
suggests a potential role of CAA and an excessive
Th-1 response in the genesis of the inflammatory side-
effects [57]. This is an important issue because CAA is
present in virtually all AD cases, with approximately
20% of AD patients having ‘severe’ CAA [58].
Furthermore CAA is present in approximately 33% of
cognitively normal elderly, control populations [59–61].
Understanding the antigenic profile of Ab peptide,
allows engineering of modifications that favor a
humoral response and reduce the potential for a Th-1
mediated response. This approach has been termed
altered peptide ligands. Computer models have predic-
ted that Ab1–42 has one major antibody binding site
located on its N-terminus and two major T-cell epitopes
located at the central and C-terminal hydrophobic
regions encompassing residues 17–21 and 29–42,
respectively [62–64]. Therefore, their elimination or
modification provides a double gain by eliminating tox-
icity, as well as the potential for T-cell stimulation.
Sigurdsson et al. [34] immunized AD Tg mice with
], a nontoxic Ab-homologous peptide,
where the first above mentioned T-cell epitope was
modified and the second removed. Polyamino acid
chains coupled to its N-terminus aimed to increase the
immunogenicity and solubility of the peptide. AD Tg
mice vaccinated with this peptide produced mainly an
IgM class antibodies and low or absent IgG titer. These
animals showed behavioral improvement and a partial
reduction of Ab deposits [34,35]. One of the advantages
of this design is that IgM, with a molecular mass of
900 kDa, does not penetrate the blood–brain barrier
(BBB) and therefore is unlikely to be associated with
any immune reaction in the brain. Like passive immun-
ization, this type of vaccine focuses its mechanism of
action on the peripheral sink. Furthermore, the IgM
response is reversible because it is T-cell independent;
hence memory T-cells that could maintain the immune
response are not generated. Therefore, this vaccine
method may potentially be safer than typical active
Mucosal vaccination can be an alternative way to
achieve a primarily humoral response. This mechanism
is based on the presence of lymphocytes in the mucosa
of the nasal cavity and of the gastrointestinal tract. This
type of response produces primarily S-IgA antibodies
but, when the antigen is coadministrated with adjuvants
such as cholera toxin subunit B or heat-labile Escheri-
chia coli enterotoxin, significant IgG titer in the serum
may be achieved [65,66]. A marked reduction of Ab bur-
den in AD Tg mice immunized this way using Ab as an
antigen has been already demonstrated [66,67]. Interest-
ingly, this type of mucosal immunization has recently
been shown to be highly effective for prion infection
[68,69,70]. This promising approach requires further
exploration, especially using nonfibrillar and nontoxic
Ab homologous peptides as an antigen. Mucosal
immunization offers a great potential advantage in that
a more limited humoral immune response can be
obtained, with little or no cell-mediated immunity.
Inhibition of Ab fibrillization
Formation of Ab fibrils and deposition of Ab in the
brain parenchyma or in the brain’s vessels occurs in
the setting of increased local Ab peptide concentra-
tions [71]. Initially, conditions do not favor aggrega-
tion of fibrils; however, once a critical nucleus has
been formed, aggregation with fast kinetics is favored.
Any available monomer can then become entrapped in
an aggregate or fibril. Several compounds, such as
Congo red [71], anthracycline [73], rifampicin [74],
anionic sulphonates [75], or melatonin [76], can inter-
act with Ab and prevent its aggregation into fibrils
T. Wisniewski and E. M Sigurdsson Therapy for prion disease and AD
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in vitro, thereby reducing toxicity. It has been further
identified that certain nonfibrillogenic, Ab homologous
peptides can bind to Ab and break the formation of
b-sheet structure [77–80]. Therefore, these peptides
were termed b-sheet breakers. Several modifications
were used to extend serum half-life and increase BBB
permeability of these peptides. Permanne et al. [81],
using a BBB permeable five amino-acid long peptide
(iAb5), were able to demonstrate a reduction of Ab
load in AD Tg mice that received this peptide compared
with age-matched control group which received placebo.
Of interest, a similar concept of b-sheet breakers has
been shown to be applicable to prion disease [82].
Extensive evidence suggests that the most toxic forms
of Ab are oligomeric aggregates [83]. There is also evi-
dence implicating oligomeric aggregates in the medi-
ation of PrP
toxicity and infectivity [84,85]. Recently,
compounds and antibodies have been developed that
specifically target Ab oligomers [86–88]. Similar approa-
ches are being developed for prion oligomers.
Ab homologous peptides can aggregate and form
fibrils spontaneously in vitro; however, in vivo this pro-
cess appears more dependant on the presence of Ab
pathological chaperones. This group of proteins
promotes conformational transformation at certain
concentrations by increasing the b-sheet content of
these disease specific proteins and stabilizes their
abnormal structure [89,90]. Examples of such proteins
in AD include apoE, especially its E
isoform [18,91],
ACT [20] or C1q complement factor [21,22]. In
their presence, the formation of Ab fibrils in a solution
of sAb monomers becomes much more efficient
[18,20]. These ‘pathological chaperone’ proteins have
been found histologically and biochemically in associ-
ation with fibrillar Ab deposits [23,89,92,93] but not in
preamyloid aggregates that are not associated with
neuronal toxicity [24,94]. Inheritance of the apoE
isoform has been identified as the major identified
genetic risk factor for sporadic, late-onset AD [95] and
correlates with an earlier age of onset and greater Ab
deposition, in an allele-dose-dependent manner
[19,95,96]. In vitro, all apoE isoforms can propagate
the b-sheet content of Ab peptides promoting fibril
formation [92], with apoE
being the most efficient
[18]. The critical dependence of Ab deposition in
plaques on the presence of apoE has also been
confirmed in AD Tg APP
⁄ apoE
– ⁄ –
mice which
have a delayed onset of Ab deposition, a reduced Ab
load, and no fibrillar Ab deposits. Compared to
⁄ apoE
+ ⁄ +
Tg mice, APP
⁄ apoE
+ ⁄ –
demonstrate an intermediate level of pathology
[97–100]. Neutralization of the chaperoning effect of
apoE would therefore potentially have a mitigating
effect on Ab accumulation. ApoE hydrophobically
binds to the 12–28 amino acid sequence of Ab, form-
ing SDS insoluble complexes [101–103]. Ma et al. [104]
have demonstrated that a synthetic peptide homolog-
ous to 12–28 amino-acid sequence of Ab can be used
as a competitive inhibitor of the binding of full length
Ab to apoE, resulting in reduced fibril formation
in vitro and increased survival of cultured neurons.
The introduction of several modifications to Ab12–28
by replacing a valine for proline in position 18, making
this peptide nontoxic and nonfibrillogenic, as well as
end-protection by amidation and and acetylation of
the C- and N-termini, respectively, to increase serum
half-life, have allowed us to use this peptide therapeu-
tically in the APP
K670N ⁄ M671L
⁄ PS1
double Tg
mice model. Tg mice treated with Ab12–28P for
1 month demonstrated a 63.3% reduction in Ab load
in the cortex (P ¼ 0.0043) and a 59.5% (P ¼ 0.0087)
reduction in the hippocampus comparing to age-
matched control Tg mice that received placebo
[105,106]. The treated Tg mice also had a cognitive
benefit [105,106]. No antibodies against Ab were detec-
ted in sera of treated mice; therefore, the observed
therapeutic effect of Ab12–28P cannot be attributed to
an antibody clearance response. This experiment
demonstrates that compounds blocking the interaction
between Ab and its pathological chaperones may be
beneficial for treatment of Ab accumulation in AD
[14,105,106]. Whether similar approaches can be used
for prion disease remains to be determined.
Prion disease
Interest in prion disease has greatly increased subse-
quent to the emergence of BSE in England and the
resulting appearance of vCJD in human populations.
BSE arose from the feeding of cattle with prion con-
taminated meat and bone meal products, whereas
vCJD developed following entry of BSE into the
human food chain [107,108]. Since the original report
in 1995, a total of 201 probable or confirmed cases of
vCJD have been diagnosed, 165 in Great Britain, 21 in
France, four in Ireland, three in the USA, two in the
Netherlands and one each in Italy, Canada, Japan,
Saudi Arabia, Portugal and Spain. Most of the
patients from these countries resided in the UK during
a key exposure period of the UK population to the
BSE agent. It has proven difficult to predict the expec-
ted future numbers of vCJD. Mathematical analysis
has given a range from 1000 to approximately 136 000
individuals who will eventually develop the disease.
This broad range reflects a lack of knowledge regard-
ing the time of incubation and the number of patients
Therapy for prion disease and AD T. Wisniewski and E. M Sigurdsson
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who could be infected from a given dosage of BSE
agent. Because the vCJD agent is present at high levels
in the lymphatic tissue, screening for PrP
was per-
formed on sections from lymph nodes, tonsils, and
appendices archives in the UK. Three out of 12 674
randomly selected cases showed evidence of subclinical
infection, leading to a prediction that approximately
4000 vCJD further cases may occur in the UK [109].
However, there is much uncertainty about such a pre-
diction because it is not known whether all subclinical
infections will progress and also whether such screen-
ing of lymphoid tissue would capture all subclinical
cases. The initially predicted epidemic of vCJD does
not seem to be materializing because the number of
cases in the UK has declined from a peak of 28 in
2000 to five cases in 2006 [107]. A complicating factor
for estimating future numbers of vCJD is the docu-
mentation of several transfusion associated cases.
These occurred after incubation periods of 6–8 years.
One of these disease associated donations was made
more than 3 years before the donor became sympto-
matic, suggesting that vCJD can be transmitted from
silently infected individuals [110]. The estimated risk
for new cases of vCJD in other European countries
looks more optimistic. In the UK, 200 000 cases of
BSE were reported (it is estimated that four times this
number entered the food chain), compared to approxi-
mately 5600 BSE cases in other European countries
(with the highest numbers being 1590, 1030 and 986 in
Ireland, Portugal and Frances, respectively). This sug-
gests a significantly lower exposure of these popula-
tions to BSE prions. A few cases of BSE have also
been reported in other parts of the world, such as
Japan, the USA and Canada.
Of greater concern in North America is chronic wast-
ing disease (CWD). This disease is now endemic in
Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska and continues to
spread to other parts in the USA, initially in the Mid-
west but now detected as far East as New York State
[111,112]. Most vulnerable to CWD infection are white
tailed deer and the disease is now found in areas with a
large population of these animals, which indicates that
its prevalence can be expected to increase substantially
in the future. The occurrence of CJD among three
young deer hunters from this same region raised the spe-
culation of transmission of the CWD to humans [113].
However, autopsy of these three subjects did not reveal
the extensive amyloidosis characteristic of vCJD and
CWD [114]. However like BSE, CWD is transmissible
to nonhuman primates and transgenic mice expressing
human PrP
[115,116]. Therefore, the possibility of such
transmission needs to be closely monitored. CWD is
similar to BSE in that the peripheral titers of the prion
agent are high. PrP
has been detected in both muscle
and saliva of CWD infected deer [117,118].
Vaccination as a therapeutic approach
for prionoses
The prion protein is a self-antigen; hence, prion infec-
tion is not known to elicit a classical immune response.
In fact, the immune system is involved in the peri-
pheral replication of the prion agent and its ultimate
access to the CNS [29,68]. This involvement is further
supported by the observation that immune suppression
with, for example, splenectomy or immunosuppressive
drugs, increases the incubation period. This interval,
during which time the prion agent replicates peripher-
ally, without producing any symptoms, is quite long,
lasting many months in experimental animals and up
to 56 years in documented human cases associated
with cannibalistic exposure to the prion agent [119].
Lymphatic organs such as the spleen, tonsils, lymph
nodes or gut associated lymphoid tissue contain high
concentrations of PrP
long before PrP
starts in the brain [27,120,121]. Cells found to be par-
ticularly important for peripheral PrP
replication are
the follicular dendritic cells (DC) and the migratory
bone-marrow derived DC [121,122]. DC from infected
animals are capable of spreading the disease [122]. An
emerging therapeutic approach for prion infection is
immunomodulation [68,70,123].
Currently, there is no treatment that would arrest
and ⁄ or reverse progression of prion disease in non-
experimental settings, although many approaches have
been tried [124]. Partly due to the success in AD
models discussed above, similar experiments with
anti-PrP serum were initiated in prion infectivity cul-
ture models as well as active and passive immuniza-
tion studies in rodent models. Earlier in vivo studies
showed that infection with a slow strain of PrP
blocked expression of a more virulent fast strain of
PrP, mimicking vaccination with a live attenuated
organism [125]. In tissue culture studies, anti-PrP
serum and antigen binding fragments directed
against PrP were shown to inhibit prion replication
[126–128]. Although we first demonstrated that active
immunization with recombinant PrP delayed the onset
of prion disease in wild-type mice, the therapeutic
effect was relatively modest and, eventually, all the
mice succumbed to the disease [129]. This limited
therapeutic effect may be explained by the observa-
tion that antibodies generated against prokaryotic
PrP often do not have a high affinity towards PrP
[130], although, in our studies, the increase in the
incubation period correlated well with the antibody
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FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 3784–3798 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 3789
titers against PrP
. Our follow-up passive anti-PrP
immunization study confirmed the importance of the
humoral response, showing that anti-PrP serum is
able to prolong the incubation period [131]. Subse-
quently, other investigators, using a much higher anti-
body dosage, were able to completely prevent disease
onset in mice exposed to PrP
provided that passive
immunization was initiated within 1 month of expo-
sure [132]. This type of approach could be used
immediately following accidental exposure in humans
to prevent future infection. However, passive immun-
ization has not been found to be effective closer to
the clinically symptomatic stages of prion infection.
Also, passive immunization would be an approach
that is too costly for animal prion diseases.
In the development of immunotherapeutic approa-
ches targeting a self-antigen, designing a vaccine avoid-
ing auto-immune related toxicity is a major concern.
The emerging data from AD targeting immunization is
that toxicity is due to excessive cell-mediated immunity
within the CNS, whereas the therapeutic response is
linked to humoral immunity. In addition, toxicity
could be partially related to the immunogen and ⁄ or to
the adjuvant used; in the human AD vaccination trial,
fibrillar Ab1–42 was used as an immunogen. This pep-
tide is well characterized to be toxic. Hence, we have
been promoting the use of nonamyloidogenic deriva-
tives as immunogens for protein conformational disor-
ders, including AD and prion disease [31,34,38]. How
significant an issue direct toxicity of the immunogen
may be for prion vaccination remains unclear. Unlike
the Ab peptide used for vaccination in AD models,
direct application of recombinant PrP has not been
shown to be toxic. However, this issue has not been
investigated as thoroughly as in the Alzheimer’s field
and remains controversial. Several lines of evidence
suggest that intracellular accumulations of PrP
mote neurodegeneration [133].
A potential ideal means of using immunomodulation
to prevent prion infection is by mucosal immunization.
One important reason for this is that the gut is the
major route of entry for many prion diseases such as
CWD, BSE and vCJD. Furthermore, mucosal immun-
ization can be designed to induce primarily a humoral
immune response, avoiding the cell-mediated toxicity
that was seen in the human AD vaccine trial. In addi-
tion, mucosal vaccination has the advantage that it is
unlikely to induce significant immune response within
the brain. Although it has been shown that reduced
levels or absence of CNS PrP
by, for example, condi-
tional ablation by genetic manipulation of neuronal
[134] can prevent clinical prion infection, it is
likely that the immunological targeting of neuronal
PrP would be associated with inflammatory toxicity.
Recently, we have been developing prion vaccines that
target gut associated tissue, the main site of entry of
the prion agent. One of our approaches is to express
PrP in attenuated Salmonella strains as a live vector
for oral vaccination, which has resulted in prevention
or significant delay of prion disease in mice [69]. Live
attenuated strains of Salmonella enterica have been
used for many years as vaccines against salmonellosis
and as a delivery system for the construction of multi-
valent vaccines with a broad application in human and
veterinary medicine [135]. A main advantage for this
system is that the safety of human administration of
live attenuated Salmonella has been extensively con-
firmed in humans and animals [136,137]. Ruminants
and other veterinary species can be effectively immun-
ized by the oral route using attenuated Salmonella,to
induce humoral mucosal responses [138,139]. We are
currently exploring ways to increase the efficacy even
further. In these studies, the mucosal IgA anti-PrP titer
correlates well with the delay or prevention of prion
infection, further supporting the importance of the
humoral response for the therapeutic effect. Salmonella
target M-cells, antigen sampling cells in the intestines,
which may also be important for uptake of PrP
[27,68,121]. Hence, this approach is more targeted
than prior vaccination studies, likely explaining the
improved efficacy. By exploring other strains of attenu-
ated Salmonella, using different bacteria or oral
adjuvants, and ⁄ or by altering the expression levels or
sequence of the PrP antigen, it is likely that the
percentage of uninfected animals can be improved.
Our recent work utilizing this approach indicates that
complete protection to clinical prion infection via an
oral route is possible. Overall, this approach holds
great promise as an inexpensive prophylactic immuno-
therapy to prevent the spread of prion disease, partic-
ularly in animals at risk and perhaps eventually in
certain high risk human populations.
Metal chelation for prion and AD
Metal chelation is emerging as an important therapeu-
tic approach for AD, which is currently in clinical trial
[140,141]. This approach for AD is reviewed elsewhere
in this minireview series. Importantly, modulation of
metal levels, in particular copper, has been shown to
be important for the conversion of PrP
to PrP
highlighting another similarity between AD and prion
diseases [10]. Copper binding is thought to be part of
the normal function of PrP
[142–144]. The binding of
copper to PrP
gives the complex antioxidant activity
[145,146]; hence, it has been suggested that the reduced
Therapy for prion disease and AD T. Wisniewski and E. M Sigurdsson
3790 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 3784–3798 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS
copper binding of PrP
with a consequent reduction
of antioxidant activity is part of the pathogenesis of
prion disease [147]. This hypothesis has been supported
by the finding that copper is reduced up to 50% in the
brains of sporadic CJD patients [148]. How copper
binding influences the PrP
to PrP
conversion is
complex [10,149]. We were the first to show that, sim-
ilar to studies in AD Tg models, metal chelation can
be used therapeutically [150] in prion infection. Our
studies indicated that penicillamine, a copper chelator,
prolongs the incubation period of scrapie in mice
[150]. Consistent with this observation, the presence of
copper has also been shown to stabilize the PrP
formation using preformed fibrils [151–158], as well as
to induce aggregation of the prion peptide 106–126
[159]. Some tissue culture studies of prion infection
have also suggested that copper chelators are suitable
candidates for antiprion drugs [160]. However, there
are conflicting reports indicating that the interaction
between copper and PrP is likely to be quite complex.
For example, copper has been shown to inhibit the
in vitro conversion of recombinant PrP into amyloid
fibrils but, also in contrast, to enhance the protein-
ase K resistance of preformed fibrils [157]. These
findings indicate that copper may have a dual and
opposite effect on prion propagation. It may both
inhibit prion replication and prevent clearance of
potentially infectious forms of the prion protein.
Furthermore, copper treatment has also been shown to
inhibit PrP
amplification in reactions where brain
derived PrP
was used as a seed [161], as well as delay-
ing the onset of clinical disease in scrapie infected
hamsters [162]. In addition, it has been shown that
physiological levels of copper promote internalization
of PrP
[163]. The interaction between PrP
and cop-
per was found to be the overriding factor in stimula-
ting the internalization response with other metals
showing no effect. The decrease in detectable levels of
at the cell surface following copper treatment
was found to be the result of internalization rather
than loss into the surrounding environment [163].
Such internalization would limit the exposure of
to conversion from exogenous PrP
; however,
because cytoplasmic forms of PrP have been linked to
neurodegeneration [133], increased internalization
could also be deleterious in some settings. Copper has
also been shown to have immunomodulatory effects
[164] and, as discussed earlier, the immune system can
have profound effects on prion infection. Hence, it
appears that the deleterious or beneficial role of copper
in prion infection might vary depending on which
function predominates under the distinct experimental
conditions being used. Nevertheless, it is clear that a
greater understanding of the role of metal binding in
prion infection presents a therapeutic opportunity.
Immunization appears to be an effective therapeutic
method for prevention of Ab deposition and cognitive
decline in AD, provided that cell-mediated auto-
immune toxicity can be avoided. The second genera-
tion AD vaccines, which are under development, are
based on nontoxic and nonfibrillar Ab homologous
peptides that are modified to eliminate the potential
for inducing cellular immunity, and elicit primarily a
humoral response. Other related approaches include
direct administration of antibodies that target Ab.
These interventions would likely favor a peripheral
sink effect, clearing soluble Ab from the blood stream
and inducing efflux of Ab from the brain. Additional
potentially synergistic therapeutic approaches for AD
would include blocking the interaction of Ab with its
‘pathological chaperones’ such as apoE, as well as use
of b-sheet breaker compounds. Immunization approa-
ches could be used for sporadic AD, familial AD, and
AD associated with Down’s syndrome. The effective-
ness of treatment would depend on its initiation early
in the disease course. Therefore, such a treatment
needs to coincide with the development of a procedure
for the detection and monitoring of Ab deposits.
Both active and passive immunization appear to be
effective in prevention of prion infections in animal
models. Further studies are needed to develop specific
protocols applicable for human use. Active immuniza-
tion, using especially mucosal immunization could be
used to prevent spread of BSE through the oral
route, whereas passive immunization protocols would
be more appropriate for subjects accidentally infected
with prion contaminated material (e.g. blood transfu-
sion or organ transplant). Effective immunization for
prion infections works through prevention of entry of
via the gut and ⁄ or neutralization of PrP
replicating in the peripheral lymphoreticular system.
Metal chelation is another promising therapeutic
approach for AD, which is currently undergoing
clinical trials. Similar approaches are just emerging
for prion diseases. However, a greater understanding
of the role of copper and other metals in the PrP
conversion is needed before this therapeutic
strategy can be effectively harnessed for prion infection.
This manuscript is supported by NIH grants: AG15408,
AG20245, AG20197 and the Alzheimer’s Association.
T. Wisniewski and E. M Sigurdsson Therapy for prion disease and AD
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 3784–3798 ª 2007 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2007 FEBS 3791
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