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© 2010 Australian Stock Report.
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Introduction 3
Trading In All Market Conditions 4
"This GFC surely it can't get any worse!" 5
ASX Share Ownership Survey - Where investors get their information 7
What is good investing all about? 10
Winning and Losing Investors 11
Protecting What You've Got - Understand your exposure 13
Protecting What You've Got - Diversify, diversify, diversify 16
Protecting What You've Got - Always use a stop loss 20
Profiting From A Falling Market 22
Think Outside the Square 26
Step 1. Technical Analysis - Always follow the trend 29
Step 2. Identify high impact trading opportunities 31
Technical Analysis - Japanese Candlesticks 34
Step 3. Attend an Education Workshop with Australian Stock Report 37
Conclusion: What Winning Investors Do 37
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
In the last 30 months we have seen the financial markets hit their highest levels
during an unprecedented bull market. In the same way, during this time we have also seen
unprecedented global market corrections and government intervention to impede the
advent of a global recession, better known to us all as the GFC – the Global Financial Crisis.
Only weeks ago a new
financial crisis began to emerge,
that of the European Foreign Debt
Crisis. This crisis has caused
recovering markets to further give
This report is a transcript
of a lecture given by
Capolingua, Head of Education for
Australian Stock Report, at a
conference held during May 2010, in Sydney, Australia, where he explains how to better
trade the financial markets under all conditions.
For more information on trading the financial markets, stocks, index, FOREX,
commodities and bonds visit our website at
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© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Trading In All Market Conditions
Let’s start by talking about
the current market situation: is it
good or bad right now? What’s the
biggest problem that the world is
facing at this point in time? Debt.
The debts of who? Europe, or
specifically the “PIIGS”. This term has come to refer to those countries worst affected by the
current debt crisis: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain.
For those who remember the last “GFC” we had, what does GFC stand for? Geelong
Football Club? No. The Global Financial Crisis. These three letters – GFC - are synonymous
with people losing money and horrible things happening in the global markets. The last GFC
was caused predominately by companies taking on too much debt, getting into trouble with
that debt and eventually going bankrupt. That was the last GFC. But this apparently recent
GFC, starting just a couple of weeks ago -what is this one been caused by? Not by
companies going bankrupt, but by countries going bankrupt. So I need to put to you: which
one is worse?
It’s a big deal now, and certainly the markets have taken a big hit over the last few
weeks. I guess a lot of people might be sitting there, looking at their portfolios, thinking,
“Gee that’s not looking too good anymore, but hopefully” –(there’s that word ‘hopefully’,
not a good word to use when you are investing)– “hopefully it can’t get any worse”. Can it
get worse? Of course it can. The problem with the chart (above) is that it’s not a depiction
of the market now - I’ve tricked you. That’s the share market back when it fell from the high
in November 2007 down to about 5,000 and a bit. That is what it looked like last time when
the last GFC just started and everything was going gangbusters. Then the market fell down
and people thought ‘that’s okay, it will go back up’.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
"This GFC surely it can't get any worse!"
Surely it can’t get any
worse. Here is a chart of the
market now (on right). The two
charts we’ve looked at so far are
almost identical, aren’t they? So
I think there’s a lot of people in
the same situation right now
going, “Gee, I hope it can’t get any worse”, and you know what? It’s not so bad because you
only lose if you sell. A lot of people say “It’s okay, I only lose if I sell - when it goes back up I
will be alright” and we have seen how poorly that strategy worked last time. Now the
question is, from where we are right now, how low can it go? If we are indeed in a GFC, we
could be in big trouble.
Through the last GFC the markets fell about 55% and a lot of peoples’ self-managed
superfunds fell by probably close to that amount. On the way back up, though, quite
interestingly it rallied at about 63% to go from that bottom to back up the recent high. It
doesn’t make much sense, does it? For something to go down 55% and go back up 63% and
still not be anywhere near where it started. Why is that? How can something go down 55%
and back up 63% and not be back where it was? The reason is that on the bounce the price
is coming from a different base, isn’t it? Let’s just use round numbers here. If you started
with 100% and you lose 50%, you’ve got 50% left, don’t you? How much do you need to
make on that 50% to get back to 100%? 100% don’t you? You need to double; if you halve,
you need to double to get back to where you were and we certainly did not double.
There is a major problem with this because how often does the market go up 63% in
about 12 - 13 months? Not very often! So you really need to question the sustainability of
this rally to get all the way back up to those old highs, especially now with what we are
seeing in Europe. Now, I’m not trying to scare you about that, I’m just trying to put the
reality of this situation in front of us as investors; I say ‘us’ because it’s an issue for all of us.
And the performance of that squiggly line on that computer screen actually affects
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
everybody, whether they like it or not. It can affect you directly because you are holding
shares, it can affect you because you’ve got a superannuation fund, or it can affect you
because general wealth levels and the
share market value of those companies can affect
you keeping a job. A lot of people lost a lot of their personal wealth in that last GFC, and
unfortunately a lot of people have already started to lose in this correction, too.
The question I’ve got for you right now is: If you have lost some money, what are you
going to do about it? Are you going to get bitter about it and say the market is crazy or this
is stupid, or question why this is
happening? Do we get bitter about it?
Don’t get bitter, get what? Who said
‘even’? Get even! That’s like a Clint
Eastwood movie! Not “get even” -who
are you going to get even with? Get
better! Don’t get bitter about the
money you’ve lost, get better so that it
doesn’t happen to you again. If you have lost some money in the past and you’re still
enacting the same sort of processes that caused you to lose that money, you can expect to
lose money again when the next GFC rolls around.
What is it going to take for you to get from bitter to better? There’s one word I’m
looking for; I’ll give you a hint. Knowledge? Learning? I think the one key factor to help get
you from bitter to better is education. Education on how to protect yourself from what
happened last time to ensure that it does not happen again.
The ASX do a Share Ownership Survey
every two years where they survey literally
thousands of investors just like you and ask various questions about investors investing
habits. The response which had the most impact on me was this one basically asking “where
investors get their information to make their decisions on how they put their hard earned
money in the market”. And those two words are really important for me, “hard earned”.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Has anybody ever tripped over a crack in the pavement or fallen face first into a pile of
money? Or have you worked hard for your money? I’m sure you did. Your money is
important to you and we would all like to have more of it, of course. We hate to have less
of it and therefore we need to take very seriously how we put that money at risk. Don’t we?
When you make an investment, you take on risk. I’m not sure if enough people fully
understand how they put their money at risk. The reason I’m saying this is because of the
following results from the last
ASX Share Ownership Survey. The survey found that 34% of
people said, “My primary influence for investing my hard earned money comes from a
financial professional”.
Now I don’t mind this concept because what you are really saying
here is ‘I don’t really know a lot about investing, so I need to find someone who does. I’m
going to pay them a little bit of money for them to improve my returns. As long as they
improve my returns by an amount greater than what I pay them – I have a good deal’. It
makes a lot of sense.
How have your thoughts changed regarding financial professionals over the last few
years? Have these so-called professionals increased the value of your wealth or are they
simply riding the whole roller coaster all the way down and back up? I think a lot of people
out there who engage these financial professionals - like a financial planner or financial
advisor - have probably been paying them to lose money. I’ve got some news for you: you
don’t have to pay someone to lose your money. You can do that by yourself!
ASX Share Ownership Survey - Where investors get their information
34% of people said,
“My primarily influence for investing
comes from a financial professional”
I want you to be very, very, very vigorous in the way you scrutinise the performance
of financial professionals. Now should you judge the performance of these financial
professionals by how they do in a rising market? Who makes money in a rising market?
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© 2010 Australian Stock Report
That’s right, everyone does. Or should you judge the performance of these people in a
falling market? If they are able to maintain and even grow your wealth in a falling market -
as well as in a rising market - they are doing a great job. If they are not doing that for you, I
would suggest that you could do just as well by yourself and save your own money. I think
it’s important for us to scrutinise financial professionals a whole lot more.
After financial professions, the next major source people get their information from
is (and this was no surprise to me) the media. This includes newspapers, TV and magazine.
Almost one in five people said, “The decision to put (their) hard earned money at risk in the
market came from reading the newspaper”.
That was interesting to me. When a
newspaper hits your door step, how old is the information in that paper? Around 24 hours,
isn’t it? You can’t really call this news. At that rate, it is “information” but it’s not news – in
fact, as far as the
share market is concerned, it’s ancient history.
What is the value in using information which was news yesterday? Is there any value
at all? You’ve got to remember that markets work pretty quickly these days. Any
information in the newspaper is already embedded into the prices on the market. So if you
are acting on such information now, you’ve got no advantage; in fact, if you act on what you
read in the newspaper, you’re actually helping those people who got in yesterday. So the
value of the information is - and I’m being quite serious here - zero. There is no value in that
The other problem with newspapers of course is that they are written by journalists.
Some journalists won’t just report the cold hard facts - they exaggerate the story a bit,
sensationalise it. Why are they encouraged to do that? To sell newspapers, so we get
excited, we want to buy that newspaper, read why the world is coming to an end, or why
the world is fantastic.
Newspapers, correct me if I’m wrong, are designed to make us emotional and we are
emotional beings. Most of us get emotional easily. Do we make good investing decisions
when we are emotional? No, we don’t. So there are two important points here about
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
newspapers; number one, the information is ancient history and of no value to you for that
exact reason and number two, such newspaper reports are designed to make you emotional
- and you don’t make good investment decisions when you’re emotional. So it is not
surprising for me that people do ride emotional roller coasters because of where they are
getting their information.
The third place where people get their investing information from is friends, family,
colleagues, etc. I won’t harp on about why that’s quite crazy. However, 13% of people said
this is the primary sources of where they get their information from.
The final category was company reports. This one really worries me the most. For
example, the National Australia Bank produces its annual report and it comes to you in the
post. Two things are of concern here, the first being currency - how old is this report? Very
old! Secondly, with what vision does
National Australia Bank produce the report? Does it
come from accounts? Or rather does it come from marketing, sales and public relations?
Certainly the information there is very glossy and if there were anything bad it would be
buried where you wouldn’t be able to find it, in a font so small you wouldn’t be able to read
it without trying very hard. Is that a fair comment, or am I just making stuff up? I think
that’s fair.
So you really need to question the value of the top four responses to the last ASX
Share Ownership Survey. I would say that if your money is important to you and you didn’t
fall into a pile of it recently but worked hard for it, you’ll want more of it and will hate to see
it go away unnecessarily. If this is the case, I think you need to do something a little different
with your approach. If you do the same as most people, you’re probably going to struggle to
beat the markets. That means when the markets go up we do okay, but we don’t beat the
markets. When the markets go down, we get wiped out. It’s all about beating the market
returns. If the four ways that most people get their information is the wrong way, what’s
the right way?
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
What is good investing all about?
I will give you two options here. Is good investing about:
1) making money, or is it
2) about protecting what you’ve got?
We’ve got a couple of responses, so let’s do a survey and you can only answer once
and I want to see all hands go up. How many people think number one is the most
important – that is, making money? I think that’s about two thirds of you. How many
people think you need to protect what you’ve got? There’s the rest - and this lady has put
her hand up for each one so she thinks they are equally important. I guess in many ways
they’re both important, aren’t they?
But for me, personally, I think the one which is most important is protecting what
you’ve got. However, most investors are only thinking about number one. These investors
go into the market thinking it’s some giant pool of money that they are going to fall face
into and they’re going to have untold wealth because it can’t be too hard. How hard can it
be? You just buy a bunch of
blue chip stocks; hold onto them and they go up in the long run.
Don’t they? Yet we have seen that the market goes up in the long run, but in the long run it
also goes down a few times, doesn’t it? What do you think is more plausible? The market
goes up in the long run or the market goes up and down in the long run? The so-called
investment professionals don’t talk to you about this, do they?
People want to make as much money as possible in the
shortest space of time and they forget number two. There is a
relationship between risk and reward. If you want greater
reward, what happens to risk? You need to take more risk,
don’t you? If you want less risk you need to accept less reward.
So we know that relationship. Now the importance of
protecting what you’ve got can be summed up in really just one
little analogy. If you lose 50% of your capital, you need to make 100% of what you’ve got
left to get back to just break even. How easy is it for you to make 100% on your capital?
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Not easy. How easy is it to lose 50%? Very easy, yet most people, as we just saw in that
response, think about making the money and they don’t think about protecting what
they’ve got.
Winning and Losing Investors
Another thing I want to discuss before I move on is an equally important
relationship, which I think also most investors take for granted and it’s this idea of effort and
reward. If we want more reward, what do we need to do to achieve this? We need to put
more effort in. Absolutely, and that’s not just with your investing, it goes for anything you
do in life. If you want more reward, you need to put in more effort. If you want to make less
of an effort, then you need to accept less reward. I think a lot people here think, ‘It’s so
easy, I will be able to make all this money myself’ and before they know it they are in over
their heads and they have lost too much. This brings me to the definition of two types of
investors. I think most people in the room are going to fall into one of two categories.
Winning investors make money in a bull market, which is when the market goes up. Now
remind me: in a bull market, who makes money? Everybody makes money, so there is
nothing special about winning
investors there. But where winning
investors really prove their worth is
when they also make money in a
bear market. And what’s the bear
market? It’s the one that goes
down. But are we in a bear market
right now?
I’m feeling another survey coming on. I will give you three responses and please only
answer once.
The first response is “I’m a bull, and I think this is just a correction and the market is
going to be much higher than this in the next 18 months”.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
The second is “I’m a bear, I reckon that GFC2 has just started and in 18 months time
we are going to be down to the lows again”.
The third is “I’ve got no idea; I’m just going to stick my head in the sand and hope for
the best on this one”.
Ok, who are my bulls? I’ve got a couple of bulls. My bears - it looks like probably
just as many. And finally who is happy to admit that they have no idea? Hmmm, most
people. Most people have got no idea, and that’s kind of the response I get more often
than not. So we’ve got the bulls, we’ve got the bears; do you know what I call the third
group, the ones with their heads in the sand just hoping that it’s going to blow over? I call
them the ostriches.
The bulls, the bears and the ostriches.
Winning investors make money in all types of markets. Losing investors make money
in the bull market because everybody does, but unfortunately they give a great deal back in
the bear market. Which is a real shame. What I want is to get every single person in this
room into that group of winning investors.
To do that I need to show you how to do two things: I need to show you how to
protect what you’ve got, and then I need to show you how to profit from a falling market.
You need to protect what you’ve got because the top of the market comes suddenly and
you won’t see it coming. You want to keep your losses very small so you don’t lose 50% of
your capital, because once that market has turned from bull correction, what does it turn
into after that? That’s right: A bear market. We then need to be able to profit from that
bear market. If you can get these two things right, you are going to be a winning investor.
In terms of protecting what you’ve
got, I’ve got a three step process for you.
Step number one is understanding your
exposure to the market and again, it’s
another thing that most investors don’t do.
I’m going to break down your exposure
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
(which really is another word for your risk) into the simplest way you can look at it. What
we are saying here is ‘what is your risk’? What is your loss or profit if the price moves by
just one cent, for whatever share you are investing in?
BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto; whatever it
is. If the price moves by just one cent, what do I stand to make or what do I stand to lose?
To work this value out it’s actually quite easy: all we are going to do is divide the number of
shares we happen to be trading by 100.
Let’s take a hypothetical example. We are looking to invest in 100 shares of
BHP. Say
it looks pretty good and it’s about $40 and we want to buy 100 shares. This is a typical
transaction. Isn’t it? The question is how much are we risking if BHP moves in our favour by
one cent, and if BHP moves against us by one cent, what are we going to lose? Now, what
we are going to do is divide that number of 100 shares by 100. I need everyone in the room
to divide 100 by 100. How are we going on that? One. Thank you. If you divide 100 by 100,
you get one.
Ok, now there is another rule we can use: if you divide anything by 100 you knock off
two zeros or move the decimal point two places. So let’s say we move the decimal point a
couple of places. For every 100 shares I’m going to invest in, on any share, if it moves by
one cent, I make or lose $1. That’s as simple as it gets. For every 100 shares I invest in,
every one cent movement equals $1 to me in profit and loss. So if I buy 100
BHP shares that
group one cent, I make how much? One dollar. If I buy 200 shares of BHP and it goes up one
cent, I make $2 and so on.
Protecting What You've Got - Understand your exposure
How quickly can BHP move one cent? Bang. How quickly can it move $1? Bang.
Prices can move pretty quickly. So you need to be aware of the number of shares you’ve
got and that relationship to determine how much you lose if things go very quickly against
you. Now be honest here - how many people in the room have exactly 5,000 Telstra shares?
Anyone? About 6 or 7 people. Back when buying Telstra shares was in vogue, many years
ago, it was usual to buy $1,000 for ourselves, $1,000 for the wife, $1,000 for the husband,
$1,000 for each of the kids, $1,000 for the dog, $1,000 for the canary, etc., until we ended
up with $5,000 worth of Telstra shares. Does that resemble anyone’s situation? Do you
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© 2010 Australian Stock Report
remember when these shares came out? Yes, of course you do. So let’s use Telstra as an
If you have 5,000 Telstra shares, what is a one cent movement in Telstra worth to
you? Knock two zeros off $5,000 and you’ve got $50. If you’ve got 5,000 Telstra shares,
every cent Telstra goes down costs you $50. How many cents has Telstra gone down in the
last year? Well, if every cent is worth $50 to you and if you’re holding 5000 shares in Telstra
right now, every cent Telstra goes down is like taking $50 out of your wallet. And I don’t
think many people think of their investment like that, do they? This is what I’m trying to
say; to help you understand the importance of your exposure. You’re probably not always
going to just have 5,000 Telstra, you might have 2,000 Westpac, 3,000 ANZ shares, 1,000
NAB shares and so forth - and each of those have an exposure. And if the market moves by
x% in a hurry we need to ask ourselves: how much of my portfolio am I going to lose? And if
that number gets closer and closer to 50% you are getting closer and closer to needing to
make 100% to get back and break even.
What I want you to do is keep your portfolio risk to less than 10%. You see, if you
lose 10% of your portfolio in one big wack because you didn’t see that top coming (and you
never will) do you know how much you need to make to get back to break even? If you lose
10%, you need to make 11% to get back to where you were. If you lose 20% you now need
to make about 33%? If you lose 33%, you need to make 50%. If you lose 50% you need to
make 100% and it goes up exponentially from there. So if you can keep your portfolio risk
within 10% it’s not the end of the world, is it? You can get back to where you were
reasonably easily. I wonder how many people are doing this. How many people have
actually sat down and worked out the exposure of all their stocks and then determined if
the market moved by x%, I could lose “this much”. Has anyone done that? Nobody? Well
that’s a big problem, isn’t it? You need to start doing this.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Step number two is
diversify, diversify, diversify.
What is diversification all
about? Not putting all your
eggs into one basket; it’s about
spreading your risk around the
market. Now, this is where I’m
going to talk about CFDs and if you haven’t ever heard of a CFD it stands for
Contracts for
Difference. They are very popular at the moment, for the major reason that CFDs help us
manage our risk. They also profit from a falling market, which I will talk about later.
CFDs are very simple to explain. A CFD is designed to replicate a securities
transaction. Give me an example of a security. We’ve talked about one already here today -
the security BHP Billiton (BHP).
So a CFD on BHP is designed to do everything that BHP does. Above is a picture of
BHP trading on the ASX (left) and there’s also BHP as a CFD (right). Let’s say BHP goes up 10
cents - what does the CFD do? It also goes up 10 cents. If BHP is down $1 then the BHP CFD
is going to go down $1, too. If BHP pays a 34 cent dividend, the CFD is also going to pay a 34
dividend. If I split my BHP shares or consolidate them, the CFD is going to do exactly
the same thing. The CFD is designed to replicate the securities transaction.
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© 2010 Australian Stock Report
So the question becomes if the CFD is exactly like a share, why would you bother
trading a CFD? You’d bother because it costs you less. In the aforementioned chart we can
see that BHP is trading at about $40 on the ASX and if you were to buy 100 shares, it would
cost you $4000. By using a CFD
however we only need to use $200
of our capital to perform the same
transaction. Because a CFD is not a
share, it is just designed to replicate
a share trade. So there is no need
to put up all the money. With
CFDs, all we are interested in is the difference between where we get in and where we get
out, plus any dividends we can get in the meantime. A CFD deposit of $200 represents the
money you need to put down to secure that BHP transaction for your contract for
Protecting What You've Got - Diversify, diversify, diversify
What other common transaction might be part of our investing lives that requires us
to put down a deposit to buy something? A house. Now, let’s say we are looking at a
property worth half a million dollars. Do we go to the vendor and say, “Here is half a million
bucks”? No, we go to the bank first and we put down about a 10% deposit. Ten percent of
$500,000 is $50,000. So we put down a $50,000 deposit and we borrow the balance, which
is $450,000.
Now, what would
happen if the price of that
house increased to $550,000?
Let’s imagine a perfect world
where there is no stamp duty
or real estate fees. If the price
went up by 10% -which is
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
$50,000 - and you sold out, what would your profit on the transaction be? It would be
$50,000; or rather you would make 100%.
For the people who can’t follow this, let’s start again. You bought a house for
$500,000 dollars and it went up in value to $550,000. You have made a $50,000 profit but
you only used the initial $50,000 deposit to do this. You have doubled your money, haven’t
That’s what happens in property and I tell you what, that’s exactly what happens in
shares, too. CFDs are basically property investing for shares. Rather than having to put up
all the money for BHP, CFDs enable you to put down a deposit on BHP. You are effectively
borrowing the rest, but now you don’t need BHP to go up so much to get a higher return, do
And this is what people are doing all the time. Some people have one, two, three or
four investment properties using this method, and they probably don’t realise that this is
what they are actually doing. Because if you have $500,000, would you buy one house?
More likely you would buy a few houses, and it’s the same thing with shares. What we’re
doing with CFDs is instead of having a small amount of money to put on one share, we are
going to take that money and get a few shares using this methodology of putting down a
deposit and borrowing the rest.
Let’s apply this to the BHP example. It’s trading at $40 per share and you want to
buy 100 shares or $4,000 worth. The deposit on a BHP CFD is only 5%, so you would have to
put up $200 and would control $4,000 of BHP. Now, if BHP goes up to $42.00 per share
meaning your investment is now worth $4,200 in value you’ve just doubled your $200.The
flip side is if BHP goes down to $38.00 per share your investment is now only worth $3,800
and your $200 investment is gone.
It’s the same as with property. If you put $50,000 into property worth $500,000 and
that property went down to $450,000, you’ve now got zero equity left in that property. The
act of using a deposit and borrowing the balance to secure an investment is known as using
leverage. Professional investors use the power of leverage all the time and certainly when it
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
comes to shares. That’s why CFDs are becoming so popular right now; because of their
ability to allow investors to utilise leverage to control so many shares using a small amount
of money.
CFDs are particularly
useful if you have a limited
amount of capital. How many
people in the room would say
they fall into the category of
having a limited amount of
capital? Of course! Everybody
has a limited amount of capital,
so CFDs can be useful to everyone.
Let’s say we have $5,000 to get started with our investing. If we were going to do
this with normal shares and we bought $4,000 of BHP, we’ve only got a small amount of
money to keep diversifying ($1,000 less costs). Now let’s say the next trade that came along
was Rio Tinto. How many
Rio Tinto shares can we get with roughly $1,000 right now? About
12. So we’ve got 100 BHP and 12
RIO shares - that’s it. We’ve used up all our money. Is that
diversified? No, not at all, you’ve got all your money in the resource sector via just two
If you are using CFDs, however, you will put down $200 on BHP instead of $4,000.
Then put down $200 on RIO to get $4,000 worth of stock there, and you’ve pretty much got
the resource sector covered. Where do we go after that? You tell me, you’re investing right
now! Commonwealth Bank? OK, you’ve got $200 on
CBA. Are there any other banks you
would like to invest in or should we keep going? OK, $200 on Westpac.
We’ve got four stocks now: two resources and two banks. I think that’s enough
banks, where to now? Healthcare, give me an example. Resmed, a $200 deposit there.
Great, we have five stocks now. How about some utilities like AGL Energy? Another $200
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
down. And another $200 on Wesfarmers - we could keep going, in fact we could get 10
investments at $200 each and only use up $2,000 our capital.
Now we’ve got diversification. We have spread our risk across the market. This is
how you can use CFDs to reduce
your risk in the market.
Step number three is always
use a stop loss. This is important
because when you get a little crazy
and put down too many deposits
you’ve got a much bigger exposure.
Stop losses are the difference between property investing and share investing; you don’t
have a stop loss when it comes to property, but you do with shares. You can protect
yourself and limit your risk on the deposit you’ve put down.
For the people that don’t know what a stop loss is, it is just an automated order with
your broker to get you out of the market when you have lost a specified amount. So you
can set up a stop with every investment essentially stating, “I don’t want to lose more than
$200”. It is as simple as that. An amount of $200 is probably acceptable for most people in
the room and you can certainly lay down just that amount for CFDs – it’s very easy to do,
and the stop loss will just take you out of the market when you have lost that amount.
The important thing about a stop loss is they don’t just protect your capital, they
protect you from hurting yourself and no one’s good at taking losses. It’s actually quite
ironic as to why some people lose: People lose a lot of money in the market because they
can’t take a loss. I want you to think right now about one investment which is in a big losing
position and it is going to hurt a little bit. Think about one investment you have got right
now that is losing more money than you initially believed could happen. That loss you’ve
got right now started out as a small loss somewhere down the track. And a small loss is
easier to take than a big loss.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Protecting What You've Got - Always use a stop loss
A strong point about stop losses is that they help you to take a small loss rather than
a big loss. The computer does the work of executing the stop loss - and the computer
doesn’t ask any questions like, is this still a good
blue chip stock, what’s the dividend yield,
maybe I should hold on, maybe the market is going to bounce? The computer just gets you
out, and you can then ask all the questions you like after that.
Essentially, the stop loss protects you from hurting yourself in the market. It’s really
important stuff and separates
the winners and the losers. The
winners are good at taking
losses and the losers, ironically,
are bad at taking losses. They
let small losses become big
losses and then they lose too
much of their capital and it
makes it too hard to get back to breakeven. At
Australian Stock Report we certainly use a
stop loss for every single investment we do. We don’t leave anything to chance; we let the
computer take us out.
So that’s a three-step process for protecting what you’ve got. If you put this process
in place, you are going to go a long way to limiting your losses when the market turns
Step number one: understand your exposure and try to keep it to a certain amount.
Don’t risk more than 10%.
Step number two: diversify, diversify, diversify – don’t have all your eggs in one
basket. Spread your capital across the market as much as you can.
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Step number three: always use a stop loss because if you are going to use the power
of CFDs to get more trades in, you need to protect yourself.
So what we have done here is found protection from a sudden turn in the market,
which actually occurred only a few weeks ago. If you had understood your exposure,
diversified, and had stop losses on everything, you’d probably be in a better position right
now. But after the market turns suddenly we find ourselves in a bear market. More often
than not, the prices are going to go down than up, so we need to know how to profit from
that move.
Most people will just sit there and hope the market goes back up. I want you to be
in a group of investors - a leading group of investors - that say, “You know what, I’m so
happy that prices are going down because I am making so much money”.
I’m going to use a little bit of jargon here. When you go ‘long’, you want the share
price to go up. If it goes up you make a profit; if it goes down, you make a loss. What most
people want from the market is for prices to rise – if they go long.
Going short is just the opposite - you want the prices to go down, and I will tell you
right now that the CFD portfolio we run at
Australian Stock Report is in a very short position
right now. I want the market to go down, I really do, I hope we are just at the beginning of a
big GFC and the market falls a few thousand points.
The point I’m trying to
get across here is, for the people
that are making money when
the market is going down (those
who short), who are they making
their money off? The people
who are long. And the people
who are short and making their
money when the market goes down, do you think they feel sorry for the people who are
long? No, we don’t. So I need to ask you, which group do you want to be in? And I love
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
going long, don’t get me wrong, but I only go long when the market is rising. When the
market is going down, I get short. Now I can’t have it both ways, because if I go short and
the market goes up I will lose money. Let’s illustrate this with a nice little analogy, another
property analogy because I find people understand property investing, but when it comes to
share market they are completely baffled!
Profiting From A Falling Market
So let’s use another property analogy. Let’s say that your neighbour was going on
holidays to Thailand. He is on his way to Thailand and before he leaves, he gives you some
really important documents to look after. Now you’ve got this envelope and it’s sealed,
what do you do? You have a peek - you can’t help it. In that envelope is the title deed to his
Now you’ve got the view that property prices in your suburb are about to tumble,
but you don’t want to sell your house because you need somewhere to live. What can you
do? Sell your neighbour’s house! (Remember, this is hypothetical!) So what you are going
to do is get a price for your neighbour’s house in the market, which turns out to be
$500,000. You sell his house and have the $500,000 sitting in your bank account. Property
prices plummet over the next couple of weeks he’s away and you are able to buy that house
back for $400,000. When you buy something, what comes out of your account? Money!
$500,000 went in, $400,000 came out to buy that property back, and what’s left is
$100,000. You’ve got $100,000 left in your account, your neighbour comes back, you return
to him the deed and no one is the wiser. What you have effectively done is just short-sold
your neighbour’s house – hypothetically, of course!
Now let’s think about the process here. We saw an asset which was overvalued and
sold it, but we had to borrow that asset first. We borrowed the asset, we sold it, it went
down, we bought it at a lower price, and the difference was our profit. When it comes to
shares it is exactly the same concept. Effectively you can borrow shares in a company
whose price you believe will fall, sell them at a high price and when they come down you
buy them back and the difference is your profit.
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Let’s use the BHP example again: we are going to type 100 shares into the quantity
box on the CFD order ticket, and the reason why I’m typing 100 shares is because I want to
limit my exposure on BHP to $1 per 1 cent movement (remember just divide 100 by 100).
So let’s say I trade 100 shares of BHP, buy them at $40 and it goes to $40.01. I make $1. If I
buy them at $40 and they go to $41 – I’ve made $100, and so forth. But I don’t actually
think that BHP is going up, I really think it is going to go down because here we are at the
start of the next GFC. So I type in 100 shares and before I do anything, what do I need to
do? Step three of ‘protect what you’ve got’: always use a stop loss. So where should I place
my stop loss, I wonder? Let’s put my stop loss at $1 away. So do I put it at $39 or $41? If
I’m going short, which way do I want the price to go? Down, so to “stop my loss” the stop
loss has to go up to $41.
So I put my stop loss
at $41, which means $1 for
every cent movement. I’m
risking $100 to try and make
money if BHP goes down. If
$100 is your worst case
scenario, what’s your best
case scenario? It could be anything.
So what you have done is limited your risk by using your stop loss but kept your
reward way open. That’s what you should be doing, entering trades with limited risk but
relatively unlimited reward. Now the question is – and it’s the same with our neighbour’s
house - in terms of the order of transactions, do we sell first or buy first? We sell first, to
sell the asset at a high price. So which button are we going to click right now to go short for
BHP? Sell. So we hit the sell button and what that does is it initiates a short trade for us.
We have an obligation to buy back these BHPs somewhere down the track, just like we had
an obligation to buy back that house for our neighbour. Ideally we need to buy these BHP
shares back at a much lower price, just like with that property example.
Learn More and Earn More. The CFD Trading Revolution.
Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
Now, look what happened to BHP. Wouldn’t it be nice if in reality you just had to
click on a button in life and the shares just go where they’re supposed to? BHP has gone
down by $10. $10 and if we are making $1 for every cent it has gone down, I wonder what
our profit would have been in this case? The answer is $1,000. We’ve made $10 which is
1,000 cents, at a rate of $1 per 1 cent movement, so that’s $1,000 profit. And I think that is
a really great profit. Why don’t we take it, how do we get out of this trade now? We need
to buy. It’s the same as when we sold our neighbours house first and needed to buy it back
later, with BHP you need to buy it back later as well. That completes the transaction and
sitting in your account now is $1,000 profit.
Now everybody who was holding onto BHP, who remained long from $40 to $30,
how are they feeling? Miserable. How are you feeling? Wonderful! Do you see how this
really changes the ball game? If you are able to do this, does it matter which way the
market goes? No, and this is why I was saying before - I’m excited at the prospect of the
market going down. Yet that scares the pants of everybody in the room because you are not
in that group of winning investors yet who can profit from a falling market. Does the market
go up faster or down faster? Down faster! So which is the market that is going to make you
the fastest money? The bear market, and that’s why I’m excited about that prospect.
So, that’s what I mean about protecting what you’ve got. These are some really
good methods and I hope you have been taking notes. What I want to talk about now is not
so much about protecting what you’ve got but the other side of good investing, which is
actually making some money. Notice the order I discuss them in; protecting what you’ve
got first and making money second. It is a good philosophy, isn’t it?
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Australian Financial Services Licence Number 301682
© 2010 Australian Stock Report
So let’s discuss now how
we find opportunities for our
Australian Stock
Report is a subscription-based
business. We’ve got quite a few
thousand members all over
Australia who subscribe to our
There are three reports in total. The first is the investors report for longer term
investors; a self managed super funds style of investing, a more ‘buy and hold’ approach.
We produce the investors report once a week for share traders; this report doesn’t go short,
it’s a long-only strategy. The
Investors Report costs just $690 for an annual subscription.
The next one is the
Traders Report. Traders are looking at a much shorter time
frame and a lot more transactions. The Traders Reportcertainly can be used by CFD traders
or those who simply wish to invest in normal shares. The report includes more frequent
transactions, both long and
short. We have a selection of
shorts at the moment, and
what we have been able to do
is limit our losses a great deal
in the last few weeks because
those shorts have made us
money, offsetting our longs.
And I think that if you can break even in the volatility of the last few very difficult
months in the market then you have done a fantastic job. The Traders Report involves
Australian equities only, is produced on a daily basis in the evening around 5.30-6pm, and is
then ready for you to use.
The Traders Report costs just $990 per annum because it takes us
a little bit more work to produce every day than the Investors Report.