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TEST ôn THI học kì môn TIẾNG ANH

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Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced (differently from that of the
1 A. employers
B. gifts
C. tasks
D. steps
2. A. missed
B. hoped
C. washed
D. removed
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others.
3 .A. agency
B. awareness
C. protection
4 A . medal
B. spirit
C. event
D. symbol
Choose the suitble option that best completes the sentences
5 UNESCO hopes to encourage universal respect for justice, laws, human _____, and
fundamental freedoms.
A. rights
B. programs
C. projects
D. protests
6 ASEAN aims to _______ economic growth, social progress, and cultural development.
A. include
B. respect

C. accelerate
D. account
7 There is plenty of money in our account so those cheques ___ to the bank today.
A. needn't be taken
B. needn't be taking C. needn't take
needn't taking
8 . I don't know why Jessica wasn't at the meeting. She ...........about it
A. must forget
B. must be forgotten
C. must have been forgotten D.
must have forgotten
9. She plays the piano_______as her sister does.
A. as beautifully
B. more beautifully C. as beautiful
D. the most
10 Of all athletes, Alex is _______.
A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified C. the more and more qualifiedD. the
least qualified
11: It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
A. the coldest and coldest
B. more and more cold
C. cold and cold
D. colder
and colder
12. The more practice you have, ________
A. the more you are fluent in English
B. you will be more fluent in English
C. the English is more fluent

D.the more fluent in English you are
13. Susan has achieved great________ in her career thanks to her hard work.
A. successfully
B. successful
C. succeed
14: Handicraft is less standardized than
………………products, hence less artistic or
rather flawless.
A. industry
B. industrially
C. industrialize
15: Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely
A. imaginable
B. imaginative
C. imagining
16. Every country has their own traditions, some of which have existed for centuries.




17. The older he grew , the more forgetful he became
A he grew older when he became more forgetful
B He became more forgetful and older
C As he grew older, he became more and more forgetful
D He grew older and more and more grateful
18 Many species are threatened in the wild due to habitat……… by man.
A. destruction
B. construction
C. preservation
19 Your ______ is the one you are playing or fighting against in a game.
A. player
B. enemy
C. opponent
20 You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to ______.
A. absorb
B. consume
C. digest
D. nourish
21. Toxic chemicals in the air, land and water have also ……many species to the verge of
A. driven
B. taken
C. guided

22 Hunting for meat and burning forests for soil cause destruction to wildlife.(OPPOSITE)
A. organization
B. contamination
C. protection
D. damage
23 Many schools provide environmental education to increase students' awareness of
conservation needs.
A. effort
B. benefit
C. exploitation
D. knowledge
24. Question 2: “Would you like to go to the movie tonight?” - “_____________”
A. Yes, I like it.
B. I’d love to
C. Of course
D. No, I don’t like
25 . Loan and Manh are talking about how to protect the animals
Loan: “What should we do to prevent the pandas from extinction?"
A. We should use explosives to catch them.
B. We should keep them
as pets
C. We should ban hunting them for any reasons.
D. We should use them in
scientific research
26. Her weight is 45 pound. Her brother’s is , too
A. She is not so heavy as her brother B. Her brother is as heavy as she

C. She is heavier than her brother D. Her brother is lighter than she.
27. He had thought the exam was difficult. However, it was easy
A. The exam was much easier that he had thought.
B. He did not find the exam as
easy as he had thought.
C. It was impossible for him to perform well on the exam. D. He had expected that the exam
was easy.
28. She paid attention what he said carefully. She couldn’t remember anything clearly
A. She couldn’t remember anything clearly , however; She paid attention what he said
B. Although she paid attention what he said carefully, but She couldn’t remember anything
C. Although she paid attention what he said carefully, She couldn’t remember anything
D. However; she couldn’t remember anything clearly , although she paid attention what he
said carefully.
2 9. It wasn’t necessary that Peter bought the secondhand computer.

A Peter shouldn’t have bought the secondhand computer. B Peter needn’t have bought the
secondhand computer.
C Peter can’t have bought the secondhand computer.
D Peter mustn’t have bought the
secondhand computer.
30 Smoking is an extremely harmful habit. You should give it up immediately.
A. You should give up smoking immediately and you will fall into an extremely harmful
B. As smoking is an extremely harmful habit, you should give it up immediately.
C. When you give up smoking immediately, you will affect your health with this harmful

D. Stop your smoking immediately so it will become one of your extremely harmful habits.
31 Lan tries to practise English every day to speak English more fluently now.
A. The more he tries to practise English, the most fluently he can speak it.
B. The more he practises English, the more he can speak English.
C. The more he practises English, the more fluently he can speak it.
D. He tries to practise English every day, but he finds it difficult to speak English
32 Women's taking part in politics has got widespread objections from male statesmen in
many parts of the world.
A. extensive

B. slight

C. inside

D. intensive

Read the passage below carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D:
Aquatic sports — sports involving playing in or upon the water — take various forms.
The main activities include swimming, synchronized swimming, diving and water polo.
Swimming is the act of moving through the water by using the arms, legs, and body in
motion. It is an integral part of almost all water-based activities. In synchronized swimming,
the players perform beautiful maneuvers to music and diving. Water polo, on the other hand,
is a game where two opposing teams play against each other, attempting to throw a buoyant
ball into the opponent’s goal.
Underwater activities are less varied, the most popular of which are snorkeling and scuba
diving. Snorkeling involves swimming face down just below the water surface while
breathing through a slender plastic tube called a snorkel, meanwhile scuba divers carry a big
tank of air that allows them to breathe while deep underwater.
Aquatic sports have long been acknowledged as excellent ways to take physical exercise.
Furthermore, practicing them is known to produce both psychological and physical benefits

which help to improve mood states and reduce the risk of many serious diseases. This
explains why aquatic sports have become very popular forms of exercise among people of all
33. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Two kinds of aquatic sports
B. The popularity of aquatic sports
C.Aquatic sports — kinds and benefits
D. Swimming and breathing
34 According to the passage, which sport includes playing against an opponent team?
A. snorkeling
B. synchronized swimming
C. scuba diving
water polo
35.What can we infer from the passage about aquatic sports?
A.Younger people can play aquatic sports better than older people.
B. Playing aquatic sports costs a lot of money.
C. Underwater activities are less dangerous than swimming.

D. Aquatic sports give people many health benefits.
36 The word “ It “ in the passage refers to …………………….
A. Water polo
B. swimming C. motion
D. the act of moving
Global Warming and You
How is global warming affecting you? Many people in the world would not know how to
answer this question as they do not see any sort of change in climate. The people
___(37)____ do not notice it tend to live in cities where the climates are already
controlled; in essence, they mostly live indoors. If it is raining, they stay inside. If it is too

cold or too hot, they turn on the heat or their air conditioning ___(38)___.
For farmers and others who live closer to the land; ____(39)___, global warming is not
something they are separated from. Although they cannot prove on any given day that the
weather, extreme or mild, has anything to do with climate change, they can say over time
that things are beginning to seem different. They notice that flowers and ___(40)___ plants
are blooming earlier in northern regions of the world’s continents. This ___(41)___ them
to change planting times for crops in some cases. Meanwhile, farmers are facing more
floods and droughts in our country and elsewhere.
Question 37: A. when
B. which
C. where
D. who
Question 38: A. respectively
B. relatively
C. independently
Question 39: A. therefore
B. however
C. moreover
D. because
Question 40: A. other
B. every
C. another
D. one
Question 41: A. does
B. makes
C. causes
D. takes

Q1: A. missed
B. agreed
C. liked
Q2: A. books
B. maps
C. dogs
D. cats
Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the rest
3: A. swallow
B. eject
C. knowlgde
4: A. solidarity
B. effectively
C. documentary
5 Susan ___ hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so loudly.
a. mustn't
b. couldn't
c. can't
d. needn't
6 You _______ be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't
got a penny to their name.
a. needn't
b. couldn't

c. mayn't
d. mustn't
7. When you are on duty, your uniform must ……. at all times.
A. wear
B. be wear
C. be worn
be wearing
8 John passed his exam with a distinction. _______.
a. He was too lazy to succeed
b. He can't have studied very hard

c. He must have studied very hard

d. He needs studying harder

9 A ________ problem, feeling, or belief is difficult to change because its causes have been
there for a long time.
A. deep-seated
B. significant
C. dependent
10 Both the government and individuals need to cooperate to ________
A. detest
B. detect
11 : In times of war, the Red Cross is
soldiers, civilians, and prisoners of war.

D. intellectual


C. protest
D. protect
to reducing the sufferings of wounded

A. mounted
B. excited
C. interested
D. devoted
12 To improve its athletes' _______, Viet Nam has regularly exchanged delegation of sport
officials, coaches, referees and athletes with other countries.
a. team
b. competitor
c. appearance
d. performance
13 Many nations have laws offering protection to these species, such as forbidding hunting,
restricting land development or creating _______. a. agencies
b. reserves
c. awareness
d. challenges
14 You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty. (OPPOSITE)
A. punishment
B. loss
15 New York City is a great………….centre
A. commercial
B. commerce
C. commercially
16: Those letters ________ now. You can do the typing later.

D. award
D. commercials

A. need typing
B. needn't be typed
C. need to type
D. needn't
17 Many twelfth graders find it hard to ______ what university to apply to.
A. decide
B. decisively
C. decision
D. decisive
18The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got ---------a. more panicked
c. the more panicked
b. more than panicked d.
more and more panicked
19------ he drank, ---------- he became.
a. More – more violent
c. The most – the most violent
b. The more – the more violent
d. The less – less violent
20 He thought that this was __________ car that he has ever had
A. most expensive
B. more expensive than
C. as expensive as
the most expensive
21. Humans benefit greatly from the many medicines and other products that ________

a. diversity
b. habitat
c. biodiversity
d. environment
22. In water polo, no player except the ______ can hold the ball with both hands.
A. defender
B. goalie
C. attacker
D. midfielder
23 Thang was asking Huong, his classmate, for her opinion about the novel he had lent her.
Select the most suitable response to fill the blank.
Thang: “What do you think about the novel?” - Huong: “

A. I can’t agree with you more. B. Yes, let’s.
C. The best I’ve ever read!D. I wish I

24 : Jane and Janet are talking about their favorite sports.
Jane: “Are you interested in scuba diving?”
- Janet: “
A.Very. Undersea life is being strongly contaminated.
B.Very. Undersea life is
C .Not any. Undersea life is too expensive.
D.Well, things are much different, now.
: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
25 It is rarely necessary to ask Suzanne to tidy her room.

A. Suzanne dislikes to be asked to tidy her room.
B. There is no need for Suzanne
to tidy her room.
C. Suzanne mustn’t be asked to tidy her room.
D. Suzanne rarely has to be asked
to tidy her room.
26. The old man is working in this factory. I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
A. The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory.
B. The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
C. The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factory.
D. The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
27 It wasn't obligatory I submitted my assignment today.
a. My assignment must have been submitted today.
b. I needn't have submitted my
assignment today.
c. My assignment was required to submit by today.
d. I mustn't submit my assignment
28: You can withdraw money from the account at any time without penalty. (CLOSEST)
A. punishment
B. loss
D. award
29 He tries to practise English every day so he can speak English more fluently now.
A. The more he practises English, the more he can speak English.
B. The more he practises English, the more fluently he can speak it.
C. The more he tries to practise English, the most fluently he can speak it.
D. He tries to practise English every day, but he finds it difficult to speak English
30. He has a physical handicap. However, he has become a successful business man.
A. Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.

B. Although he has a physical handicap, but he has become a successful business man.
C. He has a physical handicap so that he has become a successful business man.
D. Due to his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.
31 They have very little money. They are happy.
A. They are not happy, though they have little money. B. Although they are happy, they have
very little money
C. They have very little money because they are happy.D. They are happy though they have
very little money
Read the passage and choose the best answer.
I am a real bookworm and I love to browse in bookshops, just looking briefly at one book
after another. I look at the illustrations, the photos or drawings. If there are foreign or
technical words in the book, I look at the glossary at the back for their meanings (unless they

are explained in footnotes at the bottom of the pages) and I look at the bibliography also at
the back, which is a list of other books on the same subjects.
I use the library a lot. I borrow two or three books a week and I have to pay a fine if I return
them late. Friends often recommend books to me and I also read book reviews in the
newspapers. I don not always agree with them, but anyway they let me know what new books
are being published.
32What does the writer mean by I’m a real bookworm?
A. His hobby is going to bookshops.
B. He loves reading books very
C. He spends most of his free time in bookshops.
D. He often looks for worms in
33 The glossary
A. helps him find the meanings of special words in the book.
C. can be used instead

of a workbook.
B. is either at the back of the book or at the bottom of the pages.
D. gives readers’
opinion of a book.
34 The underlined word them in the passage refers to
A. his friends.
B. the books on the same subject.
C. The librarians. D. The books
he borrows from the library.
35 The underlined phrase a fine means
A. the punishment given to someone.
B. The amount of money paid for
a service.
C. A sum of money taken from someone as a punishment. D.A sum money paid for the use
of something.
36 .Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. He spends a lot of time in bookstores, but he does not often buy books.
B He seldom
goes to bookshops.
C, He spends all of his savings buying books.
D. He likes reading
foreign and technical books the most.
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
In Southeast Asia, many forests have been cut down to produce timber and to clear land
for farms and industries. The destruction of forests has reduced the living space of wildlife.
Much of Asia’s wildlife is also threatened by over-hunting. Many people kill animals for
food or hunt them to sell to zoos, medical researchers, and pet traders. Because of habitat
destruction and over-hunting, many large Asian animals, including elephants, rhinoceros, and
tigers, have become endangered.
In China, people have cut down most of the forests for wood, which has caused serious

soil erosion. The soil is deposited in rivers and streams, which lowers the quality of the water.
The Huang He, or Yellow River, is so named because the light-coloured soil gives the water a
yellowish colour. The soil has also raised the riverbed. As a result, the Huang He often
floods, causing great property damage and loss of life along its banks.
Question 37. The living space of wildlife in Southeast Asia_________.
A. is a threat to farmers
B. is rebuilt when people destroy forests
C. is near farms and industries D. has been reduced when forests are cut down
Question 38 . Rhinoceros and elephants are mentioned as an example of __.
A. animals attracted to medical researchers
B. large animals kept in zoos
C. animals traders want to have
D. endangered animals in Asia
Question 39 . The word over-hunting has the closest meaning to_________.
A. hunting overseas
B. hunting in the highlands
C. hunting for wildlife
D. hunting too much

Question 40 : The passage is mainly about _________
People have been cut down to produce timber and to clear land for
farms and industries.
people have cut down most of the forests for wood, which has caused
serious soil erosion.
Because of habitat destruction and over-hunting, many large Asian
animals are endangered.

The forest destruction, hunting animals too much and sequences which
people have faced.
