Mastering Enterprise
Second Edition
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Thanks again, and enjoy.
-Ed Roman
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wiley Computer Publishing
Ed Roman
Scott Ambler
Tyler Jewell
Mastering Enterprise
Second Edition
Publisher: Robert Ipsen
Editor: Robert M. Elliott
Developmental Editor: Emilie Herman
Managing Editor: John Atkins
Associate New Media Editor: Brian Snapp
Text Design & Composition: MacAllister Publishing Services, LLC
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To my wonderful wife, Younhi.
Ed Roman
Acknowledgments xix
Preface xxi
Introduction xxv
About the Author xxxi
Part One Overview 1
Chapter 1 Overview 3
The Motivation for EJB 4
Divide and Conquer to the Extreme 5
Component Architectures 12
Introducing Enterprise JavaBeans 13
Why Java? 14
EJB as a Business Solution 14
The EJB Ecosystem 16
The Bean Provider 17
The Application Assembler 17
The EJB Deployer 18
The System Administrator 19
The Container and Server Provider 19
The Tool Vendors 20
Summary of Roles 20
The Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 22
The J2EE Technologies 23
Summary 26
Chapter 2 EJB Fundamentals 29
Enterprise Beans 29
Types of Beans 30
Distributed Objects: The Foundation for EJB 32
Distributed Objects and Middleware 34
Explicit Middleware 34
Implicit Middleware 35
What Constitutes an Enterprise Bean? 37
The Enterprise Bean Class 37
The EJB Object 38
The Home Object 44
The Local Interfaces 46
Deployment Descriptors 50
Vendor-Specific Files 51
Ejb-Jar File 51
Summary of Terms 52
Summary 54
Chapter 3 Writing Your First Bean 55
How to Develop an EJB Component 55
The Remote Interface 57
The Local Interface 58
The Home Interface 58
The Local Home Interface 59
The Bean Class 62
The Deployment Descriptor 66
The Vendor-Specific Files 67
The Ejb-jar File 67
Deploying the Bean 68
The Optional EJB Client JAR file 68
Understanding How to Call Beans 69
Looking up a Home Object 70
Running the System 74
The Server-Side Output 75
The Client-Side Output 75
Implementing Component Interfaces 75
A Solution 76
Summary 77
Part Two The Triad of Beans 79
Chapter 4 Introduction to Session Beans 81
Session Bean Lifetime 81
Session Bean Subtypes 82
Stateful Session Beans 82
Stateless Session Beans 83
Special Characteristics of Stateful Session Beans 84
Achieving the Effect of Pooling with Stateful Beans 85
The Rules Governing Conversational State 86
Activation and Passivation Callbacks 87
Method Implementation Summary 89
A Simple Stateful Session Bean 89
Life Cycle Diagrams for Session Beans 100
Summary 103
Chapter 5 Introduction to Entity Beans 105
Persistence Concepts 105
Java Object Serialization 106
Object-Relational Mapping 106
Object Databases 109
What Is an Entity Bean? 109
About the Files that Make up an Entity Bean 112
Features of Entity Beans 112
Entity Beans Survive Failures 112
Entity Bean Instances Are a View into a Database 113
Several Entity Bean Instances May Represent the Same
Underlying Data 114
Entity Bean Instances Can Be Pooled 116
There Are Two Ways to Persist Entity Beans 118
Creation and Removal of Entity Beans 119
Entity Beans Can Be Found 121
You Can Modify Entity Bean Data without Using EJB 123
Entity Contexts 124
getEJBLocalObject() / getEJBObject() 124
getPrimaryKey() 125
Summary 126
Chapter 6 Writing Bean-Managed Persistent Entity Beans 127
Entity Bean Coding Basics 127
Finding Existing Entity Beans: ejbFind() 129
Bean-Managed Persistence Example: A Bank Account 136 137 138 138 138 139 143 156 156
The Deployment Descriptor 156
The Container-Specific Deployment Descriptor 161
Setting up the Database 161
Running the Client Program 161
Server-Side Output 162
Client-Side Output 163
Putting It All Together: Walking through a BMP Entity
Bean’s Life Cycle 163
Summary 166
Chapter 7 Writing Container-Managed Persistent Entity Beans 167
Features of CMP Entity Beans 167
CMP Entity Beans Are Subclassed 167
CMP Entity Beans Have No Declared Fields 168
CMP Get/Set Methods Are Defined in the Subclass 170
CMP Entity Beans Have an Abstract Persistence Schema 172
CMP Entity Beans Have a Query Language 173
CMP Entity Beans Can Have ejbSelect() Methods 175
Implementation Guidelines for Container-Managed
Persistence 176
Container-Managed Persistence Example: A Product Line 180 181 182 182 184 184 187
The Deployment Descriptor 191
The Container-Specific Deployment Descriptor 195 196
Running the Client Program 196
The Life Cycle of a CMP Entity Bean 200
Summary 200
Chapter 8 Introduction to Message-Driven Beans 201
Motivation to Use Message-Driven Beans 201
The Java Message Service (JMS) 203
Messaging Domains 204
The JMS API 206
Integrating JMS with EJB 211
What Is a Message-Driven Bean? 212
Developing Message-Driven Beans 214
The Semantics 214
A Simple Example 215
Advanced Concepts 223
Message-Driven Bean Gotchas 225
Message Ordering 225
Missed ejbRemove() Calls 226
Poison Messages 228
How to Return Results Back to Message Producers 230
The Future: Asynchronous Method Invocations 235
Summary 236
Chapter 9 Adding Functionality to Your Beans 237
Calling Beans from Other Beans 237
Default JNDI Lookups 238
Understanding EJB References 239
Resource Factories 241
Environment Properties 244
Understanding EJB Security 245
Security Step 1: Authentication 246
Security Step 2: Authorization 257
Security Propagation 266
Understanding Handles 268
Home Handles 269
Summary 270
Part Three Advanced Enterprise JavaBeans Concepts 271
Chapter 10 Transactions 275
Motivation for Transactions 276
Atomic Operations 276
Network or Machine Failure 277
Multiple Users Sharing Data 278
Benefits of Transactions 279
The ACID Properties 280
Transactional Models 282
Flat Transactions 282
Nested Transactions 284
Other Transactional Models 286
Enlisting in Transactions with Enterprise JavaBeans 286
Underlying Transaction System Abstraction 287
Declarative, Programmatic, and Client-Initiated Transactions 287
Choosing a Transaction Style 290
Container-Managed Transactions 292
EJB Transaction Attribute Values 294
Programmatic Transactions in EJB 300
CORBA’s Object Transaction Service (OTS) 300
The Java Transaction Service (JTS) 301
The Java Transaction API (JTA) 301
Declarative versus Programmatic Transactions Example 304
Transactions from Client Code 306
Transactional Isolation 307
The Need for Concurrency Control 308
Isolation and EJB 309
The Dirty Read Problem 311
The Unrepeatable Read Problem 312
The Phantom Problem 313
Transaction Isolation Summary 314
Isolation and EJB 315
Pessimistic and Optimistic Concurrency Control 316
Distributed Transactions 316
Durability and the Two-Phase Commit Protocol 317
The Transactional Communications Protocol and Transaction
Contexts 318
Designing Transactional Conversations in EJB 320
Summary 323
Chapter 11 BMP and CMP Relationships 325
The CMP and BMP Difference 326
Cardinality 326
1:1 Relationships 328
1:N Relationships 332
M:N Relationships 336
Directionality 344
Implementing Directionality with BMP 344
Implementing Directionality with CMP 345
Directionality May Not Map to Database Schemas 347
Bidirectional or Unidirectional? 349
Lazy Loading 349
Aggregation vs. Composition and Cascading Deletes 350
Relationships and EJB-QL 352
Recursive Relationships 353
Circular Relationships 354
Referential Integrity 355
Relationships, Referential Integrity, and Client Code 357
Summary 360
Chapter 12 Persistence Best Practices 361
When to Use Entity Beans 362
Control 362
Parameter Passing Analogy 362
Procedural Versus Object-Oriented 363
Caching 363
Enforcement of Schema Independence 364
Ease of Use 364
Migration 364
Rapid Application Development 365
Choosing between CMP and BMP 365
Code Reduction and Rapid Application Development 365
Performance 366
Bugs 366
Control 367
Application Server and Database Independence 367
Relationships 368
Learning Curve and Cost 368
Choosing the Right Granularity for Entity Beans 368
Persistence Tips and Tricks 370
Beware the Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch 370
Hard-Coded Versus Soft-Coded SQL 370
When to Use Stored Procedures 371
Normalizing and Denormalizing 373
Use Your EJB Object Model to Drive Your Data Model 375
Follow a Good Data Design Process 375
Use Surrogate Keys 376
Understand the Impacts of Database Updates 377
Versioning EJB Components 377
Living with a Legacy Database Design 379
Handling Large Result Sets 387
Summary 390
Chapter 13 EJB Best Practices and Performance Optimizations 391
When to Use Stateful versus Stateless 391
When to Use Messaging versus RMI-IIOP 393
How to Guarantee a Response Time with Capacity Planning 397
How to Achieve Singletons with EJB 398
Wrap Entity Beans with Session Beans 398
Performance-Tuning Entity Beans 400
Choosing between Local Interfaces and Remote Interfaces 401
How to Debug EJB Issues 402
Partitioning Your Resources 404
Assembling Components 405
Developing Components to Be Reusable 406
When to Use XML in an EJB System 407
Legacy Integration with EJB 408
Summary 410
Chapter 14 Clustering 411
Overview of Large-Scale Systems 411
What Is a Large-Scale System? 412
Basic Terminology 413
Partitioning Your Clusters 415
Instrumenting Clustered EJBs 416
How EJBs Can Be Clustered 419
The Concept of Idempotence 420
Stateless Session Bean Clustering 421
Stateful Session Bean Clustering 423
Entity Bean Clustering 425
Message-Driven Bean Clustering 429
Other EJB Clustering Issues 430
First Contact 430
Initial Access Logic 430
Summary 431
Chapter 15 Starting Your EJB Project on the Right Foot 433
Get the Business Requirements Down 433
Decide Whether J2EE is Appropriate 434
Decide Whether EJB Is Appropriate 434
Staff Your Project 438
Design Your Complete Object Model 439
Implement a Single Vertical Slice 439
Choose an Application Server 442
Divide Your Team 443
Invest in Tools 445
Invest in a Standard Build Process 446
Next Steps 446
Summary 447
Chapter 16 Choosing an EJB Server 449
J2EE 1.3 Brand 450
Pluggable JRE 450
Conversion Tools 450
Complex Mappings 451
Third-Party JDBC Driver Support 451
Lazy-Loading 451
Deferred Database Writes 451
Pluggable Persistence Providers 451
In-Memory Data Cache 452
Integrated Tier Support 452
Scalability 452
High Availability 453
Security 453
IDE Integration 454
UML Editor Integration 454
Intelligent Load Balancing 455
Stateless Transparent Fail-over 455
Clustering 455
Java Management Extension (JMX) 456
Administrative Support 456
Hot Deployment 456
Instance Pooling 456
Automatic EJB Generation 457
Clean Shutdown 457
Real-Time Deployment 457
Distributed Transactions 458
Superior Messaging Architecture 458
Provided EJB Components 458
J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 459
Web Services 459
Workflow 459
Open Source 460
Specialized Services 460
Nontechnical Criteria 461
Summary 462
Chapter 17 EJB-J2EE Integration: Building a Complete Application 463
The Business Problem 463
A Preview of the Final Web Site 464
Scoping the Technical Requirements 468
Object Model for the Business Logic Tier 469
Object Model for the Presentation Tier 475
Example Code 482
Summary 488
Part Four Appendixes 489
Appendix A RMI-IIOP and JNDI Tutorial 491
Java RMI-IIOP 492
Remote Method Invocations 492
The Remote Interface 493
The Remote Object Implementation 496
Stubs and Skeletons 497
Object Serialization and Parameter Passing 499
Passing By-Value 500
Object Serialization 500
What Should You Make Transient? 502
Object Serialization and RMI-IIOP 503
The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) 505
Naming and Directory Services 506
Problems with Naming and Directories 507
Enter JNDI 508
Benefits of JNDI 509
JNDI Architecture 509
JNDI Concepts 511
Programming with JNDI 515
Integrating RMI-IIOP and JNDI 517
Binding an RMI-IIOP Server to JNDI 518
Looking up an RMI-IIOP Server with JNDI 519
Summary 520
Appendix B CORBA Interoperability 523
What Is CORBA? 523
CORBA as the Basis for EJB 524
Why Should I Care about CORBA? 524
Drawbacks of CORBA 525
Understanding How CORBA Works 525
Object Request Brokers 525
OMG’s Interface Definition Language 526
OMG IDL Maps to Concrete Languages 528
CORBA Static Invocations 529
CORBA’s Many Services 531
The Need for RMI-IIOP 531
The Need for RMI-CORBA Interoperability 532
Combining RMI with CORBA 533
Steps to Take for RMI and CORBA to Work Together:
An Overview 538
RMI-IIOP Client with a CORBA Object Implementation 538
CORBA Client with an RMI-IIOP Object Implementation 539
Bootstrapping with RMI-IIOP and CORBA 540
The Big Picture: CORBA and EJB Together 540
Sample Code 541
Summary 543
Appendix C Deployment Descriptor Reference 545
How to Read a DTD 545
The Header and Root Element 546
Defining Session Beans 547
ϽsessionϾ 547
Defining Entity Beans 549
ϽentityϾ 549
Ͻcmp-fieldϾ 551
ϽqueryϾ 552
Ͻquery-methodϾ 552
Ͻmethod-paramsϾ 553
Defining Message-Driven Beans 553
Ͻmessage-drivenϾ 553
Ͻmessage-driven-destinationϾ 555
Defining Environment Properties 555
Ͻenv-entryϾ 556
Defining EJB References 556
Ͻejb-refϾ 557
Ͻejb-local-refϾ 558
Defining Security 558
Ͻsecurity-role-ref> 558
Ͻsecurity-identity> 559
Ͻrun-as> 559
Defining Resource Factories 560
Ͻresource-ref> 560
<resource-env-ref> 561
Defining Relationships 561
Ͻrelationships> 562
Ͻejb-relation> 562
Ͻejb-relationship-role> 563
Ͻrelationship-role-source> 563
Ͻcmr-field> 564
Defining the Assembly Descriptor 564
Ͻassembly-descriptor> 565
Ͻsecurity-role> 566
Ͻmethod-permission> 566
Ͻcontainer-transaction> 567
<exclude-list> 567
Ͻmethod> 568
Ͻmethod-params> 568
Appendix D The EJB Query Language (EJB-QL) 569
Overview 569
A Simple Example 570
The Power of Relationships 571
EJB-QL Syntax 572
The FROM Clause 572
The WHERE Clause 574
The SELECT Clause 578
Truth Tables 581
Final Note 583
Summary 583
Appendix E EJB Quick Reference Guide 585
Session Bean Diagrams 586
Stateless Session Bean Diagrams 587
Stateful Session Bean Diagrams 589
Entity Bean Diagrams 592
Message-Driven Bean Diagrams 597
EJB API Reference 598
EJBContext 599
EJBHome 600
EJBLocalHome 601
EJBLocalObject 601
EJBMetaData 602
EJBObject 602
EnterpriseBean 603
EntityBean 604
EntityContext 610
Handle 610
HomeHandle 611
MessageDrivenBean 611
MessageDrivenContext 611
SessionBean 612
SessionContext 614
SessionSynchronization 614
Exception Reference 616
Transaction Reference 617
Index 621
his book has been a project spanning several years. Many have commented
that the first edition was one of the best technical books they ever read. What’s
made this book a reality are the many people that aided in its development.
We took a big risk in developing the second edition of this book and decided
to build the book
on the Web. We received feedback from around the world
when writing this book, and thus we have an evolving list of contributors and
reviewers. The list is too large to mention here but is available at www.The
As a special thanks, we’d like to acknowledge the great folks over at John
Wiley & Sons. They have been absolutely outstanding throughout this book’s
evolution. In particular, we’d like to thank Bob Elliott, Emilie Herman, and
Bob Ipsen for their incredible efforts.
s I write these words, I can’t help but think back to an inflection point that
occurred in my life almost three years ago. I remember sitting in my cubicle
at Trilogy Software, an e-commerce company in Austin, Texas, lost in deep
middleware thoughts. My challenge was to devise an interesting load-bal-
ancing strategy for our in-house application server, which we called the back-
The backbone was a superb software system. It was cleanly written, easy to
use, and boasted some very high-end features
features such as distributed
object support, object-relational mapping, and extensible domain object mod-
eling. It had almost anything you needed for Internet development. It was a
worthy investment for Trilogy.
I was part of a task force to add enterprise features to this backbone, such as
transaction control, security, and load-balancing. Our goal was to improve the
backbone into a product worthy of large-scale deployment.
So that day, after hours of racking my brain, I finally finished crafting what I
believed to be a highly creative and optimal load-balancing strategy. Looking
for feedback, I walked to my friend Court Demas’ office. Court is one of those
developers who can really pick apart almost any design and expose its flaws
a unique quality that only a few developers I know have.
Walking into Court’s office, I was expecting a typical developer-level conver-
sation, and that’s what I received. We turned the design inside and out, mark-
ing up my freshly printed hard copy with scribbles and other unintelligible
comments that only we could understand. Finally, satisfied that we had
reached a conclusion, I thanked Court and walked toward the door, prepared
to implement the changes we had agreed upon.
But I didn’t make it that far. Court said something to me that would change my
way of thinking. His comment baffled and confused me at first, but would
eventually result in a complete paradigm shift and career move for me. What
did Court say? Nothing profound, but simply, “You know Ed, this stuff is
really what Enterprise JavaBeans is for.”
At first, I had no idea what he was talking about. Enterprise JavaBeans?
What’s that? Something like regular JavaBeans? Eventually, Court managed to
explain to me what EJB was. And once he explained it, I knew that Trilogy had
to do a 180-degree turn or lose its competitive advantage.
You see, EJB is a specification for a server-side component marketplace. EJB
enables you to purchase off-the-shelf components from one vendor, combine
them with components from another vendor, and run those components in an
application server written by yet a third vendor. This means companies can
collaborate on the server side. EJB enables you to buy, rather than build, ele-
ments of server-side applications.
The EJB value proposition had strong ramifications for Trilogy. EJB repre-
sented a way for Trilogy to get out of the middleware business and concentrate
on its e-commerce strategic efforts. This meant discarding the backbone com-
pletely in favor of a third-party vendor’s architecture. Not only would this
reduce Trilogy’s maintenance costs, but it would also solidify its software
suite, since their middleware would now be written by professionals who had
been in the business for 20 years. This proposition would eventually lead to
Trilogy forming an entirely new business unit.
I decided to start researching EJB and pushing for Trilogy to adopt it. I went to
the Sun Microsystems Web page, downloaded the EJB 1.0 specification in PDF
form, and printed it out. Back then, the specification was about a third of the
size it is today.
Understanding the specification turned out to be much more challenging than
downloading it. The specification was written for system-level vendors and
was not meant to be a tutorial for end developers. The section on entity beans,
for example, took me a good two months to really grasp, as the notion of per-
sistent components was new to me.
This arduous struggle with understanding the EJB specification is what even-
tually led me to write this book for you. This book represents everything I
wish I had when I first started using EJB in 1998. So what is this book about?
Well, it may be more accurate to tell you what this book is not. This is not EJB
propaganda. It is not a book on how to write EJB code on any single applica-
tion server. This is not a nice book that paints a perfect picture of the EJB
world. Nor is it an advertisement for any particular EJB product or a campaign
to rid the world of Microsoft.
The goal of this book is to help you. I want you to be able to craft solid, secure,
and scalable server-side deployments. As you read this book, you’ll learn how
to design, implement, and deploy EJB solutions. This book covers both the
vision and the reality of EJB from an independent developer’s perspective. I
hope it will prepare you for the challenges you will face.
I wish the grass was greener and that I could write a book on how clean and
portable EJB is; but the truth is that this technology is not perfect, and you
should know exactly what the imperfections are. I will expose you to the grue-
some and incompatible parts of EJB and also explain how the industry is solv-
ing these problems.
Indeed, the newer specifications (especially EJB 2.0) improve portability and
reduce incompatibilities tremendously. I hope that by the time you’re done
reading this book, you are convinced that the vision of EJB is solid, and the
future is very bright.
My hope is that I can save you time and energy, and aid you in designing well-
crafted server-side deployments. But this is merely the beginning. The EJB
marketplace is just getting started, and there’s a whole lot more work ahead. I
encourage you to take an active role in the middleware industry and to work
with me taking EJB to the next level. Feel free to write your experiences, tips,
and design strategies, and post them on to share with
others. Our goal is to increase our knowledge of EJB as a community, and
together, we can do it.
Ed Roman
his book is a tutorial on Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). It’s about EJB concepts,
methodology, and development. This book also contains a number of
advanced EJB topics, giving you a practical and real-world understanding of
the subject. By reading this book, you will acquire a deep understanding of EJB.
Make no mistake about it
what you are about to read is not easy. EJB incor-
porates concepts from a wealth of areas, including distributed computing,
databases, security, component-driven software, and more. Combining them
is a magnificent stride forward for the Java community, but with that comes a
myriad of concepts to learn and understand. This book will teach you the con-
cepts and techniques for authoring reusable components in Java, and it will
do so from the ground up. You need only to understand Java to understand
this book.
While you’re reading this book, you may want to download the EJB specifica-
tion, available on .
Goals for This Edition
The first edition of this book came out in 1999. We had to make some tough
calls when writing the second edition, and we are confident you’ll like them.
Here are our goals:
To update the book for EJB 2.0. EJB 2.0 has many new useful features that
we will detail throughout the book.
To be broad and also deep. We do not regurgitate the complete EJB speci-
fication in this book, nor do we cover every last detail of EJB in this book.
Rather, we cover the most important parts of EJB, leaving room to discuss
advanced issues. For a complete reference while you are coding, search
through the EJB specification using Adobe Acrobat. Readers who are look-
ing for a well-written book that is interactive, fun to read, and covers the
basics through advanced subjects have come to the right place.