Around the Garden
by Marta Romano
ELL Reader 1.2.5
Activate Prior Knowledge/Build
Background Read the title, and invite children
to talk about gardens they have seen. Ask: What
was growing in the garden? What animals did
you see? Tell children this book describes life
around a garden.
Answers to the Reader’s Inside Back Cover:
Preview/Use Text Features Preview the
reader by talking about the illustrations together
and naming the labeled items.
Preteach Vocabulary Review the highfrequency words that appear in this book:
around and food. Introduce these key words
from the book: garden (p. 1), flowers (p. 3),
squirrel (p. 5) and birds (p. 7). Discuss these
words and add them to a Word Wall.
Choose among these options for reading to
support children at all English proficiency levels.
Read Aloud Read the book aloud as children
follow along. Pause to verify comprehension and
to explain unfamiliar concepts.
Monitored Reading Have children read
silently a few pages at a time. Use the following
questions to support comprehension:
• Pages 2–3 What do you see in the
garden? (Possible responses: water, flowers,
and seeds)
• Pages 4–5 What do you see in the
garden? (Possible responses: a squirrel, a
tree, and an acorn)
• Pages 6–8 What do you see in the
garden? (Possible responses: butterflies,
birds, and a bee)
Write About It
3. Children may choose to draw a picture
with sunflowers, other flowers, squirrels, birds,
butterflies, or bees. They may write about one
or more of these plants or animals. Possible
response: A butterfly is in the garden. It is black
and orange.
Support writers at various English proficiency
Beginning Have children write the names of
the animals and flowers.
Intermediate Have children tell partners
about their picture before they write a sentence
about it.
Advanced Have children include three
sentences about the picture.
Extend Language Possible response: You can
see plants and trees in a garden. You can see
birdhouses, benches, and ponds in a garden.
Answers to page 22:
Children should draw a picture to show birds
and squirrels finding food. Possible response: The
squirrel and the birds found food.
Family Link Read aloud the Family Link activity
on page 22 before sending copies of the Study
Guide home with children. Later, have them tell
what kind of garden was most popular in their
families. Tally the results and determine the class
© Scott Foresman 1
Reread Have children reread the book with a
partner, in small groups, or independently. Have
them complete the Study Guide on page 22.
Talk About It
1. Responses will vary. Children may wish to
refer to a color chart.
2. Possible response: You can see butterflies,
bees, hummingbirds.
ELL Readers Teaching Guide
Unit 2, Week 5 Around the Garden
Study Guide
Around the Garden
• Read Around the Garden again.
• What did the animals find in the garden? Draw a
picture. Write a sentence to go with your picture.
Have several family members vote on the type of
garden they would want to have. Would they like a
vegetable garden or a flower garden?
Around the Garden Unit 2, Week 5
ELL Readers Teaching Guide
© Scott Foresman 1
Family Link