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and Speaking

NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Key Growth Point 1
Learners use intentional communication strategies to
interact with people, objects and activities.
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of L/S KGP 1

actively seek and anticipate interactions with familiar
people, activities, objects and environments

use repetition of gestures, actions and vocalisations to
meet needs and wants

use a limited repertoire of gestures, actions and
vocalisation strategies to protest, request and seek

follow one word, gesture or actions from a
communication partner

Learners use
listening and
speaking behaviours
associated with
common social
situations relying on
personal experience.
They use simple
and often repetitive
language patterns to
achieve their needs
and wants.

Key Growth Point 1 has three distinct developmental stages organised into six levels. The Key Growth Points
Continuum on page five describes the earlier stages of this development, whilst the indicators below provide
the curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 1.
Level 5 Anticipate
• seek attention using gesture or vocalisation, eg hold the object, point to it or give it on request; use own or
imitate vocalisations or actions of familiar peers and adults

respond to their name, familiar voices and language patterns in familiar environments, eg pause actions or

vocalisations when they hear their name or a one word instruction

respond to greetings and greet people using consistent strategies, eg hand movement, turning head or body,
sustained eye gaze

respond to simple closed questions with a consistent yes/no response

use a range of sensory cues to respond to a variety of auditory stimuli (sounds, songs or rhythms) through
vocalisations, actions and gestures, eg locate and track an object as it makes a sound; smile or clap during a
favourite song or rhyme

request events, objects, activities or people

use a yes/no system when presented with one option or reach for preferred object when presented with two

express likes and dislikes, eg protest by pushing the communication partner’s hand or object away, turning
head or body

seek objects that may not exist in the immediate environment, eg actively look for or request objects

choose from a limited range of responses to interact with familiar people, objects, activities, eg use yes/no
response to closed questions, turn head to look at a person when they call their name

express themselves in an unstructured manner, eg using vocalisations, gestures and actions that need a
familiar communication partner to interpret

vocalise in a variety of ways, eg babble, hum, imitate vocalisations to respond, request or make choices

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009


NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking

Key Growth Point 2
Learners use
strategies to interact
with people, objects
and activities.

Learners use listening and speaking behaviours
associated with common social situations relying on
personal experience. They use simple and often repetitive
language patterns to achieve their needs and wants.
Learners demonstrate solid evidence of
L/S KGP 2.1 Texts and Contexts

initiate conversation with others, participate in social
interactions in the school environment, recount
personal experiences and respond to simple questions
and instructions

Learners are
becoming aware of
appropriate ways of
interacting in familiar
situations. They listen

to and express ideas,
ask questions and
communicate needs
in their own varieties
of English.

listen in familiar contexts and respond to requests,
greetings and farewells depending on the situation

L/S KGP 2.2 Language Structures and Features

listen and respond to familiar texts, questions and
single step instructions and produce texts based on
personal experiences

use repetition, known word combinations and nonverbal expressions to convey meaning when speaking

use home language supported by objects, images,
gestures, facial expressions and actions to express

L/S KGP 2.3 Strategies

attend to the person speaking and recognise meaning

of different tones of voice or facial expressions

use modelled strategies for listening to spoken texts

The Key Growth Points Learning Continuum on page five describes the earlier stages of this development,
whilst the indicators below provide the curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key

Growth Point 2.
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

Texts and Contexts

Texts and Contexts

Use of texts

Use of texts

recount information, with adult prompting and
scaffolding to increase length and quality

respond to greetings and farewells

describe activities they do at home and school

express needs, wants and feelings verbally or
non-verbally, within an educational setting

respond to simple questions


spoken texts are communicating a message

use symbols, words and/or phrases to request
assistance or information, eg points to a pencil,
says pencil or give me pencil

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 2 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Context, purpose and audience

Context, purpose and audience

different environments have different routines and
expectations of spoken language

listen during a story being read, school assembly
or video

meaning can be made from different language,
tone of voice and facial expression in familiar
situations with familiar people

make appropriate requests, use greetings and

farewells in familiar routine situations

indicate likes and dislikes in socially acceptable

respond appropriately to different tones of voice

assume a shared background between speaker
and listeners so may omit information or give
excessive information

is understood by familiar adults in supportive and
predictable situations

Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations

Listening and speaking situations

people respond to spoken texts in their own
personal ways

use greetings, make requests and take speaking
and listening turns during social interactions with
peers and adults
interpret and follow simple verbal instructions

Language patterns and vocabulary

use home language to label and describe the
function of objects, people and events around
them, eg That boy is crying. I use scissors for

Language patterns and vocabulary

people use words to communicate needs, wants,
likes and dislikes

use a small range of vocabulary to convey
meaning to the listener

words can be broken into sounds

use words and/or phrases in response to simple
questions and signs

use possessives, eg Johnny’s coat

use pronouns, eg I, you, me

use conjunctions that suggest cause, eg cos, to
link ideas.

use some conceptual language to describe, eg in,

on, out, off

use descriptive language, eg size, colour

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 2 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Language patterns and vocabulary (cont)

provide a rhyming word for one or more given
words, eg a word that rhymes with cat and bat

identify beginning sounds of some spoken words,
eg say fish starts with ‘f’

identify beats in two syllable words using clapping,
nodding or stamping


demonstrate some listening/attending behaviours

use body language to assist communication

use gestures/voice to finish communication, eg
turn back and move away, say Go away!

recognise that voice intonation, pitch and volume
have meaning

begin using simple conversation conventions, eg
turn-taking, sharing ideas



Listening processes and strategies

Listening processes and strategies

personal experience is a stimulus for speaking
and listening

indicate when something is not understood by
using body language or asking What ...?

interpret basic body language and voice, eg
position, facial expression, gesture, intonation,
pitch, volume

interpret spoken texts with support from adults

Speaking processes and strategies

copy and approximate to compose spoken


self-correct words, pronunciation and signals in
familiar contexts

attempt to modify their talk, sign or gesture if they
see their message is not understood

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

produce simple reflex
responses in response to
external stimuli, eg startle
reflex to a loud noise

take part in interactions,
activities and experiences

through body language,
actions, vocalisations, eg
eye gaze for longer periods
of time and with increased
attention on object or person

intermittently appear alert
and focus attention on certain
people, objects or parts of
objects, and experiences, eg
smiling at familiar people

give unexpected or
intermittent reactions within
an interaction, activity or
experience, eg become
excited in the midst of social

Level 2 React

produce simple reflex
responses in response to
the sensations they are

experiencing, eg vocalisation,
eye rolling, actions in
response to feeling pain

Level 1 Tolerate


produce a wide range of
behaviours in response
to internal stimuli, which
behaviour needs to be
recognised, interpreted,
assigned meaning
and responded to by a
communication partner

respond to the presence of a
communication partner

communicate consistent
preferences and affective
responses, eg reach out for
favourite person

show interest in people,
objects and experiences

recognise familiar people,
objects and experiences,
eg vocalise or gesture in
response to visit by a familiar

perform actions by trial, error
and improvement, eg use
different approaches to gain

Level 4 Focus

respond inconsistently or
intermittently to structured
sensory cues provided by
communication partner

Level 3 Respond


Key Growth Point 1

seek attention using gesture or

recognise familiar voices,
respond to different intonation
patterns and respond to their

protest, eg push the
communication partner’s hand
greet people using consistent
strategies, eg hand movement,
sustained eye gaze

choose from a limited range
of responses to interact with
familiar people, objects,

initiate interactions and
request a stimulus using
gesture, actions, eye
movement, vocalisation
use learned responses over
increasing periods of time to
engage in activities
respond to options presented
attempt to solve problems

Level 6 Choose

seek objects that may not exist

in immediate environment,
eg actively look for or request

make simple choices, eg use a
yes/no system when presented
with one option or reach
for preferred object when
presented with two objects

request events, objects,
activities or people

Level 5 Anticipate

assume a shared background
between listener and speaker

recognise meaning from
familiar language, tone and
facial expressions in familiar


may ask many questions

respond to simple questions

use some directional
begin to use words to
describe characteristics of
size, colour, eg big truck

combine two key ideas or
repeat a series of three digits
spoken once aloud [ASC]
make attempts to repair
misunderstandings without
changing the words used, eg
by repeating a word with a
different intonation or facial

copy and approximate to
compose spoken language

overgeneralise some words,
eg car for all vehicles

use a small range of
vocabulary - repeat, copy,
imitate and combine over 50
single words, signs or phrases
to communicate meaning to a
range of listeners, eg Mummy

be understood by familiar
adults in supportive or
predictable situations

understand communication
is used to meet needs and

Unconventional Communication

recognise that people
talk about their ideas,
experiences, feelings

initiate and maintain short
conversations using their
preferred medium of

use phrases and sentences
with up to five words, signs
or symbols to communicate
simple ideas, events or
stories to others, eg I want
big chocolate muffin. [ASC]


ASC = Assessment
of Student Competencies

contribute appropriately oneto-one and in small group
discussions and role play

use regular plurals correctly

use prepositions, eg in or on,
and pronouns, eg my or it,
correctly [ASC]

use the conjunction and
to link ideas or add new
information beyond what is

follow simple directions with
two pieces of information

ask simple questions to
obtain information, eg
Where’s cat? [ASC]

communicate ideas about
present, past and future
events and experiences,
using simple phrases and
statements, eg We going
cinema on Friday.

Conventional Communication

Key Growth Point 2

English - Listening and Speaking Key Growth Points Learning Continuum

NT Curriculum Framework

NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Key Growth Point 3
Learners use
listening and
speaking behaviours
associated with
common social
situations relying on
personal experience.
They use simple
and often repetitive
language patterns to
achieve their needs
and wants.

Learners are becoming aware of appropriate ways
of interacting in familiar situations. They listen to and
express ideas, ask questions and communicate needs in
their own varieties of English.
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of
L/S KGP 3.1 Texts and Contexts

use spoken language appropriately in a variety of
classroom contexts, ask and answer simple questions
for information and clarification, contribute relevant

ideas during class or group discussions; follow
simple instructions; and recall personally significant
information from texts heard

show an awareness of school purposes for listening
and speaking

Band 1
Learners engage with
a range of simple
texts, individually
and in groups within
familiar contexts,
using the basic
structures and
features of the text
types. They are
aware of the need
to change listening
and speaking to suit
different situations.

L/S KGP 3.2 Language Structures and Features

listen to and produce brief spoken texts that deal with
familiar ideas and information, in informal situations
with familiar people

sequence main events and ideas coherently in speech,
and use modelled Standard Australian English

interpret and use verbal and non-verbal cues in familiar
informal situations with familiar peers and adults, and
discuss agreed ways to respond to spoken texts in the

L/S KGP 3.2 Strategies

self correct by rephrasing to clarify meaning

respond to spoken texts with relevant comments
and indicate to the speaker when something is not


The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 3
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

Texts and Contexts

Texts and Contexts

Use of texts

Use of texts

spoken texts are used to

gain and express information and ideas


enjoy telling and listening to stories in the form
of books that are read aloud, songs, plays and

Context, purpose and audience


respond to questions when the answer is known
and ‘have a go’ when the answer is unknown

listen to/view and respond to stories read from
books and in electronic formats

express opinions and to respond to the
opinions of others


develop social relationships


listen to and use simple recounts, descriptions,
procedures and explanations and express and
justify opinions

express and respond to needs


Standard Australian English may differ from home

Context, purpose and audience

recognise some differences between Standard
Australian English and the home English used by
some learners, eg I done/I did
English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 3 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Context, purpose and audience (cont)

Context, purpose and audience (cont)

home language and school language are

use English for social interactions: sharing ideas,
information and opinions

there are links between texts, eg many stories
for children are supposedly about animals
(anthropomorphic stories) but really are intended
to teach how to behave

identify ways in which listening and speaking at
home and at school are similar and different, eg
taking turns, raising hands, chorusing

identify and compare the morals of stories

Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations

Listening and speaking situations

when giving information you need to provide
enough detail for another person to understand
what you mean

people have different opinions based on likes and

speak and listen through discussions,
conversations, and informal oral presentations in
small and large familiar groups
use listening and speaking to

describe and report on people, places and
things related to their own experience, that
provide enough detail to create a mental picture
for a listener
explain how they went about doing something,
that states materials needed as well as the
steps to be taken



when giving an opinion you need to give a reason
why you believe it to be true

recount events related to their own experience
that provide enough background information for
a listener to understand what has happened



retell a story heard or tell own version of a story

stories have typical structures and patterns of
songs and verses have rhythms and sometimes

join in poems, action verse and refrains recited by
class or read by teacher
through discussions and conversations

identify opinions provided by group members


agree or disagree with reference to their own
personal experience

make oral presentations of personal recounts or
simple reports that


English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

demonstrate they understand the topic, eg
respond to questions from peers, stay on the
provide some relevant details and information
in sequence

join in poems, action verse and refrains recited by
class or read by teacher


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 3 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:
Learners are able to
Language patterns and vocabulary

Language patterns and vocabulary

the words you use and the way you organise what
you say depends on the people who are talking
and listening and the purposes for the speaking
and listening

use people’s names appropriately in social
situations and use appropriate greetings,
introductions and farewells

you call your teachers Ms … or Mr … but they call
you by your given name

recognise typical beginnings and endings of some
stories, eg Once upon a time ... They lived happily
ever after

describing words help to paint a vivid picture

you need to join ideas together with linking words

use adjectives to portray people, places, events
and things in particular ways

words are made up of sounds

sequence ideas in speech and use simple linking
words, eg and, then

use time terms and prepositions, eg first, next,

use pronouns he, she, they, them

clearly reproduce most English language sounds

hear and use sounds in their correct sequence, eg
hospital not hostipal

explore and talk about sounds, eg rhymes,
alliteration, syllables, blends

identify onset and rime in spoken words, eg n-ice,

identify initial, final and medial sounds in some
spoken words

link knowledge of sounds with sound/symbol


you can use your voice in different ways to
communicate your feelings and how you interpret

use a variety of verbal/non-verbal cues to
establish relationships with others
attempt to observe class rules when speaking and
listening, eg take turns, ask and answer questions

attempt to use appropriate volume and intonation
to convey meaning when talking and telling stories

there are patterns of behaviour which are
expected when listening and speaking in school


English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Key Growth Point 3 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to



Listening processes and strategies

Listening processes and strategies

ask or respond to questions to clarify or request
additional information, eg asking who, what, where
and why questions
follow directions and instructions, eg listen for
words that signal the sequence of a task first, next

follow commands, eg sit, move, line up

record their thinking during and after listening

Speaking processes and strategies

demonstrate attentive listening in non-verbal
ways appropriate to their own culture, eg facial
expression, gesture, silence, eye contact, lip

listeners are expected to pay attention to the

use appropriate software related to phonics and
sound recognition

Speaking processes and strategies

speak using appropriate verbal and non-verbal
cues appropriate to own culture, eg facial
expression, eye contact, social distance, topic
contribute relevant information in class or group

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

observe and use the modelled speech and nonverbal behaviours of others

speakers use a range of strategies to address the
needs of their audience

ask questions to seek information and clarification


NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Band 1
Learners are
becoming aware of
appropriate ways of
interacting in familiar
situations. They listen
to and express ideas,
ask questions and
communicate needs
in their own varieties
of English.

Learners engage with a range of simple texts, individually
and in groups within familiar contexts, using the basic
structures and features of the text types. They are aware
of the need to change listening and speaking to suit
different situations.
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of
L/S 1.1 Texts and Contexts

explain familiar procedures, describe or recount events
in a logical sequence and sustain conversations on a
familiar topic

identify opinions and information shared by speakers
and disagree or agree with opinions and recall main
pieces of information

Band 2
Learners vary
their speaking and
listening for a small
range of contexts,
purposes and
audiences, adjusting
language structures,
features and
strategies according
to the purpose of the
interaction and the
relationships of the
people involved.

consider the ways in which listening and speaking
change according to the demands of the situation

L/S 1.2 Language Structures and Features

speak and listen through discussions, conversations
and oral presentations in small and large groups, which
are usually informal

organise spoken texts using simple features to signal
beginnings and endings and experiment with language
structures and subject-specific vocabulary in informal

vary verbal and non-verbal behaviours to add interest
and contribute to group activities by observing

L/S 1.3 Strategies

speak audibly, with some sense of addressing an
audience and the needs of the listeners

listen attentively, showing interest in the speaker’s
presentation and recall some of the main ideas and

information presented

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 1
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

Texts and Contexts

Texts and Contexts

Use of texts

Use of texts

there are differences between imaginative and
informational texts

information texts may report and explain
information and events, report recent news events
and give opinions


imaginative texts may entertain, move and teach
significant things

listen to and recount events, describe and report
on people, places and things related to their own

give and respond to simple instructions and

give and justify opinions and evaluate the opinions
of others with reasons

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 1 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:

Texts and Contexts
Use of texts (cont)

make up and tell simple stories modelled on
stories heard

listen to, memorise, make up and recite verses

Context, purpose and audience

listen to stories and retell them in their own words

act out a scene based on a story heard or viewed

Context, purpose and audience

you listen in different ways depending on the
reason why you are listening, who is talking and
what they are talking about

you speak in different ways depending on why you
are talking, who you are talking to and what you
are talking about

make simple comparisons between texts that have
similar topic, storyline, characters or setting

discuss texts, giving reasons for their likes and

there are different kinds of English (eg Australian
Indigenous, American, British) that can be heard
in various media (eg TV, film, guest speakers,

identify some differences between polite listening
in different cultural contexts familiar to the learner

there are cultural differences in the way people
express verbal and non-verbal messages

not everyone likes the same kind of text and
people may like or dislike a text for different

Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations

Listening and speaking situations

speaking and listening provides opportunities to

express opinions and listen to the opinions of


listen and speak through discussions,
conversations and oral presentations in small
and large groups, which are usually informal, and
identify opinions provided by members of the
group, agreeing or disagreeing with reference to
their personal opinion

discuss the structures and language features of
texts read and viewed [see Reading and Viewing

share and explore ideas


listen and speak to peers, older learners, teachers
and other adults for a range of purposes in
culturally appropriate ways

exchange information


share and enjoy stories, poems and plays

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 1 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations (cont)

Listening and speaking situations (cont)

all text types have a specific generic structure

listen to and compose simple texts


stories and plays comprising a simple setting,
story-line and attempted ending


verses with distinctive rhyme and rhythm


transactions comprising a list of a few items, eg
food with the price of each item in a menu


reports comprising a few aspects or
characteristics in a short description


Language patterns and vocabulary

recounts comprising a few events, usually
of personal experience, which may contain
comments and observations

procedures comprising a few steps in sequence
in a set of instructions

Language patterns and vocabulary
speak using some subject-specific vocabulary

infer something about a speaker from his or her
accent and/or choice of words

identify some non-standard/standard usage, eg
we come/we came and a feed/a meal
recognise and use some familiar idioms, eg hang
on a minute

language is often used figuratively as well as

there are standard and non-standard grammatical
and vocabulary (lexical) alternatives for expressing
similar meanings

use simple similes to make speech more effective
when explaining/describing, eg It was fast like …

sentences have different functions, eg statement,
command, question, exclamation

identify sentences as statements, questions,
commands or exclamations

the various parts of sentences need to be linked
with ‘joining words’ (conjunctions)

connect parts of spoken sentences using linking
words accurately, eg because, if, after

the English used in school and in books has a
standard grammar, which learners need to know,
even if (especially if) it is different from the English
spoken at home

use pronouns accurately

use plurals and verb tense markers accurately and
use language to identify similarities, differences
and categories, eg They are the same/different
because … ,These go together because …

identify and suggest rhyming words


words comprise sounds (phonemes) in sequence,
and each phoneme is represented in writing by a
letter or letters [See Writing strand]

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 1 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Language patterns and vocabulary (cont)


identify and pronounce sounds in spoken words,
eg The sounds in fish are: /f/i/sh/ (initial, medial
and final sounds)

follow speaking and listening conventions/
procedures, eg take-turns, ask questions
use variation in voice tone and volume to express

make eye contact as appropriate

they can adopt different roles in discussions and
conversations, and choose behaviours that can
support cooperation within the group

use body language, eg facing the speaker,

gestures and facial expressions to emphasise and
clarify meaning



Listening processes and strategies

Listening processes and strategies

there are culturally derived courtesies to be
observed when listening to a speaker in school

Speaking processes and strategies

listen attentively, showing interest in a speaker’s

attend to responses of others and review or
elaborate on what has been said, eg answer
questions, repeat or rephrase ideas and
information, try to give explanations

Speaking processes and strategies
speak audibly, with some sense of addressing an
audience and the needs of the listeners
experiment with a small range of devices to
enhance meaning of spoken text, eg volume,
using common sayings

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

when a person is speaking he or she needs to
engage the listener’s attention

ask questions to seek explanations, clarification
or more information and make comments that
expand ideas


NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Band 2
Band 1
Learners engage with
a range of simple
texts, individually
and in groups within
familiar contexts,
using the basic
structures and
features of the text
types. They are
aware of the need
to change listening
and speaking to suit
different situations.

Learners vary their speaking and listening for a small
range of contexts, purposes and audiences, adjusting
language structures, features and strategies according to
the purpose of the interaction and the relationships of the
people involved.
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of
L/S 2.1 Texts and Contexts

use an increasing range of spoken texts, including
explanations, simple arguments and stories that extend

beyond their immediate experience

locate key and closely connected information in spoken

recognise the purpose, audience and language
required for informal and formal situations

L/S 2.2 Language Structures and Features

extend ideas in a constructive manner to generate and
maintain conversations and discussion formally and

organise presentations using a main idea and
supporting details; use features of Standard Australian
English to share ideas; offer advice and give opinions;
and present people, places and events

Band 3
Learners engage

with and compose
a range of oral texts
that explain, instruct,
argue and narrate,
often in combination,
which are used in
the learning areas
and in the public
domain. They identify
and evaluate many
crafting choices made
by texts’ composers.
They choose and
use strategies for
engaging with oral
texts as listeners
and with preparing
for and addressing
an audience as

use verbal and non-verbal behaviours to enhance
expression of ideas and identify how these might differ
from those used in home and school contexts

L/S 2.3 Strategies

modify spoken texts to clarify meaning and information

listen with a purpose and understanding of conventions
of spoken texts and seek more information on what is

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 2
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

Texts and Contexts

Texts and Contexts

Use of texts

Use of texts

listen to, present and perform a range of stories
and plays containing a number of related ideas
about an issue

poetry can tell a story or can present ideas and
feelings directly

information and argument texts usually have a
particular perspective on the information, events
and opinions they present

listen to, memorise, make up, present and perform
narrative and lyric poems intended for children,
which are ‘just for fun’ or which explore a theme

listen to and present a range of recounts,
procedures, instructions and descriptions to
convey experiences, feelings, ideas and thoughts

narratives explore issues through the telling of a


English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 2 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:
Learners are able to
Context, purpose and audience

the roles and relationships between speakers and
listeners affect the way that people listen and the
way they speak

the purposes for which people listen and speak
also affect the way that people listen and the way
they speak

there are different varieties of English, eg ‘school
language’ and ‘home language’ or a community
language or dialect

Context, purpose and audience

discuss the different ways that learners speak
to peers, younger and older students, teachers,
parents and unfamiliar people, eg shopkeepers,
and the ways that adults speak to one another and

to them

discuss what is happening ‘in their heads’ when
they listen to a story and when they listen to an
explanation of a new concept in Maths

‘translate’ between Standard Australian English
and non-standard English, or identify regional
variations in vocabulary, eg the words used for
nature strip or bathers in different states

discuss differences and similarities in information
in different texts on the same topic

identify texts that have similar content or ideas

there are connections between texts, and between
texts and their own experiences

negotiate roles in group discussions, eg chair,

reporter, scribe

discuss similarities and differences between the
experiences of characters in stories and in people
they know

Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations

Listening and speaking situations

each kind of text has particular structures and
language features that can be used to organise
speaking and gain information when listening

speak and listen through discussions,
conversations and oral presentations in informal

and formal contexts, individually and in groups

when people listen to and think about stories they
can identify and discuss the plot, the setting, the
characters and the moral of the story

listen and respond to stories that infer characters’
qualities, motives and actions based on implicit
information within the text

present stories which have a developed
orientation, a story-line involving a complication
and a resolution, and some character description
and development

listen and respond to poems to infer how the
figurative language contributes to the main idea or
atmosphere of the poem

present poems which have rhyme, rhythm and

some figurative language

when people listen to arguments they can identify
the opinion being expressed and the information
given to justify it, and can discuss whether they
think the argument is justified and why

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 2 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to
Listening and speaking situations (cont)

listen and respond to information reports to gain
information, to make connections between ideas
and to evaluate their effectiveness

present information reports which have a
general classification and a description of a few
distinguishing features

share procedures which have a set of instructions
containing a list of materials and steps in a logical

there are specific words associated with each
subject that can be discussed

listen and respond to procedures to understand
what to do and to evaluate their clarity, eg infer a
missing step

present arguments which state an opinion and
provide an elaboration of the opinion based on

personal judgement

Language patterns and vocabulary

listen and respond to arguments to identify, affirm
or challenge the argument and disagree in a
respectful manner

engage appropriately in transactions at home,
school and in the community, eg visiting a
friend’s house and greeting their parents, seeking
attention, forming and maintaining friendships,
introducing and thanking people

Language patterns and vocabulary

words can be chosen to present people, things or
actions in a particular way

use words and phrases that can be used to
represent people, places and events, in a chosen

adjectives to enhance description


verbs, eg tapped, knocked, banged, shuffled


identify common metaphorical usage, eg hop into
the car, the names of sporting teams, eg Dragons,
Tigers (ie not Toads or Elephants)
use words and phrases that can be used to
differentiate facts and opinions, eg I feel..., There

everyday speech is full of figurative language

use subject-specific nouns and verbs when
presenting factual texts to convey clarity and
accuracy, eg herbivore, skeleton

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 2 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

negotiation of roles is a key element of group

use facial expressions, movements, gestures and
modulation of volume to enhance their expression
of ideas

use their voices to convey character and
atmosphere when telling stories and presenting
identify and use appropriate behaviours for
speaking and listening at home and in various
contexts at school

verbal and non-verbal behaviours differ between

vary their own spoken language by the effective
use of pauses, volume and pace

effective speakers use volume, pace, eye contact
and facial expression to convey their ideas and



Listening processes and strategies

Listening processes and strategies

listening is a two-way process and needs to be
planned for

listen constructively, eg offer positive and
encouraging feedback

speakers make choices to gain audience attention

consider the information and views presented in
spoken texts

preparation and rehearsal are essential for
effective presentation

effective speakers monitor and self-correct as they


use text structure to identify main ideas and
some details, eg listening for first and last
things said, key words, supporting details and/

or illustrative examples


examine personal responses and other relevant


develop questions


extend ideas in a constructive manner

use before, during and after listening strategies
to understand spoken texts, eg visualising,
using past knowledge as a framework to build
understanding, using turn taking protocols to
clarify and/or build on others’ ideas, recording key
ideas and questions

phrase questions to obtain more information from
the speaker

identify different forms of questions, eg
considering whether a statement I can’t find my
pen is intended as the question Where is my pen?

Speaking processes and strategies

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

generate and develop ideas for self selected and
specific speaking contexts, eg consider personal
experiences, the experience of others, other texts
or research


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 2 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Speaking processes and strategies (cont)

select, organise, rehearse and modify ideas
before giving a short prepared talk or conducting
an interview, appropriate to audience, eg use
guiding frameworks, practise and seek feedback,
record and listen to a speech to review it

use a small range of devices to enhance meaning,
eg rephrasing, adjusting volume and pace


initiate and maintain discussion and
conversations, eg make statements, ask
questions, give commands

monitor their language for meaning and accuracy
and self-correct

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Band 3
Band 2
Learners vary
their speaking and
listening for a small
range of contexts,
purposes and
audiences, adjusting
language structures,
features and
strategies according
to the purpose of the
interaction and the
relationships of the
people involved.

Learners engage with and compose a range of oral
texts that explain, instruct, argue and narrate, often in
combination, which are used in the learning areas and
in the public domain. They identify and evaluate many
crafting choices made by texts’ composers. They choose
and use strategies for engaging with oral texts as listeners
and with preparing for and addressing an audience as
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of
L/S 3.1 Texts and Contexts

listen to and produce narratives, persuasive texts and
arguments with increasing linguistic complexity and
accessible themes

identify, develop and present the main ideas,
supporting details and alternative opinions in clearly
structured spoken texts

consider the appropriateness of text form, register
and conventions of non-verbal communication so it is
sensitive towards familiar audiences

L/S 3.2 Language Structures and Features

manipulate text and sentence structure and word
choice to create a particular style and tone

Learners engage
with and compose
a range of oral texts
in the public domain
which explore
personal, social,

cultural and political
issues of significance
to their own lives
and communities.
They analyse
and investigate
challenging ideas and
issues, and advance
and refute arguments.
They adjust their
listening, preparation
and speaking
strategies according
to their purposes and

participate in spontaneous and prepared discussions,
conversations, meetings and debates in a sustained
and constructive manner

Band 4

select and adjust verbal and non-verbal behaviours for
particular groups to clarify messages

L/S 3.3 Strategies


speak clearly using conventions appropriate to the
formality of the context and use devices to engage the
acknowledge and respond appropriately to the
contributions of others, recognising nuances of
meaning, distinguishing fact from opinion and main
ideas from supporting details

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 3
Learners know and understand that:
Texts and Contexts
Use of texts

Learners are able to
Texts and Contexts
Use of texts

narratives explore issues through the telling
of a story and lyric poetry explores issues by
expressing thoughts and feelings about it

information texts seek to convey information as
effectively as possible, using a logical sequence of
information and clear expression

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

listen to culturally diverse stories and poems
which explore various issues and identities

present and perform stories from their own
knowledge or cultural heritage


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 3 (cont)
Learners are able to
Learners know and understand that:
Use of texts (cont)

argument texts seek to justify a point of view on
the basis of evidence

Context, purpose and audience

Use of texts (cont)

listen to and compose analytical, informative,
argument and persuasive texts which explore
relatively unfamiliar ideas, information and issues
of significance to them or researched by them

Context, purpose and audience

composers of texts use their assumptions of
the audience and choose the content, structure
and language of their texts in order to meet the
interests or expectations of their target audience

the way that people interpret texts is influenced by
the knowledge and values of the groups to which
they belong

identify the target audience for a presentation and
explain what aspects of its content, structure or

language make its target audience obvious, eg a
master of ceremonies introduction of a song at a

identify and discuss basic intertextual connections,
eg the way that friendship groups use the same
slang to separate themselves from ‘outsiders’

discuss how different groups might respond to the
same text, eg rap music and lyrics
recognise the tone, pronunciation, timing and
accents of formal or persuasive speech, eg
Queen’s message, opening ceremonies

listening and speaking provide opportunities to
form and maintain relationships, consider ideas,
and to persuade others

describe the language or languages used by
family, peers and other adults in different contexts

some contexts require more formality of language
than others

Language Structures and Features

Language Structures and Features

Listening and speaking situations

Listening and speaking situations

the specific generic structure a text type derives
from its field, purpose and audience

every text has a main idea (what it is saying about
what subject), which the text explores in the way
characteristic of its type

speak and listen through discussions,

conversations and oral presentations including
prepared and spontaneous group discussions,
meetings and debates
actively engage with

modality is an important aspect of valid argument

a debate is a collaborative argument with each
speaker contributing to the team’s overall point of


oral descriptions to identify and discuss salient
features and the atmosphere created by the
words chosen


it is more valid to state that something is an
opinion than to make an assertion

stories and poems to identify and discuss
theme, narrator and atmosphere


sufficient evidence needs to be presented to
support a proposition in an argument for it to be

arguments (including in the form of debates)
to identify the main idea (the proposition) and
evidence offered by the speaker to support a
proposition, to evaluate whether it is sufficient
for its purpose and to challenge it if not

present and perform orally, individually and in
- stories (including scripted and unscripted plays)
that have an orientation, some characters, a
plot involving a complication, and an ending
which is not necessarily a resolution, using their
voices to bring the characters to life
English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 3 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:
Learners are able to
Listening and speaking situations (cont)


Language patterns and vocabulary

creators of stories and poems choose language,
include figurative language, to create atmosphere
and portray feelings as well as to express ideas

arguments (including in the form of debates)
which have a generalised point of view that
is sustained throughout the speech with
elaboration based on personal judgement and
a conclusion
succinct accounts of important personal
experiences or events, reflecting on the
significance of these

Language patterns and vocabulary

use words and phrases that can be used to

represent people, places and events in a chosen
way, to express opinions

adjectives to appeal to certain groups, eg sick,
awesome, fantastic

use words and phrases that can be used to
represent and differentiate facts and opinions, in a
chosen way

evaluative nouns, eg mansion, shack


evaluative verbs, eg love, loathe


evaluative adjectives, eg wonderful, hideous

verbal and non-verbal cues can be used to
maximise communication and delivery

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

use conjunctions and other linking words to
express cause-and-effect relationship, eg It is bad
because..., to compare and contrast, eg but, as if
and to add, eg and, as well
use pronouns for cohesion


recognise and use introductory phrases which
indicate an opinion is being offered, eg I believe
…, I feel that …, In my opinion … rather than to
assert, eg fishing is a great sport

paragraphs and clauses can be linked by cohesive

use questions that seek a detailed response and/
or probe thinking of speakers and their audience,

eg ask why, how, what if questions

use words to indicate degrees of certainty, eg
must, should, may

use words that link specific ideas within and
across sentences, eg words that can occur
together and are related to each other, eg
crocodile, reptile, animal, creature, dinosaur


use non-verbal resources, eg facial expression,
gestures, actions, and spoken resources, such
as pace, volume and pronunciation to emphasise
meaning and appeal to different audiences


NT Curriculum Framework

The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 3 (cont)
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to
Behaviours (cont)

adjust information or tone of voice to a listener’s
reaction, eg pause to think what to say next



Listening processes and strategies

Listening processes and strategies

messages can be conveyed verbally and nonverbally, eg through body language, voice tone,
and these ways differ in different cultural settings

Speaking processes and strategies

use some strategies to record ideas presented
orally for later review of information, eg take brief
notes, tape record interviews

summarise main ideas in short oral texts

Speaking processes and strategies


use strategies to engage the listener’s attention,
eg humour, linking to shared experiences and
understandings, building on ideas of others,
conveying interest and authority through word
select, order and organise subject matter clearly
for prepared spoken presentation
appraise, select and use appropriate language,
eg colloquial language and/or Standard Australian
English, being mindful of the socio-cultural
contexts, avoiding discriminatory language
summarise ideas, answer questions

speakers use their assumptions about the
characteristics of listeners to engage their interest
and attention

use strategies to emphasise meaning and to
appeal to and influence different audiences, eg
consider and use appropriate volume, words,
pace, tone, pronunciation and non-verbal
resources such as facial expressions, gestures
and movement

a range of known strategies assists in researching,
planning, revising and presenting information and
opinion orally

engage others by projecting a sense of
commitment, interest and authority on a topic

speakers adjust language to indicate closeness
or distance in relationships and to show or
acknowledge power

English - Listening and Speaking

Outcomes and Indicators 2009

NT Curriculum Framework


Listening and Speaking
Band 4
Band 3
Learners engage
with and compose
a range of oral texts
that explain, instruct,
argue and narrate,
often in combination,
which are used in
the learning areas
and in the public
domain. They identify
and evaluate many
crafting choices made
by texts’ composers.
They choose and
use strategies for
engaging with oral
texts as listeners
and with preparing
for and addressing

an audience as

Learners engage with and compose a range of oral texts
in the public domain which explore personal, social,
cultural and political issues of significance to their own
lives and communities. They analyse and investigate
challenging ideas and issues, and advance and refute
arguments. They adjust their listening, preparation and
speaking strategies according to their purposes and
Learners demonstrating solid evidence of
L/S 4.1 Texts and Contexts

express creative and analytical responses to texts,
themes and issues

understand how speakers use their assumptions about
the audience to position them to accept their point of
view, and that there are devices used to persuade and
entertain listeners

L/S 4.2 Language Structures and Features

use meetings, extended presentations, formal and
parliamentary style debates and group discussions to

compare ideas, examine issues, evaluate opinions,
argue points, make judgements, persuade others and
convince listeners using evidence and reasoning

use and adjust aspects of schematic structures,
sentence length, text connectives, phrases and words
to convey convincing messages in spoken texts

Learners listen and
respond to complex
oral texts which
derive from a number
of different historical,
geographical and
cultural contexts.
They give speeches
characterised by
some complexity of
subject matter and
organisation and
with some control of
register. They use
their knowledge of
discourse analysis
to recognise the
register of a text

and the values and
attitudes which it
signals. Learners
appraise their own
presentations for
clarity, cohesion,
consistency and

begin to identify the style and tone of texts

Band 5

vary verbal and non-verbal behaviours to influence an

L/S 4.3 Strategies


adjust speaking to communicate effectively and
persuasively by experimenting with style and tone
anticipate responses from others and respond to
questions and comments by clarifying, paraphrasing
and commenting on main issues; identify omissions
in information; and identify the position taken by the


The curriculum scope for planning and assessing learning within Band 4
Learners know and understand that:

Learners are able to

Texts and Contexts

Texts and Contexts

Use of texts

Use of texts

literature can endorse or critique the ideas of a
society, explore and express ideas and feelings
and entertain

the composers of texts sometimes deliberately
make allusions to previous texts to suggest some
kind of similarity or difference between them

English - Listening and Speaking
Outcomes and Indicators 2009

listen and respond to imaginative oral texts, eg
spoken books, serialised novels, poetry and plays
on the radio including adolescent, contemporary
and classic imaginative texts in a variety of forms
and styles, which explore personal, social, cultural
and political issues of significance to their own
lives and communities

