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Class: 9(14/7)

Unit 7.
I. Complete the sentences using “ and, but, so , because, however, or”
1. It rained a lot, ________we enjoyed the vacation very much.
2. I learned French easily. ________,I didn’t like my teacher.
3. I like oranges ________apples.
4. She went home ______________she was tired.
5. The weather was terrible, ______________we didn’t enjoy the picnic.
6. He passed all his exam _____________he worked hard.
7. She is English , ____________she speaks English perfectly.
8. Which would you prefer, tea _________coffee?
9. I like Mary very much______________I don’t like her brother.
10. I’d like to live somewhere by the Mediterranean___________I love the sun.
11. We enjoy learning English __________we find it very difficult.
12. I can’t go out tonight ____________-I am short of money.
13. She went to the theater last night _________had a wonderful time.
14. They can’t walk home ______________it is very dark.
15. Would you like to drink milk __________coffee?
16. It’s raining heavily ___________I can’t go out.
17. He did the test well _______I did ,too.
18. His life was hard ________________he studied very well.
II. Choose the best answer.
1. She is tired;____________she has to finish her homework.
A. moreover
B. so
C. and
D. however
2. Is he an actor _________a singer?

A. and
B. or
C. with
D. so
3. He was tired , __________he took a rest before continuing the work.
A. so
B. and
C. but
D. if
4. She forgot ___________off the gas before going out.
A. turn
B. turning
C. to turn
D. turned
5. I suggest ________money for the poor people in our neighborhood.
A. save
B. to save
C. saving
D. saved
6. We can protect the environment by ____________air pollution.
A. reduce
B. reducing
C. reduced
D. to reduce
7. I lost my pen. I have looked ___________it for all morning.
A. at
B. after
C. up
D. for
8. She stays at home because she has to look _________her baby.

A. at
B. after
C. up
D. for
9. Remember to turn ____________the light before going to bed.
A. of
B. off
C.. on
D. up
10. Can you turn __________the radio? I’m learning my lesson.
A. on
B. off
C. in
D. for
11. If we go _________littering , the environment will become seriously polluted.
A. to
B. in
C. out
D. on
12. He is going to the post office ______________he wants to send a leter.
A. because
B. but
C. and
D. moreover.
13. She broke the vase because she was __________________

A. careful
B. carefully

C. careless
D. carelessly
14. His hobbies are playing soccer __________collecting stamps.
A. and
B. but
C. however
D. although
15. Scientists are looking for an ______way to reduce energy consumption .
A. effect
B effective
C. effection
D. effectively
16. What can we do to spend less_________lihgt?
A. in
B. on
C. off
D. in
17. You should take_________your shoes when you go to the temple

A. in
B. on
C. off
D. in
III. Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition
1. What can we do to spend less ________light?
2. Mrs. Lan forget to turn off the faucet when she left ________work.
3. His illness accounts ____________his absence.
4. In Europe, There is a labeling scheme ___________refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and
tumble dryers.
5. If you compare her work__________his, you’ll find hers is much better.

6. They gave me advice ___________how to save water.
7. We should use shower instead ________bath to save enery.
8. We are talking ____________the energy crisis.
IV. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in brackets.
1. It is possible to use .......................energy for a number of days.
( sun)
2. Don’t leave the lights on – It wastes .........................
3. .................................are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
( consume)
4. Machines have .............................people in many areas of industry.
5. You should have a mechanic check your car ...............................
6. These .............................will conserve the earth’s resources.
( innovate)
7. We offer a fast , ..............................and friendly service.
( efficiency)
9. We want to buy .........................that will save money.
( produce)
10. My brother can repair electric .....................very well
V. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. The air in the city is very ___________
( pollute)
2. The accident happened because of driving ____________
3. He is going to _________all the bags .
( collection)
4. We’ll make this beach clean and _________again

( beauty)
5. If the ____________continues, what will happen?
( pollute)
6. I’m very ________because they use electricity to catch fish .
7. I want to see the _____________of environment from the local authority. ( protect)
8. She was __________pleased that she got the exam.
( extreme)
9. He is one of the most famous _______________in the world.
( environment)
10. If we go on littering , the environment will become _________polluted.
( serious)


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