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writing ielts task 1 dàn ý tổng hợp

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Giới thiệu

The chart/ graph/ illustration/ map/ table…shows/ illustrates/ gives
information about/ provides information about/ compares…


Đề cập

- The number of/ The figure for/ The proportion of/ The percentage
of people who…
- The number of/ The figure for people + V-ing/ (reduced relative
- People show their preference for…
- People have a tendency to do sth
- Looking at the details
- Regarding
- Moving to
- The figure for
- By contrast

- In terms of the
- It was/ is followed by
- Another noticeable trend was
- It is obvious
- Especially in the case of


Thời gian

- during the period between X and Y
- between X and Y
- from X to Y
- during the first/ last/ following...years
- within… fears from X to Y
- over the period from X to Y
- over a period of... years
- during the researched/ observed period
- at the beginning/ end of the period shown



- between X and Y years old
- X - to Y-year-olds: X- Y tuổi
- X - to Y-year-old students
- people (who are) aged X to Y
- people who fall into the X to Y age group
- people who belong to the X to Y age group


Số liệu

- There was an increase/ rise/ growth….in the number of… noun +
V-ing or V-ed
- There was a decrease/ drop/ fall/ decline…in the number of…
noun +V-ing or V-ed


So sánh nhất

- The biggest/ largest/ smallest/ most significant increase was in
- The smallest/ most significant number of… was from
- it is clear that the vast majority of

- were well above the other three nations in terms of
- experienced the lowest/ highest/ largest … compared to the
previously mentioned ….
- The biggest/ smallest rise was seen in
- The...is highest/ lowest
- took the leading spot/ took the 1st place in terms of the most
- Hit a low/ reach the peak of/ the highest point of
- Hit a low/ hit the lowest point of
- Fluctuate around/ between…and

So sánh hơn kém

- There were/ are significantly/ considerably/ slightly fewer/
more/less + … + than +...
- There were almost/ more than + twice/ three times as much/
many ... as…
- A has twice/ half as many/ much X as B
- There are twice/ half as many/ much X in A as in B
- The number of X in A is twice/ half as in B
- A has … more/ less X than B
- There are … more/ less X in A than in B
-...as opposed to...


So sánh bằng/ ổn

- There were (not) nearly as many/ much +...+ as…
- A has as many/ much X as B
- A has the same number of X as B


Xếp hạng

- S was ranked first/ second/
- In first/ second/ last place + is/ was
- Top/ Bottom of the list is/ was
- Ranked in the ...place is/ was


Chia thành

- Units are measured in…
- The data is split into...

Time: xu hướng tăng giảm, thay đổi

With regards to the [đối tượng 1], it began at around [số liệu 1] and then peaked at [số
liệu 1 + năm] before falling dramatically to about [số liệu 1] in the last year.


Likewise, approximately [đối tượng 2 + số liệu + năm] after which the figure fluctuated
slightly and dropped to a low of [số liệu 2 + năm]


On the other hand, [đối tượng 1] only started in [năm] at about [số liệu 1]
This figure, which reached a high of just over [số liệu + năm], fell slightly in the final
years to approximately [số liệu + năm]
- In comparison with the number of...in..., which witnessed a dramatic increase to...in...,
the quantity in...plummeted to... at this time.
- The quantity of...in...went through a period of dramatic increase to...in..., exceeding the
number ...., which had only…

/>No Time: nêu số liệu và so sánh (Cao nhất- thấp, khác biệt, so sánh chủ thể)

In terms of…, [nội dung 1 + số liệu] on this as opposed to the [nội dung 2+ số liệu]


Similarly/ Opposite, [đối tượng 1] was higher/ lower on [nội dung] than [đối tượng 2]


In [đối tượng 1], [nội dung 1] (số liệu) was over/ nearly double that of [đối tượng 2],
which was only [số liệu]


On the other hand, the amount/ number of [đối tượng 1] was higher/ lower in [đối tượng


Above [số liệu] was spent/ used… by [đối tượng 1] on [nội dung 1] which was slightly
more than the [đối tượng 2] who spent/ used exactly [số liệu 2]


Neither of the [nội dung 1] which accounted for [số liệu 1] but under [nội dung 2 + số liệu


...accounted for respectively ...and ...in the proportion of…, whereas those in..., on the
whole, made an insignificant difference of …, the former being…% and the latter being…


Despite some minor fluctuations
They begin at the same point
Another interesting point is that ... was the major...in...but it was replaced by...in the
second half of the period.
The difference in … between…and….became even more remarkable in…
Also noteworthy that … was the highest among…while the reverse was true for the…
with both sharing the percentage of close to…
Regarding the number of..., it remained almost the same over... at around before


dropping sharply to
Tỷ lệ thuận: to be proportional to something
Tỷ lệ nghịch: To be inversely proportional to something/ to have an inverse proportion
between A and B.

Cấu trúc

The gap between the amount of ...and...narrows as ….
After staying stable at ... during ... years, the data of .... decreased slightly to

… in …., however, it rose back to …, in...
However, it fluctuated in the second half of the period, then finished at just
Although ... is the ... with the lowest rate of …., it has gradually grown over
the past ... years.
it can be clearly seen that boys outnumbered girls in these activities.
the difference between the number of boys and girls participating in these
activities reduced staggeringly, even to the point of being equal.
, while the number of boys playing computer games was over 15%, that of
girls was not far behind, at close to 15%
Throughout the given period, the UK was the largest contributor to C02
emissions in comparison with other surveyed nations.

Đồng nghĩa

- Account for
- respectively
- approximately = around = just above/ under = …% or thereabouts = by
roughly / nearly
- The same pattern
- The opposite for/ Opposite Pattern Can Be Seen For
- Stable = stand by
- the amount of = number of = quantity of


The diagram illustrates information about the process of producing/ making…

(in a period of ...years/ between … and)


- In general, there are…. steps in... process/ the production of...includes
...stages, commencing with... and culminating in…
- The… main steps of formation show that ….


In the beginning
The first stage/ step shows that
The process begins when
Following this/ that
After/ before that/ At which point
During the next stage/ step
Once this step is completely


The last stage is when

being V_ed


At the first stage, limestone and
clay are crushed and become
The process begins with
limestone and clay being
crushed into powder
The process begins with
crushing limestone and clay to
make powder
At the first stage of producing
cement, limestone and clay are
put through a machine called a
crusher and become powder.

This powder is then
The process continues
with the powder being
The process continues with
mixing the powder…
This powder is then put
through a mixer….


The maps/ the pictures illustrate … existing layout and how its


In general, the most significant change in the graph is that… has become
more modernized
- it will be expanded considerably
- with the intersection upgrades: Nâng cấp giao thông
- entertainment facilities
- with more various sites.
- tourist amenities


Phương hướng:
In the northwest corner/area of the city
To the south of the river
The school was located/ situated in the northwest corner of the city
There was an airport to the south of the lake
At the centre of the village lies a parking lot
At the northwest of the village

Three-way junction of ngã ba
Four-way intersection: ngã tư

The school was demolished/ knocked down to make way for
A was replaced by B
B was built in the location/place of B
All the trees were cut down/ chopped down/ disappear/ vanish
The airport disappeared/ vanished

Skyscrapers were built/ constructed/ erected
Be added
A park appeared
There was a construction of/ a building of a new hospital
The car park near the river was expanded/ widened/ extended
The school became bigger
The railway was lengthened
A witnessed an expansion in size
An upsurge/increase in the number of …. has been witnessed…
The school was narrowed
The car park becomes smaller
The railway was shortened
Contraction in size
No move
The airport still remained/existed/stay unchanged
The area for A no longer exists

The stadium was moved/ relocated to the north
