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Don’t miss this incredible Amazon Selling Training:

Introducing the 7 Secrets to Sourcing, Selling & Profiting
from Physical Products on Amazon
Welcome to the ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ a comprehensive guide
that will reveal to you in 7 easy to follow and understand steps all of the
tools you will need to establish a successful and lucrative business
leveraging the Fulfillment By Amazon selling platform.
You will discover as you progress through this eBook that the 7 Steps is
easily the most lucrative business opportunity you will find on the internet
for the next decade.
You will learn the secret selling strategies that thousands of sellers are
already using to make a killing with Fulfillment by Amazon.
Luckily for you the knowledge and experience I have gained is fully laid out
in this eBook allowing you a distinct advantage over most of the other
sellers who, despite themselves are making a decent living using the
fulfillment by Amazon platform.
The ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ will arm you with all of the practical
and well researched marketing advice that you can put into use straight
away to set up your own highly profitable Amazon business leveraging the
FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) platform.
At this stage you may asking yourself, do I need marketing experience to do
this? Will this cost a lot of money to set up? Is this process going to be too
difficult to get underway?
It’s perfectly understandable that you should be asking those questions and
let me assure you that the process you will learn is relatively simple to set up
and reasonably cheap to get started and it doesn’t matter if you are a
seasoned online marketer or a complete newbie to making money online, the
‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ is designed so that anybody can adapt it to

make a healthy living online.
I personally know many people both elderly and young who are running
successful businesses selling on the FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) platform,
many of them started with no experience whatsoever and are now reaping
the profits day after day and enjoying the success that brings comfort and
financial stability to their families.

Don’t miss this incredible Amazon Selling Training:

An Overview of what we will be covering.

The 7 steps to setting up a successful Amazon business
How the ‘fulfillment by Amazon’ system works
How private labeling works
The Amazon traffic loop-hole
How to build a solid, scalable bullet proof business today

The process you’ll learn will give you a massive advantage over 90% of
sellers already using the FBA platform, many of them successfully, but you
will have a proven process that will allow you to do even better if you apply
Many of you may be thinking that FBA is like the old system of online
retailing selling physical products from an ecommerce store front. Let me

relieve you of any worries you may have.
The FBA (fulfillment by Amazon) platform is nowhere near as difficult,
time consuming or expensive as the old system of online retailing. I will
first lay out what the ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ business process is

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The Old Model

The old model of selling physical products online involves an incredible
amount of time and resources.
First of all you needed an online store and website from which to sell your
products, this entailed expensive web design, a payment processor, handling
customer service, internet security, fraud protection, order processing, site
maintenance, expensive programming, SSL, a merchant account, search
engine optimization, PPC campaigns, using comparison shopping engines.

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As if that wasn’t enough you also had to deal with expense of warehousing
your products, stocking and inventory, shipping your products, paying
warehouse staff, packaging and shipping expenses, warehouse rental and
many other time consuming and expensive aspects to running an ecommerce

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The New Model
The new model, that you will learn about is streamlined in its simplicity,
easy to set up, fully scalable and removes all of the hurdles and difficulties
associated with the old model.
The new model called the ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ cuts through the
myriad of requirements to sell physical products online and leaves you with
only two responsibilities to operate a successful Amazon business,
marketing and inventory re-ordering.
It may seem a stretch that the entire process of the old model above can be
broken down into 2 simple things, but it is true and we will show you how.
The new model is based on leveraging the Amazon selling platform which is
called ‘fulfillment by Amazon’ or as we shall call it from now on FBA.
All of the difficult and technical processes involved in the old model are
taken care of for you by Amazon when you sell physical products using the
new model called FBA.
All you have to do is source your products and send them to the Amazon
warehouse where they will stock your inventory and after that the FBA

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service will handle the entire process of selling your products through the
Amazon website.
You then list your product on Amazon and whenever you make a sale
Amazon will take care of the order process from start to finish, they take the

order, package it and courier it to your customer, they even handle customer
service for you, answering any queries customers may have about your
Everything is done for you by FBA and you are left with the simple tasks of
restocking inventory, marketing your product and sourcing other profitable
products to build up your selling empire.
But here’s the real ‘kicker’ you are listing your product on Amazon, which
is the biggest online retailing website in the world. Put plainly, Amazon
knows how to sell and you get to ride on their BUYER traffic!
Another distinct advantage of selling physical products on Amazon is you
do not have to set up an expensive and labor intensive ecommerce website
to sell your products.
And then you have to rank your ecommerce store on the first page of
Google for any search queries related to your product, to do this you will
have to compete against hundreds of thousands of other pages related to
your product, a daunting and near impossible task, and even if you achieve it
would take many months or years to get there.
You may be aware of the Google updates that have been occurring over the
last few years, with each update many thousands of ecommerce websites
have been ruthlessly pushed down the ranks and left drowning in no mans
land, having their traffic and sales suddenly dwindling to nothing.
This will not happen with Amazon as you will not be reliant on the Google
search engine to bring you possible buyers.
There is a great distinction between people searching on Google and
customers searching on Amazon. When people search on Google as you
have probably done yourself, they are generally searching for information
about products and are not yet committed to buying.
The reverse is applicable to Amazon, when people go to Amazon they are
already in a ‘ready to buy’ state of mind. They trust Amazon and know they

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can rely on Amazon to deliver quality products at unbeatable prices. You
can only profit from this multitude of buyers delivered daily by Amazon.
The Amazon selling platform is visited by nearly 100,000,000 hungry
buyers who trust the safety and security of Amazon, every month.
Your own little ecommerce store could not even generate 1% of that traffic
each month, imagine your products being available to such a vast quantity of
willing buyers.

Never before have entrepreneurs like you been able to start and run a
successful business selling physical products while needing such limited
resources, yet having such incredible scalability.
Now that you will be using the new method over the old, outdated method,
you will not have to spend endless hours dealing with your products,
customers, your ecommerce store and the other 101 time consuming and
money draining tasks that the old method demands.
FBA, the new method leaves you with ample time to spend concentrating on
the marketing of your products, enjoying your new income and scaling up
your business enterprise. It’s a win – win business situation.

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Amazon turned over an astonishing $74.5 billion in 2013 (updated from
above) and they are expected to hit nearly $100 billion in 2014 according to
Business Week statistics. If you want to get your finger into that $100

billion dollar pie then keep reading.
A high percentage of that revenue and sales was not from products owned
and sourced by Amazon but from sellers like you and me utilizing the
fulfillment by Amazon sales platform.
Amazon has a massive infrastructure which is always growing and
expanding and they allow you to leverage this infrastructure for a very low
cost, probably lower than what you would get from any other source.
They actively encourage you to take advantage of their enormous resources
to market and sell your products. You cannot find a better selling platform
to establish a successful business from. Even Ebay pales in comparison.

Astonishingly Amazon has over 200 million credit cards on file. That’s 200
million regular customers who buy from Amazon. Amazon owns online

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You have probably come across other methods to make money online such
as running Adsense ads on your website, writing eBooks for Kindle, local
SEO for local businesses or any other kind of SEO, using CPA systems,
running your own ecommerce store, and also affiliate marketing for other
peoples products.
You may have even tried a few of them and come to realize after investing
long hours and your own hard earned money that most of them do not work
or pay very little in return.
They Old Hard way is just Hard Work!
All of those out-dated online business systems are from the old model of
making a living online. I would like to welcome you to the new model, FBA

(fulfillment by Amazon)

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Why Sell on Amazon?
1. You get to partner with the Amazon selling platform FBA
2. You are selling real products and building a real business
3. You do NOT RELY on Google SEO
4. The opportunity is HUGE and growing
5. You don’t need heaps of money to invest in products
6. No inventory handling, no physical shipping and no support needed
7. You don’t need to live is the USA to use this digital business model
8. No website needed, no FTP hassles, no hosting
9. You can start with just ONE product
10. It is largely untapped right now
You must be starting to see by now why leveraging FBA is such a huge
We now come to step 1 of the ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’

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Step 1
What Product?
Warning! Before you dive into researching the perfect product to start your
FBA retailing empire with you should understand that your first step should
actually be ‘What Opportunity?’ should I start with.

When I say ‘What Opportunity?’ I’m talking about quite a different concept
to ‘what product?’ because when you go to the Amazon website, Amazon
will tell you what the bestselling products are for all of the many categories
they feature.

By searching on Amazon or Google for ‘Amazon best sellers’ you’ll be
presented with links to Amazon’s best seller pages and this is where with a
little research you will discover many golden opportunities to profit from.
Having access to these best selling products takes the guesswork out of
sourcing a product that might sell as apposed to products that are already
selling well and are in demand from hungry buyers.

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When researching a competitor’s product sales page scroll down the page
until you come to a section called Product Details. Here you’ll see a
headline saying Amazon best sellers Rank
Armored with this insider knowledge you already have a huge advantage
over competitors who are guessing the market rather than using the best
seller market to guide their product sourcing decisions.

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Here are the 2 Basic Criteria of a KILLER Amazon Opportunity
1. Selling Price (ideally $9.00 - $40.00)
2. Private Label Potential

Selling Price
Ideally you should settle for products that sell between $9.00 and $40.00
dollars. I personally prefer products around the $20.00 dollar range.
You definitely do not want to go any lower than $9.00 as the profit margin
will be to slim to bother with as Amazon makes their money by charging a
fulfillment fee for doing most of the work for you.
Once you cost in Amazon’s fee, shipping costs and your wholesale costs
your profit margin would be uneconomical considering your own time and
effort spent on the product.

Private Label Potential
Private labeling is essentially taking a product you’ve chosen to sell and
having it re-branded with your own brand by approaching the manufacturing

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source of your product and requesting that they brand the product with your
own logo or brand.
This is a very important part of the ‘7 Steps to Profiting on Amazon’ process
for several reasons.
The first reason is it sets your product apart from other generic products that
other sellers promote in competition, sometimes even the same product from
the same manufacturer.
Private labeling can also help you establish a brand that is recognized which
is important when you sell other products under the same logo, if buyers are
aware of the quality of other products under your brand then they will apply
the same value to this product.
The second reason is the way Amazon features products on their sales

pages. Many sales pages have a section called ‘More Buying Choices’ and
below that they list the number of other sellers who are selling the exact
same product from the same manufacturer.
In the hope of a cheaper price for exactly the same product your potential
buyer may click on this link and find another seller offering a better deal and
you have lost the sale.
When you private label the once generic product under your own logo it
becomes intrinsically yours with your brand without the ‘more buying
choices’ section leeching money from your pocket.

Competing for the Buy Box
At the top right hand side of each product page is the ‘Buy Box’ this framed
box has the ‘Add to Cart’ button for purchasing your product, below it you
will find on many products the title ‘More buying choices’ this means there
are competing sellers selling exactly the same product which is probably
sourced from the same manufacturer.

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The danger in having others selling the same product is they may steal away
your sales. If the customer sees the same product offered for a cheaper price
they may click on one of the ‘More buyer choices’ link and buy from them.
Having a private labeled product avoids this problem as you are exclusively
selling that product under your logo and brand, you command the Buy Box
and there will not be any more buyer choices links under your buy box.

Is Private Labeling Difficult?

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1. No, not for the right products.
A good example of WHAT NOT to private label would be a Smartphone as
a Smartphone has a lot of intellectual property built into it and you do not
want to be caught infringing on other’s intellectual property rights.

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Any product with trademarks or intellectual property rights attached to it is
out of bounds for private labeling.
You should stick to generic, simple products where the manufacturer allows
rebranding under your own logo.

A Good Example to Private Label
A good example of products you can private label are supplements and
vitamins. Many private label supplement manufacturers are only too happy
design a label for your brand or use one you have already had designed.

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Products like plastic bottles of supplements are very small, compact and
light which makes them cheap to ship to your customers.
Small sizes and light weight products are two things to consider when

choosing a product to sell thus cutting down on shipping costs which means
more profit in your pocket.

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Step 2
Profit Margin Example
Here is an example of a fictional supplement product and its cost breakdown
and profit margin.

Profit Margin

$13.00 dollar sell price
Amazon fee: $4.57
Cost price $3.00
Net profit: $4.43
41% margin

A profit margin of 41% is a healthy one which makes such a product ideal to

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To recap you need to look for a product that is an ideal opportunity, that is
selling well already, has private label potential, is preferably a light,
compact and small product for cheaper shipping, is retailing for around
$9.00 - $40.00 dollars and returns a decent profit margin of 30% and over.

FBA Calculator
The FBA Calculator is a free tool set up by Amazon to help you work out
the profit potential of a product.
Just go to Google and type in ‘FBA calculator’ in the search box, click
search and the top result is the link to the calculator.
Follow the link and input your product and follow the simple instructions
and soon you will have your profit margin for that product. Remember a
profit margin of 30% plus is a good margin.

Don’t miss this incredible Amazon Selling Training:

Step 3
Assessing the Amazon Competition
• Look at Amazon competition
• Check it is selling
• Reviews and Best Seller Ranks
Looking at the Amazon competition for most products is quite deceiving as
each category and sub-category seems to offer steep competition for anyone
trying to force their way into the ranks of best sellers.
The competition is actually wide open on Amazon and is nowhere near as
difficult as trying to rank on Google for your products. Most Amazon sellers

using the FBA platform are not taking advantage of the techniques and
methods that you are learning in this eBook.

First we must check if our prospect product is selling well on Amazon, once
we have confirmed it’s selling well for the competition, preferably in the top
100 of the Amazon best seller ranks.

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But even products selling in the top 100 – 500 in a main category on
Amazon are still great prospects because of the incredible volume of buyers
purchasing from Amazon every day.
Then we take our research one stage further.
This is achieved by looking at the number of reviews our prospect product
has accumulated on Amazon.
For clarities sake we will choose this dog grooming tool, the Safari Dematting Comb for Dogs.

Note the retail price is good and when we scroll down to the Product Details
section you will see it is ranked #232 in Pet Supplies which is a pretty
healthy rank considering the many thousands of products in this category.

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Above the best seller rank you will see the Average Customer Review
listing, this particular listing shows 270 customer reviews with an average of
over 4 gold stars out of 5.

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Anything over 100 customer reviews is a little more competitive and at 270
reviews this product is still viable to compete against because with the
added knowledge of this eBook you will be in advantageous position to
A prospect product which exceeds 500 reviews raises a red flag and you
should really avoid going after that product as it will be an uphill battle all
the way.
There is one exception to this rule that is when a brand new product is
released and the competition throughout Amazon only numbers in the single
If there is sudden huge consumer demand and you are one of the lucky ones
to source and start selling your product on Amazon before the rest of the
pack catches up you can make a killing and establish your brand so
completely with Amazon that even when competition catches on, your
ranking will already be firmly established.
This dog grooming tool is a very generic and simple product that you can
emulate easily by sourcing the same type of product and having it private
labeled for your own brand.

Use All 9 Images
You can also notice on the top left of the page they only feature 1 image,
Amazon allows you a total of 9 images for each product page.
Try to use all of the 9 image slots you are allowed by Amazon, buyers
decisions are very much influenced by how the product looks on the page
and using all 9 images will only help to compound the value of your product

in their eyes.

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