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C# in Depth: What you need to master C# 2 and 3 pptx

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C# in Depth

C# in Depth
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For family, friends, colleagues,
and all those who love C#

brief contents
1 ■ The changing face of C# development 3
■ Core foundations: building on C# 1 32
3 ■ Parameterized typing with generics 63
■ Saying nothing with nullable types 112
■ Fast-tracked delegates 137
■ Implementing iterators the easy way 161
■ Concluding C# 2: the final features 183
8 ■ Cutting fluff with a smart compiler 207

■ Lambda expressions and expression trees 230
■ Extension methods 255
■ Query expressions and LINQ to Objects 275
■ LINQ beyond collections 314
■ Elegant code in the new era 352

foreword xvii
preface xix
acknowledgments xxi
about this book xxiii
about the cover illustration xxviii
comments from the tech review xxix
The changing face of C# development 3
1.1 Evolution in action: examples of code change 4
Defining the Product type 5

Sorting products by
name 8

Querying collections 11


an unknown price 13

LINQ and query expressions 14
1.2 A brief history of C# (and related technologies) 18
The world before C# 18

C# and .NET are born 19
Minor updates with .NET 1.1 and the first major step:
.NET 2.0 20

“Next generation” products 21
Historical perspective and the fight for developer
support 22
1.3 The .NET platform 24
Distinguishing between language, runtime, and
libraries 25

Untangling version number chaos 26
1.4 Fully functional code in snippet form 28
Snippets and their expansions 28

Introducing Snippy 30
1.5 Summary 31
Core foundations: building on C# 1 32
2.1 Delegates 33
A recipe for simple delegates 34

Combining and removing
delegates 38

A brief diversion into events 40

of delegates 41
2.2 Type system characteristics 42
C#’s place in the world of type systems 42

When is
C# 1’s type system not rich enough? 45

When does C# 1’s
type system get in the way? 47

Summary of type system
characteristics 48
2.3 Value types and reference types 48
Values and references in the real world 49

Value and reference
type fundamentals 50

Dispelling myths 51

Boxing and
unboxing 53

Summary of value types and reference types 54

2.4 C# 2 and 3: new features on a solid base 54
Features related to delegates 54

Features related to the type
system 56

Features related to value types 58
2.5 Summary 59
Parameterized typing with generics 63
3.1 Why generics are necessary 64
3.2 Simple generics for everyday use 65
Learning by example: a generic dictionary 66

types and type parameters 67

Generic methods and
reading generic declarations 71
3.3 Beyond the basics 74
Type constraints 75

Type inference for type arguments
of generic methods 79

Implementing generics 81
3.4 Advanced generics 85

Static fields and static constructors 86

How the JIT compiler
handles generics 88

Generic iteration 90

Reflection and
generics 92
3.5 Generic collection classes in .NET 2.0 96
List<T> 96

Dictionary<TKey,TValue> 99
Queue<T> and Stack<T> 100

TValue> and SortedDictionary<TKey,TValue> 101
LinkedList<T> 101
3.6 Limitations of generics in C# and other languages 102
Lack of covariance and contravariance 103

of operator constraints or a “numeric” constraint 106
Lack of generic properties, indexers, and other member
types 108

Comparison with C++ templates 108
Comparison with Java generics 110
3.7 Summary 111

Saying nothing with nullable types 112
4.1 What do you do when you just don’t have a value? 113
Why value type variables can’t be null 113

for representing null values in C# 1 114
4.2 System.Nullable<T> and System.Nullable 115
Introducing Nullable<T> 116

Boxing and
unboxing 118

Equality of Nullable<T>
instances 119

Support from the nongeneric
Nullable class 119
4.3 C# 2’s syntactic sugar for nullable types 120
The ? modifier 121

Assigning and comparing with
null 122

Nullable conversions and operators 124
Nullable logic 127

The null coalescing operator 128
4.4 Novel uses of nullable types 131
Trying an operation without using output
parameters 131

Painless comparisons with the null
coalescing operator 133

Summary 136
Fast-tracked delegates 137
5.1 Saying goodbye to awkward delegate syntax 138
5.2 Method group conversions 140
5.3 Covariance and contravariance 141
5.4 Inline delegate actions with anonymous methods 144
Starting simply: acting on a parameter 145

values from anonymous methods 147

Ignoring delegate
parameters 149
5.5 Capturing variables in anonymous methods 150
Defining closures and different types of variables 151
Examining the behavior of captured variables 152

What’s the
point of captured variables? 153

The extended lifetime of
captured variables 154

Local variable instantiations 155
Mixtures of shared and distinct variables 157

variable guidelines and summary 158
5.6 Summary 160
Implementing iterators the easy way 161
6.1 C# 1: the pain of handwritten iterators 162
6.2 C# 2: simple iterators with yield statements 165
Introducing iterator blocks and yield return 165

an iterator’s workflow 167

Advanced iterator execution
flow 169

Quirks in the implementation 172
6.3 Real-life example: iterating over ranges 173
Iterating over the dates in a timetable 173

Scoping the Range
class 174

Implementation using iterator blocks 175
6.4 Pseudo-synchronous code with the Concurrency and
Coordination Runtime 178
6.5 Summary 181

Concluding C# 2: the final features 183
7.1 Partial types 184
Creating a type with multiple files 185

Uses of partial
types 186

Partial methods—C# 3 only! 188
7.2 Static classes 190
7.3 Separate getter/setter property access 192
7.4 Namespace aliases 193
Qualifying namespace aliases 194

The global namespace
alias 195

Extern aliases 196
7.5 Pragma directives 197
Warning pragmas 197

Checksum pragmas 198
7.6 Fixed-size buffers in unsafe code 199
7.7 Exposing internal members to selected assemblies 201
Friend assemblies in the simple case 201

Why use
InternalsVisibleTo? 202

InternalsVisibleTo and signed
assemblies 203
7.8 Summary 204
Cutting fluff with a smart compiler 207
8.1 Automatically implemented properties 208
8.2 Implicit typing of local variables 210
Using var to declare a local variable 211

on implicit typing 212

Pros and cons of implicit
typing 213

Recommendations 214
8.3 Simplified initialization 215
Defining our sample types 215

Setting simple properties 216
Setting properties on embedded objects 218

initializers 218

Uses of initialization features 221
8.4 Implicitly typed arrays 223
8.5 Anonymous types 224
First encounters of the anonymous kind 224

of anonymous types 226

Projection initializers 226
What’s the point? 227
8.6 Summary 228
Lambda expressions and expression trees 230
9.1 Lambda expressions as delegates 232
Preliminaries: introducing the Func<…> delegate types 232
First transformation to a lambda expression 232

Using a
single expression as the body 234

Implicitly typed parameter
lists 234

Shortcut for a single parameter 234
9.2 Simple examples using List<T> and events 235
Filtering, sorting, and actions on lists 236

Logging in
an event handler 237
9.3 Expression trees 238
Building expression trees programmatically 239

Compiling expression
trees into delegates 240

Converting C# lambda expressions to
expression trees 241

Expression trees at the heart of LINQ 244
9.4 Changes to type inference and overload resolution 245
Reasons for change: streamlining generic method
calls 246

Inferred return types of anonymous
functions 247

Two-phase type inference 248
Picking the right overloaded method 251
Wrapping up type inference and overload resolution 253
9.5 Summary 253
Extension methods 255
10.1 Life before extension methods 256
10.2 Extension method syntax 258
Declaring extension methods 258

extension methods 259

How extension methods
are found 261

Calling a method on a null
reference 262
10.3 Extension methods in .NET 3.5 263
First steps with Enumerable 263

Filtering with
Where, and chaining method calls together 265

using the Select method and anonymous types 266

using the OrderBy method 267

Business examples
involving chaining 269
10.4 Usage ideas and guidelines 270
“Extending the world” and making interfaces richer 270
Fluent interfaces 271

Using extension methods
sensibly 272
10.5 Summary 274
Query expressions and LINQ to Objects 275
11.1 Introducing LINQ 276
What’s in a name? 276

Fundamental concepts in
LINQ 277

Defining the sample data model 282
11.2 Simple beginnings: selecting elements 283
Starting with a source and ending with a selection 283
Compiler translations as the basis of query expressions 284
Range variables and nontrivial projections 287
Cast, OfType, and explicitly typed range variables 289
11.3 Filtering and ordering a sequence 290
Filtering using a where clause 290

Degenerate query
expressions 291

Ordering using an orderby clause 292
11.4 Let clauses and transparent identifiers 294
Introducing an intermediate computation with let 295
Transparent identifiers 296
11.5 Joins 297
Inner joins using join clauses 297

Group joins with
join … into clauses 301

Cross joins using multiple
from clauses 303
11.6 Groupings and continuations 307
Grouping with the group … by clause 307

continuations 310
11.7 Summary 313
LINQ beyond collections 314
12.1 LINQ to SQL 315
Creating the defect database and entities 315

Populating the
database with sample data 318

Accessing the database with
query expressions 319

Updating the database 324

SQL summary 325
12.2 Translations using IQueryable and IQueryProvider 326
Introducing IQueryable<T> and related interfaces 326

it: interface implementations to log calls 328

Gluing expressions
together: the Queryable extension methods 330

The fake query
provider in action 332

Wrapping up IQueryable 333
12.3 LINQ to DataSet 334
Working with untyped datasets 334

Working with typed
datasets 335
12.4 LINQ to XML 338
XElement and XAttribute 338

Converting sample defect data
into XML 340

Queries in LINQ to XML 341

XML summary 343
12.5 LINQ beyond .NET 3.5 344
Third-party LINQ 344

Future Microsoft LINQ technologies 348
12.6 Summary 350
Elegant code in the new era 352
13.1 The changing nature of language preferences 353
A more functional emphasis 353

Static, dynamic, implicit,
explicit, or a mixture? 354

13.2 Delegation as the new inheritance 355
13.3 Readability of results over implementation 356
13.4 Life in a parallel universe 357
13.5 Farewell 358
appendix LINQ standard query operators 359
index 371

There are two kinds of pianists.
There are some pianists who play not because they enjoy it, but because their par-
ents force them to take lessons. Then there are those who play the piano because it
pleases them to create music. They don’t need to be forced; on the contrary, they
sometimes don’t know when to stop.
Of the latter kind, there are some who play the piano as a hobby. Then there are
those who play for a living. That requires a whole new level of dedication, skill, and tal-
ent. They may have some degree of freedom about what genre of music they play and
the stylistic choices they make in playing it, but fundamentally those choices are
driven by the needs of the employer or the tastes of the audience.

Of the latter kind, there are some who do it primarily for the money. Then there
are those professionals who would want to play the piano in public even if they weren’t
being paid. They enjoy using their skills and talents to make music for others. That
they can have fun and get paid for it is so much the better.
Of the latter kind, there are some who are self-taught, who “play by ear,” who
might have great talent and ability but cannot communicate that intuitive understand-
ing to others except through the music itself. Then there are those who have formal
training in both theory and practice. They can explain what techniques the composer
used to achieve the intended emotional effect, and use that knowledge to shape their
interpretation of the piece.
Of the latter kind, there are some who have never looked inside their pianos. Then
there are those who are fascinated by the clever escapements that lift the damper felts
a fraction of a second before the hammers strike the strings. They own key levelers
and capstan wrenches. They take delight and pride in being able to understand the
mechanisms of an instrument that has five to ten thousand moving parts.
Of the latter kind, there are some who are content to master their craft and exer-
cise their talents for the pleasure and profit it brings. Then there are those who are
not just artists, theorists, and technicians; somehow they find the time to pass that
knowledge on to others as mentors.
I have no idea if Jon Skeet is any kind of pianist. But from my email conversations
with him as one of the C# team’s Most Valuable Professionals over the years, from
reading his blog and from reading every word of this book at least three times, it has
become clear to me that Jon is that latter kind of software developer: enthusiastic,
knowledgeable, talented, curious and analytical—a teacher of others.
C# is a highly pragmatic and rapidly evolving language. Through the addition of
query comprehensions, richer type inference, a compact syntax for anonymous func-
tions, and so on, I hope that we have enabled a whole new style of programming while
still staying true to the statically typed, component-oriented approach that has made

C# a success.
Many of these new stylistic elements have the paradoxical quality of feeling very
old (lambda expressions go back to the foundations of computer science in the first
half of the twentieth century) and yet at the same time feeling new and unfamiliar to
developers used to a more modern object-oriented approach.
Jon gets all that. This book is ideal for professional developers who have a need to
understand the “what” and “how” of the latest revision to C#. But it is also for those
developers whose understanding is enriched by exploring the “why” of the language’s
design principles.
Being able to take advantage of all that new power will require new ways of think-
ing about data, functions, and the relationship between them. It’s not unlike trying to
play jazz after years of classical training—or vice versa. Either way, I am looking for-
ward to finding out what sorts of functional compositions the next generation of C#
programmers come up with. Happy composing, and thanks for choosing the key of
C# to do it in.

Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft
I have a sneaking suspicion that many authors have pretty much stumbled into writing
books. That’s certainly true in my case. I’ve been writing about Java and C# on the
Web and in newsgroups for a long time, but the leap from that to the printed page is
quite a large one. From my perspective, it’s been an “anti-Lemony Snicket”—a series
of fortunate events.
I’ve been reviewing books for various publishers, including Manning, for a while. In
April 2006 I asked whether it would be
OK to write a blog entry on a book that looked
particularly promising: PowerShell in Action. In the course of the ensuing conversation,
I somehow managed to end up on the author team for Groovy in Action. I owe a huge

debt of thanks to my wife for even allowing me to agree to this—which makes her
sound like a control freak until you understand we were expecting twins at the time,
and she had just gone into the hospital. It wasn’t an ideal time to take on extra work,
but Holly was as supportive as she’s always been.
Contributing to the Groovy book took a lot of hard work, but the writing bug
firmly hit me during the process. When talking with the principal author, Dierk
König, I realized that I wanted to take on that role myself one day. So, when I heard
later that Manning was interested in publishing a book about C#3, I started writing a
proposal right away.
My relationship with C# itself goes further back. I started using it in 2002, and
have kept up with it ever since. I haven’t been using it professionally for all that
time—I’ve been flitting back and forth between C# and Java, depending on what my
employers wanted for the projects I was working on. However, I’ve never let my inter-
est in it drop, posting on the newsgroups and developing code at home. Although I
didn’t start using C#2 until Visual Studio 2005 was close to release, I’ve tracked C#3
more closely.
While watching the gradual emergence of C#3, I’ve also been watching the devel-
oper reaction to C#2—and I think people are missing out. The adoption rate of C#2
has been quite slow for various reasons, but where it is being used, I believe its full
potential isn’t being realized. I want to fix that.
The proposal I made to Manning was narrow in focus, but deep in scope. My mis-
sion is a simple one: to take existing C#1 developers and turn them into confident
and competent C#2 and 3 developers who understand the language at a deep level. At
the time of this writing, I don’t know of any other books that have a similar explicit
aim. I’m immensely grateful to Manning for allowing me to write the book I really
wanted to, without interfering and forcing it down a more conventional path. At the
same time, the folks at Manning expertly guided the book and made it much more
useful than it would have been otherwise.

I tried to write the book that I would want to read when learning C#2 and 3. To that
extent, I think I’ve succeeded. Whether that means it’s a book that anyone else will want
to read remains to be seen—but if you, the reader, have even a fraction of the enjoy-
ment when reading it that I’ve had writing it, you’re in for a good time.
I had a wonderful time writing this book, which is largely due to the skill and dedica-
tion of the people who worked with me on it and the patience of the people who put
up with me. Those who fall into both camps are virtuous beyond words.
My family has borne the brunt of the time I spent writing when I should have been
playing, sleeping, or just being more sociable. My wife Holly has been more support-
ive than I have any right to expect, and I’m both proud and slightly disturbed that the
eyes of my sons Tom, William, and Robin light up as soon as a laptop is opened.
As well as the formal peer reviewers listed in a moment, I would like to mention
Emma Middlebrook and Douglas Leeder, both of whom read significant portions of
the original manuscript before it even reached my editor. Emma has the remarkable
bad luck of having had to cope not only with reviewing my writing but also with work-
ing with me on a daily basis. Douglas freed himself from that drudgery a while ago,
but was still kind enough to suggest improvements to the book without even knowing
C#. You’re both dear friends, and I thank you for that even more than for your efforts
on the book.
The folks at Manning have been supportive right from the start—particularly
Jackie Carter’s original work with me, as well as Mike Stephens’ help at a high level
throughout the process and Jeff Bleiel’s constant support and diligent editing. Liz
Welch performed the near-impossible trick of making the copyediting process fun for
both of us, and Karen Tegtmeyer kept me relatively sane during nail-biting peer
reviews. These are only the people I got to know reasonably well during the last year;
many other people were involved in the project, doing marvelous things: there’s the
production team of Gordan Salinovic, Dottie Marsico, Tiffany Taylor, Katie Tennant,
and Mary Piergies; cover designer Leslie Haimes; webmaster Gabriel Dobrescu, mar-

keting director Ron Tomich, and last but not least, publisher Marjan Bace.
The aforementioned peer reviewers are a picky bunch. There’s no doubt in my
mind that my life would have been easier without them—it’s really you, the reader,
who should thank them for a much better end result in the book that you are now
reading. They pushed, prodded, pulled, commented, questioned, and generally made
thorough nuisances of themselves—which is exactly what they were asked to do—as
they read the manuscript in its many iterations. So on your behalf I thank Dave
Corun, Anil Radhakrishna, Riccardo Audano, Will Morse, Christopher Haupt, Robin
Shahan, Mark Seeman, Peter A. Bromberg, Fabio Angius, Massimo Perga, Chris Mul-
JD Conley, Marc Gravell, Ross Bradbury, Andrew Seimer, Alex Thissen, Keith J.
Farmer, Fabrice Marguerie, Josh Cronemeyer, and Anthony Jones.
I’ve been very fortunate over the years to make acquaintances (both online and in
person) with many people who are far smarter than I am, and I consulted some of
them for pieces of information in this book. For keeping my facts straight, I’d like to
thank Jon Jagger, Nigel Perry, Prashant Sridharan, Dan Fernandez, Tony Goodhew,
Simon Tatham, Ben Voigt, and George Chrysanthakopoulos.
Finally, I need to thank the C# team. As well as creating such a fantastic language
to write about, they were incredibly responsive to my questions. I don’t know what’s
coming in C#4 (beyond the hints on blogs about possible features) or even a very
rough timescale for it, but I wish the team the very best of luck.
I’d like to pay special tribute to Eric Lippert, first for being willing to enter into
detailed conversations about all kinds of topics while I was writing the initial manu-
script, and then for acting as the technical reviewer for the book, and finally for agree-
ing to write the foreword. I couldn’t have asked for a more knowledgable and
thorough reviewer—Eric is about as close to being the C# specification in human
form as you can get! He’s also a great source of trivia and recommendations on cod-
ing style. Many of the comments Eric made when reviewing the book didn’t impact

the text directly, but are pure gold nonetheless. Rather than keeping them to myself,
I’ve incorporated them into the notes on the book’s website. Think of them as the lit-
erary equivalent of a
DVD commentary track.
about this book
This is a book about C#2 and 3—it’s as simple as that. I barely cover C#1, and only cover
the .
NET Framework libraries and Common Language Runtime (CLR) when they’re
related to the language. This is a deliberate decision, and the result is quite a different
book from most of the C# and .
NET books I’ve seen.
By assuming a reasonable amount of knowledge of C#1, I avoided spending hun-
dreds of pages covering material that I think most people already understand. That
gave me much more room to expand on the details of C#2 and 3, which is what I hope
you’re reading the book for.
I believe that many developers would be less frustrated with their work if they had
a deeper connection with the language they’re writing in. I know it sounds geeky in the
extreme to talk about having a “relationship” with a programming language, but that’s
the best way I can describe it. This book is my attempt to help you achieve that sort of
understanding, or deepen it further. It won’t be enough on its own—it should be a
companion to your coding, guiding you and suggesting some interesting avenues to
explore, as well as explaining why your code behaves the way it does.
Who should read this book?
During the course of the multiple rounds of reviewing this book underwent as I was
writing it, one comment worried me more than most: “This is a book for C# experts.”
That was never the intention, and I hope that (partly thanks to that honest feedback)
it’s not an accurate reflection of who will get the most out of this book.
I don’t particularly want to write for experts. Aside from anything else, I’ve got less
to offer experts than I have “intermediate” developers. I want to write for people who

want to become experts. That’s what this book is about. If you feel passionately about
computing, but happen not to have studied C#2 or 3 in much detail, this book is
aimed squarely at you. If you want to immerse yourself in C# until it’s part of your
bloodstream, then I’d feel honored to be the one to push you under. If you feel frus-
trated when you arrive at working code, but don’t quite know why it works, I want to
help you to understand.
Having said all that, this book is not meant for complete beginners. If you haven’t
used C#1 before, you’ll find this book very hard work. That doesn’t mean it won’t be
useful to you—but please go and find a book (or at least a tutorial) on C#1 before you
go much further. The first chapter will tease you with the joys of C#2 and 3, but you
won’t be able to appreciate them if you’re worrying about how variables are declared
and where the semicolons go.
I’m not going to claim that reading this book will make you a fabulous coder.
There’s so much more to software engineering than knowing the syntax of the lan-
guage you happen to be using. I give some words of guidance here and there, but ulti-
mately there’s a lot more gut instinct in development than most of us would like to
admit. What I will claim is that if you read and understand this book, you should feel
comfortable with C#2 and 3, and free to follow your instincts without too much appre-
hension. It’s not about being able to write code that no one else will understand
because it uses unknown corners of the language: it’s about being confident that you
know the options available to you, and know which path the C# idioms are encourag-
ing you to follow.
The book’s structure is simple. There are three parts and a single appendix. The first
part serves as an introduction, including a refresher on topics in C#1 that are impor-
tant for understanding C#2 and 3, and that are often misunderstood. The second part
covers the new features in C#2. The third part covers the new features in C#3.
There are occasions where organizing the material this way means we come back

to a topic a couple of times—in particular delegates are improved in C#2 and then
again in C#3—but there is method in my madness. I anticipate that a number of read-
ers will initially only be using C#2 for the bulk of their professional work, but with an
interest in learning C#3 for new projects and hobbies. That means that it is useful to
clarify what is in which version. It also provides a feeling of context and evolution—it
shows how the language has developed over time.
Chapter 1 sets the scene by taking a simple piece of C#1 code and evolving it, see-
ing how C#2 and 3 allow the source to become more readable and powerful. We look
at the historical context in which C# has grown, and the technical context in which it
operates as part of a complete platform: C# as a language builds on framework librar-
ies and a powerful runtime to turn abstraction into reality.
Chapter 2 looks back at C#1, and three specific aspects: delegates, the type system
characteristics, and the differences between value types and reference types. These
