dim light (akin to bright moonlight) throughout the
region, which is profoundly unsettling to those within. All
creatures within this light suffer a –4 penalty on all Will
saving throws.
Fissures At the start of each round, a fissure opens in the
ground at a point chosen by Gobogeg along the path
of its burrowing movement. This fissure is 50 feet long,
10 feet wide, and 100 feet deep. It inflicts 20d6 points
of damage to any structure in the area and destroys
structures completely engulfed by the area. Creatures in
the area can avoid falling into the fissure with a successful
Reflex save. At the end of the round, the fissure closes
violently, inflicting 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage
to any creature still within the fissure and burying them
Moon Ladder Upon reaching influence stage 4, Gobogeg
becomes immobile as it fully manifests in reality,
emerging from the ground at the center of its area
of influence as a towering mass of earth and heaving
flesh—an incarnation of the Great Old One known as
the Moon Ladder. When the Moon Ladder manifests, it
does so in a 15-foot-square space but towers 100 feet
into the sky. The Moon Ladder becomes the influence’s
proxy at this point, and damage must be inflicted directly
to it rather than to any point in the area of influence. A
beam of light spirals up and out of the creature into the
heavens above and the ground surrounding Gobogeg
in a 600-foot radius suffers the effects of a constant
earthquake spell (CL 20th). In addition to earthquake
dangers, any creature within this area must make a
successful Reflex save at the start of its turn or be caught
within a secondary beam of this light. If this occurs, the
target must make a successful Will save or take 3d6 points
of Charisma drain. A creature drained to 0 Charisma by
this effect is instantly removed from existence (creatures
killed in this way can only be restored to life via miracle,
true resurrection, or wish). At the end of each round,
there is a cumulative 1% chance that the Moon Ladder
completes its task and wrenches out a massive portion
of the world equal to the area of its current influence and
hurls it into the heavens to create a new moon in the sky
above. This ends Gobogeg’s influence, but devastates the
planet itself and may cause an extinction-level event at
the GM’s discretion.
Gobogeg is a not-yet-existing entity that becomes
reality when properly summoned. At that time, it
snakes forth from the body of the world, and becomes
what is known as the “Elder Pharos” (its tall form
looks like a lighthouse and it is a warning to all) as
well as the “Moon-Ladder” (for it is about to cause the
rupture and fission of the world). If Gobogeg is allowed
to fester unchecked, the ultimate result is that the
continent upon which Gobogeg formed will literally
shatter forth from the world and spin off into space,
forming a new moon. Gobogeg will then be the god of
that new moon, leaving a devastated planet in its wake.
The Gobogeg Seed
When Gobogeg is evoked, it becomes a living sentient
creature, but it is only a potentiality until then. It
cannot be summoned just anywhere. The "Gobogegseed" must already be present. (Earth has had at least
two such seeds: one resulted in the Moon forming in
the distant past from the Pacific basin, and the other
will one day cause Antarctica's fission. Unknowable
numbers of other planetary satellites could be the result
of such a seed.)
The process of the rupture covers the entire surface
of the planet with molten rock, exterminating all
physical life. Gobogeg is therefore also called the God
of the World’s End. Fortunately, Gobogeg manifests
early in the process and can be noticed as it begins to
take form. Though it may soon destroy the world (the
time frame can be vary—it could take an hour, a week,
or a year, depending on the situation), there is still time
for adventurers to thwart Gobogeg before the process
is complete.
Should Gobogeg ever be properly summoned, the
final stage is for it to emerge from its prison with such
force that its continent is blasted off of the planet to
create a new moon. By this time, Gobogeg will be so
massive and the power it exudes from its lidless eye so
immense that it will be visible from light-years away.
Gobogeg will then align the planet’s moon(s) and other
nearby stars and planets to create a Moon Ladder.
Gobogeg's primary purpose is to absorb enough
energy from the planet and its inhabitants in order