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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 164

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Mythos Items and Artifacts

to cast a ritual, but sometimes the book can be used as
an optional focus component for the ritual.

Books of the Mythos
Adventurers and investigators can find and research
the following books.

This work is an ancient text from a far away land, which
contains “unwelcome truths”—cosmic revelations
inimical to any human mind, which the Book tries to
reconcile. As such, it describes accounts of mental and
physical rites which are protective to mortals, as well as
otherworldly threats and how to deal with them.
Anyone who casts bard spells can research the spell
contrary melody in this book to learn it in place of a 5thlevel spell known.
Price 2,765 gp (1,125 gp without rituals and spells)
Complexity 20; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, and planes)
and Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +2
3rd—secret mouth
4th—protective aura
3rd—impossible arithmetic
5th—contrary melody

Written by the antediluvian wizard Eibon, this is one
of the strangest and rarest books on the Mythos. It
contains accounts of the many deeds and events of
Eibon’s life, as well as those of his contemporaries in
ancient Hyperborea, but also recounts his oft-fearsome
and compelling prophecies. Eibon traveled to distant
worlds, dealt with Tsathoggua face-to-face, and
wielded powers so impressive they have lingered in lore
and occult tales for tens of thousands of years.
Price 3,690 gp (1,600 gp without rituals and spells)
Complexity 25; Shock 17

Skills Knowledge (geography and history) and Profession
(Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +3 (untrained)
3rd—contact formless spawn, create Elder Sign
5th—bind byakhee, call byakhee
1st—lethargy of Tsathoggua
3rd—sign of Eibon
5th—transport to Yondo, Voorish sign
9th—cursed slumber

This was originally a bundle of transcripts written by
Dr. Laban Shrewsbury, who claimed to have visited
the fabled library of Celaeno in a distant star system.
It contains notes about the library itself, other works

that are found there, and what Shrewsbury calls the
“pantheon” of Outer Gods. Most scholars view the
Fragments as an attempt by Shrewsbury to apply logic
to the horror and chaos of the universe. But in this
attempt, many useful truths are brought to light that
test the limits of mortal perception.
Anyone who casts bard spells can research the spell
pipes of madness in this book to learn it in place of a
6th-level spell known.
Price 3,020 gp (400 gp without spells)
Complexity 16; Shock 13
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering and religion) and
Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +1
3rd—song of Hastur
6th—pipes of madness
7th—hibernation of Ithaqua

Written by the Comte d’Erlette several centuries ago,
this work has two main thrusts. In part, it discusses the
structure and beliefs of cults that worship Great Old
Ones and Outer Gods, though in a rather general way.
Second, it is a work of the deadliest black magic—a
grimoire that contains all necessary information for
performing a wide variety of rituals and magic effects.

