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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 165

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Its greatest weakness is that it has few dismissal or
protective effects: its focus seems to be upon the
sending of dangerous creatures to an enemy and spells
that harm others.
Price 7,200 gp (1,600 gp without rituals and spells)
Complexity 28; Shock 19
Skills Knowledge (arcana and religion) and Profession (YogSothothery philosopher); Bonus +4
3rd—inscribe the Yellow Sign
7th—acid blood curse, bind dimensional shambler, call
dimensional shambler
8th—obscene fertility rites of Shub-Niggurath
9th—avatar of the Black Goat with a thousand young
5th—shriek of the byakhee
6th—consume likeness, melt flesh
9th—ferox, tsunami

These fragmentary writings were found in an early
Triassic strata on Earth. Two discoveries of the shards
were made, in different locations. One consisted of 23
separate tablets, while the second discovery was of 42
tablets, seven of which were common to the first find.
Most of the individual shards are incomplete and some
are fragmentary in the extreme. Though discovered
from an era in which the great race of Yith ruled that
planet, the Eltdown Shards seem to have been written
by an enemy of the Yith. They contain information on
many pre-human and long-lived races and entities, as
well as extensive lore on the nature and weaknesses of

the Great Race.
Price 1,670 gp (500 gp without ritual and spells)
Complexity 18; Shock 14
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering, history, and nature)
and Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +1
8th—contact Ithaqua
1st—mist of R'lyeh
4th—enlightenment of the Blind Idiot God


6th—wave of oblivion

This fabled play might have been penned by the King
himself. It has two acts and is rarely performed. The
first act is simple, almost banal, while the second
act is of unearthly, poisonous beauty that enthralls
the mind and soul. Anyone reading it for the first
time must make two DC 25 Will saving throws. If
the first save fails, the reader gains a major insanity,
becoming obsessed with seeking out and serving the
King in Yellow. If the second save fails, the reader gains
another insanity, generally psychosis. While the play
does provide indirect clues about the King in Yellow,
Hastur, and their interests, it is usually deemed far too
dangerous to read. Readers of this play usually draw

the attention of the King and his minions, who might
quickly appear. On those rare occasions when the play
is performed on stage, the entire audience is exposed as
if they had read the play and must make Will saves as
described above.
Price — cultists of the King in Yellow and/or Hastur might
pay up to 30,000 gp for a complete copy in legible
Complexity 25; Shock 25
Skills Knowledge (religion) and Profession (Yog-Sothothery
philosopher); Bonus +3 (untrained)

This is hands-down the most famous and most lethal of
all the ancient books. The original version was penned
by Abd al-Azrad, and is also known as Kitab al-Azif. It
always contains specific sections about the following:
‘‘ Creatures that live beyond the
threshold of material space
‘‘ Information on other planes of existence
‘‘ Formulae for resurrecting the dead, opening gates
to other dimensions, and performing dark rituals
