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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 167

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Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering and history) and
Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +3
4th—green decay
9th—mimic form of Nyarlathotep

Written in approximately 11,000 BCE on distant
Earth, the R’lyeh Text deals most extensively with the
deep ones, Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, Great
Cthulhu and his starspawn, and so forth. Other related
beings (such as Ghatanothoa) are also described, albeit
in less detail. It contains prophecies, some of which
were long ago fulfilled (such as the sinking of Mu), and
others which have not yet been fulfilled (such as the
rising of R’lyeh, and the unleashing of the otherwiseunknown Thing That Waits in Darkness).
Price 1,380 gp (400 gp without rituals and spells)
Complexity 19; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (dungeoneering and history) and
Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +2
2nd—contact deep ones
5th—call of Cthulhu
2nd—kiss of Dagon
6th—dream sending of Cthulhu
7th—curse of Yig

These are ancient scrolls penned by Hsan the Greater

over two thousand years ago. Each book has a different
topic and contains discussions and instructions
to execute spells and rituals related to that topic.
Successfully researching one of the Cryptical Book
applies a boon to a particular spell or ritual. Generally,
the spell or ritual must be of a level lower than the
highest-level spell (not ritual) the researcher can cast.
Changing which spell the boon applies to requires
researching the book again. Some editions of these
books also contain spells of the relevant type.


The books are most often found individually, rather
than as a group, and there is a legend of an eighth
Cryptical Book, which is the rarest and most powerful.

This book discusses the works of the Yellow Emperor
and his amazing medicinal abilities. It improves spells
dealing with resurrection and life. The researcher adds
1/2 their caster level to the hit points restored by a
chosen spell with the healing descriptor.
Price 5,800 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Heal, Knowledge (arcana and nature); Bonus +2

This book covers cannibalism, necrophagy, and the
disposal of corpses. It improves spells dealing with

ghouls, wamps (Dreamlands rivals of the ghouls), and
other scavenger-beings. The researcher adds 2 to the
DC of a chosen spell when it targets any scavenger.
Price 5,400 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (arcana and dungeoneering); Bonus +2

This book is on entities of the air. It improves spells
for flying beings such as byakhee or hunting horrors.
The researcher increases the fly speed of any creature
conjured or targeted by a chosen spell by 10 feet. When
the researcher casts a spell to conjure or control such
a creature, that creature takes a -1 penalty on saves to
resist the spell.
Price 5,500 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (arcana and dungeoneering) and
Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +2

This book examines entities of the earth and
subterranean areas. It improves spells for bholes, gugs,
and other burrowing beings. The researcher increases
the burrow speed of any creature with a burrow speed
conjured or targeted by a chosen spell by 10 feet. When
