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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 168

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Mythos Items and Artifacts

the researcher casts a spell to conjure or control such
a creature, that creature takes a -1 penalty on saves to

Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (religion) and Profession (Yog-Sothothery
philosopher); Bonus +2

resist the spell.
Price 5,400 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Knowledge (arcana and dungeoneering); Bonus +2

This book lists entities of time and other dimensions.
It contains spells for conjuring up hounds of tindalos
as well as a pharmacopeia of drugs that allows users to
glimpse other times and to survive space travel. The
researcher doubles the duration of a spell that modifies
time or conjures a creature separated from time's
normal flow.
Price 5,840 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Craft (alchemy), Knowledge (geography), Profession
(Yog-Sothothery philosopher); Bonus +2
Item Instructions Plutonian drug

This book explains the plateaus of Leng and Kadath,
as well as their histories and inhabitants. It includes the
formulae for gates that lead to these areas and also to
the Dreamlands. The researcher adds 2 to the DC of
the chosen spell when it targets a creature from Leng
or Kadath.
Price 5,940 gp
Complexity 21; Shock 15
Skills Craft (technology), Knowledge (engineering, history,
and planes), and Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher);
Bonus +2
Item Instructions gate (Kadath and Leng)

This book is devoted to the general pantheon of
Mythos gods, focusing especially on Nyarlathotep and
Azathoth. It invents a very bureaucratic organization
for these deities. The researcher adds 2 to their caster
level for a chosen spell associated with Nyarlathotep
and Azathoth.
Price 5,400 gp

Written by Ludvig Prinn, an ancient alchemist and
necromancer who was burnt, De Vermis Mysteriis is
an eldritch and bizarre spellbook. Its pages are full
of spells and rituals that summon strange entities,
familiars, and creatures from beyond space and time. It
also has a number of rituals for contacting and dealing
with Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, and their minions.

A witch can research each of the spells command of
the bloody tongue, implant dark young, remortification,
and shrivel in this book to teach it to her familiar.
Price 10,785 gp (3,125 gp without rituals and spells)
Complexity 27; Shock 18
Skills Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, and planes) and
Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher);
Bonus +4 (untrained)
2nd—call servitor of the Elder Gods
5th—dragon ascending, dragon descending, essential
7th—the Red Sign
8th—call hunting horror
9th—call Azathoth
4th—command of the bloody tongue, remortification
6th—implant dark young
9th—temporal energy nexus

Also nicknamed “The Black Book,” this work is most
concerned with the history and nature of cults of the
Great Old Ones and the Outer Gods, including their
organization, beliefs, ceremonial practices, areas of
operation. Many extinct cults are described, but also
many active ones. Some spells and rituals are here, as
well as information on matters like where the corpses
of ancient, once-worshiped alien beings are interred.

