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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 175

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Aura overwhelming conjuration; CL 21st; Slot head;
Weight 2 lbs.

Lesser pallid masks are masks that have been shed from
the original Pallid Mask (see page 258) and retain
some of its cosmic power. The wearer of a lesser pallid
mask gains a +4 bonus on Perception checks and all
Knowledge checks. In addition, creatures do not
notice the wearer's presence unless the wearer interacts
with them personally. Even attacks by apparent allies
against the wearer do not alert enemies to the presence
of the wearer. This is a mind-affecting abjuration
effect similar to hide from animals, though the effect
is not restricted to animals. An observer can notice the
wearer normally by means other than vision, hearing,
and scent.
What is the truth that the
Pallid Mask hides?
There are no truths in Carcosa.


A lesser pallid mask can be destroyed by wearing it in a
zone of truth while in the presence of the King in Yellow
as he speaks a secret truth.

Aura strong transmutation and conjuration; CL 12th; Slot

—; Weight 5 lbs.

This jagged green stone slab looks like it's a part of
takes 1d6 points of damage. A successful Fortitude
saving throw against DC 10 + number of stored fatigue
points reduces the damage by half.

entities closely associated with the Cthulhu Mythos at
the GM's discretion) within 50 feet of the fragment
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and a

Cost 7,500 gp; Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ray
of exhaustion

+1d6 morale bonus on weapon damage rolls.

Minor Artifacts

together and bound in a special ritual known to few,

As is normally the case for minor artifacts, the following
artifacts are not unique. No one alive today possesses
the knowledge or means to create them and they are
almost impossible to destroy, except by the indicated
method. Due to their rarity, they are often considered
priceless and are jealously guarded by cultists or wizards
who acquire them.


a strange puzzle. Any aquatic aberration (and other

Once all the pieces of the R’lyeh Disk have been put
the complete disk can be used to awaken Cthulhu. He
is not under the awakener's control.

A R'lyeh Disk fragment can be destroyed by inscribing
an Elder Sign (see page 137) on it with the blood of a
starspawn (see page 385).
