IX Mythos Bestiary
activate your lure no more often than once per hour,
Talons: Your fingers have talons. You gain two
but once activated, it stays activated until you choose
claw primary natural attacks, which inflict damage
to deactivate it as a move action.
as appropriate for a creature of your size (1d4 for a
Overwhelming Bite: Your face is similar to that of
a shark. You gain a bite primary natural attack that
Medium creature). If you don’t normally possess arms,
you grow a pair of arms and taloned hands.
inflicts damage as a creature of your size (1d6 for a
Webbed Hands: Your fingers become webbed. You
Medium creature). You cannot select this mutation if
gain a swim speed equal to half your base speed. If you
you have already selected precise bite.
already possess a swim speed, it increases by 10 feet.
Precise Bite: Your face is similar to that of a barracuda.
You gain a bite primary natural attack that inflicts
If you don’t normally possess arms, you grow a pair of
arms and webbed hands.
damage as a creature of one size smaller than your size
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each
(1d4 for a Medium creature), but you threaten a critical
time you select it, you must choose a different mutation
hit on a 19–20. You cannot select this mutation if you
from the list above.
have already selected overwhelming bite.
If your Constitution is ever reduced below the
Primordial Armor: Your body gains thick armor
minimum required to maintain this feat, you lose the
plating similar to that possessed by prehistoric fish like
ability to benefit from your mutations but they remain
the dunkleosteus (in most cases, your facial features
physically a part of you. As long as your Constitution
and head mutate to resemble this hideous ancient fish).
remains below 17, these unwieldy and painful
Your natural armor bonus increases by 2.
deformities reduce your base speed and land speed by
10 feet and lower your Dexterity score by 2.
"Two large and protruding eyes projected from sockets in chameleon fashion, and it had
a broad reptilian mouth with horny lips beneath its little nostrils. In the position of the
ears were two huge gill-covers, and out of these floated a branching tree of coralline
filaments, almost like the tree-like gills that very young rays and sharks possess. But
the humanity of the face was not the most extraordinary thing about the creature.
It was a biped; its almost globular body was poised on a tripod of two frog-like legs
and a long, thick tail, and its fore limbs, which grotesquely caricatured the human
hand, much as a frog’s do, carried a long shaft of bone, tipped with copper. The colour
of the creature was variegated; its head, hands, and legs were purple; but its skin,
which hung loosely upon it, even as clothes might do, was a phosphorescent grey."
—H.G. Wells, In the Abyss