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Campaign guide plight of the tuatha (1) 49

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Campaign Guide
Relations: Most races are seen in the same light to the
average fomoire, neither hated nor loved but merely a
source of resources. There is an uneasy understanding with
the Ostmen dwarves and human who share islands with
the fomoire. While these non-fomoire Ostmen are sometimes targets of raids, alliances (albeit finite ones) are often
formed as well. Fomoire would rather attack wealthier
settlements to the far east and west. Strong hatred is felt by
most fomoire towards the elves of Tir Ydrail. Ten of thousands of years of conflict is still keenly felt by many fomoire
who have not forgiven these specific elves for invading the
land that was once theirs.
Alignment and Religion: Fomoire are slaves to their
passionate and animalistic emotions. They are quick to
change from anger to joviality to callousness, seemingly
with little provocation. Their spirits are tied to the restless
nature of the Tulmolic Ocean and is just as chaotic and
restless. Fomoire are mostly Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic
Evil, though some who feel the pull of the god Volsung are
Chaotic Good. Even though there are some who worship
Volsung, all fomoire heed the call of Balar when he sounds
his battle horn.
Adventures: Fomoire are extensive travelers and seekers
of glory and power. Fomoire commonly will strike off in
search of treasure and ancient magics. If a treasure trove
or wealthy kingdom is heard about, fomoire will often go
in search of it to see if it exists and if it is something that
they can take.
Male Names: Geiri Tiderider, Hollr Stormgut, Skorri the
Eater, Teitr the Sly
Female Names: Bera the Heart Eater, Islaug Stormcrash,
Signy Wavethrash, Yrr the Brinefull

Ostmen Dwarves
Created from the bones of the world and charged with
raising land from the sea, Ostmen dwarves have the unique
ability to create stone from the ether. In obedience to the
will of Volsung, Ostmen dwarves use this ability to raise
land along coastlines or form mountains from plains.
Though these tasks are slow to show reward, these dwarves
have been fulfilling this role since the beginning of time. It
is said that most of the land in Aeliode owes its existence
to their work.
Replace “Greed” Racial Trait with the Create Stone
ability below.
Create Stone (Sp): Ostmen Dwarves have the ability to
create a small amount of stone out of nothingness. Once


per day the dwarf may create 1 cubic foot of stone. The
dwarf may choose between four types of stone: granite,
hematite, sandstone, or slate. This ability replaces the
Greed Racial Trait.

Tuathan Elves
When the Sidhe first came to the mortal realm they took
up residence within the hills of Aeliode. When the Sidhe
became mortal and transformed into what are now the
elves, many of the gifts their Sidhe nature granted them
were lost. However, dwelling in their subterranean homes
allowed them to retain their ability to see without the light

of sun nor fire.
Replace “Low Light Vision” Racial Trait with Darkvision 60 Ft.
Darkvision): Tuatha Elves can see perfectly in the dark
up to 60 feet.

Prestige Class
There are times when a student of lore forsakes learning
the tales which guide the morals of the land or remind the
people of the proper time to plant and harvest. Stories told
for entertainment or the motivations of the gods are left to
those who would spend their lives in the village longhouse.
It is the secrets of battle hidden within the tales of heroic
ancestors that are needed in times of war. It is the skald
who has chosen this dangerous path for the good of their
people and the glorification of their own name.
Role: The Skald supports their fellow warriors, most
often up on the front line in the thick of battle. Most skalds’
use their magic to either use their magic before battle to
improve the battle prowess of their allies and themselves.
Early in combat they tend to unleash destructive magic to
shock and scatter their enemies before wading in with their
sword. Outside of combat the skald typically makes sure
that all who meet his band hear the tales of their valor and
learn of their bravery and skill.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become aa Skald, a character must fulfill all

the following criteria.
