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Campaign guide plight of the tuatha (1) 14

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Chapter One: The Lands of Aeliode
female average between 5’2”-5’8”.

The lives and values of the citizens of the capital city of Avitius are the models on which most of the empire chooses
(or is forced to choose) to conform. Society bases itself
upon set classes of people all who are said to be best suited
to their particular situation. Those with wealth tend to have
more advantages and opportunities than the lower classes
and very few see either a reason or chance to change where
they find themselves situated. As slavery is commonly
practiced throughout the Empire, there are large portions
of the population who, by law, are forbidden from even
attempting to change the class.
Those who reside within the capitol city of Avitus
and are considered official citizens (mostly due to birth)
are considered better people than those from the rest of
the empire. Citizens have more rights than those who
are merely inhabitants of the Empire and, for the most
part, these citizens are exempt from imperial taxes as well.
Indeed, the glory and beauty of the city of Avitus can be
thought of as largely financed and constructed by those
who do not have the same rights and responsibilities as
those relatively few considered a “true citizen”.
The culture as a whole places high importance on an
individual’s honor and bravery as well as the individual’s
ability to work towards the strengthening of the Avitian
Empire (mainly those who reside in the capital city). The
society is fairly militaristic in its outlook on life so that the
values of the soldier and the general are the measuring stick
used to gauge the value of others.

While there are many subcultures that express society
to some degree, most cultures find their traditions have
either begun to incorporate Avitian traditions or stand in
reaction against it.

In visual arts, Avitian humans prefer geometric abstract
design or realistic depictions of perfect human forms. These
guide most art from fashion, to storytelling, to music, as
well as the visual arts and theater. Statuary and stone work
are considered more important pieces of art as they tend
to resist the ravages of time better than paintings or the
written word. Acting and theater, though watched by large
portions of the population from every class, is considered
a base and common art form. Common themes include
stories about the gods, depictions of great heroes or famous
ancestors, and the glory of war.

Humans dominate both the land and the history of the
area controlled by the Avitian humans. Through military
might and skillful diplomacy humans have been able to
spread their influence and establish control over the lands
and kingdoms demi-humans once held sovereign. Though
humans have been united for far less time than the rest of
the races, they have undoubtedly been the most flourishing
of the humanoids for the past age.

Regions Within the Avitian Empire
The Issian Peninsula it the most recent addition to the Avitian Empire, officially annexed in the year 12098 AE at the

Issian Peninsula
conclusion of the War of Three Snows. Though technically
part of the Avitian Empire, the region is still fairly difficult
to reach due to many geological impediments to travel. As
such, the dominance of the local temples and priests still
hold great sway over the roles its citizens have access to.
Clerics are a fairly common sight around the larger temples
and larger cities. However, clerics who worship the Gods
of Sorrow are very rare as the practice is illegal. In more
remote villages far removed from learning centers which
produce clerics and oracles, witches can be found taking
up the mantle of a religious leader or community. On very
rare occasions when the god Paladrus is able to extend his
influence outside of his prison a paladin is chosen to work

