Campaign Guide
Ceravossian Republic
Classes: Alchemist (rare), Barbarian, Cavalier, Cleric,
Fighter, Inquisitor, Magus, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Wizard
Common Races: Dwarf, Half Elf, Human
Common Humanoid Languages: Avitian Standard,
Huldufólk Elven, Triufir
The Avitian Empire once controlled the majority of the
land on both sides of the Tulmolic Ocean. For hundreds
of years, the empire spread and believed that it would
soon rule all of the known world. Then in the year 12154
AE Emperor Galabadon XXII, known critically as “The
Godling,” ascended the throne. Soon reform after reform
was passed pulling the honors, wealth and glories from
the Empire’s oldest and noblest families and placing them
under direct Imperial control.
After repeated objection by these nobles, and many
series of assassinations sent from the Imperial hall by the
emperor’s paranoid hand, civil war erupted in the year
12167AE. After four years of bloody conflict, the Avitian
Empire split in half and from the remains, the entire western half of the empire rose the Ceravossian Republic.
The Cerevossin Republic, named after famed tactician
and diplomat de Ceravoss, wish to restore the republic
once held high by ancient Avitians. Rule was not to be
had by one Emperor, but shared by landholders (the same
landholders who had land and honors taken from them).
In many ways the Ceravossian Republic holds the same
ideals as the Avitian Empire: personal and social honor,
education, respect for ancestors. Ceravossians believe that
they are holding true to these ideals that, by the guidance
of their emperor, many Avitians had forgotten. As the civil
war sparked off by the Nythian Rebellion is still occurring
in many ways, Ceravossian culture is similar in most ways
to how it was before the empires split. Many of the same
religious and secular holidays are still held on the same
days, Avitian Standard is still the common tongue for the
majority of the population, and many laws and ethical
beliefs still hold sway.
There are some notable differences, however. Firstly,
slavery has been deemed immoral if not illegal. Ceravossians also reject the emperor’s decree that raised himself
to the level of godhood within the official state pantheon.
Most citizen’s of the Ceravossion Republic will take
offence to being called “Avitian.” The years of bloodshed
during the cival war are too fresh for such “insults.”
For the most part, the common races found in the Ceravossian Republic are the same as those within the Avitian
Empire. As the Republic has only recently split from the
Empire, and the citizenry are for the most part immigrants
to this land from Imperial lands to the east, aspects of the
races have remained mostly unchanged.
There is also a sizable minority of Ceravossians who
did originate from the land of Tir Ydrail who now accept
the sovereignty of first the Empire and then the Republic.
These people had at some point accepted this foreign rule,
though often that acceptance was at the point of a spear.
For information on the specific aspects of the races represented, go to the race’s information in either the Avitian
Empire or the Tir Ydrail sections of this book
Additional Class Details
Fighter: Why many fighters in the Ceravossian Republic
have gained their training from their time as part of a noble
families private army, the less civilized lands of the Republic
has forced many others to learn their way around a sword or
spear. Knowing how to use a weapon is considered “manly”
and the more masculine of the population have learned
basic combat skills if only to engage in bouts against each
other as a sport.
Tir Ydrail
Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Fighter, Oracle, Ranger,
Rogue, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch
Common Races: Elf, Half Elf, Human
Common Humanoid Languages: Avitian Standard, Triufir, Tuathan Elven
Inspired by the various Celtic tribes of antiquity, the people
of Tir Ydrail are strong and proud. Though not as technologically advanced as some other cultures, the Tir Ydrail
were the first people to have created written language and
metal working.
Though the inhabitants of Tir Ydrail currently share a
unified identity, it was not always so. For thousands of years
the people were divided along family bloodlines. Conflict
between family groups was common as each saw themselves
as vastly different in their beliefs that clan over the next
hill. Then came the Avitian Empire’s war machine and its
seemingly endless need for conquered lands and conquered
peoples. Slowly the small family bands began to gather
together to fight off the common threat.