Chapter Two: The Gods of Aeliode
little influence over the world, but he is still aware of the
destruction the Watchful Storm brings about. He watches
as the armies of Ohnr clash, leaving trails of death behind
them. He watches as Syn twists Aeliode into a pathetic
parody of itself.
He watches and plans.
The foundations of the Hall of Sorrows has cracks;
weaknesses that would cause wall to crumble if precisely
Subdomains: Ancestors, Construct, Restoration, Resurrection, Souls
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Minor Ritual: Crafting a crude idol of a living creature
and offering it to Esus.
Sample Blessing: “The body that houses your soul is a
miracle, Esus protects his creation.”
Priests: Ever since the worship of Paladrus was made heretical on the Issian Peninsula, the number of priests worship
the god has fallen to almost nonexistent. This is not because
of peoples’ lack of faith, as being discovered worshiping the
god carries with it a punishment of death, most priests have
be captured and killed long ago. Some priests still travel the
land in secret and fighting the evil gods as they can. They
are aware of their few numbers and do so carefully. Some
priests have formed small enclaves where they are able to
worship Paladrus and discuss plans to fight back against
those priests who seek to bring ruin to the people. When
they go into battle they paint the symbol of Paladrus over
their right eye as a sign of their devotion to the god.
Worshipers: Worshipers of Paladrus are rare and secretive
by nature. To be discovered means death in most cases. This
has not stopped the belief in the Gods of Sorrow. Those
who offer prayers to Paladrus may do so in secret, but they
do so with a passion not felt by many worshipers of other
gods. Secret networks of worshipers exist as a brotherhood
known as “The Stained”. They are so named because it is
believed that the blood of Paladrus falls from his crucified
form in the Hall of Sorrows, drips free from the prison, and
blesses his followers as it lands upon them. The Stained are
almost fanatical in their devotion.
Gods of Final Veil
Titles: The Crafter of Form, Marker of Ages
Portfolio: creation, crafting, life, death
Typical Worshipers: those celebrating a new birth or
mourning a death; artists; healers and those interested in
the function of the body.
Typical Worshiper Alignment: N
Domains: Artifice, Animal, Death, Healing, Plant,
Symbol of Esus
Esus is the god of natural life and death and is often
depicted with the Fires of Creation in his right hand and
the Drum of Destruction in his left. As a god who is the
manifestation of the natural circles in life and death, Esus
has been born, died, and was reborn at the changing of the
ages. More complex versions of his holy symbol represent
this cycle by adding five points of flame laid equidistantly
around Esus’ Circle. Avatars of Esus have always appeared
as hairless and androgynous whose skin tone varies from a
sapphire blue to a light grey depending on Esus’ age in his
current incarnation.
It is Esus who is the very manifestation of natural life.
Esus is the guardian of all bodies of creatures who live or
have ever lived. Indeed it is only these bodies, and not the
souls that inhabit them, that are of concern to Esus. It is
the only god of the Issian Peninsula who has the power to
create the bodies for the habitation of the souls that the
other gods wish to place upon the world. These other gods
make the souls, and should they require that those souls
exist in the physical plane of existence, they must go to
Esus for bodies to house them.