Campaign Guide
a sign of the Huldufólks’ divine nature and believed them
to be spirits who proclaimed death and judged the souls
of the living. The elves did nothing to dissuade this belief
as the shrines the humans built in honor of the Huldufólk
aided in the elves survival in the harsh land.
Replace “Keen Senses” Racial Trait with the See Death
ability below.
See Death (Su): This elf is able to see how close a creature
is to death. The elf can determine if that creature it sees
is dead, fragile (alive and wounded, with 3 or fewer hit
points left), fighting off death (alive with 4 or more hit
points), healthy, undead, or neither alive nor dead (such as
a construct). This vision has a range of 30 ft.. Unlike like
the Deathwatch spell, this ability cannot see through spells
or abilities that allow creatures to feign death, but it can see
through a creature’s attempt to Bluff their status.
This ability replaces the Keen Senses Racial Trait.
guided by choices individual fomoire make in their lives, as
well as the plan Balar has in store from them. Though their
forms are widely varied, there are some unifying characteristics which make identifying a fomoire possible for those
who have studied the race.
Physical Description: Fomoire are an exceedingly varied
race. They range in height from 4 ½ up to 9 feet tall and
tend towards a frame covered with rippling muscle. While
they tend to be a little hairier than the average human,
fomoire often has patches of scale-like skin in random
areas. Skin tones run the range seen with humans, however
tones ranging into darker hues of grey, green, and blue have
been seen. While fomoire have subtly pointed ears, the rest
of their facial features (strong brow, round face, wide set
eyes) seem to be exaggerations of dwarvish features perhaps
suggesting the two races came from the same source in the
distant past.
Issian Gnomes
Gnomes in the Imperiums Campaign Setting have been
changed by their ordeals over the past few centuries.
Having been hunted for so long has changed some of the
Gnomes basic racial traits. While a few gnomes still retain
their ancestral heritage, most have been changed by their
ordeal. A people cannot be hunted down and killed by a
foe who may resemble their kith and kin without being
The Obsessive and the Hatred traits have shifted their
focus. Replace both of these traits on the standard gnome
with the traits as described below.
Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Stealth or
Survival checks. Choose one when making the character.
Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on Attack rolls against
any humanoid creatures of the shapechanger subtype
because of their special training against these hated foes.
Ostmen Fomoire
Born from battle and conflict, the fomoire are a fearsome
race from the north seas of Aeliode. This ancient race
was brought forth by the god Balar as his chosen people.
While most fomoire are born, many are transformed into
a fomoire through their devotion to Balar and the dark
The fomoire are a race of beings in flux. Just as their
numbers change as individuals wax and wane in their
devotion to Balar, their very bodies also undergo dramatic
changes. These physical changes are not uniform and are
Society: Clans built upon greater family units are the basis
of the fomoire society. Most clans have anywhere between 3
to 10 longships which are owned by the tribe as a who and
used to transfer goods between settlements or perform raids
on weaker neighbors. Because of the lack of larger political
structures, a clan is just as likely to be on friendly terms
with a neighboring clan as they are in a state of war. Priests
of Balar or unusually powerful warriors are sometimes able
to bind several clans together for a unified cause, but such
allegiances seldom last more than a dozen years. Members
of a clan typically are devoted to their clanmates till death.