Project Management
New titles and key backlist 2012
New Project Management Titles 1
Project Management Key Backlist Titles 4
Forthcoming Project Management Titles for 2012 9
Fundamentals of Project Management Series 10
Advances in Project Management Series 12
Short Guides to Business Risk Series 14
Training for Project Management Collection 15
Also of Interest from Ashgate’s Aviation List 16
Future titles to look out for 17
Ordering Information Back Page
This catalogue includes new project management titles for 2012 as well as key backlist titles.
Project Management 2012
You can find the ordering information on the
back page of this catalogue, or order online
and save 10% at www.gowerpublishing.com
Review Copies
For review copies of titles in this leaflet, please contact:
Maureen Lazenby
Telephone: +44 (0)1252 736600
Fax: +44 (0)1252 736736
Please state the name of the publication
in which the review will be published.
Pricing and Contents
Prices and publication dates shown in this catalogue
are correct at press time (July 2012), but are subject to
change without notice. Details of forthcoming titles
are necessarily provisional.
Cover Image:
Composition frame
© kryczka
The Gower Project Management list
Founded in 1967 Gower is an independent publisher,
widely recognized as a specialist in project management
books and resources. Gower’s publishing programme
includes a range of over 80 titles from classic project
management books through to the most challenging
and cutting edge works. Our expert authors are
continually developing new titles and are drawn from
the most respected academic institutions and industries
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New Project Management Titles
Project Psychology
Using Psychological Models and Techniques
to Create a Successful Project
Sharon De Mascia
‘The principal factors in project success (and failure)
are to do with people. Sharon De Mascia’s book is a
highly accomplished and relevant guide to getting the
best out of people in projects. It deserves a place on the
desk of anyone involved in a project – be they a sponsor,
stakeholder, customer or project manager.’
Eric Woodcock, CEng FRSA
Whether you are looking to set up and manage a new
project or working to develop the competence and
maturity of your organization’s project management
capability, Sharon De Mascia’s book will provide you
with insights and tools for making sense of the people
involved and for managing them to best effect.
January 2012 208 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08942-8 £60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3829-8
Value Management
Translating Aspirations into Performance
Roger H. Davies and Adam J. Davies
‘The book is a great read but, more importantly,
conducting Value Management in practise within
Logica has been a good business decision and
certainly has improved our ability to justify
investments and manage the returns.’
Roel Wolfert, Global Head of Strategy & Marketing
Financial Services, Logica
‘The authors have managed to bring logic, insight
and practical application together; it’s very compelling
and an asset for modern leaders of complex change,
regardless of industry.’
Diahann Williams, Head of Human Resources,
Global Supply Chain Service Centre, BAT
Failing to understand the causal links between
the intended stakeholder outcomes and the actual
programme outputs can be fatal to any project. Value
Management explains how direction and delivery can
be clarified and improved by examining the baseline
business case and benefits realisation.
October 2011 316 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0955-7 £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0956-4
Leading Successful PMOs
How to Build the Best Project Management
Office for Your Business
Peter Taylor
‘For years there has been an inaccurate view that PMOs
define and maintain project management standards.
This view has led to untold PMO difficulties. The PMO
in whatever shape or form is entirely about leadership
and achievement. Kudos to Peter Taylor for spotlighting
this and bringing us this practical reference.’
Mark Price Perry, Founder, BOT International
Leading Successful PMOs, is a guide to maximising
project success through a Project Management Office
(PMO). Building and leading an effective PMO is a
complex process. Peter Taylor outlines the basics of
setting up a PMO and clearly explains how to ensure it
will do exactly what you need it to do – the right things,
in the right way, in the right order, with the right team!
October 2011 206 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1837-5 £35.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1838-2
Leading Complex Projects
Kaye Remington
‘I recommend this book as fundamental reading for
those who wish to be acknowledged as future project
leaders, it provides an insight into the importance of
sensitivity and earning respect from your project team.’
Brian R Kooyman, Director of Global Business,
Tracey Brunstrom & Hammond Group
Kaye Remington’s Leading Complex Projects draws on
original, empirical research into leadership of complex
projects across a broad range of industries. The book
explains and applies emerging best-practice in a
coherent and focused way. It will inform experienced
practitioners aswell as those involved in teaching and
researching projects, complexity and leadership.
October 2011 364 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1905-1 £70.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1906-8
For NEW TITLES in our acclaimed
Fundamentals and Advances in Project
Management Series, see pages 10-14
Project Management 2012
New Project Management Titles
I certainly will be recommending this
as a high quality book for my Masters
and Doctoral students and all of these
are also practicing project managers
Derek H.T. Walker, RMIT University, and
editor of The International Journal of
Managing Projects in Business
On Advising Upwards
Advising Upwards
A Framework for Understanding and Engaging
Senior Management Stakeholders
Edited by Lynda Bourne
‘This book offers a wide range of thoughtful insights
into the much under-rated skill of managing up. All
too often, supply side problems are caused on the
stakeholders’ side and not necessarily by the suppliers.
Understanding true stakeholder needs is the key to
unlocking real business value.’
Jonathan Dutton, FCIPS, Managing Director,
The Chartered Institute of Purchasing &
Supply Australasia (CIPSA)
Building, and managing, relationships with senior
(upwards) stakeholders is essential for success.
Advising Upwards makes a detailed examination of
stakeholder relationship management, starting with
a discussion of the personal changes that senior
managers must make as they move into executive
roles in the organisation, and recognising that through
targeted and purposeful communication the team
must ensure that their senior stakeholders understand
how best to support their work. Case studies and
stories from experts illustrate practical, structured
approaches that enable the teams to develop robust
relationships with senior stakeholders that will result
in their ‘being heard’ and ‘being extraordinary’.
September 2011 340 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09249-7 £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3430-6
Integrated Cost-Schedule
Risk Analysis
David Hulett
‘Hulett’s latest book…describes how one can (and
really should) develop risk models that consider
both cost and schedule and, more importantly, the
interaction between the two. It is to be hoped that
Hulett’s approach will be adopted, no doubt adapted
to suit each individual practitioner, to produce more
realistic (let us not say ‘accurate’) projections of project
outcomes – to set more achievable targets and to point
towards more effective risk mitigation actions.’
Philip Rawlings, Director, Euro Log Ltd
This companion volume to Practical Schedule Risk
Analysis (see page 5 of this catalogue) explores the
second area where projects so often go horribly wrong
– project cost. Many cost estimates are fundamentally
flawed in their conception, become written in stone
when the project is approved and consequently fall
apart during the project implementation and delivery.
David Hulett explains the true value of project cost
estimating and how to manage the risks associated
with project costs and project schedules.
Given the scale of the investment in many modern
projects, this is surely a book that is worth its weight
in gold.
June 2011 240 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09166-7 £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2812-1
Bid Writing for Project Managers
David Cleden
‘Bid Writing for Project Managers is an excellent
introduction to the process of writing a competitive
bid or proposal for new business full of good sense
delivered in an easy, persuasive and authoritative style.
You feel that the author (David Cleden) is a master
of the craft about which he writes, rather than a self-
professed business guru writing in his ivory tower about
how he thinks things ought to be. I would recommend
Bid Writing for Project Managers to anyone who has
the unenviable responsibility of managing preparation
of a bid, and to all project managers who are required to
contribute to a proposal, especially if they’re likely to be
tasked with delivering the project when the bid is won!’
Mark Pillatt, Senior Project Manager,
WTG Technologies Limited
Involving the designated project manager at the
bidding stage is becoming the norm in many
commercial organizations. Getting the bid right is
the essence of planning for project success. However,
many project managers are unfamiliar with the pitfalls
of competitive bidding and don’t know how to balance
a compelling sales message against a realistic delivery
Bid Writing for Project Managers will guide prospective
project managers through the bid-writing lifecycle,
providing comprehensive guidelines and numerous
tips on how to craft a winning bid and how to set the
project up with the best possible chance of success.
April 2011 270 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09214-5 £65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09215-2
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
New Project Management Titles
Project Success
Critical Factors and Behaviours
Emanuel Camilleri
‘What makes a project successful? Emanuel Camilleri
in the book Project Success: Critical Factors and
Behaviours has tried to answer that question. This book
from Gower is the bible on getting it right, covering
everything from the history of project management
to managing information flow and organisational
diagnostics If you are studying project management,
or working as a consultant for failing projects, then
this is a must-have read. If you are setting up a project
management function from scratch in your company,
then you’ll find Project Success very useful for starting
off on the right foot.’
Elizabeth Harrin, heads The Otobos Group, which
publishes her award-winning blog, A Girl’s Guide to
Project Management
In chapters dedicated to factors such as leadership,
teams, communication, information management and
risk management, the author shines a light on the
key behaviours in which project managers and others
engage and how those behaviours predict success
or failure. Practising project managers, project
board members and sponsors, struggling to manage
conflicting stakeholder expectations, complexity
and ambiguity, will learn which factors are vital to
determining successful outcomes.
February 2011 324 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-09228-2 £70.00
ebook 978-0-566-09229-9
The Project Risk Maturity Model
Measuring and Improving Risk
Management Capability
Martin Hopkinson
‘The Project Risk Maturity Model provides an answer
for those who know that they haven’t yet peaked in
project risk management capability, or who want to
maintain or improve their ability to manage project
risk. Martin Hopkinson has done a great job over the
past ten years in developing The Project Risk Maturity
Model into a robust framework, and this book allows
others to access and apply his insights and experience.
I’m pleased to recommend it.’
Dr David Hillson, The Risk Doctor
Martin Hopkinson equips you with the ability to assess
the capability of your organisation’s risk management
process on four distinct levels. This enables you to
assess whether your current level of risk management
is appropriate for the nature and scale of the projects
you are undertaking. Using an objective measure of
risk management capability is extremely valuable for
organisations, both the private and public sector need
to demonstrate good project governance. The Project
Risk Maturity Model provides a measure for progress
in the ongoing development of project managers
and teams.
Includes a free copy of the Project Risk Maturity
Model Programme on CD allowing you to perform an
unlimited number of your own maturity assessments.
December 2010 264 pages
Hardback and CD-ROM 978-0-566-08879-7 £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2646-2
Project Politics
A Systematic Approach to Managing
Complex Relationships
Nita Martin
The ability of individuals to work together to facilitate
the delivery of a project can be a major factor in
determining its success. Project Politics provides a
framework for solving political concerns through the
effective management of complex relationships. Nita
Martin’s structured approach will raise awareness
and improve your ability to manage issues in the
workplace. She shows that once you recognize the
problems, and take politics in your stride, you can
successfully manage such environments.
December 2010 166 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08895-7 £55.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1261-8
Project Sponsorship
An Essential Guide for Those Sponsoring
Projects Within Their Organizations
David West
‘The writing is in a good, readable style. The author
comes across as personable and knowledgeable in his
subject. The book should be easy to dip into, and is
likely to be a handy reference source.’
Graham Dalton, CEO, Highways Agency, London, UK
David West’s Project Sponsorship explains the roles
and skills that lie at the heart of effective sponsorship.
The sponsor acts as a lynch-pin between the Board
and the Project Manager, communicating and
translating requirements downwards and resource
needs, progress and constraints back upwards.
December 2010 256 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08888-9 £25.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1079-9
Project Management 2012
Project Management Key Backlist Titles
Exploiting Future Uncertainty
Creating Value from Risk
David Hillson
Exploiting Future Uncertainty contains more than sixty
focused briefings, each addressing a key part of the
risk challenge. Using five themes, International risk
consultant Dr David Hillson covers the links between
better business and risk-taking, basic risk concepts,
making risk management work in practice, people
aspects, and managing risk in the wider world. It is
packed with clear practical advice with specific
how-to tips and guidance.
2010 220 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2341-6 £20.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2342-3
Transforming Government
and Public Services
Realising Benefits through Project
Portfolio Management
Stephen Jenner
‘Jenner’s book hits the nail on the head in these
challenging times when every investment should
make a difference. He not only gives advice on why
you really should be focussing right now on effective
Portfolio Management which includes prioritisation,
optimisation, management and real benefits delivery
but more importantly sound advice with 20 practical
hints and tips on how you go about making it happen
in your organisation. My advice is read this and act
now, it is never too late to start…’
Paul Hirst, Head of Programme and Project
Management, Departmental Transformation
Portfolio, HMRC
Operating in a complex, confusing and often
highly politicized environment, Stephen Jenner’s
Transforming Government and Public Services provides
a clear, definitive and highly applied guide for all
involved in selecting the right projects and doing them
right so that they achieve the intended investment
2010 188 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-0163-6 £60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0307-4
Stakeholder Relationship
A Maturity Model for Organisational
Lynda Bourne
This book has two specific purposes: firstly, as a
‘how-to’ book to provide the fundamental processes
and practices to support either individuals or
organisations in improving stakeholder management.
It will help with projects and program management
offices (PMO), and organisational survival during
mergers and acquisitions, preparing for the tender
bidding and marketing campaigns. Secondly, for
organisations that have recognised the importance
of stakeholder engagement to their success, as
a guidebook for assessing their current maturity
regarding implementation of stakeholder relationship
management and a series of guidelines and
milestones for achieving their preferred level
of maturity.
2009 242 pages
Hardback & CD-ROM 978-0-566-08864-3 £65.00
ebook 978-0-566-09193-3
Images of Projects
Mark Winter and Tony Szczepanek
Based on real examples and the authors work over
the last ten years, Images of Projects presents seven
pragmatic images for making sense of the complex
realities of projects. Illustrated using various models,
these images are presented in ways that allow you
to reflect upon your own mental models in relation
to the different perspectives in this book. Along with
the seven images, the book contains numerous other
frameworks enabling you create your own ‘toolkit’ of
models and tools.
This book will help practitioners and students develop
(or enrich) crucial skills for working on projects and
programmes in the 21st century.
2009 288 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08716-5 £42.50
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
Project Management Key Backlist Titles
Systems Cost Engineering
Program Affordability Management
and Cost Control
Edited by Dale Shermon
Parametric cost estimating models are flexible tools
which bring engineering, scientific and mathematical
rigour to cost and schedule estimating, but great tools
alone will not keep programs affordable. Tools must be
applied as part of a credible process if estimates and
analyses are to be accepted.
Complex major projects involving engineering,
hardware, software, service and IT, all suffer from two
basic problems: the project sponsors often struggle to
specify the project effectively, and project managers
find themselves wrestling with unpredicted cost or
schedule overruns. Everyone wants to be successful
with the tools and solutions they use, so this book is
a comprehensive collection of methods with proven
success. The applications described by Dale Shermon
and his co-authors have evolved over 30 years of cost
engineering experience during which time they have
been matured by the parametric community. Each
chapter explores a different application of parametrics,
based on real-life case examples, providing you with
a detailed guide to the rationale and value of cost
engineering in a different industry or program context.
2009 328 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08861-2 £70.00
Practical Schedule Risk Analysis
David Hulett
Practical Schedule Risk Analysis, contains a
complete treatment of schedule risk analysis
from basic to advanced concepts. Benefits of the
process, relationship to traditional critical path
method scheduling and to project management, the
role of the corporate culture in ensuring success and
the criticality of collecting risk data are emphasized
for the benefit of the practitioner.
2009 240 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08790-5 £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9196-9
Making the Business Case
Proposals that Succeed for Projects that Work
Ian Gambles
A well-written and well-researched business case will
secure funding; make sure any project stays on the
right side of regulation; mobilize support for the cause;
provide the platform for managing the project and the
benchmark against which to measure progress.
Ian Gambles’ Making the Business Case shows you
how to make sense of the task at hand, develop a
strategy, articulate your options, define the benefits,
establish the costs, identify the risks and make a
compelling case.
2009 198 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08745-5 £25.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9427-4
Project Reviews, Assurance
and Governance
Graham Oakes
Graham Oakes’ Project Reviews, Assurance and
Governance is about learning from your mistakes
and understanding what’s really going on with your
projects. In order for reviews and assurance to provide
you with this information and learning, you need to
perform them effectively and that is the purpose of
this book.
The author builds on his experience of running
assurance and review teams for professional service
firms (working for public and private sector clients)
and for private sector companies. He provides a series
of ‘mental models’ that can help reviewers, sponsors
and other stakeholders set up and conduct effective
reviews. These models are coupled with pragmatic
advice on how to run effective project review and
assurance teams, and are backed by a range of
case studies.
2008 288 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08807-0 £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8146-5
Managing Group Risk Attitude
Ruth Murray-Webster and David Hillson
David Hillson and Ruth Murray-Webster bring together
leading-edge thinking on risk attitudes and emotional
literacy to create a unique resource for those wishing
to move beyond mere implementation of a risk process
and towards a people-centred approach for risk
Provides clear and usable guidance for readers on
how to manage risk attitude in their working groups.
2008 190 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08787-5 £55.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8135-9
Project Management 2012
Project Management Key Backlist Titles
The Project Manager’s Guide
to Purchasing
Contracting for Goods and Services
Garth Ward
This very practical guide describes the whole process
of contracting for goods and services, from selecting
tenderers to placing a contract. It details the key
topics that are necessary for success, such as contract
strategy, contract types, contract law and evaluating
tenders. Whilst the book also addresses the project
context in which purchasing takes place, the subject
matter could equally be applied to any business
2008 232 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08692-2 £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8129-8
Tools for Complex Projects
Kaye Remington and Julien Pollack
Tools for Complex Projects draws on the latest research
in the areas of project management, complexity theory
and systems thinking to provide a ready reference
for understanding and managing the increasing
complexity of projects and programmes.
The main part of the book provides a series of
fourteen project tools. Some of these tools may be
used at the level of the whole project life-cycle. Others
may be applied ad hoc at any time. In each case, the
authors provide: detailed guidelines for using the tool,
information on its purpose and the types of complexity
for which it is most appropriate, the theoretical
background to the tool, a practical example of
its use, and any necessary words of caution.
2008 c. 232 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08741-7 £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-0892-5
Gower Handbook of
Project Management
Fourth Edition
Edited by J Rodney Turner
This handbook for project management practitioners
gives an introduction to, and overview of, the essential
knowledge required for managing projects, from the
perspective of an experienced team of practitioners
in the field. There are four parts:
• Projects: describing the context of projects in
organizations, and their nature
• Performance: describing how to manage the
delivery of the project, covering scope, quality,
cost, time, resources, risk, etc
• Process: describing the project management
life-cycle and each stage of it
• People: describing how to manage the people
working on projects.
2008 912 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08806-3 £95.00
ebook 978-0-566-08994-7
The Essentials of
Project Management
Third Edition
Dennis Lock
The Essentials of Project Management is a primer
distilled from Dennis Lock’s comprehensive,
successful and encyclopedic textbook, Project
Management, (now in its Ninth Edition). It provides a
concise, straightforward account of the principles and
techniques of project management, designed to meet
the needs of the business manager or student. Using
examples and illustrations, the author introduces the
key project management procedures and explains
clearly how and when to use them.
The text for the new edition has been completely
restructured and largely rewritten, so that the
sequence now follows even more closely the
life-cycle of a typical project from its earliest
definition to final close-out.
2007 218 Pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08805-6 £20.00
Project Management
Ninth Edition
Dennis Lock
Dennis Lock’s masterly exposition of the principles
and practice of project management has been
pre-eminent in its field for four decades. It explains
the entire project management process in great detail,
demonstrating techniques ranging from the simplest
of charts to sophisticated computer applications.
Everything is reinforced throughout with case
examples and diagrams.
The text has been completely restructured and largely
rewritten for this ninth edition, so that the sequence
now follows even more closely the life-cycle of a
typical project from its earliest definition to final
close-out. Case examples and diagrams have all
been reviewed, updated, augmented or replaced.
007 544 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08772-1 £30.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8634-7
Tutor’s Edition
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
Project Management Key Backlist Titles
Estimating Risk
A Management Approach
Andy Garlick
Andy Garlick’s book explores the role of quantitative
techniques in modern risk management. It describes
a broad range of modelling techniques, all illustrated
by business-relevant examples. The role of the models
in decision making is also discussed, with particular
emphasis on what the risk premium – the price people
charge for accepting risk – is and should be.
In order to provide a self contained account the
underpinning material from probability and decision
theory is also included, so that the book will provide
a handy reference guide for all practitioners.
2007 260 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08776-9 £65.00
Making Sense of Project Realities
Theory, Practice and the Pursuit of Performance
Charles Smith
Drawing heavily on research into the experiences of
practising project and programme managers from
across private and public sector organizations, this
readable, very credible and imaginative exploration
of the nature of projects and programmes will strike a
chord with every project practitioner. It is a book that
offers a realistic set of ideas for developing creative
and effective project players, who understand the
purpose of what they are doing, the context within
which they are working, and the people with whom
they need to engage.
2007 208 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08729-5 £40.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9284-3
59 Checklists for Project
and Programme Managers
Second Edition
Rudy Kor and Gert Wijnen
The practical approach taken by Rudy Kor and
Gert Wijnen makes this an easy book to dip into to
improve your project and programme management
competences. The book covers a range of topics,
including: choosing the right approach, organising for
projects and programmes, team management, starting
and executing projects, and programme management.
For each topic, the book provides a series of checklists
to lead you through the most important aspects of
each subject.
With such hands-on advice from acknowledged
experts so easily available, this is a book which no
project or programme manager should be without.
2007 224 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08775-2 £32.50
ebook 978-0-7546-8191-5
Understanding and
Managing Risk Attitude
Second Edition
David Hillson and Ruth Murray-Webster
David Hillson’s and Ruth Murray-Webster’s
Understanding and Managing Risk Attitude will
help you understand the human aspects of risk
management and to manage proactively the influence
of human behaviour on the risk process. The authors
introduce a range of models, perspectives and
examples to define and detail the range of possible
risk attitudes; looking both at individuals and groups.
Using leading-edge thinking on self-awareness and
emotional literacy they develop a powerful approach
to address the most common shortfall in current
risk management: the failure to manage the human
aspects of the process.
007 208 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08798-1 £26.00
Gower Handbook of
Programme Management
Geoff Reiss, Malcolm Anthony, John Chapman,
Geof Leigh, Adrian Pyne and Paul Rayner
This Handbook provides authoritative guidance
and advice, templates, concepts, systems and
approaches on every aspect of successful programme
management. The main part of the handbook presents
a detailed description of the whole programme
management process, together with the requisite
supporting infrastructure essential for the delivery of
planned programme outcomes. The book also includes
The Programme Management Maturity Model, a
benchmarking tool covering the ten key processes
within programme management, plus the Programme
Management Improvement Process: a step-by-step
guide to improving an organization’s ability to deliver
2006 738 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08603-8 £99.00
Tutor’s Edition
Project Management 2012
Project Management Key Backlist Titles
Over 3000 Ashgate and Gower titles
are now available as ebooks. Titles
in this catalogue available as ebooks
show an ebook ISBN. We do not sell ebooks directly,
however there are several, easy to use, purchase
options available to libraries and individuals. Visit
www.ashgate.com/ebooks for more information.
Project Delivery in Business-as-
Usual Organizations
Tim Carroll
Tim Carroll’s Project Delivery in Business-as-Usual
Organizations, provides an authoritative guide to
improving project delivery in organizations such
as banks, insurance, business and consumer
service companies, hospitals, local and national
government. This is a ‘must-read’ book to help
managers responsible for strategy and change in all
these organizations to realize the value that project
management can bring to the long term development
of their organization.
2006 214 pages
A4 Hardback 978-0-566-08629-8 £45.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8555-5
The Project Manager’s Guide
to Handling Risk
Alan Webb
Risk is a key issue for every project manager. How the
various risks are handled can often define the final
outcome of a project; it can determine its overall worth
to both sponsors and contractors and its ultimate
success or failure.
Alan Webb’s The Project Manager’s Guide to Handling
Risk is a concise, practical guide to the process for
every project manager. Starting from an explanation of
how our current ideas of risk have evolved, the author:
emerge within the life of a project, and
analysis and management and shows how to use
The book also provides a comprehensive assessment
of the current range of software tools that deals with
the various aspects of risk management. Included
with The Project Manager’s Guide to Handling Risk
is a free CD-ROM containing samples of available
software packages.
2003 194 pages
Hardback & CD-ROM 978-0-566-08571-0 £55.00
ebook 978-0-566-08970-1
Contracting for
Project Management
Edited by J. Rodney Turner
In all but the smallest of projects the project sponsor
inevitably has to buy-in the services of other suppliers.
Goods and services must be bought, and this requires
people to make contracts so that they know the basis
on which they are working with each other and to deal
with any disagreements that subsequently arise. This
means that a knowledge of contracting specifically
for project management is essential if a project is to
avoid difficulties and reach a successful conclusion.
This book concentrates specifically on the contracting
issues that surround projects of any size.
2003 168 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08529-1 £30.00
ebook 978-0-7546-8290-5
The Relationship Manager
The Next Generation of Project Management
Tony Davis and Richard Pharro
The Relationship Manager has been written to fill
the gap between technical and business aspects
of successful project delivery. It provides practical
guidance on how to make this new way of working a
reality and details the skills and techniques necessary
to make a success of the latest developments in
project management.
2003 248 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08463-8 £60.00
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
Project Mananagement Titles for 2012
Managing Sustainable
Development Programmes
A Learning Approach to Change
Göran Brulin and Lennart Svensson
The book is about understanding the difficulties and
complexities of large change programmes and projects
in both the private and public sectors. The authors’
research reveals an extraordinary level of failure in
these projects, the analysis of which overturns much
of our traditional thinking about project delivery and
governance.They turn existing theories on project
management on their head, focusing instead on
sustainable change and development. The message
at its heart is ‘don’t blame the project leader but rather
look for active ownership of projects; joint knowledge
management and sharing with external stakeholders
that secure long-term effects.
April 2012 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3719-2 c. £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3720-8
Winning Your Rebid
How to Retain Contracts through
Successful Competitive Rebids
Nigel Thacker
‘A lot of business and business developers miss a trick
by not putting the right level of focus and attention
on rebids. Winning Your Rebid provides an effective
roadmap to rebid success which is both timely, practical
and embodies best practice in this area.’
Robin Davies, Major Bids Director, Rentokil Initial
This book is dedicated specifically to helping
incumbent contractors to increase their chances of
retaining an existing contract which, whilst it includes
the skills of bidding for new contracts, requires a
significantly different set of actions and processes in
order to be consistently successful. The book takes
the reader through all the preparations throughout the
whole period of a contract from its very start that will
put them in the best position to win their rebid, then
gives advice, techniques and ideas for how to run
and deliver a successful rebid process and document.
April 2012 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-4035-2 c. £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-4036-9
The Focused Organization
How Concentrating on a Few Key Initiatives
Can Dramatically Improve Strategy Execution
Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez
‘The world is awash with business ideas and tools.
But what really matters to business leaders is
making things happen: execution. That is what
they are measured on and what really turns them
on. Based on research and extensive experience, The
Focused Organization provides new, compelling and
highly practical insights into the reality of business
Stuart Crainer, editor, Business Strategy Review
One of the weaknesses in both project and portfolio
management has been the limited extent to which
organizations have connected these activities to their
key strategic needs. Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez shows
you how to address this shortcoming and how, as
a consequence, fewer, more effectively elected and
managed projects are the key to strategic and long-
term success.
March 2012 c. 140 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-2566-3 c. £60.00
ebook 978-1-4094-2567-0
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see page 17 of this catalogue
Congratulations to you and your
colleagues on releasing so many fine
new business and management titles.
Keith Jackson, Centre for Financial and
Management Studies, University of
London, UK
On Gower’s Publishing Programme:
Project Management 2012
Fundamentals of Project Management Series
Project-Based Organizations
A Guide
Michel Thiry
Using tested conceptual frameworks and models
supported by actual case studies, this book will
outline how organizations can structure themselves
to deliver value through projects. It covers value,
stakeholders, benefits, strategy, and governance
issues and discusses both vertical integration between
operational and project activities and the corporate
strategy and horizontal integration between outputs
and outcomes and business strategies.
July 2012 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08880-3 c. £26.50
Project Stakeholder Management
Pernille Eskerod and Anna Lund Jepsen
Stakeholders often assess the benefit the project
delivers here and now and in a much broader sense
than ‘just’ deliverables. This is an enormous challenge
the project owner, project manager and project team
are facing when covering this point in the stakeholder
analysis. This book looks at how the project manager
can gather the information that is needed for a
stakeholder analysis.
May 2012 c. 150 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0437-8 c. £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0438-5
Series Editor: Professor Darren Dalcher is Director of the National Centre for Project Management, a Professor
of Software Project Management at Middlesex University and Visiting Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Iceland.
This companion series to the Advances in Project Management Series provides short guides to a set of key aspects
of project management:
• Benefits Management;
• Business Case;
• Change Management;
• Cost Management;
• Financing;
• Governance;
• Leadership;
• Organization;
• Programme Management;
Each guide, as the series title suggests, aims to provide the fundamentals of the subject from a rigorous
perspective and from a leading proponent of the subject. Practising professionals and project management
students will find in the fundamentals a definitive, shorthand guide to each of the main competencies
associated with project management; a book that is authoritative, based on current research but immediately
relevant and applicable.
• Progress Management/Earned Value;
• Planning;
• Quality Management;
• Risk Management;
• Scope;
• Scheduling;
• Sponsorship;
• Stakeholder Management;
• Value Management.
Earned Value Management
for Projects
Alexandre Rodrigues
Initially developed as a tool for measuring
performance in projects, Earned Value is
now to be evolved to play a similar role in the
management of programs and portfolios.
This is the first of two books on Earned Value
Management and provides a concise but authoritative
guide to the process. The companion volume in the
Advances for Project Management series relates earned
value to business strategy.
May 2012 c. 140 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0799-7 c. £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0800-0
On Managing Risk in Projects
this is in fact a little gem of a book,
bursting with information on every page
I believe there is a wide audience for this book
Anyone interested in implementing or improving
their current approach to risk would also find
this guide a useful addition to their library.
John Fisher, Risk Management Professional
Latest Titles
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
Fundamentals of Project Management Series
Program Management
Michel Thiry
Based on practical applications of program
management in different countries, as well as the
leading standards, this book reflects the most recent
developments in the area. It offers an understanding
of program management’s connection to business
strategy and value realisation, beyond multiple-project
management. Additionally it emphasizes the need for
program specific processes, based on an iterative life
cycle and the management of multiple stakeholders
and their expected benefits.
The book is grounded in a robust theoretical
framework, complemented by a number of
case studies.
September 2010 220 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08882-7 £32.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0716-4
Managing Risk in Projects
David Hillson
‘This short book packs a lot of punch Since getting
this book, the reviewer has frequently referred to two
of its concepts in his course on Risk Management
in a Masters Project Management degree. First is
the definition of risk that differentiates between Risk
and Uncertainty by defining “risk as uncertainty that
matters” and secondly the concept of risk management
being “Built in Vs Bolt On” The book makes a good
representation of project, program and portfolio
management and how risk management needs to be
undertaken at each level. This helps to remove a lot of
ambiguity when it comes to knowing how projects are
connected to programs and programs to portfolio and
how the risk should be managed at each level.’
Tayyab Maqsood, School of Property, Construction and
Project Management, RMIT University, Melbourne,
Australia in The International Journal of Managing
Projects in Business
‘’This is risk management that recognises and
works with the complexity of business strategy
and decision making…This is a practical book
and a serious introduction to the area of risk
management in projects.’
Carol Long, MCQI CQP, Quality World
A concise description of current best practice
in project risk management introduces the latest
relevant developments enabling project managers,
project sponsors and others responsible for managing
risk in projects to do just that – effectively.
2009 126 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08867-4 £25.00
ebook 978-0-566-09155-1
To view more information on this series visit
On Managing Risk in Projects
On Program Management
Program Management describes the practical considerations often overlooked
when translating ideas into real, value generating programs. The model marrying
Programs to Strategic Decision Management (Chapter 3) is alone worth the book.
Ron Sklaver, Enterprise Program Manager, Tate & Lyle, US-UK
On Program Management
This is truly brilliant!
Deniz A. Johnson, PMP,
Vice President, Program
Management, Acadian Asset
Management LLC, Boston
Project Governance
Ralf Müller
Ralf Müller’s book provides a well-researched
governance framework along with the best-practices,
roles and responsibilities related to governance tasks.
This concise text is an important guide for project and
programme managers, those managers concerned
with corporate governance such as risk managers
and internal auditors, project sponsors and project
board members, as well as academics researching
in organizational and project performance.
2009 124 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08866-7 £20.00
ebook 978-0-566-09156-8
Project Management 2012
Edited by Professor Darren Dalcher
Advances in Project Management provides short, state of the art guides to the main aspects of the new emerging
applications including: maturity models, agile projects, extreme projects, six sigma and projects, human factors
and leadership in projects, project governance, value management, virtual teams, project benefits.
Advances in Project Management Series
Second Order Project
Michael Cavanagh
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what
you’ve always got, and if what you’ve always got
isn’t good enough, you need to do something else.
Second Order Project Management will help alleviate
the frustration that every member of the profession
has experienced when trying to gain approval for
investment in process improvement from sponsors.
January 2012 c. 115 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-1094-2 £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-1095-9
Managing Project Supply Chains
Ron Basu
A major project has many suppliers, contractors and
customers; it has procurement and supply, demand
planning and scheduling; it often lasts over several
years and has longer lead times. Therefore it can be
argued that the management of major projects will
benefit from adopting some customised supply chain
management principles all of which are discussed in
this book.
November 2011 168 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-2515-1 £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-2516-8
Forthcoming titles in this series are:
• Managing Value in Projects
• Developing Project Leadership
• The Social Infrastructure of Project Management
• Auditing and Reviewing Projects and Programs
• Customer-Centric Project Management
• Earned Value Management for Programmes
and Portfolios
• Project Requirements
• Project Ethics
• Social Competence in Project Management
• Sustainability in Project Management
Spirituality and
Project Management
Judi Neal and Alan Harpham
Effective teams have a great ‘espirit de corps’
which can enable them to reach a higher level of
performance. They are ‘spirited teams.’ This book
examines the role that spirituality plays in project
management. It is an extremely important factor
that is almost lways overlooked, but when tapped
into, it can make the difference between effectiveness
and ineffectiveness.
With a greater understanding of the role of spirituality
in project management, project leaders will be able
to engage their team members’ passion and purpose,
unleash their creativity, and help them solve difficult
May 2012 c. 130 pages
Paperback 978-1-4094-0959-5 c. £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0960-1
To view more information on this series visit
On Tame, Messy and Wicked Risk Leadership
I have no hesitation in recommending this book.
Sir Robert Walmsley, Chairman of the Board of
the Major Projects Association
“ ”
Latest Titles
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Advances in Project Management Series
Tame, Messy and Wicked
Risk Leadership
David Hancock
‘This book takes project risk management firmly onto
a higher and wider plane. We thought we knew what
project risk management was and what it could do.
David Hancock shows us a great deal more of both.The
author has probably read more about risk management
than almost anybody else, he has almost certainly
thought about it as much as anybody else and he has
quite certainly learnt from doing it on very difficult
projects as much as anybody else. His book draws
fully on all three components. For a book which tackles
a complex subject with breadth, insight and novelty –
it’s remarkable that it is also a really good read. I could
go on!’
Dr Martin Barnes, President, The Association for
Project Management
David Hancock’s book explores alternative approaches
to the linear solutions to project risk; one that uses
the perspective of ‘tame, messy and wicked’ problems
to categorise risks. Wicked problems (such as those
having a community or societal benefit) are those
involving a high number of stakeholders and have no
optimum solution. Messy problems (e.g. transport
networks) are those involving a high number of
interconnected systems. Wicked Messes involve both!
The solutions require risk managers to identify project
stakeholders and seek resolutions between their
different perspectives, as much as deliver singular
‘best’ solutions.
November 2010 114 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09242-8 £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0873-4
Project-Oriented Leadership
Ralf Müller and J Rodney Turner
‘Müller and Turner have compiled a terrific “ready-
reckoner” that all project managers would benefit
from reading and reflecting upon to challenge their
performance. The authors have condensed considerable
experience and research from a wide variety of
professional disciplines, to provide a robust digest that
highlights the significance of leadership capabilities for
effective delivery of project outcomes. One of the big
advantages of this book is the richness of the content
and the natural flow of their argument throughout such
a short book Good advice, well explained and backed
up with a body of evidence I will be recommending
the book to colleagues who are in project leader and
manager roles and to students who are considering
these as part of their development or career path.’
Arthur Shelley, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia,
International Journal of Managing Projects in
Projects need leaders who can give them vision,
identity, keep the stakeholders and the project team
on board and make the difficult decisions. This book
explains the key leadership models and shows how
they can be applied within projects to lead processes,
functions and people and ensure an ethical and
inclusive approach within projects and programs.
August 2010 110 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08923-7 £26.50
ebook 978-1-4094-0939-7
Strategic Project Risk Appraisal
and Management
Elaine Harris
Elaine Harris explores a variety of alternative
pre-decision risk assessment strategies and their
application in different types of project. Her cutting
edge research will help advanced project practitioners
and researchers in projects and risk management.
It will assist them in developing a risk management
strategy that is better suited to the context of their
projects and one that is flexible enough to develop and
adapt once the project decision has been taken and
the real-world of project management and delivery
2009 126 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08848-3 £26.50
ebook 978-0-7546-9211-9
Managing Project Uncertainty
David Cleden
By picking up where traditional risk management
techniques begin to fail, this book brings together
leading-edge thinking from a variety of disciplines
and shows how these techniques can be used to
conquer uncertainty in projects.
The book addresses five key questions: Why
is there uncertainty in projects? How do you spot
the symptoms of uncertainty, preferably at an early
stage? What can be done to avoid uncertainty?
What strategies can be used to deal with project
uncertainty? How can both the individual and
the organisation learn to cope more effectively
in the future?
2009 146 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-08840-7 £26.50
ebook 978-0-7546-8174-8
Project Management 2012
Short Guides to Business Risk Series
Risk is a far more complex and demanding issue than it was ten years ago. Risk managers may have expertise
in the general aspects of risk management and in the specifics that relate directly to their business, but they
are much less likely to understand other more specialist risks. Equally, Company Directors may find themselves
falling down in their duty to manage risk because they don’t have enough knowledge to be able to talk to their risk
team, in a sensible way.
The short guides to risk are not going to make either of these groups experts in the subject but will give them
plenty to get started and in a format and an extent (circa 100 pages) that is readily digested.
A Short Guide to
Procurement Risk
Richard Russill
‘This book calls itself “a short guide”. It is not. It may
be small on the outside but it is big on the inside. It is
packed with useful information, for the procurement
professional, for the supply chain manager, for the CEO,
for any business owner. Even for the supply chain risk
researcher, who is likely to find the exhaustive list of
risks particularly useful. Truly, this book is about so
much more than procurement, it is about so much
more than the supply-side risks in the supply chain,
it is about any kind of business and how to do your
business well.’ Jan Husdal, husdal.com
Typically, much less regard is paid to external
suppliers and the risk present when dealing with
them. As a minimum, suppliers are the sources of
materials, services and expert attention which enables
the company to feed its business model. When done
well, a high-performance risk-aware procurement
process provides the bonus of competitive advantage,
with ability to capitalise, rather than suffer, from the
occurrence of unexpected events. This short guide
explains how to do it.
May 2010 142 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09218-3 £17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09219-0
A Short Guide to Fraud Risk
Fraud Resistance and Detection
Second Edition
Martin Samociuk, Nigel Iyer
Edited by Helenne Doody
‘ It is a fascinating book, showing how easy it may be
for employees, customers, clients and consultants to
commit fraud, and how easy it may be to prevent this. It
is a book that anyone working in procurement or supply
chain management should read and ponder It’s a well-
written book, clear, concise and well-structured and it
should be on every manager’s shelf (and for that matter,
every employee’s shelf, too).’ Supply Chain Risk
A Short Guide to Fraud Risk gives a concise but
thorough introduction to the risk of fraud based on
a six-element strategy. It includes practical steps to
assess and treat fraud risks company-wide, including
those relating to executive directors. It also shows how
to develop fraud awareness across an organisation
and how to implement an effective fraud detection
and incident management program.
March 2010 196 pages
Paperback 978-0-566-09231-2 £17.99
ebook 978-0-566-09232-9
For more books and more information on this series visit
Latest Titles
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Training for Project Management
Three Volume Set
Ian Stokes
This three-volume set of ready-to-use training activities
and exercises are designed to stimulate learning in
both the human and the technical aspects of project
management. The collection explores a huge range
of topics including areas such as benefit and value
management, stakeholder relations, critical and
innovative thinking and much more.
2009 1086 pages
A4 Looseleaf 978-0-566-08901-5 £250.00
Training for Project Management
Volume 1: Skills and Principles
Second Edition
Ian Stokes
This manual contains exercises and activities which
stimulate learning about managing projects, focusing
particularly on the people and leadership aspects.
They are intended not only to make learning more
fun, but also to speed up the process. The activities
in the collection cover five distinct areas: Project
Management Principle; Setting Objectives and
Assessing Requirement; Creativity and Problem-
Solving; Communication, Negotiation and Co-
ordination; Motivation, Teamwork and Leadership.
2008 338 pages
A4 Looseleaf 978-0-566-08869-8 £100.00
CD-ROM individual user 978-0-566-08872-8 £100.00 + VAT
Training for Project Management
Volume 2: Methods and Techniques
Second Edition
Ian Stokes
Ready-to-use training activities and exercises that
explore the standards, tools and techniques for
planning, estimating, managing and measuring,
successful projects. The collection includes:
icebreakers, design exercises, questionnaires and
assessments, project plans, brain teasers and
enigmas, team challenges and discussion exercises.
A4 Looseleaf 978-0-566-08870-4 £100.00
CD-ROM individual user 978-0-566-08873-5 £100.00 + VAT
Training for Project Management
Volume 3: Innovation, Value and Performance
Ian Stokes
This new collection of activities enables your project
managers and team members to improve the
performance of their projects by exploring topics
such as benefit and value management, stakeholder
relations, critical and innovative thinking and much
more. The collection is a natural companion volume
to Training for Project Management Volumes One and
Two, by the same author, which seek to develop the
basic human and technical skills associated with
working in projects.
2009 300 pages
A4 Looseleaf 978-0-566-08871-1 £100.00
CD-ROM individual user 978-0-566-08874-2 £100.00 + VAT
Training for Project Management Collection
Project Management 2012
Also of Interest from Ashgate’s Aviation List
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Commercial Aircraft Projects
Managing the Development of Highly
Complex Products
Hans-Henrich Altfeld
‘ A useful book for students of aerospace engineering
management and practitioners in the field who wish
to improve their understanding of the main activities
of, and challenges for, prime contractors…Each part
is an easy-to read comprehensive explanation of
what currently happens in aircraft development, with
figures and footnotes to c1arify. Examples are used
with good effect to illustrate points. There is good use
of referencing to support statements made…Reading
the book, it is easy to understand the complexity of
managing aircraft projects and why there are so many
opportunities for the failure that has been the project
track record for most modern aircraft programmes.’
Aerospace Professional
The theme of this book is that any management
approach for the development of commercial aircraft
should seek to integrate the strengths of state-of-
the-art management disciplines while limiting their
application to some basic essentials. It explores the
interconnectedness between individual management
disciplines by explicitly considering the matter of
integrative management.
November 2010 482 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7753-6 £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9494-6
Aviation Project Management
Triant G. Flouris and Dennis Lock
This unique book highlights the ways that successful
businesses are managed in the aviation industry
through the identification and application of proven
project management methods. Theoretical concepts
are defined, clarified and shown how they can be
valuable to business managers and students of the
aviation business sector.
2008 314 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7395-8 £55.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9868-5
Managing Aviation Projects
from Concept to Completion
Triant G. Flouris and Dennis Lock
Triant Flouris is a prominent academic and
administrator in aviation management education;
Dennis Lock has more than forty years experience
in practising, lecturing and writing about project
management. When these two experts combined
their considerable talents to write their earlier book
Aviation Project Management, it was little wonder
that distinguished reviewers gave generous praise
and acclaimed it as a welcome addition to what,
until then, had been a neglected field.
Aviation project management is described in
considerable detail throughout all stages of a
lifecycle that begins when the project is only a vague
concept and does not end until the project has been
successfully completed, fully documented, and put
into operational service.
Aviation projects have commonly failed to deliver
their expected outcomes on time and have greatly
exceeded their intended budgets. Many of those
failures would have been prevented if the project
managers had adhered to the sound principles of
project management, as described and demonstrated
throughout this book.
2009 528 pages
Hardback 978-0-7546-7615-7 £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9874-6
Risk Management and Corporate
Sustainability in Aviation
Triant G. Flouris and Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz
The best corporate sustainability strategies and
management approaches require the consideration
of all corporate risks in both a holistic and systematic
way. Flouris and Kucuk Yilmaz present an effective
way to manage sustainability risks via a new,
well-designed, integrated, dynamic and flexible
framework. It introduces an opportunity for turning
risks into potential corporate advantages.
Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability in
Aviation is addressed to professionals, students
and researchers within air transportation business
management and risk management.
October 2011 252 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1199-4 £55.00
ebook 978-1-4094-1200-7
Order online and receive a 10% discount www.gowerpublishing.com/projectmanagement
Future Titles to look out for
The world’s
expert authors
write for
Project Branding
Winning Both The Hearts and Minds of Your
Peter Taylor
Coming 2012 c. 160 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-1835-1 c. £39.50
ebook 978-1-4094-1836-8
Lean and Digitize
An Integrated Approach to Process Improvement
Bernardo Nicoletti
Coming 2012 c. 225 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-4194-6 c. £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-4195-3
Risk and Earned Value
Val Jonas and Lauren Bone
Coming 2012 c. 220 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08804-9 c. £65.00
Project Recovery and Turnaround
Andrew Wayne
Coming 2012 c. 180 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08839-1 c. £60.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9207-2
The Commercial Management
of Projects
Edited by Rodney Turner and David Wright
Coming 2012 c. 250 pages
Hardback 978-0-566-08845-2 c. £65.00
ebook 978-0-7546-9210-2
Business Architecture
A Practical Guide
Jonathan Whelan and Graham Meaden
Coming 2012 c. 160 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-3859-5 c. £40.00
ebook 978-1-4094-3860-1
Managing Quality in Projects
Ron Basu
Coming 2012 c. 200 pages
Hardback 978-1-4094-4092-5 c. £65.00
ebook 978-1-4094-4093-2
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