Mustang Daily- Californa Polytechnic State University
From the moment a new advertising account executive walks through the doors of the Mustang Daily, they
were welcomed into a fun but at the same time challenging environment. They are challenged to become
the best account executive they can be from the start. California Polytechnic State University San Luis
Obispo’s nationally-recognized motto is “Learn by Doing”. The Mustang Daily training philosophy
embraces that motto from day one.
The Mustang Daily is part of the Journalism Department at Cal Poly. Most of our editorial staff are Jour-
nalism majors, preparing for careers in that field. However, the advertising staff is comprised of students
coming from a variety of majors without any prior training or education in advertising. It is imperative
to have a very in depth and effective training program to prepare these students to successfully handle
the challenge of selling newspaper, online and radio advertising space in a short period of time. And our
techniques have proved to be successful over recent years with graduating reps landing full-time positions
with publications such as Wall Street Journal, San Jose Mercury, San Luis Obispo Tribune, Orange County
Register and San Diego Union Tribune.
The Mustang Daily’s training includes these major components:
• All Day Classroom Style
• Mid-Year New Hire Training
• Ongoing Training
• Goal Setting & Assessment
• Team Building with Editorial
All Day Classroom Style
At the start of school year, all of the account executives get together for an entire day of training; you
could call it an “advertising boot camp”. Each account executive receives a binder with essential informa-
tion, such as: sales flyers, interoffice documents, sales tips, and other office documents, and as a group,
we go through the binder. We play multiple games and sales scenarios during training, which allows train-
ing to be hands on.
The all day classroom style training is great because it helps all account executives in numerous ways. The
newer account executives are able to learn and develop sales techniques and procedures, while the return-
ing account executive are able to brush up and refine their sales skills.
Also, during the all day training, all member of the advertising department (the graphic designers, the
business managers and the marketing team) participate. This allows the entire advertising team to come
together and learn how vital everyone is to the success of the Mustang Daily. The all day training creates
an efficient team atmosphere from the start.
Mid-Year New Hire Training
Occasionally we hire throughout the year and we always want the new hires to be brought up to speed into
a welcoming environment. With our new hires, we start out by pairing them up with experienced account
executive. The experienced account executive trains, teaches and encourages the new account executive
to go out and visit clients and be confident on sales calls. This allows the new hires to understand the
fundamentals of the office, sales techniques, client management and office etiquette.
New hires that are brought into the Mustang Daily midyear, also receive a training binder with informa-
tion, sales tips, sales flyers and other necessary office documents. The experienced account executives
go through the binder with the new hires and help train, explain and clarify how sales methods can be
Ongoing Training
We believe ongoing training is essential to becoming and staying successful at the Mustang Daily. We
make a commitment to provide our team (account executives, designers & business staff) with many tools
and tips to develop their skills and be prepared for the real world. These tips range from overcoming objec-
tions to building lasting relationships with clients to designing an effective ad. The training we present
is done in a fun matter, such as a trivia game, team battles, group competition, team adventures, table
discussions and more. These games and activities allow training to be much more appealing, entertaining
and engaging for all. The ongoing training is visited in our weekly meetings.
Goal Setting & Assessment
At the end of each academic quarter, we assess two ways: 1) one-on-one with account executives and 2)
The one-on-ones with account executives are completed every 10 weeks. Each account executive and
their manager sit down together and discuss the past 10 weeks. The evaluations provide the account ex-
ecutives with feed back and ensures them that they are performing the daily activities necessary to being
successful in this position. The evaluations help the account executives see where they are excelling and
where improvements can be made.
At the end of each quarter, all employees of the advertising staff of the Mustang Daily complete an evalu-
ation. The evaluation provides feedback for the advertising managers, production manager and advertising
coordinator, with positive suggestions for improving. The evaluations are used to learn from the advertising
account executives and graphic designers, not just learning from the management staff.
Team Building with Editorial
At the Mustang Daily, we believe it is critical for advertising and editorial to get along, and this year, we
had a picnic at a local park to do just that. A few days prior to the start of school, the entire staff of the
Mustang Daily- editorial, advertising & advisers spent an afternoon together chowing down on BBQ food,
playing icebreakers and the competing with one another with an intense game of ultimate frisbee. The
picnic allowed for all members of the Mustang Daily to meet, get to know one another and breakdown the
wall between advertising and editorial.
We continuously work together to keep the relationship strong between the two departments with weekly
meetings, holiday parties, office competitions and more.
All of these events and activities help everyone to get to know one another on a personal level and allow
for positive work environment throughout the school year.
All of these types of training are vital to the success of the Mustang Daily. We take pride in sitting down
with new and returning employees and actively teach them, this allows the entire office to be educated
and confident, when it comes to their position at the Mustang Daily.
All Day Classroom Style Training
Training Schedule Inlcudes:
Learning Goals & Objectives
Expectations & Staff Guidelines
• Pay
• Duties
• “Three Strike Rule”
• Warning Cards
• Drug & Alcohol Policy
• 3 Month Evaluations
• Issues/Problems
• Office Hours
Ofce Procedures & Ofce Etiquette
• Call Sheets
• Phone & Email Etiquette
• Dress Code
• Checking Mailboxes, Personal Space
& Equipment Usage
• Master List
Working with Business
• Insertion Orders (importance!)
• Filing IOs
• Contracts
• Accounting Forms
• How to Schedule
• Black List Accounts
• Billing Cycle
• Prepay Discount
• National Accounts
Media Kit/The Products
• Special Editions Discount
• Guarantee Placement
The Sales Call & Planning Out Your Schedule
• Cold Calling & Prospecting
• Preparing & Client Research
• Needs Analysis
• Pitching & When to Pitch
• Objections
• Up Selling
• Selling Value
• Closing the Sale
• Following Up
Working with Designers
• Contacting Designers
• Make Order Forms
• Creating Effective Ads
• Campaigns
• Spec Ads
• Finalizing Ads
Working with Marketing
• Attending Events
• Newsletter
• Testimonials
"Advertising Boot Camp".
Assistant graphic design manager, Jaclyn, teaches the account
executives how to effectively create ads, work efficently with the
design team and how to use the design programs.
Assesting Goals
We believe that for training to be effective, we need to
know what is working and what is not working.
All of the following evaluations are way we assess goals.
The forms allow for us to see how we're doing as a team,
individually and how our training program is working.
We are always looking for new ways to improve and
inventive ways to train, teach and motivate our staff
to be the best they can be.
3 Month Evaluations
This year we will be implementing 3 month evaluations. The purpose of these
evaluations is to ensure that all Account Executives are performing the daily
activities necessary to being successful in this position.
Every three months each individual Account Executive will be evaluated on the
Number of weekly face-to-faces
• Attendance of office hours
• Attendance of weekly meetings
• Attendance of marketing events
• Attitude in office
• Following up with clients
• Turning in weekly call sheet
• Monthly goals
• Special edition goals
• Coming into office daily
Evaluations will help Account Executives see where they are excelling and where
improvements can be made.
Evaluations will be held with Account Executive, their manager and Advertising
Gradeyourmanager: A B C D E F
GradeTraining A B C D
Team Building with Editorial
Both advertising and editorial come together to enjoy a pot luck dinner and ultimate frisbee game
prior to the 2011-2012 school year.
Advertising and editorial unite to conquor 93.1 KCPR (the
student run radion station) in a game of softball in the
spring of 2011. The game allowed the group to think on
their feet and work as a team.
To celebrate the Mustang Daily’s successes, both
advertising and editorial solidify their relationship by enjoy
each others’ company at the holiday party in December of