Business and Economics
Monash MBA
South Africa
Top ranking MBA offered by top ranking university
Monash University is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide, according
to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
The Monash MBA is consistently ranked amongst the top MBA programs in
Australia and is highly regarded by organisations and businesses worldwide.
The program’s international standing is reflected in its accreditation by the
Association of MBAs (AMBA). It is just the third such program in Australia, the
first in Victoria and only ‘Group of Eight’ university, to be recognised by AMBA.
AMBA, based in the UK, is the international impartial authority on postgraduate
business education. AMBA’s accreditation service is the global standard for
all MBA programs. Currently MBA programs in 168 business schools in 72
countries have AMBA accreditation.
The MBA program is offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics. The
Faculty is one of a small number of elite entities worldwide that have been
awarded accreditation by EQUIS, the European Quality Improvement System
based in Brussels.
EQUIS schools are assessed against standards of quality that prevail in the
best institutions all over the world. EQUIS is the leading international system
of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of higher education
institutions in management and business administration.
The fundamental objective of EQUIS, linked to the mission of the European
Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), is to raise the standard of
management education worldwide. The scope of EQUIS covers all programs
offered by an institution from the first degree to the PhD.
“Today’s business environment needs a
new calibre of transformative leaders
- leaders who are able to conceive
new visions, who promote ethical,
sustainable practices and who are
able to meet emerging challenges
head on.
The Monash MBA is uniquely
positioned to support the
development of these leaders.”
Professor Colm Kearney
Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics
“Traditional management skills are
no longer enough. To truly make a
difference, corporate leaders must
also have a deep understanding of
their social responsibility and the
impact this has on their business.
The Monash MBA addresses both of
these elements.”
Associate Professor Amanda Pyman
BCom (Hons) PhD PGCHE
MBA Director
Amanda’s pedagogical approach centres on the
co-creation of knowledge, and is underpinned by
student participation, case study based teaching and
interaction. MBA students are encouraged to draw
on their own work experience and that of others in
debating, applying and critiquing knowledge, theory
and analytical tools.
In leading the MBA program, Amanda draws on her
work with organisations in the public and private
sectors in Australia and in the UK. Amanda also
teaches Managing People for Competitive Advantage.
In 2011, Amanda was the recipient of a Dean’s
Commendation for Excellent Teaching and is
renowned for her teaching excellence.
The Monash MBA – the MBA for people who
believe business should be better
Consistently placed amongst the top MBA programs in Australia, the Monash
MBA offers a new approach to the development of corporate and community
leaders. Here, you will learn how to manage, lead and transform organisations
but you will do so in a unique way.
You will examine and develop your individual leadership and personal
capabilities. You will learn to approach business challenges in a holistic way,
guided by a professional and ethical framework. Innovative thinking and
entrepreneurship will be encouraged and grown. And you will do all this while
considering how you can make business better.
The Monash MBA has an integrated focus on ethics and sustainability,
leadership, negotiation and strategic decision-making with flexible course
delivery in a combination of intensive and traditional semester modes.
Management Essentials
During the Monash MBA you will build on your existing management skills and
knowledge, readying you to lead and manage whole enterprises. Extending
beyond business fundamentals, you will gain expertise in applying your
business skills in a variety of settings.
Social Responsibility
Our curriculum includes an integrated focus on ethics and sustainability. Here,
you will explore moral issues facing contemporary business leaders and you
will consider the impact of value-based decisions in the business world.
Leadership and Personal Development Program
The Monash MBA’s Leadership and Personal Development program is unique.
Fully integrated into the core curriculum, it builds on the academic program
seeking to assist you to improve your leadership capabilities and to promote
your career. The Monash MBA Leadership and Personal Development Program
is based on the belief that empowering MBA students in the behaviour-based
areas of leadership and personal development is of equal importance to the
business and commercial skills gained from the academic curriculum.
Corporate Projects
Our exclusive corporate project, completed in the final quarter of the course,
is an experiential component that offers you the opportunity to apply the
qualitative and analytical skills covered in the preceding 12 units of the program
in the context of a defined ‘live’ business problem.
Program Duration
The full-time program is usually completed in two years and the part-time
program in four years.
However, there is an option for full-time students to accelerate progression
through the first 12 units to complete the coursework part of the program
in one year of full-time study followed by the corporate project in one
semester. This option is based on academic merit.
Part-time students may accelerate progression to complete in 2.5-3 years.
Associate Professor Vivek Chaudhri BEc PhD
Strategic management MBA5005, Negotiation and managerial judgement MBA5500
Vivek is Deputy Head of the Department of Management at Monash University. His areas of interest include applied
game theory, business strategy and policy design.
Vivek has worked extensively with the Victorian and federal governments on the design of auction formats and
market methods in a number of different policy realms. He has also been actively involved in the strategy consulting
arena, having advised the Boards and senior management of many private and public institutions, in Australia and
internationally, on issues ranging from real options in valuations to designing organisational architectures.
Dr Paul Kalfadellis BCom GradDip AppSc MBA PhD
The strategic environment of business MBA5510
Paul is an enthusiastic and energetic educator who engages and encourages students to learn in an open, inclusive
and interactive environment. In 2007 he was awarded the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. A Monash MBA
Alumnus himself, Paul has had extensive experience in both industry and academia. His research interests lie in the
areas of foreign direct investment into Australia and cross-cultural communication.
Dr George Rivers BEc MEc PhD
Business economics MBA9003
George is an economist specialising in cost benefit analysis; legislation assessment; project/program evaluation and
pricing. He has received numerous awards for teaching. George has undertaken collaborations with the Department
of Natural Resources and Environment, the former Victorian Qualifications Authority, COAG; The Department of
Sustainability and Environment; The Department of Community Planning and Development; The Department of Primary
Industries; The Department of Justice; VicRoads; Energy Safe Victoria; Royal Botanic Gardens and Alpine Resorts.
Dr Dayna Simpson BSc MEng PhD
Creating innovative organisations MBA5540
Dayna brings international experience into the MBA classroom, having worked in both the US and Australia. She is
passionate about ‘responsible’ innovations that benefit companies financially but are also socially and environmentally
beneficial. Her experience over 15+ years working with companies on this topic has shown that creativity, employee
involvement and investment is key. Dayna encourages students to think outside the square and not to accept the
status quo.
Dr Srinivas Sridharan BEng MSc MBA PhD
Strategic marketing MBA9006
Having taught for over a dozen years in leading business schools in three countries, Srinivas believes that true learning
occurs deep inside the mind of the learner. Teaching Strategic Marketing in the Monash MBA with case studies, he
encourages personal responsibility, learning from peers, and a decision orientation in students.
Srinivas is a respected researcher in the area of marketing in emerging markets and informal economies, with his work
profiled in The Wall Street Journal, Economist Intelligence Unit, and Profit Magazine.
Dr Wendy Stubbs BAppSci MBA PhD
Creating sustainable organisations MBA5520
Wendy combines her 18 years business experience with her ongoing research into corporate sustainability, to provide
a hands-on course in Creating Sustainable Organisations. The course helps students navigate their way through
the social, environmental and economic sustainability issues facing business today. Through case studies and guest
speakers from leading sustainable organisations, students learn how to develop and implement a business strategy
for sustainability.
Dr John J. Vaz BBus MBA PhD MAICD
Corporate finance MBA9005
John is passionate about finance and believes that every executive should be capable of measuring decisions in terms
of intrinsic value. His goal is to empower his students to win the business argument with the CFO in financial terms.
He is a formidable teacher who uses cases and simulations in Finance drawing on his many years of experience in
chief executive and financial officer roles from start-ups to large enterprises in the Tech sector across many countries.
Professor Steve Worthington BSc Ec (Hons) CertEd MBA PhD
Strategic marketing MBA9006
Steve joined the Marketing Department at Monash in 2002, prior to which he worked at several universities in the
United Kingdom (UK) and he has had executive experience at a UK bank and with a UK supermarket group.
His research interests are focused on the distribution of financial services, particularly through the channel of payment
cards. Recent publications have focused on the opportunities and challenges facing new entrants into the financial
services market, particularly from brands such as Tesco Bank and Virgin Money and on the attitudes of the young,
affluent Chinese, as early adopters of credit cards.
The Monash MBA – a sophisticated
educational experience
Aimed at the experienced professional and those professionals in transition,
the Monash MBA offers a sophisticated educational experience. We carefully
select talented professionals who have the drive and ambition to move up to
executive status, and who have the personal attributes and management to
You will proceed through the course in a diverse, highly capable cohort
of peers. This means that you not only benefit from the knowledge and
experience other students ‘bring to the table’ but you can build an invaluable
professional network.
Accordingly we are highly selective about the individuals admitted into the
program. In addition to demonstrating potential leadership capabilities and
ambitions, each must contribute to the diversity of background and insight
within their group. We look for team players who are independent thinkers. We
select individuals with a truly international outlook.
Rigorous Curriculum
At Monash, you will be expected to actively contribute to a rigorous program
of insight and endeavour. You will be required to be confident, to be innovative
and to seek to improve your own personal qualities. You will work hard but the
outcomes you gain will be invaluable.
The Monash MBA thoroughly addresses current management and leadership
practices, but it goes well beyond that. Overlaid by the Leadership and
Personal Development program, and including two major strategic corporate
projects, the curriculum is comprehensive, aspirational and distinctive.
The Cohort Experience
You will complete your studies with a group of like-minded students. Our MBA
units of study are exclusive to MBA students, and you will not be expected to
undertake units outside of the program.
You will complete your studies in dedicated MBA teaching and social learning
spaces. Teaching staff will be located in the same area, promoting interaction
outside the classroom.
A Flexible Approach
The Monash MBA offers flexibility in course delivery enabling you to accelerate
your progression, should you wish to do so. Units are delivered in a
combination of intensive blocks and conventional semester modes (including
some weekends), offering a more problem-based and work-based student
experience, appropriate to the professional status of the student cohort. Part-
time students will be required to attend some weekday classes.
Outstanding Academic Staff
The Monash MBA is distinguished by the calibre of its academic staff. Many
are internationally recognised for their expertise in the economic, social and
technological forces shaping today’s corporate sector. They fully recognise the
importance of grounding management theories in practical situations.
Experienced industry practitioners complement the mix. Recognised for their
various capabilities, business leaders exclusively present their unique insights
into cutting edge leadership practices during the program.
The Monash MBA – a dynamic community
The Monash MBA aims to create and build a unique student experience where
partnerships with co-students, MBA alumni, industry practitioners and other
institutions are developed throughout the life of the program and beyond.
You will build strong professional networks with your fellow students, and you
will also have the opportunity to forge strong connections with individuals
drawn from both the corporate and not-for-profit sectors across international
As an MBA alumnus, you will have an open invitation to use the social learning
space. MBA alumni regularly contribute to the MBA curricular and co-curricular
programs as guest speakers or mentors.
Learning Beyond the Classroom
At Monash, learning extends well beyond the
MBA students and alumni are invited to participate
in the wide range of exclusive co-curricular activities
offered each year.
Co-curricular activities include: alumni and student
distinguished guest speaker events and forums,
master-classes and ‘People Leadership Connect’
forums. In 2011, our distinguished guest speakers
at Monash MBA Events included: Mr John Brumby
(Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow) and Vivek
Tulpule (Chief Economist, Rio Tinto).
Copyright © 2010 Rio Tinto
The Monash MBA – inspiring course content
The Monash MBA brings together the best aspects of the top MBAs around
the world.
It aims to develop individual leadership and personal capabilities and provide
a holistic approach to business challenges and issues alongside conventional
discipline-based academic subjects.
The 16-unit Monash MBA integrates the academic content of the program with
the Leadership and Personal Development program. It includes:
■ Four integrating core units (context setting)
■ Critical thinking for problem solving
■ The strategic environment of business
■ Negotiation and managerial judgement
■ Strategic management
■ Eight fundamental units in key business disciplines
■ Business economics
■ Business insights from data analysis
■ Corporate finance
■ Creating innovative organisations
■ Creating sustainable organisations
■ Interpreting accounting information
■ Managing people for competitive advantage
■ Strategic marketing
■ A strategic corporate project (equivalent to four units)
Our Unique Corporate Project
During the final quarter of your MBA studies at Monash, you will participate in an
experiential learning component that hones the qualitative and analytical skills
covered in the preceding units of the program into practical, real life activities.
The corporate project comprises three elements.
■ A consulting skills unit delivered in block mode (one week of classroom
delivery) and entails the development of a broad set of consulting-specific
■ The Community Corporate Project - a group project (one week ‘in
company’) completed in the not-for-profit or community sector.
The rationale for this is consistent with the broader aims of the Monash
MBA program to develop future leaders, and the recognition that business
and its leaders are situated in the wider community and hence have an
obligation to that community.
Examples of community projects being completed by Monash MBA
students in 2012 include: strategy implementation; marketing and branding;
scoping new business ventures; building organisational capability through
team performance, organisational values and workforce development
plans; and, utilising information and communication technologies to provide
client-directed approaches to service delivery.
■ The Individual Corporate Project - an individual ‘in company’ project
students complete in the corporate, public or community sector.
There is a suite of possible projects that host organisations have
nominated, and students are required to spend up to six weeks (part-time
or full-time) in the organisation ‘solving’ a real business problem. Projects
can also be completed in your own workplace.
This element of the Monash MBA provides both a finishing school for
students in the program, and a first-look opportunity at managerial talent
for our partner organisations.
and Personal
Context Setting
Course Structure
Leadership and Personal Development Program Sequence
Part A
Monash MBA Induction
Introduction to MBA Program
Introduction to Networking
Your Personal Leadership Style
Introduction to Reflective Leadership
Introduction to Career Management
Returning to Study - Skills Audit
Effective Research Techniques
Using the Case Study Method
Presentation Skills
Reflective Leadership e-Portfolio
Related modules and units (see page 12 – 13)
Modules 1& 2
Foundations of Business in a Global Context
Mastering Business Fundamentals
The strategic environment of business
Critical thinking for problem solving
Business insights from data analysis
Managing people for competitive advantage
Part B
Leadership Philosophy and Reflective Practice
Reflective Leadership e-Portfolio
Master Class Series
Related modules and units (see page 12 – 13)
Modules 2 & 3
Mastering Business Fundamentals
Module 4
Leadership and Ethics
Managing people for competitive advantage
Negotiation and managerial judgement
Strategic marketing
Creating innovative organisations
Part C
Career Management
Advanced Networking
Communication Strategy
1:1 Career Coaching
Monash MBA Alumni Opportunities
Related modules and units (see page 12 – 13)
Module 5
Strategy in Practice
Strategic management
Corporate Project
MBA5400 MBA5410
Leadership and Personal Development program
We believe empowering our students in the behaviour-based areas of
leadership and personal development is of equal importance to the business
and commercial skills gained from the Monash MBA Program. The leadership
and personal development program forms an integral part of the Monash MBA
and it is designed to complement academic studies.
The program not only strengthens your leadership knowledge and personal
development skills, it also encourages a deeper questioning of your role as a
decision-maker, so that reflective leadership skills add to your understanding of
the contemporary challenges facing business and society more generally.
Key aspects of the program include:
■ Your Personal Leadership Style and Advanced Leadership
Workshop Series reviews current perspectives on leadership and
explores strategies that you can employ to improve your capabilities as a
leader. A strong emphasis is placed on improving practical leadership skills
and developing a wide repertoire of leadership styles that you can apply,
contingent upon the context in which you are operating.
■ Reflective Leadership & Critical Engagement Seminars enable you
to develop a critical stance towards leadership in order to develop as a
socially and ethically responsible business leader. This stance is developed
through reflecting on theories and practices of leadership. Elements include
keeping of a reflective journal, attendance at seminars in which topics of
interest to leaders are discussed and in-unit assessments.
■ People Leadership Connect Series, presented by one of the most
respected and innovative minds in people networks, is a unique approach
to networking which is focused on understanding the united values,
habits and strategies required to connect and collaborate with people and
optimise performance and brand, by remaining relevant and ‘Top of Mind’.
■ Study Skills Seminar Program includes workshops designed and
delivered by specialist librarians and learning skills advisers to specifically
cater to returning-to-study professionals. These workshops focus on honing
the research and academic skills that underpin success in the MBA course.
■ Career Management with Directioneering - a specialist career and
leadership development consultancy. Directioneering will provide a
framework for evaluating your career to date and devise strategies for the
future with a particular focus on proactive career management and how to
take advantage of your MBA qualification.
■ A Media Training and Development Program specifically designed for
Monash MBA students to assist them in effective communication - whether
presenting to a board, at a media interview, as a keynote speaker or simply
communicating with an executive team or employees. The emphasis of
this program will be on maximising any opportunities to communicate,
developing communication techniques on and off camera.
The Cranlana Colloquium
Monash MBA students complete the highly regarded Cranlana Colloquium
as part of the Leadership and Personal Development program.
This one week program is designed to equip leaders from the corporate,
public and community sectors with a set of value-based frameworks for
making difficult decisions where there may not always be a clear choice
between right and wrong.
The seminars are led by expert moderators and the methodology is a
disciplined process specifically designed to enable participants to test
their thinking against complex frameworks. Key issues, addressed in
depth, include the origin and nature of justice, the place of ethical and
historical perspectives in leadership and public policy debate and changing
perceptions of liberty, equality, community and the ‘good society’.
You will be challenged to consider alternative views, to practise the skills
of practical reasoning and respectful debate and to learn the value of
considered reading and informed reflection in dealing with complex social,
political and economic issues.
Full-Time Program Sequence 2013
Full Time
2 Years*
Year 1 Year 2
9 & 10 February
16 – 24 February
Sem 1 Sem 2
5 days
(dates TBA)
5 days
(dates TBA)
Sem 1 Sem 2
Modules 1
Foundations of
Business in a
Global Context
and Ethics
Strategy in
Strategy in
Strategy in
Units of
The strategic
environment of
Critical thinking
for problem
insights from
data analysis
people for
and managerial
project 1
(equivalent to
2 units)
project 2
(equivalent to
2 units)
* full-time students may accelerate their course progression (subject to MBA Director approval and unit availability)
Part-Time Program Sequence 2013
Part Time
4 Years*
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
9 & 10
16 – 24
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 1 Sem 2
5 days
5 days
Sem 1 Sem 2
Modules 1
of Business
in a Global
and Ethics
Strategy in
Strategy in
Strategy in
Units of
The strategic
of business
thinking for
insights from
data analysis
people for
project 1
to 2 units)
project 2
to 2 units)
* part-time students may accelerate their course progression (subject to MBA Director approval and unit availability)
Units Descriptions
MBA5510 The strategic environment of business
This case-based unit is designed to provide an overview of the
strategic economic and legal environment of business at the global,
market, and organisational levels and the role of individuals in such
an environment. The focus of this unit will be to investigate important
socio-political/legal dimensions and the contemporary context
of senior managerial decision making. To this end, students will
examine the myriad issues challenging the pursuit of sustainable
business practice as a precursor to the more detailed consideration of
functional methods that help inform these decisions that will follow in
the subsequent module.
MBA5530 Critical thinking for problem solving
This foundational unit focuses on the practice and development of
key critical thinking and problem solving skills required by a business
leader to achieve superior performance. Through interactive group
work, role play, case studies and a variety of situational exercises,
students will be able to understand and apply analytical reasoning
to: (a) successfully manage business problems; and (b) interpret and
produce clear and sound arguments in relation to business issues
of general interest. Students will also develop questioning strategies
to support a critical inquiry approach to their learning and research
activities throughout the program.
MBA9007 Business insights from data analysis
In business, the ability to identify situations that would benefit from
some hard facts derives from two constituent and attainable skills. A
thorough understanding of what each technique can do, that is, what
results it can produce. Second, the ability to extract a meaningful
interpretation of the results that adds value and is accessible to
management. The objective of this unit is to facilitate for each student
the attainment of these skills by taking a very practical approach.
Topics covered include data description and summation, data
mining, confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, regression
analysis, and decision making under uncertainty. Software used will
be Microsoft Excel.
MBA9004 Interpreting accounting information
This unit examines accounting as an information system. The
unit content is evenly divided between financial accounting and
management accounting.
Financial accounting considers the information requirements of
external users such as owners, shareholders, investors, potential
investors. Management accounting is concerned with the information
needs of internal users such as managers of an entity at various levels
of responsibility. In both sections of the unit, we are concerned with
the needs of managers in planning, decision making and control.
MBA5008 Managing people for competitive advantage
Effective management of human capital has the potential to be a
source of sustainable competitive advantage for high-performance
organisations. This unit examines various ways in which organisations
can effectively lead and manage human capital for growth and profits,
innovation and sustainable competitive advantage. It consists of three
modules: managing individual motivation, behaviour and engagement
at work; managing people and the human resource function; and
the design of high performance human resource systems. As well as
drawing on contemporary research on strategic HRM and the high
performance workplace, the unit covers a wide range of real-world
case and practical challenges in managing people and human capital
in diverse organisational settings.
MBA9006 Strategic marketing
Students will gain an understanding of the key concepts of marketing
and an insight into the role of marketing in contemporary business
organisations. The unit is presented within a marketing planning
framework in which marketing theories and concepts focus on the
practical need of developing and implementing effective marketing
MBA9003 Business economics
Students will be introduced to the methodology of microeconomics
and the tools used by economists in problem solving. Topics
include demand, supply and market analysis, cost concepts, price
determination and pricing practices. The course aims to develop
an understanding of the competitive environment facing firms
through analysis of varying market structures (oligopoly, monopolistic
competition etc). The knowledge gained will be applied to a range of
microeconomic policy issues, including competition policy, regulation,
microeconomic reform and privatisation.
MBA5520 Creating sustainable organisations
Environmental, social and ethical issues are increasingly influencing
business decisions. The ability to create value from, and mitigate risks
associated with, environmental, social and ethical issues increasingly
impacts markets, access to capital, company reputation and shareholder
value. Through the use of case studies, lectures and guest speakers,
this unit will critically examine sustainability challenges across a range of
industry settings and develop strategies to address these issues.
MBA9005 Corporate finance
This course is designed as an introduction to corporate finance
theories and application of theories so that solutions to key financial
management decisions of for-profit organisations can be identified.
The key financial decisions (capital budgeting, financing, acquisition
and dividend) of managers in non-financial firms will be examined.
Students will learn analytical skills to solve these problems using the
body of knowledge that comes from finance theories.
MBA5540 Creating innovative organisations
This unit equips students with the knowledge to understand and the
capacity to manage innovation at the operational and strategic levels.
Innovation drives sustainable competitive advantage in organisations.
It requires integration of multiple organisational functions but
particularly those that impact product and process development. The
operations function, in particular, provides a key focus for innovation
that is both economically and technologically sound. Modern
innovation for competitive advantage reaches beyond organisational
boundaries into the realm of customer, supplier and third party
integration. Innovation through supply chain integration increasingly
occurs at both the product and the process level. This unit examines
the foundations of innovation in product and process for the
organisation and its supply chain. It explores innovation at the design,
process and system level that is both user-led and technology-led.
It explores concepts that include the nature of innovation and what
drives it, new frontiers of innovation in operations and supply chains
and future frontiers in social and environmental innovation.
MBA5500 Negotiation and managerial judgement
This unit provides a practical and experiential introduction to
principles of effective negotiation in diverse industry and functional
contexts. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to develop and
effectively utilise strategies for negotiations and decision making. In an
increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, negotiation
and decision-making have become core capabilities associated with
effective management and leadership of organisations. Drawing on
cross-disciplinary perspectives and recent advances in the field of
negotiation, students will learn to recognise and overcome flaws
in their negotiation and decision making processes and develop
frameworks for analysing situations and making sound decisions.
MBA5005 Strategic management
Strategic management is concerned with building organisations
that create value for all stakeholders in a turbulent world. This unit
integrates material from earlier units in the MBA degree, in particular
from marketing, accounting, operations, individual and organisational
behaviour, information technology and finance within a strategic
framework. Students will develop the capacity to understand the
key influences on the development of an organisation’s strategy, to
analyse those influences, to propose appropriate strategic behaviour
for an organisation and demonstrate an understanding of how
strategic change can occur within an organisation.
The Monash MBA – take the next step
Entry Requirements
1. An Australian bachelors degree or an equivalent qualification
2. A minimum of five years work experience with at least three years
of professional/managerial experience. Applicants will be ranked
according to consideration of the following:
a) employment experience
b) the entire academic record, with a credit average preferred
3. Minimum English language requirements:
You should meet one of the following criteria:
■ You have achieved a satisfactory level of performance in an
English subject at Year 12 or equivalent level. For VCE students
this means a study score of at least 25 in units 3 and 4 in any
VCE English subject. All other students should visit www. for entry requirements details.
■ You have studied in an institution where English is the language
of instruction and assessment for the entire institution and have
satisfactorily completed the equivalent of one and a half years
full-time (three standard full-time semesters) of either:
■ a university undergraduate award program, or
■ a program that has been assessed as being taught at an
equivalent level to Monash University undergraduate study.
■ Alternatively you have studied in an institution where English is the
language of instruction and assessment for the entire institution
and have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of one full-time
year (two standard full-time semesters) of postgraduate study.
Documentary evidence in the form of a letter or transcript is
required from the institution at which the study was undertaken.
■ You have undertaken an English language proficiency test within
two years prior to your study commencement date and have
achieved the following results:
■ IELTS – minimum test score of 7 with no individual band
score less than 6.5.
■ TOEFL – minimum test score of 600 with a Test of Written
English score of at least 5. Internet based TOEFL overall 100,
Writing 24+, no score lower than 20.
■ Cambridge English
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Minimum test score required:
A grade of ‘A’
■ Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
Minimum test score required:
A grade of ‘C’
■ You have successfully completed the Monash University English
Language Bridging Program, or equivalent programs, at the
appropriate level.
For further information about English language requirements at Monash
University visit:
Credit and preclusion
If you intend to apply for credit into the MBA program for previous
postgraduate study, please email or
ring +613 9903 1400.
How to Apply
Applications should be made online at the following addresses:
Domestic student applications
/>International student applications
Applications must include:
1. A copy of your résumé.
2. Certified copies of academic transcripts (including English
language test results if required),
3. Statement of purpose
A key characteristic of the Monash MBA program is the business
experience that students bring to the classroom. As part of your
application, you are therefore required to include a one-page
statement of purpose outlining your reasons for applying to the
Monash MBA, and what you think you can contribute to the
4. Employment references
The Monash MBA managerial or professional work requirement
ensures that you will be sharing your experience with other
proven performers and people already positioned to advance their
In your application, you must demonstrate that you have
completed a minimum of five years work experience with at least
three years of professional/managerial experience.
Your two original employment references should be presented on
your company’s letterhead and contain all of the following:
■ precise duties performed
■ duration (including dates) of employment
■ full name, title and signature of writer
■ date of letter issue.
Key Dates
Closing date for
domestic applications
Friday, 11 January 2013
Closing date for
international applications
Monday, 10 December 2012
MBA Program Commences:
Leadership and Personal
Development Induction
9 & 10 February 2013
First module Examinations
16-24 February 2013 2 & 9 March 2013
Semester 1
4 March – 31 May 2013 10 June – 28 June 2013
Semester 2
29 July – 25 October 2013 4 November –
22 November 2013
Domestic students (total course) $61,260
International students (total course) $64,500
* Fees are quoted at 2012 rates. For future years of your course
Monash University reserves the right to adjust annual tuition fees in
line with cost increases. The university guarantees that fees will not
increase by more than 10 per cent from year to year.
The Monash MBA Program team is happy to discuss company
sponsorship of MBA students and the return on the investment for the
International Student Visas
International students should visit
which contains important information regarding Australian
Government requirements and conditions for study in Australia, living
costs, course fees, health insurance, working while you study, work
rights for your husband or wife and schooling for your children.
Information about visa applications can be obtained from and
If you would like to receive more information, please email:
Monash University
Monash University was established in 1958 and welcomed
its first intake of students in 1961. In its fifty year history, the
university has established itself as one of Australia’s finest
tertiary institutions, building an enviable reputation for both its
outstanding teaching and its transformative research.
Today, Monash is Australia’s largest university with more staff,
more students, more courses and more campuses around the
globe than any other Australian university.
Monash is the youngest member of the Group of Eight, the
coalition of Australia’s most prestigious research-intensive
universities. The university’s youthfulness shows through in the
way it approaches education and research. It isn’t wedded
to convention or tradition, which means students are offered
a first-class education while being encouraged to become
agents of change.
Monash offers courses from a vast selection of both
and emerging disciplines.
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne is consistently voted one of the world’s most
liveable cities, with its wide-open spaces and parkland, clean
environment, temperate climate, and casual lifestyle. Yet with
nearly four million people, Melbourne combines the qualities
and the cosmopolitan style of the great cities of the world,
a city that blends heritage with a vibrant youth culture and
a thriving artistic community. With its unique blend of Asian
and European lifestyles, sporting and recreational events
that stop the world, and an exciting variety of theatres,
exhibitions, galleries, and musical performances, Melbourne
has something for everyone.
Location and facilities
The MBA program is delivered at the Caulfield campus of
Monash University (9 km from the centre of Melbourne). The
campus has excellent public transport links to the CBD and
the south-eastern suburbs and a multi-storey car park. The
purpose-built MBA suite comprises lecture theatres, student
lounges, reading rooms, syndicate rooms and breakout
facilities, all equipped with wi-fi, computing and state of the art
audio-visual technologies. Students also have access to the
outstanding library resources of the university.
Further information
Postgraduate Student Services Office
Faculty of Business and Economics
Monash University
Building N, Level 4
27 Sir John Monash Drive
Caulfield East, Victoria 3145, Australia
Telephone: (+613) 9903 1400 or (+613) 1300 784 990
Contacts for international students
International Recruitment Services
Monash University
871 Dandenong Road
Caulfield East 3145, Australia
Telephone: +61 3 9627 4852
Caution: While the information provided in this brochure was correct at the time of its publication,
Monash University reserves the right to alter this information should the need arise. You should always
check with the relevant faculty officers when considering a course. May 2012
CRICOS provider code: Monash University 00008C
MBA CRICOS code: 001461G