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7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth potx

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7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth
By Curtis Lewsey
7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth
Copyright: Curtis Lewsey
Published: 28
August 2012
The right of Curtis Lewsey to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by
her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the
A special thank you to my Business Partner & Mentor
Tommy Wyatt – www.AppreciationMarketing.com
A special thank you to my editors
Sandy Shepard – www.GoodSolutions.com
Claire Halliday – www.copyqueens.com
7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth
#1 – Belief
#2 – Model Success
#3 – Your Compelling “Why?”
#4 – Taking Action
#5 – Stretching Your Comfort Zone
#6 – End at the Beginning
#7 – Leverage & Residual Income
7 Secrets to Landing Your Dream Job
#1 – Think Forward

#2 – Proximity is Power
#3 – A Smile & A Handshake
#4 – Professional Help
#5 – Customer Interviews
#6 – They Need You More Than You Need Them
#7 – Follow-up
Congratulations for downloading this! That one simple action says a lot about you. It says
to me that you don’t want to just make an impression with your life; you’d like to make
an impact. The world is desperate for more young, entrepreneurial innovators.
What we DON’T need is more silver-spoon-fed, “Mommy and Daddy will take care of
me” attitudes. If that’s you, please do the DormRoomWealth.com community a favor and
go gel up your hair, hop in the free car you got just for being Daddy’s little girl or
Mommy’s little boy, and stop ridiculing those of us willing to roll up our sleeves and
create our own destiny!
Why? Because when Mommy and Daddy finally do cut your cord, maybe we’ll be kind
enough to hire you someday. Maybe.
Yes, we may seem ridiculous at times. Yes, we may fail over and over again. Yes, we
often consider just giving up. But (trust me) the look on their faces when you make it big
will be worth every ignorant comment made!
How do I know? I walked in your shoes! Does a steady diet of ramen noodles, macaroni
and cheese, pizza, Natural Ice, Dubra vodka and box wine sound all too familiar? You
ever feel embarrassed to ask an attractive girl out to dinner because you’re afraid what
she might order?
Does scanning the menu for the best price or eating fast food way too much sound
familiar? It is all too familiar to me, I am here to tell you that working hard and
surrounding yourself with successful people can pay off big time. Life is way too
abundant to have anything less than what you desire.
Only a few short years ago, I’m the first to admit that I wasn’t open to the opportunities

around me. I remember having to do everything I could to earn a buck. I’d work the
sporting events on campus and was also a campus resident assistant - looking after the
dorms - so I could live for free. At the same time, I was playing Division I baseball and
was a full-time student. I am not complaining one bit.
I would not trade my college experiences for anything.
Life is a collection of stories. You need to collect as many fun, exciting and positive ones
as possible while you’re in college. Have you ever-heard people say: ‘College will be
“THE” best 4 years of your life’? In my mind, that’s a bit sad. That kind of implies that
it’s all downhill from there. For some…maybe. I’m here to tell you that if you stick with
me, you’ll look back in 10, 20, 30 years and say, “College was four “OF THE” best years
of my life”
If you stay on the DormRoomWealth.com path, you don’t have to resign yourself to this
fate, you can create your own destiny. It’s awesome not waking up to an alarm clock, not
having people tell me what to do, not having people tell me when I can take time off, and
not having people tell me what I’m worth.
I should make it clear, though, that I am not anti-jobs. We need jobs to make the world go
around. I just don’t want one. If that sounds like you, then there’s more for you a bit later
on; I’m getting ahead of myself. But before I get back on track, there’s a book that you
absolutely need to buy. You can get it on Amazon or half.com for under $5, and it even
comes in a number of different languages. It’s called Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert
This book changed my life. In fact, it’s only the second book I read in my life cover to
cover. (The first was Lord of the Flies, because I was forced to in high school. And I
promise that Rich Dad, Poor Dad will give you a lot more useful information than how to
take down your fellow students.)
Rich Dad, Poor Dad shares financial literacy in a way that is still never taught in schools.
Kiyosaki shares what assets vs. liabilities are and, most importantly, how to create
leverage and residual income in your life. This is how rich people operate! In the book,
Kiyosaki emphasizes that the rich build networks, while everyone else looks for work.
The great thing is that Kiyosaki also points out that it’s okay not to have a multi-million

dollar idea right off the bat – and it’s also okay to fail. After reading these 7 Secrets to
Dorm Room Wealth as well as Rich Dad, Poor Dad, you will be well on your way to
setting yourself in motion. It took me many ideas and many looks at different
opportunities before I knew in my gut that I had found what I was looking for.
When you surround yourself with the right mentors, more opportunities will present
themselves. I had several mentors that helped shape me and my wish is to give back and
be one of your mentors as you begin your journey.
What changed my life was the day when my Dad called me in the fall of my junior year,
and told me that, because we had too many loans outstanding as a family, I couldn’t stay
in school. I was devastated for a moment, then I realized I was NOT going to allow that
to happen.
I was open to possibilities at this point. I started sharing some of my challenges with a
friend of mine and she told me that her father, who was an attorney, was looking for
people who would like to make some extra money.
I was all ears and called him immediately. He told me that “This opportunity is not right
for everyone” and proceeded to share with me an interesting business opportunity.
I took a look, stepped back for a second and realized that I could do it. I was prepared to
give it a shot, so I got started straightaway. I invested about $750 for the training, my
website and materials to get started. This was a lot of money for me. But I believed in the
system and went to work! At first, the motivation driving me was to earn my investment
Once that was done, I concentrated on paying for my tuition for my final three semesters
of college, all while working around my hectic schedule. The money that I made was
good – good enough to keep me in school – but there was a much greater value that is
still being realized. The education that I got “outside the classroom” sent me on a path
that most can only dream about.
I’m only 29 years young. I know that seems old to you, but the key here is that I don’t
have to work anymore, and I am free. I work because I choose to and because I want to
help others achieve a lifestyle they deserve.
It takes hard work, determination, creative thinking, grit, and resilience to get through the

tough times. Remember that and don’t let it scare you. If someone tells you there won’t
be tough times, they’re bullshitting you – but believe me, I’m living proof that it is worth
I got laughed at for my ideas – and even for my business! I got challenged for thinking
big. I was told time and time again “That’s not how real life works.” But I’ve got news.
Yes, it is! Why? Because life is what you believe it to be. As Henry Ford said, “Whether
you believe you can or believe you can’t – you’re right.” It all starts with you, my friend.
I wish I’d had the 7 Secrets earlier in my journey. I would have saved it, and referred
back to it during the tough times, realizing sooner that it is during those tough times when
a breakthrough will occur. Understand that the only way you can fail is if you quit, and
the only person that can make you quit is yourself!
The people that knock you down are not the people to surround yourself with when
talking “big picture”. Our community here at DormRoomWealth.com will help
support your vision and be a mastermind to nourish your desires.
And those energy vampires in your life? (You know who I mean) They’re often the ones
that make excuses about everything. They’re victims. They never take responsibility…
it’s always someone else’s fault. In the world of Entrepreneurship, multi-billionaire
Donald Trump said it best: “You can make excuses or you can make money, you
can’t do both.”
As of recently, I consider myself a great listener. It’s taken effort to become one. But I
will NEVER be a good listener when someone has a laundry list of excuses. Excuses are
like assholes: everybody’s got one and they all stink.
“Find a way or make a way, baby.” Because I believe - and I know it to be true - that if
you want something done, you have to figure it out, not wait for someone else to do it.
We live in the information age, so go get the information! In a few clicks of your mouse
or a quick search on your smart phone, you can Google just about anything. There is no
such thing as problems, only challenges. And the good news is that for every challenge,
there is always a solution! Go find it! If you want it badly enough, you’ll get it done.
DormRoomWealth.com is about helping with those challenges, driving those solutions,
and nourishing your entrepreneurial drive to help you bring your thoughts and ideas to

If I was a betting man, I would be willing to bet that, if you’ve gotten this far into this
book, we have some common views. So I’d like to ask you a question, and I want you to
be honest (hey, it’s only us here). When someone you know has any bit of success, are
you genuinely happy for them, or do you feel jealous? Do you cheer them on and let them
know you’re proud of them, or do you talk trash behind their back?
This is the difference between having an abundance attitude and having a scarcity
attitude. The universe has a funny way of supplying those that are appreciative and focus
on abundance. I suggest you choose to surround yourself with these types of people. They
will lift you up and support your dreams.
And if you’re a trash-talker? Be careful. You attract what you vibe – this isn’t some New
Age concept, it’s been proven scientifically. What you concentrate on, your subconscious
gives you. So if you’re constantly tearing others down with your own jealousy, your
subconscious is just going to give you more of that.
Personally, I admired success from a very early age. I grew up in a small town in upstate
New York. I remember a situation when I was just a young kid where a friend was
disrespecting another friend’s family. I couldn’t understand why. Looking back, I know
now that it wasn’t my friend’s views, it was his parents’ words coming through his
mouth. It had to do with this family being successful in business, and them being jealous.
I had, and continue to have, a lot of respect for this family - especially after hearing their
story years later. See, on the surface today people see that they have a house in the
Caribbean Islands, they drive nice cars and travel quite often. What they don’t know or
just care to ignore is where all that abundance came from and all of the blood, sweat and
tears the family had to endure in the early days.
Today, they own and operate the largest, most successful veterinarian business in our
county and, I am willing to bet, all of upstate NY. I loved hearing the stories, like how
they bought a small mobile trailer that they both worked out of at the beginning of their
practice. They were a husband and wife team, focusing on just cats and dogs. Over the
last three decades they have grown into an enterprise with over 30 vets that work for
them and have bovine, equine and small animal divisions.

My connection and respect for them comes from a very personal place. My older brother
Silas died at 23 years young, in a tragic accident on his dirt bike. I will forever be grateful
for this family, who was Silas’ second home growing up. They were always gracious
with invites to parties, ski mountain trips and even a trip to the Islands for a vacation. My
dad said at my brother’s funeral that “Silas lived more life in his 23 years than most
people do in an entire lifetime!”
I will never forget that quote, and part of it is because of experiences Silas had with his
second family. They shared what they had with him without reservation, and it not only
gave him amazing experiences, but it gave me the impetus to be more like them – to be
able to, one day, take someone like my brother under my wing and help him explore the
world when he couldn’t otherwise do it by his own means.
That’s why we at DormRoomWealth.com believe that the most unselfish thing you can
possibly do in your lifetime is to become massively wealthy! Because it is one thing to
say a prayer, make a phone call, show up at a hospital, send a greeting card, or do
volunteer work. It is another thing to do the same and then stand up and write a big check
that can give someone the opportunity to fix their situation, or share your wealth to make
someone’s day by helping them experience a different life.
I have never understood why some people think wealthy people are bad. The fact is,
having more money makes you more of who you already are. If you are an asshole, well,
guess what? More money will make you a bigger asshole. If you are a kindhearted person
with an abundant attitude, then more money will make you more of just that, a giver.
With more money, you can go from making a bit of an impression, to making a
resounding impact.
If you were brought up surrounded by people who thought that rich people are greedy,
rich people are unethical, rich people are selfish, then you’re going to have to work on
your mindset immediately, first and foremost. This often coincides with an “entitlement”
attitude, which upsets me to no end. Someone with an entitlement attitude thinks that –
“people” or “the government” - “owes” them. I don’t have room in my life for these
people and neither should you, especially if your desire is to play the game of life at a
high level.

Understand that no matter what profession you examine, there are good people and bad
people in them all. I caution you on where you focus your energy. Do you look for the
positive and build on that? Or do you enjoy sulking in the negative and allow that to
multiply? The latter is cancerous and will do nothing but hold you back from achieving
your desired lifestyle.
So I guess we’d better get to those Seven Secrets. Number 1 Belief. Belief that Mommy,
Daddy, an employer, or some magical “someone else” is going to take care of you for life
is a sad way to live. There is very little loyalty in today’s job market. That pretty much
ended with our grandparents’ generation.
And, the way the world is today, I am sure that you’ve witnessed firsthand either your
own parents or people close to you that have either lost their jobs, had their hours cut
beyond their control or had to relocate against their will. You have to believe in yourself
and that you are the one to take care of you.
Everything starts with a single thought. There are things that you can do right now to get
your thoughts lined up right. In order to build your belief, you need to Read, Listen, and
Show Up. It is very important that you feed yourself with information that will support
your desires and dreams, not challenge or starve them. To get started in the right
direction, make sure that you “LIKE” our Facebook page “DormRoomWealth.com” and
subscribe to our video blog.
This is all part of surrounding yourself with positivity. There is a recommended reading
list below that you will want to buy ASAP on Amazon or half.com. Don’t mess around.
Remember what I said about excuses? Get them NOW. Reading these will give you a
massive head start in life.
And while we’re talking about filling your head, be extremely careful whom you listen
to! The wrong people can cost you a fortune. People always want to give out their advice
and tell you what YOU should do. Be careful!
“Showing up is half the battle” as I’m sure you’ve heard before. A perfect example is
your classes. It’s hard to succeed and pass if you don’t show up! Succeeding in the real
world and the land of entrepreneurship is no different. The question is where do you

show up and whom do you show up with?
I will lay out a lot of this on my monthly “DormRoomWealth.com” conference calls.
VIPs are invited in on these calls. There will be interviews with millionaires and tips and
tricks you will not want to miss.
Your belief level will grow in direct proportion to the quality of your surroundings.
I want to be very clear on what I am about to say and I want you to digest this. Ready?
Okay…here we go. When someone in your life makes a negative comment about what
you want to do, here’s the formula to deal with it. Step number 1, agree with them! (Yes,
that’s what I said, agree with them.) There is NO point in trying to win an argument
against a cynic.
They will crush you if you allow them to. Oftentimes these are close family members or
friends. If you take a poll of all the successful entrepreneurs that you know and you ask
them if they had any haters early in their career, they’ll smile and tell you story after
story. Step number 2: Get away. Once you’ve agreed with the naysayer, you’ve appeased
them and they will feel that they have “done their job” in discouraging you. Step 3 Never
bring up the subject with that person again.
There are three kinds of people that you will come across when sharing your ideas. The
first type is “Open Minded.” These people will be your supporters – and sometimes,
they’re not the ones you would think. They will give constructive feedback in a way that
will help you grow, and maybe they will even be a partner in your venture. You need to
surround yourself with these types. They will become part of your mastermind team to
bounce ideas off of.
The second type is “Skeptical” people. This type will come off as negative to you at first.
They may not be very giving. These people are usually pretty analytical, and need more
facts on what you are doing. Skeptical people can be your biggest supporters once they
get more information. They will not, however, if you argue with them or come off as
arrogant. Recognize this and embrace it.
If they end up always focusing on what is wrong with your idea, then they are not a good
fit to share with. If they become “Open Minded” after the facts are laid out and tend to
focus more on what is right and what could happen, then keep them near you. Believe it

or not, they’re often your best allies, even more than the folks who are Open Minded at
The third type? You’ll want to run as far away from as possible and refuse to even
consider talking “big picture” with them. These are the “Cynical” people in your life.
Sadly, these are often the people that you love and respect more than anything. You can
still love them! When I say run away, I just mean with your dreams and ideas. There is
other stuff you can talk about with them.
These people will be the “Dream Stealers” in your life. Cynical people will be the single
biggest challenge for you on your journey to achieving greatness if you let them. You
can still love them; just don’t buy what they are selling!
#2 - Model Success
The 2nd secret is that you must Model Success. If you would like parenting advice,
would you ask someone who has never raised a child? If you wanted to lose weight,
would you hire a personal trainer who is overweight? So if you want financial advice, are
you going to listen to someone who is broke or always complaining about money? Once I
put it that way, you’d say “Of course not!” Why would you want to listen to someone
who is teaching from “theory”? Be careful who you open your ears to.
I am a big believer that you have to earn the right to be heard. It bothers me when people
teach or train on topics from theory and not from experience. Nothing is more powerful
than learning from someone that has “been there, done that!” If someone else has done
what you wish to achieve, then ask them how they did it! Oftentimes you can cut down
the learning curve and understand the mistakes they made along the way.
Read their material, listen to them, and show up if they are speaking. Tony Robbins says
that Success Leaves Clues and your responsibility is to follow those clues to make the
way a bit easier for yourself. These people have often had to go down a bunch of dead
ends and wrong turns before they hit the right path.
Whatever you have ever dreamed of having, someone else out there in the world most
likely has it. What is the difference between you and them? They had a vehicle to help
them go from where they were to where they are today. In rare cases, it is an inheritance.
Maybe, like me, you’re not that fortunate. That means we have to find or create a vehicle

to take us from where we are today to where we want to be.
Ideas will start flowing when you surround yourself with people that think big.
Remember, you become who you surround yourself with. If you spend a lot of time
around people who do drugs, there is a good chance you will do drugs. If you surround
yourself with people with motivation to succeed, that will rub off. There are studies that
show your income will be within 20% of your five closest friends. This is especially
important after you graduate college. I am not saying be friends with people just because
they have money - you still need to choose wisely but do choose wisely.
Because of my belief system and attitude, I have attracted incredible people into my life,
who have shared powerful information. It all started when I was 19 years old and it can
happen for you too - right now, with the world at your feet and your adult life just
As founder of this DormRoomWealth.com community, a decade later, I’m happy to be
that supporter for you, when nobody else believes in you. German philosopher Arthur
Schopenhauer said, “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
DormRoomWealth.com is here for you while you’re being made fun of. And we’ll be
there to cheer you on and slap your back once those former ridiculers and opposers now
step into line to say that it was “obvious” you’d make it all along. We’ll be here the
whole way!
That said, I want you to grab a piece of paper and a pen for this next secret. Yes – right
now. I’ll wait.
#3 Your Compelling “Why”
Now you’re going to come up with something that is the 3rd Secret here. Pen in hand, I
want you to write down three things you would buy today if money was no object. Go
ahead, write ’em down. Do it with a huge smile on your face! Would it be a car, fancy
shoes, a cruise, your own house?
I hope you are having fun with this because it should be fun. When I do this exercise with
people your parents’ age, they often look constipated when writing things down. They
feel as if maybe it is selfish to write things down that are materialistic. That’s ridiculous.

Life is meant to be abundant. As kids we all know exactly what we want, and we usually
want it Right Now. It could be an ice cream or it could be some game, but we actually
pester our parents until they cave. What I’m telling you is to put that attitude back on.
This time though you’re basically pestering the Universe until it “caves.” When people
get older, they allow the dreams they had when they were your age to get beaten out of
They settle and rationalize that their life is not so bad after all. Of course, Success has
different definitions to different people. I never judge if someone truly is happy. But if
they say they’re happy but a piece of them feels unfulfilled, then that is what I want to
help them explore. Flowing down the river of life, making excuses and rationalizing the
whole way down, is sad.
What and who are you truly passionate about? I want you to write this down next. What
and who do you absolutely love? If you had all the money in the world and all the time to
spend it, what would you do and who would you want to experience it with? Write it
down. How cool would it be if you could spend more time doing what you are most
passionate about and not have to worry about your finances?
This is your “Why”. If your “Why” for doing what you are doing is strong enough,
then nothing will stop you. This means when someone tells you “It can’t be done,”
you will ignore the noise and persist until you succeed. Sometimes it takes a bit of
time to truly realize your “Why”. But let me tell you, if it is NOT strong enough, you
won’t see the job through.
If I asked you to run a full marathon tomorrow, could you do it? 26.2 miles. Is your first
initial reaction not just “No” but “Hell, NO”? Well, so what if I told you that the one
person in your life that you would do anything for is in desperate need of a special
medicine that you have in your hand.
If they don’t get it today they will die, and there is no other transportation than your legs.
Oh, and by the way – they just happen to be 26.2 miles away. I bet that you would make
it happen. See? At first you were saying there is no way you could do it, then suddenly,
your “Why” was strong enough.
It’s likely that the “Why” you wrote down is not about you. It’s most likely about helping

someone who has been supportive and loving to you. There is something inside of you
that you want to do. Maybe it’s starting your own Non-Profit or donating to a cause.
Maybe it’s doing mission trips to help young kids around the world. Maybe it’s helping
other people in the same position you are now, so that you can give them a hand up! I
cannot give you your “Why”! You will persist when nothing seems to work, if your
“Why” is compelling enough.
Maybe you are reading this and thinking that you know you badly want to do something,
but you just don’t know what to do. Stick around us, and something will be either
presented to you or an idea will pop into your head. You need to put yourself in a
position to attract the thoughts and ideas. That is what DormRoomWealth.com is all
Believe it or not, doing whatever it is that you want to do is not nearly as important as
why you’re doing it. There will be many roadblocks along the way, but if your “Why” is
strong enough, you will get past any “How”. To say it another way, the “How” will
appear if your “Why” is powerful enough.
As Diane Ravitch said very eloquently, “The person who knows HOW will always
have a job, and will be working for the person who knows WHY.” Typical college
education gives us the HOW. But DormRoomWealth.com will help you develop your
WHY and your purpose in life as you see it.
#4 Taking ACTION
The 4th Secret? Well, like it says in the heading – taking action. Have you ever heard the
phrase, “Before you can be great, you have to be good, before you can be good you
have to be bad, and before you can be bad, you have to DO Something”? I know
there is a million dollar idea inside of you right now. My goal is to give you
encouragement to make it a reality. If your idea has not surfaced yet, it will when you
least expect it. By joining the DormRoomWealth.com community, you are “doing
If you follow the information on DormRoomWealth.com, your mind will be in motion.
Then, once you have an idea, you’ll want to actually, physically take action! Small
incremental steps are all you need. Surround yourself with the right people, and move. I

heard at a Tony Robbins seminar a while back that “Doubt will take you out of Action,
and Action will take you out of Doubt”.
The number one reason why most fail is because they never really get started. I love
watching documentaries on successful people and hearing the stories of all of their
challenges, then seeing what happened after they took action and put themselves out
there. I can’t wait to hear your story and watch the documentary on you.
#5 Stretching your Comfort Zone
You won’t like the 5
Secret – but it might actually be the key element to all 7 secrets.
You can’t do anything extraordinary within your comfort zone. There will be a time after
you take action that things will feel uncomfortable. When those feelings become present,
you are growing! Growth is good. It sounds cliché but it’s true that if it was easy, then
everyone would be doing what you’re doing. The strong survive – and thrive! The weak
fold up and run back into their comfort zone where it is safe to them.
After I read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I got a job at Cintas Corporation in sales, to
learn. I knew this would stretch my comfort zone. In the Rich Dad book, Kiyosaki’s
“rich” dad (his best friend’s dad) told him to work for Xerox and sell copiers. Not for the
money, but for the experience and training. So if it was good enough for Kiyosaki, it was
good enough for me.
So there I was, cold calling restaurants and bars, selling sexy products like floor mats,
mops, aprons, rags, soap, air fresheners, paper towels and toilet paper. In case you don’t
know, a “cold call” is going unannounced to a business or calling them on the phone
when they don’t know you, and trying to sell them your product or service. That was my
job. Day after day. I got doors shut in my face. I got yelled at from people who Cintas
had sued in the past.
I got crushed when I thought I had a sale, and then they went with a competitor instead. It
was difficult, but all of this helped me become who I am today. Entering that job, I knew
it was only temporary. I made great money. I earned a bit over $100,000 in my first year
when I added up all my commission, bonuses, salary and incentives. I was only 22 years

old. I worked hard! This job helped me build my “How” so that I could get to my “Why”.
There will be many tests along your way, but as the ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus
said, “It is not what happens to you that matters, it’s how you choose to react to it.”
The challenges will build your character. And Hell, one of the great things about doing
something that you know will be necessary in getting to a higher level is that you know
that you won’t have to do it forever.
Your comfort zone will challenge your “Why”. If your “Why” is not strong enough then
you will not stretch, and you will not take action. If your “Why” is compelling enough,
your comfort zone can’t contain it.
Your “Why” will change as you get older. Right now, it might be that you want to go on
spring break with all of your friends. After you graduate, it might be to buy a car (or a
nicer car), or to move out of your parents’ house. Later on it may be because you want to
be a supporting spouse, mother, father, son or daughter. Later yet, you might want to set
up an endowment or a foundation to support what is really important to you.
Be very careful focusing heavily on the future! The quicker you realize that The Future
is Now, the faster you will excel. Why wait for the perfect day to begin? For the perfect
day is today!
#6 End at the Beginning
If you study how successful leaders began, you’ll find that they all brought their future
into the present. They understood where they wanted to be, even if they didn’t know how
they were going to get there. There is a phrase in Latin that goes “vicis est iam.” It
basically means “change is already” or you could also translate it to be The Future is
This is the slogan for DormRoomWealth.com. Now, playing around with that phrase, if
you take “iam” in Latin meaning “already” as “now,” then that means we could say “The
Future is Iam” – if that’s so, it’s safe to say that “IAM THE FUTURE” works too. And I
have news for you! You ARE the future.
Our generation is the future and there is no better time than NOW to say “IAM” Wealthy!
Put it in your head NOW and say Iam. That means you are feeding your subconscious the
right information in order for the abundant universe to give it to you.

From the day you decide to put yourself in motion, you need to be able to see the end at
the beginning. You have to believe that you’ll get there, whether sooner or later, but you
will definitely get there. These are the goals that you have to set up for yourself, step by
step. Write down your dreams, goals, and what you “want to happen” and what it looks
like in present tense, and in first person.
Take some time and write yourself a story as if it already happened and see how that
feels. Only 3% of people write their goals and dreams down! When you put pen to
paper and map out what your desired outcome is, your subconscious can then work on
getting it for you.
This is all part of being clear about what you want. Professionals do it; amateurs say they
are going to do it. It’s these little things that separate the pretenders from the contenders.
You have to know what you are aiming for in order to play the game. You wouldn’t play
darts without a dartboard or horseshoes without a stake in the ground. The same applies
to the game of life and your dreams.
What I am about to share next is a lesson I have learned the hard way. I don’t want you to
make the same mistake I did. I mentioned this before, but it is extremely important to
have your eye on the end result; it is equally or perhaps more important to have your
other eye in the present moment. Many times, an entrepreneur gets so caught up in the
outcome that they forget to appreciate the present moment.
This is dangerous! Understand that the journey is the prize and the time it takes for you
to complete your journey is not in your hands. This is one of the toughest lessons learned
by entrepreneurs. Live your life in inches, not miles. Find a balance between the Now
and the Future, and don’t sacrifice too much – because once you get “there” (wherever
“there” is) you don’t want to be bitter that you “gave up too much.”
I don’t recommend locking yourself in a dorm room, trying to come up with the next
billion-dollar idea. Get out, live the college life. Your best ideas will come when you are
not looking for them. Just keep your eyes open. Look for opportunities. Look for things
other people aren’t willing to do. You don’t have to have the vehicle right now; you just
have to know where you want to go. There is no better time than the present to put
yourself into motion.

Although you likely love your parents, I know you don’t want to finish school and have
to move back in with them. Together, we will find a way to generate you some income.
Some will generate a full-time income from their dorm room. I hope that is you.
At the very least, I want to help you make some side money through an idea that is all
yours, or one that I help you find. There is no better time than right now to get on paper
what you want, put a plan into motion, work backwards in small steps, then move
forward to get it done.
#7 Leverage & Residual Income
Last (but definitely not least) of the 7 Secrets is leverage and residual income! I had
trouble sleeping when I understood what this meant. I was 19 years old, and I’ve been
losing sleep ever since – because it’s that exciting. This is how the wealthy get wealthier.
Leverage in terms of business means getting paid for work that you are not directly
doing. Leveraging people and money. Money that is invested that is working for you and
making you more money. Leveraging people is having people work for you and you
benefiting off of their efforts.
If you have never heard of the “Cash Flow Quadrant”, then go to YouTube and do a
search. It’s another Kiyosaki thing. The right-hand side of the quadrant is where we want
to be hanging out in. 10% of the people in the world are on the right side, and have
control over 90% of the money in the world. (I’m not going to say more about that – go
watch the video, then come back and read the rest. It’s an “A-ha” concept)
So that’s Leverage. What’s Residual income? Residual income is income you get for
doing something one time. It’s also called passive income or royalty income. An example
is a song or a book. Every time they get purchased, the author makes a percentage. Work
once, get paid over and over again. Sweet!
“Traditional” education doesn’t teach us this. It basically teaches us to be the worker
bees. That’s what got Robert Kiyosaki to write his first book – the one before Rich Dad,
Poor Dad – about how broken the education system was. Leveraged income and residual
income is the kind of money that can set you financially free.
In fact, speaking of Kiyosaki, his definition of “Wealth” is how many months you can
live if you stopped working right now. If your expenses are $3,000 a month and you have

$27,000 in the bank with no other income producing assets, then you are 9 months
This is scary for the majority of the population that lives paycheck to paycheck. So what
if you had a business or an investment that paid you $3,000 a month in profit whether you
worked or not, and your expenses were $3,000 a month? That would mean that you are
“Financially Free” or “infinitely” wealthy. You may not be able to live the lifestyle you
exactly would like, but you are free from having to work. This is the end goal. So if you
can keep your expenses at $3,000 and increase your passive income, you have more
choices! Choices make life enjoyable. Having choices is what freedom is all about.
I achieved financial freedom for myself at the age of 26 from my businesses. It is a
beautiful way to live and it is my intention to help you in any way that I can to achieve it,
too. Wouldn’t it be cool if you graduated college and did NOT “have to” get a job? If you
only worked because you wanted to? I’m looking forward to embarking on a journey of
discovery with you.
Remember to tie into our community by clicking ‘LIKE’ on Facebook and re-visiting
www.DormRoomWealth.com. There is nothing that excites me more in business then
helping others become successful. Stick with me because I believe your breakthrough
moment will happen.
As we all know, there are three types of people in this world: (1) People who MAKE
things happen; (2) People who WATCH things happen; and (3) People who sit back and
then say
WHAT the HELL JUST HAPPENED?!” Don’t be the one who sits back and watches
your friend be successful. I am personally inviting you to step up, come along for the
ride, and MAKE things happen.
Your Partner In Success,
Curtis Lewsey
Books I HIGHLY Recommend you buy today and read ASAP
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
Appreciation Marketing – Tommy Wyatt & Curtis Lewsey

7 Secrets to Landing Your “Dream Job” by Curtis Lewsey
7 Secrets to Landing Your “Dream Job”
Copyright: Curtis Lewsey
Published: 28
August 2012
The right of Curtis Lewsey to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by
her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the
“Dream Job?” Yup, I said it, lol. In my opinion the phrase “Dream Job” should be
Wikipedia’s definition of an oxymoron. (If you don’t know what “oxymoron” means,
go look it up….I’ll wait…) I want to first state that my dream for you is to NOT be told
what to do, when you can take time off, or how much you’re worth.
This is absolutely achievable; however, I want to be realistic. I actually hate that word,
“realistic”. Nobody in this world has ever done something big by “Being Realistic.” So
why be realistic or rational? I guess what I meant to say is think irrationally, but act
logically. It takes time to build your empire and you need some cash flow to pay the bills
while you do it. The late Jim Rohn said it best, “Work full-time on your job, and part-
time on your fortune.”
There is no way I will ever consider a “Job” a “Dream,” since I have had the ability to
experience what it’s like to do what I want, when I want to do it. That, my friend, is what
Dorm Room Wealth is all about. The Corporate system has a way of sucking you in, and
I don’t want that to happen to you if that is what you want. The saddest thing to me is
thinking about someone like you at the end of their life looking back and saying “I wish I
had,” rather than “I am so grateful that I did.”
I believe in you. What you need to do is believe in yourself. We can do this together! But

back to the “Job” subject. When applying for a position, are you looking for a safe,
secure job with benefits? I don’t want to rain on your parade, but they don’t exist. You
need to look out for yourself. This is where I need you to think a little selfishly. What is it
you really want, because I want what you want! I do believe it’s a great idea to have a
job, just not for the rest of your life.
You may be fortunate enough to transition right from college into your own full-time
business. Most will have to get a job. Just be sure that when you enter your job, you have
an exit strategy. When having a job, the magic in attracting freedom is that your
conscience and subconscious have to be in alignment with the idea that what you are
doing is only temporary and is moving you forward toward your goal.
While I was in Corporate America earning a paycheck full time, I searched for two years
for opportunities, part time. I learned what I could from being in the Corporation, because
I knew that once I was out I wasn’t going back. So I soaked up what sales, management,
networking, and other opportunities I could. But I kept looking for something that could
lead me to financial freedom.
It was my obsession to transition from the left side of the “Cash Flow Quadrant” over to
the right side is what drove me to keep looking. (Contact me if you wish and I will send
you over a special video that I put together explaining 2 major business trends that
are happening today) By continuing to look, I found the fit for me.
A product I believe in, a business I can grow with all over the world, a profession that
gives me the ability to own my own life. I entered my job thinking “This is only
temporary until I attract the right opportunity for me.” Keeping an open mind is a
critical characteristic to attracting the opportunity that is right for you.
Because I conditioned my subconscious, the right opportunity was presented and when it
was, I implemented the 7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth.
Conditioning your mindset now and surrounding yourself with the right mentors is key.
Training your subconscious now will help make your decision to leave a job much easier.
If you fail to take this seriously, you will look back 5, 10 or 20 years from now and kick
yourself. I can even prove it to you.
Go do a survey and ask a couple of dozen people that are your parents’ age this question:

“If you had all the money in the world and all the time to spend it, what would you
do?” VERY few of them will say “Exactly what I am doing now!” You don’t want to be
in that position.
Life does not have to be this way if you make the conscious choice to decide, and then
feed your subconscious with power foods. You now know you have the choice of the
buffet! No longer will you settle for the scraps. The big picture for you is out there; your
future is now! Grab your crayons and let’s start coloring together.
I wish you nothing short of massive success. Below are the secrets to landing the “Job”
that will provide you with your means to transition into your “Dream.” That is why we
call it your “Dream Job.”
1. Think Forward
The first secret is to think forward. Does graduating college and having to work your old
high school and summer break jobs sound like fun? It’s not what you went to college for!
Does moving back in with your parents sound like fun? Unfortunately this is what many
college graduates are doing these days. Maybe you have a sibling or you know someone
who is in this position. This has been a reality to so many college graduates I have
known. It is time to start “thinking forward” starting now.
In 7 Secrets of Dorm Room Wealth I explained the importance of seeing the end at the
beginning. Thinking forward is very similar, but the working backwards part is different.
Let me put it bluntly here with an example: If you were an employer, would you hire
yourself? Be 100% completely honest. Are there others in your own class that you would
hire over yourself? Why do you deserve the job over anyone else? Is it just because you
feel entitled; you feel that you “should” have the job? The real world does not work like
The job market is getting more and more competitive by the day. What makes you stand
out from your competition? You need to know that competition is actually very good for
you. It allows you to separate yourself from the rest and stand out. So now’s the time to
get creative. Fast forward in your mind right now.
You are sitting down with for 3

interview at a company. The company has narrowed the
candidates from looking at 500 resumes to 112 personal interviews to 5 great candidates.
This is real life. Why are they going to take a chance on you?
That example happened to me and I won the job. I will tell you how I got a foot in the
door. It was because of my colorful resume. My resume showed I was involved in many
activities including sports, work, internships, resident assistant, clubs, volunteering, my
own business all while keeping my grades up.
This showed that I could handle time management. This is a very important skill in
today’s marketplace, because more responsibilities are being placed on workers due to
cut backs. Most good employees have tasks assigned to them that two people used to do.
Having “people skills” and a good attitude is what really won me that job. The resume
got me from 500 to 112 to 5 – but what made me #1? You might think you have “people
skills” nailed, until you sit in the hot seat and get some questions thrown at you. (Secret
#6 will help you with this.) My mindset shifted when I started my own business and
started plugging into successful people who have “been there and done that.”
It opened me up to a world that most go through their entire lifetimes and are either too
closed-minded to entertain or were never properly exposed to. I also was exposed to the
other side – to folks who just thought I should make them part of my business “because.”
I don’t want you to be one of them. Please. Don’t waste my time.
I don’t care if you are a first semester freshman or a second semester senior. Think
forward right now and put yourself out there. What are you doing today that will help you
win a job tomorrow? In 7 Secrets to Dorm Room Wealth, I mentioned how important it is
to Read, Listen, and Show Up. What are you reading now?
Who are you listening to now? What events are you signing up for or applying to now?
Are you getting relevant work experience? Volunteering? Maybe you are just thinking, “I
have a 4.0. Why do I need to do anything else?” I laugh at this one. Good grades are
important; however, they are not the end all and be all in landing a job, that is for sure.
Putting yourself in the best possible position is what you need to be thinking. Setting
yourself up to win in life is what this is all about. You can still have fun, live the college
life and do this as well. I most certainly was not a choirboy in college. I had my fun but I

also did what I needed to do in order to position myself.
It worked out beautifully too. I earned just over $100,000 in my first year out of college
at the age of 22. I am proud of that because I worked my ass off to get there. But the most
important thing of all is that I started that job knowing it was only a temporary stepping
stone to where I was going. I walked away two years later and have not looked back
since. But I wouldn’t be where I am if I hadn’t “thought forward” while I was in college.
I suggest you start today and get involved.
