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2020-2021 LE.Residency.SPI Team Agreement FINAL_0

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Early Educator Support Unit
Early Education Branch
Programs and Educational
Services Section

TEAM AGREEMENT – Residency, LE and Initial (SPI) BK
Program Year: 20     -20     
Teacher Name:      
Check all that apply

Today’s Date:      
Year 1

Teacher Support
Entry Teacher
Program (BTSP)
Lateral Entry or Residency B-K
Annual Activities:
• Minimum 6 Semester Hours
• Four Observations
• One Summary Evaluation-Rating
• Professional Development Plan
• BTSP activities concurrent with

Year 2

Year 3

Annual Activities:
• Four Observations
• One Summative EvaluationRating Form
• Professional Development Plan

Items Provided/Reviewed During the Team Agreement Meeting:
-State Board Policy: />pri=02&cat=C&pol=004&acr=TCP
-Rubric for evaluating NC teachers: OR
/>-Evaluation schedule (hard or electronic copy)
-Residency/Lateral Entry Only: Pre-Service Checklist (hard or electronic copyreviewed by mentor)
-General Licensure Requirements (Policy ID LICN-001)
Per NC General Statute 115C-296 Section 8(a);
4) A teacher shall not be required to prepare or submit a portfolio to receive an Initial
license or a
Continuing license. To convert an Initial license to a Continuing license, a teacher must
all required coursework and achieve a passing score on all North Carolina State Board of
Education approved exams required for the license area(s) within the established
Conversion from an Initial license to a Continuing license does not require the

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of the employing school system. Educators with fewer than three years of
teaching experience,
however, are required to continue participating in a Beginning Teacher Support
regardless of their licensure status.
1. This Team Agreement must be completed for lead teachers employed in nonpublic
schools: NC Pre-K Programs, NC Developmental Day Preschool Programs, and
MECK Pre-K when receiving Mentor & Evaluation services from the Early Educator
Support Offices.
2. The Teacher, Mentor, Evaluator and Site Administrator will complete this Team
Agreement form electronically and save final version for their records. The
Evaluator ensures that the form has all signatures & uploads it to NCEES as the
“official document”.
3. A Local NC Pre-K program contact, specialists from the Division of Child
Development and Early Education (DCDEE), Smart Start or other Community
Program are invited to attend the Team Agreement Meeting as applicable.
The purpose of the Team Agreement is to establish the roles and responsibilities of each
team member in order to support the B-K Lateral Entry and Residency (Provisionally)
licensed teacher and the B-K Initial (SPI) licensed teacher. Team members include:
teacher, teacher assistant (where applicable), site administrator, mentor, and evaluator.
Initially licensed teachers participating in the BTSP/LETP are required to work with a
mentor and evaluator for up to three years, as required by North Carolina State Board of
Education (SBE) teacher licensure policy. The DCDEE/Early Educator Support Unit and
Offices will retain full oversight and management of the NC BK licensure process and
mentoring and evaluation services.
Annual work includes:

• identifying the most effective means of communication between team members
• completing teacher self-assessment
• mentoring and evaluating services
• four (4) formal observations conducted by a trained evaluator, which include: preconferences, observations, and post-conferences using the NC Teacher Evaluation
• development and review of a Professional Development Plan (PDP)
• conferences with a mentor and evaluator to assess progress of the teacher’s PDP
• one (1) Summary Evaluation Conference and scoring of the Teacher Summary
Rating Form
For NC Pre-K Teachers Only: The Early Educator Support Office mentor and/or evaluation
team may inform the local or regional NC Pre-K Contract Administrator and/or Program
Contact about ongoing work, as requested.
Team Contact Information
Early Childhood Educator Name:      
Preferred Phone:      

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Preferred Email:      
Best way and time(s) to communicate with teacher:      
School/Site Name:      
School/Site Phone:      
School/Site Mailing Address:      
School/Site Physical Address:      
School/ Site Administrator:      
Preferred Phone:      
Preferred Email:      
Early Educator Support Office Mentor:      

Preferred Phone:      
Preferred Email:      
Early Educator Support Office Evaluator:      
Preferred Phone:      
Preferred Email:      
Teacher Responsibilities:
1. Complete required training on the NC Teacher Evaluation Process (NCTEP) before
participating in Early Educator Support Office services. This includes completion of Part 1
(online modules) and Part 2 (face-to-face) NCTEP training.
Fill in this section if you are new to the program: Date Part 2 completed       Date to
2. Participate in the Team Agreement (Orientation)
3. Prepare for and fully participate in each component of the evaluation process, including
ongoing selfassessment, reflection, and new or revised NC State Board policy
governing teacher evaluations
• Rubric for Evaluating NC Teachers- />• State Board policy governing teacher evaluations- link is located on NC-DPI website:
• Evaluation Schedule
4. Develop a system for gathering data, artifacts, evidence, and reflections to support
performance in relation to standards and progress in attaining goals.
5. Seek out and participate in a professional learning community (PLC).

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Complete required training on NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development
(Foundations). Further details will be provided to you by your mentor. This training

o Completion of online Foundations modules, as assigned throughout the year.
o Ongoing coaching to support application of Foundations content in the
7. Participate in trainings, conferences, and/or special workshops that directly support
identified professional
development needs and goals.
8. Submit requested documents to the Early Educator Support Unit including, but not
limited to the following:
All Teachers:
• Completed Enrollment and Licensure Packets including fees and official
college/university transcripts when needed.
• Submit a Change OR Separation form to the Early Educator Support Unit (Raleigh)
within five business days if a change in site/school or resignation/separation should
Residency/Lateral Entry and Provisionally Licensed Teachers Only:
• Submit requested documentation regarding your accredited Institute of Higher
Education (IHE) to the Early Educator Support Unit in Raleigh
• Complete a minimum of six semester credit hours annually until all coursework is
• Submit official transcripts of completed coursework
Residency/Lateral Entry Teachers Only:
• Complete Pre-Service Checklist (maintain all supporting documents)
• Complete all required course work on the Plan of Study within the identified time
Provisional License Teacher Only:
• Complete all required course work on Plan of Study within the five-year time period
of the Provisional License
EESLPD Office Mail Service Center Address:
Early Educator Support, Licensure and Professional Development

Early Education Office, Education & Quality Section, DCDEE
2201 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-2201
9. Enter and sign/acknowledge required teacher sections onto the NC Educator
Effectiveness System (NCEES) throughout the year. Complete and acknowledge/sign
observation items within 10 days of being entered. Refer to NCEES (Home Base)
instructions for detailed information.
NCEES (Home Base) Tasks:
• Orientation Activity (enter the date of the Team Agreement Meeting)
• Self-Assessment (acknowledge/sign)
• Professional Development Plan (PDP)
o Develop and enter SMART goals in PDP section

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Monitor PDP goals throughout the year and document progress and evidences
on the Mid-Year and End-of-Year Reviews (adhere to PDP timeframes)
• Observations/Pre- and Post-Conferences (acknowledge)
• Summary Rating & Summative Conference (acknowledge).
Notify evaluator and mentor of any changes in contact information. (Submit Change

Provide the evaluator and mentor with school calendar and daily classroom
schedule. Notify them of changes.
12. Maintain communication with all team members. This includes communication with

the evaluator and mentor and ensuring the site administrator is aware of all activities.
13. Notify the evaluator and mentor at least 12 hours in advance, if cancellation is
Respond promptly (within two days) to emails and phone calls.
Arrange for team meetings, which include collaboration with site administrator.
Meetings may occur through various technology systems or at an agreed upon site.
16. Maintain the following documents:
• Teaching License
• Professional Development Log (training and coursework documented)
• Copies of Certificates and Transcripts
• PDP and Supporting Documentation (evidences for mid-year and end-of-year
• Documentation of Self-Reflection
• Team Agreement
17. Notify the Early Educator Support Office immediately of any situation that may prevent
completion of these requirements within the established timeline.
18. Read all correspondences (email or hard copies) from our office thoroughly and follow
all instructions.
19. Print and/or save an electronic copy of your Summary Rating Form & final PDP by June
15th of each year.
As a BTSP/LETP licensed teacher, I agree to accept the mentor and evaluation
services of the DCDEE/Early Educator Support Office. I acknowledge that I have
read, reviewed, discussed, and received a copy of my responsibilities set forth in
the Team Agreement. Doing so also constitutes my electronic signature on the
Team Agreement form.
Teacher’s Signature


Site Administrator Responsibilities:
Complete required training on the NC Teacher Evaluation Process (NCTEP) before
participating in
Early Educator Support Office services. This includes completion of Part 1 (online
modules) and Part 2
(face-to-face) NCTEP training.
Fill in this section if you are new to the program: Date completed       Date to complete
2. Participate in the Team Agreement (Orientation).

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3. Ensure that a licensed teacher is serving as the lead teacher in the NC Pre-Kindergarten
(NC Pre-K), Developmental
Day (DD) preschool, or MECK Pre-K classroom.
4. Provide overall leadership and supervision to the teacher in the NC Pre-K, DD, or MECK
Pre-K classroom where a licensed teacher is required to ensure that all components of the
BTSP are implemented.
• Ensure that the NC Lateral Entry/Residency B-K licensed teacher successfully
completes a minimum of six semester hours annually to maintain lateral entry toward
the B-K license. Ensure that they complete all course work on their Plan of Study within
the designated three-year period.
• Ensure that the Provisional B-K licensed teacher completes a minimum of six
semester hours annually to maintain their provisional license. Ensure that they

complete all course work on their Plan of Study within the five-year period (renewed
• Ensure that the teacher completes all components of the North Carolina Foundations for
Early Learning and Development (Foundations) as assigned.
• Understand and support the NC Pre-Kindergarten Program Requirements & Guidance,
specifically pertaining to teacher education, teacher salary, the instructional day and
remaining hours of the NC Pre-K day.
• Know about the T.E.A.C.H. ™ Early Childhood Scholarship Program to help support
teacher’s attainment of the BK license and the T.E.A.C.H. Health Insurance
Reimbursement Program.
• Understand the time commitment of the teacher licensure process, which requires the
teacher to work with an assigned mentor and evaluator for three years.
• Collaborate with technical assistance providers and other coaches working with the
teacher to ensure appropriate teaching practices are communicated and consistently
implemented by all providers (CCR&R, Smart Start, NC Pre-K, Developmental Day, Head
Start, ECERS-R, etc…).
• Release teacher from work to participate in pre-and post-observation conferences, Early
Educator Support Office sponsored and/or other DCDEE approved professional
development activities to meet licensure requirements.
• Ensure that teacher has appropriate supplies, resources, and planning time for
creating and maintaining a developmentally responsive learning environment.
5. Work with the mentor and evaluator to ensure B-K licensure requirements are maintained in
classroom teaching practices and are aligned with the NC Professional Teaching Standards.
6. Participate in:
• One classroom observation, debrief, and post-conference with the evaluator using
the NC Teacher Evaluation Rubric for one teacher at your site
• Post-Conferences
• PDP Reviews (preliminary, mid-year, and end-of-year)
• Summary Evaluation Conference
7. Provide classroom coverage to allow the teacher to attend pre-and post-conferences,

professional development opportunities, PDP development and reviews, trainings, PLC
meetings, etc.
8. Communicate with and provide feedback to the Early Educator Support Unit and Offices as
required by the BTSP and LETP process.
9. Only for NC Pre-K Program: Submit appropriate reports to local contract administrator.
10. Notify the Early Educator Support Office immediately of any situation that may prevent the
teacher from completing these
requirements or your ability to supervise this process.
11. Notify Early Educator Support Unit and Offices about teacher’s change in employment within 5
business days, via Change
or Separation Form.

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12. Notify Early Educator Support Unit and Offices about changes in the program’s contact
information (phone, address, email) via Change Form.

NEW (implemented in 2018-19 program year)
13. My signature on the Team Agreement Form, grants my permission for Early Educator
Support Office staff to take photographs, video record classroom/teacher
behaviors/activities in the school environment, which may include children. Photographs
and videos will be used for professional development purposes for the Early Educator
Support Offices and will help to inform training when using the NC Teacher Evaluation
Process and as part of the quality assurance and inter-rater reliability project. Refer to

the NC Pre-K Program Requirements for specific release details and be certain
families are aware of these professional development activities.
14. My signature on the Team Agreement Form, grants my permission for Early Educator

Support Office staff to conduct co-observations in classrooms where teachers are being
evaluated using the NC Teacher Evaluation Process. The joint observation process is
strictly for quality assurance and inter-rater reliability purposes and is not intended to be
used with specific teachers based on performance. This process will inform the
continuous improvement of practices used by Early Educator Support Office staff as part
of the NC Teacher Evaluation Process. Refer to the NC Pre-K Program Requirements

for specific release details and be certain families are aware of these professional
development activities.
As the site administrator/program director or designee, I acknowledge that I have read,
reviewed, discussed, and received a copy of the responsibilities set forth in this
agreement. Doing so also constitutes my electronic signature on the Team Agreement
Site Administrator’s Signature


Early Educator Support Office Mentor Responsibilities:
1. Complete required training on the NC Teacher Evaluation Process (NCTEP) before
participating in
service provisions. This includes completion of Part 1 (online modules) and Part 2
(face-to-face) NCTEP training.
Fill in this section if you are new to the program: Date completed       Date to complete
2. Participate in the Team Agreement Meeting (Orientation).
3. Complete NC Mentor Program training. Demonstrate the personal and professional
habits defined by the NC Mentor Standards.
4. Conduct or Participate in the Team Agreement Meeting (Orientation).

a) Contact teacher, site administrator and evaluator to schedule the Team
Agreement Meeting
b) Present team member responsibilities to all team members
c) Secure all signatures on an electronic copy of the Team Agreement
d) Send the completed Team Agreement to all of the team members
Provide necessary technical assistance to teacher for data input into North
Carolina Educator
Effectiveness System (NCEES/Home Base)
6. Arrange for a “Coaching Commitment” meeting with the teacher.

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Support the teacher in completion of the self-assessment.
Support the teacher in development of the PDP:
• Assist with identifying preliminary goals, as needed, prior to the first observation
• Guide with establishing SMART goals, as needed, following the first observation
• Sign/acknowledge initial PDP
• Support teacher’s progress in meeting the SMART goals
• Review teacher’s evidences and sign Mid-Year PDP Review
• Review teacher’s evidences and sign End-of-Year PDP Review
9. Support teacher in the observation process:
• Guide teacher in preparing for conferences and observations
• Provide teacher with appropriate, individual feedback and technical assistance
• Assist teacher in identifying and collecting artifacts/evidences that support their

• Attend and participate in observation conferences as available
Participate in Summary Evaluation Conference with teacher, site administrator,
and evaluator as available.
Lateral Entry/Residency teachers only:
• Provide Pre-Service Checklist with attachments to teacher
o Support teacher in completing required checklist items, including Foundations
online modules
o Submit the signed and dated cover page to the appropriate office (ECU or UNC
Charlotte) by May 15.
Provide continual support to the teacher to ensure appropriate teaching practices
align with NC Professional Teaching Standards. This support may include, but is not
limited to the following:
• Sharing web sites, newsletters and/or tip sheets matching teacher’s PDP goals/areas
for growth
• Providing support and consultation sessions that enhance or augment (not duplicate)
local and state available training, technical assistance plans and resources (e.g.,
support and consult with literacy coaches, Smart Start Quality Enhancement services,
Professional Development Coordinators, Trainers, state consultants, etc…)
• Modeling appropriate instructional practices inside the classroom (implicit and explicit
• Conducting informal observations
• Communicating with teacher on a regular basis (e.g., phone, email, face-to-face, use
of technology)
• Arranging observations of non-public demonstration sites (required for
Residency/Lateral Entry license) and/or other identified, high quality sites/classrooms
• Videotaping teaching practices and providing feedback related to teacher’s PDP and

teacher evaluation results
• Identifying appropriate professional development resources (e.g., PLC, conferences,
current research and special workshops)
• Identifying local community resources/agencies that support children and families
13. Remind teacher and/or site administrator to submit Change or Separation Form to Early
Educator Support Unit when change in site, resignation or separation of employment occurs.
Site Administrators are required to notify the local NC Pre-K Contracting Agency when a
teacher resignation or separation occurs.
As the mentor, I acknowledge that I have read, reviewed, discussed, and received
a copy of the responsibilities set forth in the Team Agreement. Doing so also
constitutes my electronic signature on the Team Agreement form.


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Mentor’s Signature


Early Educator Support Office Evaluator Responsibilities:
1. Complete required training on the NC Teacher Evaluation Process (NCTEP) before
participating in
service provisions. This includes completion of Part 1 (online modules) and Part 2 (face
to face)
NCTEP training.
Fill in this section if you are new to the program: Date completed       Date to complete

2. Participate in the Team Agreement Meeting (Orientation).
3. Upload a copy of the signed Team Agreement into the Pre-Observation
Activity of Observation 1.
4. Conduct a pre-observation conference with the teacher prior to the first observation
and subsequently as needed. The purpose of this conference is to prepare the teacher &
evaluator for the observation.
The evaluator will:
• provide a minimum of two-weeks’ notice
• discuss the lesson to be observed
• complete all Home Base/NCEES online evaluation system requirements
5. Conduct at least four formal observations. The evaluator will:
• use the NC Teacher Evaluation Process Tools
• note the teacher’s performance in relationship to the applicable standards on the
rubric (per Evaluation schedule)
• mark indicators & provide comments under each standard observed
• sign/acknowledge and obtain teacher signature/acknowledgement in Home
• schedule a time for the site administrator to shadow the evaluator for at least one
observation and debriefing
Conduct post-observation conference within ten school days following each
observation. The evaluator will:
• schedule a time and place (face-to-face or through use of technology) to hold the
post-conference with the teacher, mentor, and administrator – teacher assistant may
be included
• guide teacher to reflect on the observations
• implement coaching practices to discuss the strengths and areas for growth of the
teacher’s performance
• enter documentation of the post-observation into NCEES/Home Base

• provide the teacher with the opportunity to add comments into NCEES/Home Base
• sign/acknowledge the post-observation and obtain teacher
signature/acknowledgement in NCEES/Home Base
7. Participate in the PDP Process. Provide ongoing review of the SMART Goals and sign the
Initial, Mid-Year, and End-of-Year Reviews.
8. Conduct a Summary Evaluation Conference. The evaluator will:
• score the Teacher Summary Rating Form prior to the end of the school year (give
overall rating of each standard)

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review the completed Teacher Summary Rating Form with the teacher
discuss the teacher’s self-assessment, PDP, classroom observations,
artifacts/evidences submitted, and other evidence of the teacher’s performance on
the rubric
• inform the teacher, site administrator and Early Educator Support Office if the teacher
will be placed on a monitored or directed professional development plan
• provide the teacher with the opportunity to add comments
• sign/acknowledge and obtain teacher signature/acknowledgement in NCEES/Home
9. Remind teacher and/or site administrator to submit Change or Separation form to Early
Educator Support Unit when
change in site, resignation or separation of employment occurs. Site Administrators are
required to
notify the local NC Pre-K Contracting Agency when a teacher resignation or separation

As the evaluator, I acknowledge that I have read, reviewed, discussed, and
received a copy of the responsibilities set forth in the Team Agreement. Doing so
also constitutes my electronic signature on the Team Agreement form.
Evaluator’s Signature


DCDEE/Early Educator Support Unit and Office Responsibilities (State Office,
UNC Charlotte, East Carolina University):
1. Provide or arrange for Orientation, Mentor and Evaluator Training, and NC Teacher
Evaluation Process Training (Parts 1 and 2).
2. Provide mentoring and evaluating services to the teacher, once assigned.
3. Implement the provisions of teacher licensure (initial provisional lateral entry,
residency, provisional, BK Initial license (SPI), and BK Continuing (SPII) and Preschool
Add-on, in accordance with the NC State Board of Education policy.
4. Communicate and/or disseminate mentor/evaluation assignments, professional
development announcements, and licensure process & policy information to teacher,
site administrators, mentor, evaluator, and NC PRE-K Contract Administrator (Program
Contact), as needed.
5. Monitor and maintain teacher licensure files and database.
6. Conduct program evaluation of services provided following each service year.
7. Use results from program evaluation to improve services.
Lorena Gonzalez
DCDEE/Early Education Branch Senior Manager

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