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Regional Health Alliance
Access to Care
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Grace Health
Present: Susan Cook, IHP; Amy Davis, Summit Pointe; Thamary Diaz, Grace Health; Raymond Higbea (via conference call), Grand Valley
State University; Cheryl Hinds, Grace Health; Bonnie Hogoboom, Region 3B Area Agency on Aging; Ian Pegg, MDHHS, Jamie Rugg, United
Way - 2-1-1; Jennifer VanValkenburg, Regional Health Alliance; Briana Stuck, Regional Health Alliance.

Agenda Item
9:33 a.m.

I. Welcome & Introductions: Jennifer VanValkenburg called the meeting to order.

9:34 a.m.

II. Review and approve September meeting minutes
• Motion to approve minutes: Cheryl Hinds; Second: Susan Cook; Motion approved.

9:35 a.m.

• Handout distributed by Susan Cook from IHP with the top 15 Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Michigan (BCBSM) diagnosis codes from January to June of 2016.
o Discussion on how to use this information.
o 5 of the 15 are preventive.
o 45% is connected with back pain – possibly a need to connect with employers
on this issue.

9:44 a.m.

IV. MI Connectz
• Presentation by Bonnie Hogoboom from Region 3b on MIConnectz website.
o Elder Law of Michigan is the administrator of this website.
o This is an internet based program available on mobile apps and allows
agencies to give referrals for their clients to other agencies. The referring
agency would receive the referral and be able to accept or deny.
o Over 25 agencies are currently enrolled in this program.
o Many concerns arose over HIPAA and confidentiality issues because of the
information being relayed. Elder Care Law has assured this is no issue.
However, due to health laws, concerns are still present.
o Help is needed in getting more agencies involved with this program.


Bonnie to bring HIPAA end
user agreement to
November meeting for
group review.
Group encouraged to review
website and voice any
concerns or provide
suggestions, directly to
Elder Law.

10:57 a.m.

V. 2016 Goals & Action Plan
• Unmet needs discussion – Priority areas – Tabled until November meeting due to time

10:58 a.m.

VI. Announcements/New Business
• Raymond announced the annual Grand Rapids Aging Conference needs presenters for
the 12th Annual Art & Science of Aging Conference. The topic is “Creating an AgeFriendly Community.” The date is February 17, 2017. Please contact him ASAP.
VII. Meeting adjourned

11:00 a.m.

Submitted by Briana Stuck 10/25/16

Next meeting: Tuesday,
November 22, 2016, 9:30 –
11:00 a.m., Grace Health

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