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1. General Information of GSIS---------------------------------------------------------------------


A. Administration Office----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
B. International Studies Library-------------------------------------------------------------


C. Computer LAB Information--------------------------------------------------------------- 3
D. Office of International Cooperation and Career Development-------------------- 4
E. Research Administration Office---------------------------------------------------------- 4
F. Administrative Information------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
G. The Institute for Japanese Studies (IJS)---------------------------------------------- 4
H. Institute of International Affairs (IIA)----------------------------------------------------- 4
I. Center for EU Studies----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5






Finance------------------------------------------------- 5
K. Other Facilities------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

L. GSIS Faculty & Staff-----------------------------------------------------------------------


2. Academic Requirements---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
A. Requirements for Graduation------------------------------------------------------------- 8
B. Requirements for the Study Abroad Program----------------------------------------- 9
C. Master's Degree/ Docotorate ---------------------------------------------------------- 10
D. Qualifying Examinations---------------------------------------------------------------


E. Application Procedures for Thesis----------------------------------------------------- 13
3. Scholarship----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
A. Scholarships Available for GSIS Students------------------------------------------- 14
B. Scholarship Criteria----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
4. Registration Information-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
A. Course Registration----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
B. Leave of Absence-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
C. Re-enrollment------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
D. Student Identification Card------------------------------------------------------------- 16
5. GSIS Exchange Program----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
A. Exchange Students Selection Procedure------------------------------------------- 17
B. Exchange Universities------------------------------------------------------------------


6. Fieldwork and Internship program------------------------------------------------------------- 19
A. Purpose-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
B. Operation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

7. School Life-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



A. GSIS Student Association--------------------------------------------------------------- 20
B. Accommodation and Meals------------------------------------------------------------- 20
C. Transportation------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
D. Bookstore------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
E. Others----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
8. Academic Calendar for 2007------------------------------------------------------------------


9. Courses---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
School Location--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27


1. General Information of GSIS
A. Administration Office
The GSIS Administration Office consists of a Program Administrative Division and a
General Affairs Division. The Program Administrative Division manages teaching
affairs, course management, admission/graduation affairs and student affairs. The
General Affairs Division is responsible for the budget. The GSIS Administration Office
is located on the 3rd floor of the GSIS Building 140-1, Room 302.

B. International Studies Library
The IS Library is open to various kinds of international researchers as well as to
Korean researchers. Periodicals and CD-ROMs are kept in the 3rd floor library, while
monographs, statistical and reference books and video & audio materials are kept in
the 4th floor library. Opening hours are from 9 am to 9 pm during the semester
(Monday to Friday, except National holidays), and from 9 am to 6 pm during vacations
(Monday to Friday, except National holidays). Students may borrow a maximum of 10
books per month and the due date may be extended if the books are not reserved. An
orientation regarding the use of materials in the Information & Data Office (Library) will
be held at the beginning of each semester. The libraries are located on the 3rd and
4th floor of the GSIS Building 140-1.

C. Computer LAB Information
- Location and Opening Hours



Computer Lab for Lecture

Building 140-1, Room 201

Opens only for lectures

Computer Lab 1

Building 140, Room 306

9:00 ~ 18:00

Computer Lab 2

Building 140, Room 307

24 hours Open

* How to use wireless LAN
Building 140 : Netspot ID needed (monthly membership fee to KT required)
Building 140-1 : Accessible in the library in the 3rd and 4th floor of the building, after logging on
with the SNU portal site ID and password.

- The use of printers and copy machines
Please purchase a copy/printing card for \5,000 from a vending machine in the lobby of


the building 140. (You can also buy the card from the Students’ Hall or a printing room
at other colleges of SNU.)

D. Office of International Cooperation and Career Development
The International Cooperation Office supports international activities including
international job recruitment programs for alumni, exchange programs with foreign
education institutions, overseas internship training programs and domestic &
international NPO/NGO affairs. The International Cooperation Office is located on the
2nd floor of the GSIS Building 140, Room 203. (+82-2-880-8506)

E. Research Administration Office

The Research Administration Office oversees GSIS faculty’s research activities. It is in
charge of managing research fund, supporting scholastic activities, and administrating
faculty’s research achievements. The Research Administration Office is located on the
2nd floor of the GSIS Building 140, Room 202 and the contact number is 880-8975.

F. Administrative Information
Administrative information and announcements are posted on the portal site of SNU
() and GSIS Bulletin Board located in the lobby, on the Official
Notice Board and the Events Board of the GSIS homepage ().

Students should register the portal site after entrance and regularly
check the notice board of GSIS for new announcements.

G. The Institute for Japanese Studies (IJS)
The Institute for Japanese Studies, established November 19, 2004, seeks to
contribute to building peace and fostering prosperity in East Asia through a systematic
and comprehensive Japan research. Solidly grounded upon past efforts to create a
basis for Japanese research which include collecting and organizing Japan-related
material, establishing information network, supporting research, engaging in academic
and scholarly exchanges among many others, and keenly aware of the changes in
today’s domestic and international environments, the Institute aims to explore new
directions in Japanese research. The Institute for Japanese Studies strives to lend
critical support to Korea’s Japanese research and education and further, actively
pursue and provide a new framework for Japanese research in the international

H. Institute of International Affairs (IIA)
The Institute of International Affairs (IIA) is Korea’s primary research center for


interdisciplinary studies on issues about International Commerce, International
Cooperation, International Area Studies, and Korea Studies in developing and
transitional societies. Most of the Institute’s activities support academic exchanges with
other research, government, and corporate institutions worldwide and to publish annual
reports, journals, and working papers for international research. IIA also brings recent
studies and findings for current issues to the Society of International Studies in Korea.

I. Center for EU Studies (SNU-KIEP EU Center)
The EU Center conducts teaching, research and outreach activities on EU affairs. The
EU center is designated and supported by the EU Commission as the hub for those
activities in Korea.

J. Center for International Commerce and Finance
The Center for International Commerce and Finance was established for two main
purposes: to be a research hub in Asia of international finance and trade issues and to
help students’ further understanding of these issues. The main research topics are the
lessons to be learned from the Asian financial crisis, East Asian economic and
monetary integration, the global imbalance of the international financial market, and the
impact of China’s rise on the world economy. Main activities include organizing
international conferences with other domestic and foreign institutes, publishing working
papers of leading Korean and foreign scholars, and providing special lectures by
specialists in this field.

K. Other Facilities
The Global Leaders’ Room is located on the 2 nd floor of Building 140. Equipped with
the latest Audio-visual presentation equipment and with comfortable seating for 60, the
Global Leaders’ Room is available for special lectures, orientations for new comers and
ceremonies. The So-Chun International Conference Room can accommodate 146

peoples and is used for international conferences and major ceremonies. Student
research rooms and other research department rooms are located in Building 140.

L. GSIS Faculty & Staff






Tae-Ho Bark

140-1, 501


Associate Dean

Jin-Hyun Paik

140-1, 508



Office of the Dean


International Commerce


Hwy-Chang Moon

140-1, 615




Tae-Ho Bark

140-1, 608



Assistant Prof.

Duk-Geun Ahn

140-1, 606



Visiting Professor

Yung-Chul Park

140-1. 503



Adjunct Professor

Kyung-Hoon Lee

140-1, 519




Se-Il Park

140-1, 605




Jin-Hyun Paik

140-1, 601



Associate Prof.

Geun Lee

140-1, 604



Assistant Prof.

Seong-Ho Sheen

140-1, 515


International Area


Chong-Sup Kim

140-1, 512




Woo-Sik Moon

140-1, 612



Associate Prof.

Hyun-Chul Kim

140-1, 509


Associate Prof.

Cheol-Hee Park




Associate Prof.

Young-Rok Cheong

140-1, 610



Associate Prof.

Young-Hae Han

140-1, 504



Assistant Prof.

Jong-Ho Jeong

140-1, 514



Assistant Prof.

Young-Nam Cho

140-1, 511


140-1, 616



Visiting Professor Chong-Wook Chung


Visiting Professor
Visiting Professor

Kye-Woo Lee
György Széll

140, 404


Korean Studies

Assistant Prof.

Ki-Soo Eun

140-1, 620



Assistant Prof.

Tae-Gyun Park

140-1, 618



Visiting Professor

Sung-Hee Jwa

140, 407



Weon-Ick Yoon

140-1, 302



Seung-Hyun Lim




Byeong-Woo Soh




Sun-Duk Kwon




Ji-Ae Yoo



Office of the Dean


Yong-Min Kwon



Office of Int’l


Seong-Ho Sheen

140, 203


Cooperation and Career


Na-Kyoung Lee

140, 308


Administration Office




Chul-Min Yeo

140, 203



Ji-Young Ha

140, 202


Chief Librarian

Seung-Nam Shin

140-1, 404



Sang-Mee Yang

140-1, 404



Jeung-Uk Yoon

140-1, 301


Computer Support


Na-Kyoung Lee

140, 308




Young-Hae Han

140, 401



Youn-Woo Jeong

140, 403



Kyung-Mi Ko



Office of Int’l Program


Michael S.A. Lee

140, 201-


Center for Int’l
Center for Int’l


Yung-Chul Park

140-1. 503


Commerce and Finance


Ju-Hee Yi

140-1. 504



Jin-Hyun Paik

140-1, 508



Mi-Jung Choi

140-1, 508




140-1, 303



Research Admin. Office

Computer Support

Institute for
Japanese Studies

EU Center

Security Office


2. Academic Requirements
A. Requirements for Graduation
[Master Program]
The Minimum credits required for graduation are 45 credits. (Including a
minimum of 15 credits from Practical Courses)
1) Students should take the 4 required courses in their major program at
* Required courses for Int’l Commerce, Int’l Cooperation and Int’l Area Majors:
- Int’l Economic Relations, Int’l Cooperation, Research Methodology and Skills/
Comparative Methodology (3 Courses)
- Contemporary World Politics: Theory and Case, Understanding the East Asia,
Topics in Area Studies, International Trade Issues in Comparative Perspective,
Studies in Regional Monetary and Financial Integration (Select 1 out of 5 Courses)
* Korea Studies Majors

- Korean Students: Int’l Economic Relations, Int’l Cooperation, Modern Korean
History and Society/Modernization and Transformation of Korean Society, and
Research Methodology and Skills/Comparative Methodology (4 courses)
- Foreign Students: Introduction Korean Studies, Korean Society, Korean History (3

2) Students should take at least 6 courses from GSIS major programs
3) Students should take 2 courses from elective courses
* Foreign students in Korea Studies should take 5 elective courses.

4) Students should take 2 courses from other GSIS major programs
- It is not mandatory for foreign students of Korean Studies major.
- For Int’l Commerce, Int’l Cooperation, Int’l Area Studies majors; courses for
Korean Studies major programs are not included.
- For Korean Studies (Korean Students): Int’l Commerce, Int’l Cooperation, and
Int’l Area Studies majors are regarded as other major programs.

5) Students should take "Dissertation Research"


[Doctorate Program]
The Minimum required credits for graduation are 45 credits. (Including a
minimum of 18 credits from Practical Courses)
1) Students should take at least 4 courses in major program (Int’l Commerce, Int’l
Cooperation, Int’l Area Studies)
2) Students should take at least 3 courses in other major program (Int’l Commerce, Int’l
Cooperation, Int’l Area Studies, Korean Studies)
3) “Dissertation Research” is not mandatory for students in doctorate program. Yet

students are allowed to take the course up to 4 times (maximum 12 credits, one
course per semester) freely and it can be counted as credits for completion of
4) Students should take “ Advanced Research and Methods”

B. Requirements for the Study Abroad Program
1) Prerequisites for Studying Abroad

Students must submit an application form, a letter of recommendation by his/her
academic advisor to the GSIS Administration Office.


Students have to apply three months before the beginning of the regular semester
and two months before the beginning of winter and summer sessions.


Students may study abroad for up to one year to earn a maximum of 12 transfer
credits per regular term and 9 transfer credits per winter/summer term.

2) Change or Cancellation of Application: In the event of a change to or
cancellation of the application, students have to submit the change or
cancellation forms to the GSIS Administration Office.
3) Transfer Credits

After finishing the study abroad program, students must submit a transcript from
the foreign university and a GSIS application form for transfer credits to be

approved by the GSIS administration office.


Although study abroad grades will be shown in the transcript as they are, they will
not be included in calculating the overall GSIS GPA. However, in the case of
double degree programs, grades will be included in the GSIS GPA.



1 credit will be granted for courses more than 15 contact hours per term.

C. Master's Degree/ Doctorate Degree
[Master Program]
Students are granted a Master of International Studies, with a major field of study
specified. [Doctorate Program]
Students are granted a Doctor of International Studies.

D. Qualifying Examinations

All students are required to pass the Qualifying Examinations for graduation.
Candidates for the exams must have registered at least 2 semesters with a minimum
of 12 credits. The exams may be taken in March or September with the schedule
announced on the Official Notice Board of GSIS homepage.


Application procedure: An application form for the Qualifying Examinations must be
submitted to the GSIS Administration Office.


Application period: The first week of each semester.

4) Candidates










foreign language and major subjects. International students in the Korea
Studies Program are required to take the Korean Examination instead of the

English Examination.

[Master Program]

English: Students must take TEPS or TOEFL(CBT,IBT) and receive a score
which is above standard regarding their major. If students have already received
the following scores on the entrance examination, they can receive a waiver.
Students should submit their TEPS/TOEFL score to Admin. office of GSIS when
they got the standard points. (No conditions on credits or terms for submission
but the score should be the one which is issued within 2 years)
- Exemptions:
- International Commerce and International Cooperation students required:
Minimum 751 points on TEPS, 235 on CBT, 92 on IBT examination.
- International Area Studies and Korean Studies students required:
Minimum 701 points on TEPS, 227 on CBT, 86 on IBT examination.


Korean: Students must receive at least 60 points on the Korean examination. If
students take a substitute course, such as Korean language and Korean culture,
they may receive a waiver. (For foreign students)



Second Foreign Language

Students have already received at least 60 points on the entrance examination,
they can receive a waiver. International students are exempted from the exam.
However, students from English speaking countries must take the second
foreign language exam in a language other than English.
Students who submit the score of an authorized test within 2 years could receive
a waiver. The further information regarding tests or grade will be announced
on the official notice board of GSIS homepage.
Students who take second language course at least 3 credits or more and get B o
or above after entrance of GSIS could receive a waiver. An exchange student
who takes courses which is conducted by second language in other countries,
also could receive a waiver. In this case, however, if students take language
courses, they only can receive a waiver of qualifying examination. It won’t be
counted as a credit.
Students who take the course ‘German’ or ‘French’ substituted for qualifying
exam and get C- or above could receive a waiver..


Major fields of study : 3 required courses
-2007 Freshmen[Int’l Commerce Major]

Int’l Economic Relations,


Choose one from Int’l Cooperation or Understanding East Asia*


Int’l Business Relations

[Int’l Cooperation Major]

Int’l Cooperation


Choose one from Int’l Economic Relations or Understanding East Asia*


International Law

[Int’l Area Studies Major]

Understanding the East Asia*


Int’l Economic Relations


Int’l Cooperation

[Korean Studies major]
A. In case of Foreign Students


Introduction to Korean Studies
Korean History
Korean Society
B. In case of Korean students
Modern Korean History and Society or Modernization and Transformation of
Korean Society
Understanding the East Asia or Int’l Cooperation
Introduction to Korean Studies or Comparative Methodology
※ The subject “Understanding the East Asia” can be replaced by the following courses:
- Contemporary World Politics: Theory and Case
- Topics in Area Studies
- International Trade Issues in Comparative Perspective
- Studies in Regional Monetary and Financial Integration

[Doctorate Program]
a) English: Students must take TEPS or TOEFL(CBT,IBT) and receive a score which
is above 751 points on the TEPS, 235 on the CBT, 92 on the IBT. If students have

submitted score of standard points or higher on their entrance examination, they
can receive a waiver. Students should submit their English score to Admin. office
of GSIS when they got the standard points. (No conditions on credits or terms for
submission but the score should be the one which is issued within 2 years)
b) Major fields of study : 3 required courses

Advanced Research Methods


1 major course


1 major course or 1 minor course

* The detailed information will be announced on the official notice board of GSIS

c) One or more articles should be published in a scientific journal before thesis defense.
(Authored by oneself or primary author in collaboration with another person)


E. Application Procedures for Thesis
(Planning to graduate in February, 2008)

(March/September 2007)

Students are eligible to apply for the examination
from the 3rd semester.

(April, 2007)

Application for the Qualifying Examinations,
Pass the examinations

Selection of Thesis Advisor,

Middle of the 2 month of the 3 semester

Submission of application for thesis proposal


(May, 2007)
End of the 3rd month of the 3rd semester

Submission of thesis proposal

(October, 2007)

Submission of application for thesis defense

1st week of the 2nd month of the semester

(October, 2007)
By the end of the 2nd month of the semester

Submission of thesis draft

(December, 2007)


By the middle of the 4th month of the semester

Thesis defense

(Early February 2008)
By early 2nd month of the graduation year

Submission of thesis for official record


Only when the student receives grades above the level set by the graduate school
on their thesis and oral presentation, their thesis will pass.


The title of the thesis must conform within the title and subtitle agreed upon by the
Thesis Committee.


Please pay attention to the Official Notice Board on the GSIS homepage for the
Thesis Examination schedule.

3. Scholarship
A. Scholarships Available for GSIS Students
1) SNU Scholarship

a) Exemption Scholarship: Exemption of tuition fee.
b) Teaching and Research Assistant Scholarship
- Eligibility:
Students whose GPA is 3.3 or above in last semester and who is appointed by
- Scholarship:
Students in Master Program: All tuition fee and 200,000 won per month
Students in Doctorate Program: All tuition fee and 300,000 won per month

2) GSIS Scholarship
a) Sochon Scholarship
b) GLP (Global Leadership Program) scholarship: Granted from the Global Leadership
Program, these scholarships are granted to those students who excel in academic
c) POSCO Asia Fellowship: Granted from the POSCO, these fellowships are awarded to
students from China and Japan, and cover full tuition fees and monthly stipends.


B. Scholarship Criteria
To receive scholarships, students must apply for the scholarship during the application
period (in June and November) through the Portal site (portal.snu.ac.kr). A student is

eligible to get the scholarship if he/she received a GPA of 3.3 or higher (3.0 or higher for
international students) in the previous semester at the graduate school. Scholarships are
awarded on the basis of students’ GPA and financial situation. Students must have taken
at least 3 courses (9 credits) in the previous semester. If the student's GPA is below 3.3,
he/she is not eligible to receive any type of scholarship. If the student is already receiving
a scholarship from an outside source, he/she cannot receive any of the above

4. Registration Information
A. Course Registration
Students should be informed of the registration notifications on the GSIS homepage
and enroll through the on-line course registration process (sugang.snu.ac.kr) by

If students want to enroll in courses, they should be fully aware of the rules
for registration of Seoul National University. All Students can find the rules on the
homepage (www.snu.ac.kr).


After consulting with a coordinator or with an assistant of the Administration
office, students should enroll within the due date and get the confirmation from an
academic advisor. International students weak in Korean can ask the manager or
administrative assistant for help in order to enroll to the courses accordingly.


When re-taking or registering for a double-titled course (with * mark in front:
for example *8752.616), please pay attention to whether it is a separate course or

a course regarded as replaceable (therefore, recognized as 1 same course).


Any problems caused by course registration by mistake will be entirely the
responsibility of the students. Therefore, make sure to be fully aware of the


guidelines for registration and try to get some instructions from an advisor.

In case you wish to take undergraduate courses, under the approval of your
major’s head professor, you can take 6 credits within the whole program. However,
no undergraduate general courses will be eligible for credit grants. (Only major
courses are valid for credit transfer.)

B. Leave of Absence
A leave of absence is classified as either general leave (leave taken by not registering
during the registration period), or semester leave (leave taken before the end of the 2/4
of the semester). In the case of a semester leave, students can transfer tuition fees to the
next semester if they apply for the leave before the end of the 2/4 of the semester.
Meanwhile, in case of illness or military service, students can apply for a leave even after
the 2/4 of the semester and can transfer tuition fees to a future semester. Leave of
absence is valid for one year and can be applied twice. (Before submitting this form,
students need the signature from their academic advisor.)

C. Re-enrollment
Students who wish to re-enroll should submit a re-enrollment form to the Administration

Office after receiving approval from their advisor and the head of their department within
the registration period. After their military service, students must submit a resident
registration certificate (with their military status), or a certificate of military service

D. Student Identification Card
1) Method 1 (thru Internet): Make account in the portal site(portal.snu.ac.kr) → After
30 min, you can log in. In 학



, click ‘ 학

※ In case of incoming students, making account in the portal site is possible after
each semester begins.
※ The picture which students submitted for application, students don’t have to hand
in another one.
※ International students cannot apply online at their 1 st semester. Please apply
through the method 2
2) Method 2 (thru Administration Office): Submit one photograph (3cm x 4cm) to the
Administration Office before the beginning of the first semester to receive their
student identification card.
3) If you lose their ID card, pay a 5,000 won fee to Nonghyup Bank, Seoul National


branch, and then submit that receipt and the re-issuance application form to the
Administration Office of Durae Cultural Center(학학학학학 , building 67). A new student
identification card will be issued 10 days after the submission of the request.


5. GSIS Exchange Program
A. Exchange Students Selection Procedure
1) Qualifications
a) Must be enrolled at least 2 semesters
b) GPA must be 3.5 or over (GSIS grades)
c) A TOEFL score of 580 and above (CBT-TOEFL 237)
* Students applying to a non-English speaking university must attain the desired
language proficiency.

2) Required Documents
a) Application form: 1 page (GSIS form)
b) Study plan: 1 page (GSIS form)
c) Resume: 1 page (GSIS form)
d) A copy of GSIS transcripts
e) A copy of TOEFL score

3) Application Due Date
a) The application period is by Feb. 20th for fall semester (term) and Aug. 22nd for the
spring semester (term) in every year. Students’ list will be notified of the results
from the GSIS Academic Committee by the end of March and the end of
September, respectively.

b) Applicants are required to submit documents to the Office of International
Cooperation and Career Development (Bldg.140, Room 203).

4) Grades
a) Students may obtain a maximum of 9 credits per semester.
b) For summer semesters, students may obtain a maximum of 6 credits.
* In principle, one credit accounts for 15 class hours.

5) Tuition
a) Students are required to pay regular tuition fees to SNU.
b) If a host university is on a trimester system, GSIS tuition for one semester would cover
the host university’s two terms tuition.

6) Others









international experience the opportunity to study in a foreign country. In the selection
procedure, priority will be given to those students with little international experience.


B. Exchange Universities


- Faculty of Business at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
- University of Melbourne-Faculty of Economics and Culture
Wilfred Laurier University


Universidad Adolfo Ibanez


Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences


Copenhagen Business School
- HANKEN Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration
- The Renvall Institute for Area and Culture Studies at University of Helsinki
ESSEC-Graduate School of Management
- University of Münster, Faculty of Commerce / Institute of Business to Business


- Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Chu-o Univ. Graduate School of Law, Economics, Commerce, Literature, Policy
International University of Japan, Graduate School of International Relations


- Kyoto University-Center for Southeast Asian Studies & Graduate School of Asian and
African Area Studies
- Osaka University-School of International Public Policy
- Waseda University-Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies


Leiden University


The Norwegian School of Management Bl, Oslo/Sandvika

Asian Institute of Management


Nanyang Technological University-Nanyang Business School


Graduate Institute of International Studies(Geneva)


Asian Institute of Technology-School of Management
- Denver University- Graduate School of International Studies
- Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania,
- Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Institute of Technology


- State University of New York (SUNY)-Stony Brook
- University of Akron-College of Business Administration
- University of Missouri-Columbia, Asian Affairs Center

6. Fieldwork and Internship program
A. Purpose

The Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) was established for the purpose
of systematically training international specialists and strengthening the profound
knowledge of international studies. GSIS works to build a basis for interdisciplinary
education and research at the international level and we emphasize both academic
achievement and practical experience. For these reasons, GSIS offers a diversity of
academic and professional opportunities called Fieldwork and Internship programs.
For the purpose of Fieldwork and Internship program we intend to train students who
have a keen sense for and a professional knowledge of the international scene. GSIS
students are expected to spend summer or winter semesters staying at a region or
institutions for practical skills training.

B. Operation
Fieldwork and Internship programs will basically be offered during the summer or
winter semester. The professors of GSIS take charge of the Fieldwork program. After
finishing the program the student evaluation should be based on reports and
participation experience.
And for the Internship program, students earn 3 credits for 8 hours of work a week over
15 weeks and should be approved by an academic advisor.


7. School Life
A. GSIS Student Association
The GSIS Student Association is an autonomous organization that promotes the
academic conditions for the GSIS students. The Student Association listens to student
opinions and makes suggestions to the GSIS dean and professors. A student
representative is elected at the end of the first semester, and runs the Student
Association from the second semester until the first semester of the following year. The
Student Association




a Student




Representatives of each major. The GSIS Student Association hosts the new comer’s
workshop, membership training, athletic games as well as various ceremonies
including the Wine and Cheese Party and barbeque party at the end of each semester.

B. Accommodation and Meals
Students can enter the university dormitory, BK International House, rent apartments or
lease a room in a boarding house near campus. Application procedures for the
dormitories will be posted on the dormitory homepage() on
November and June.
A student who wants to apply for BK international house, come to the administration
office of GSIS(3rd floor of Building 140-1) with alien registration card(or passport) and
certificate of attendance. Students can use restaurants and cafeterias that are on or
near the campus. When having meals in the campus restaurants or cafeterias, you
should first buy tickets and then go to the serving tables.
Kwanak-sa(dormitory) Admin. Office: Building #900, Room 313 (Tel: +82-2-880-5403 /


C. Transportation
If you come to the GSIS by subway, get off at “Seoul National University” or “Nak-Sung
Dae” station (Line No. 2).
From the “SNU” station (exit No. 3): take the bus #5512 that comes directly to the
GSIS. If you take a taxi from the station, it will cost approx. 3,000won. You may also
take any bus that leaves you by the Main Gate of SNU and take a walk up to the
location. It takes around 15 minutes by feet from the Main Gate.
From the Nak-Sung Dae” station (exit No. 4): Take the “Ma-eol bus” No. 2 and get off at
the Dorm Crossroad ( 학학학학학학 ). Walk down to the GSIS. It will take you around 5-10


D. Bookstore
Students can buy Korean or foreign books at the bookstore located on the second floor
of the Student Hall ( 학


E. Others
The Portal site(portal.snu.ac.kr) is available for checking registration of courses,
checking GPA or utilized for other administrative affairs (checking tuition fees or
applying for scholarship).

8. Academic Calendar for 2007
Registration for the Coming Semester

February 20-26


February 26


March 2


The First Semester
Semester Begins
Application for Qualifying Examinations
Change of Course Enrollment
Qualifying Examinations
1/4 of the Semester
Course Withdrawal Deadline
2/4 of the Semester
Course enrollment period for summer session
3/4 of the Semester
Scholarship Application for the 2nd semester
End of Semester
Summer session begins
Closing Date for Submission of Course Grades (1st semester)
Application for Returning and Readmission
Course enrollment for the 2nd Semester
End of summer session

Closing date for Submission of Course Grades (summer session)
Registration for the Second Semester
The Second Semester
Semester Begins
Application for Qualifying Examinations
Course Changes
Qualifying Examinations
1/4 of the Semester
Course Withdrawal Deadline
2/4 of the Semester
Scholarship Application for the 1st semester of 2008
3/4 of the Semester
End of Semester
Closing date for Submission of Course Grades

March 2
March 2-7
March 2-8
March 16
March 26
April 23
April 23
May 7-11
May 18
June 1-14
June 14
June 18
June 21
July 1-Aug 4
August 1-7

August 10
August 14
August 20-24
September 1
September 3-6
September 3-7
September 14
September 28
October 24
October 24
November 5-23
November 19
December 14
December 21

* This academic calendar is a draft with possibilities for slight readjustments.

9. Courses
! Please be careful with two different usages of * mark


a) A course number with * mark behind represents “Required courses.”
- For example, 8751.803* means that “Dissertation Research” is a mandatory course
for all GSIS students to take for program completion
b) A course number with * mark in front represents “Double-titled courses.”
- For example, *8752.516 means that “Workshop in International Cooperation” is
a double-titled course, which has a specific subtitle besides the head title.
In the case that two double-titled courses have a same head title yet different

those courses will be regarded as two different courses.
c) A course marked with the italic font is newly opened for students in Doctorate Program.

(1) General Required Courses

International Economic Relations


International Cooperation


Understanding the East Asia


Research Methodology and Skills


Advanced Research Methods

8754.823 Comparative Methodology

(2) International Commerce Program
<Theory Course>
8751.518 Topics in International Commerce 1

8751.612 Political Economy of Trade Policy
8751.615 Understanding International Trade Law
8751.621A International Business Relations
8751.716 Special Studies in Trade Negotiations
8751.718 World Trade Organization and Multilateral Trade Agreements
8751.719 Regional Trade Integrations and Trade Policies of Major Countries
8751.803* Dissertation Research * Required Course
8751.819 Advanced Research Method for International Commerce
< Practical Course>
8751.511 International Financial World: Markets, Institutions and Politics
8751.514 Multilateral Trade Negotiations: History and Major Rounds
8751.515 Workshop in International Commerce1
8751.614 Current Issues in International Trade Negotiations
8751.619A Global Business Strategy


8751.620 Workshop in International Commerce 2
8751.712 Case Studies in International Business Negotiation
8751.720 Foreign Direct Investment
8751.812 International Negotiation Simulation Game
8751.814 Seminar in International Commerce 1
8751.815 Multinational Corporations : Case Studies
8751.818 Research Project for Trade Dispute
8751.821 Seminar in international Commerce 2
8751.822 Case Studies in International Commerce
8751.823 Fieldwork in International Commerce
8751.824 Internship in International Commerce
8751.825 Research Project in Commercial Negotiation

8751.826 Research Project in International Business
8751.827 Research Project in International Economy

(3) International Cooperation Program
<Theory Course>

International Law

East Asian Regional Order & Inter-Korean Relations
8752.519 On Globalization

Understanding International Political Economy

8752.619 Political Economy of Regional Cooperation

International Organization

*8752.717 Special Studies in International Cooperation
8752.803* Dissertation Research * Required Course

International Communication and Culture


Understanding International Human Rights and Refugee Issues


Global Civil Society and NGOs

8752.819 Law and Economics
8752.828 Seminar on Globalization
8752.829 East Asian National Security Strategy
< Practical Course>
*8752.516 Workshop in International Cooperation 1
*8752.518 Labor and Social Policy in Globalizing Economy
8752.520 Case Studies on Transnational Issues and International Cooperation
8752.612 Case Studies of International Conflict Management

