Operating systems are an essential part of any computer system. Similarly,
a course on operating systems is an essential part of any computer-science
education. This field is undergoing change at a breathtakingly rapid rate, as
computers are now prevalent in virtually every application, from games for
children through the most sophisticated planning tools for governments and
multinational firms. Yet the fundamental concepts remain fairly clear, and it is
on these that we base this book.
We wrote this book as a text for an introductory course in operating systems
at the junior or senior undergraduate level or at the first-year graduate level. It
provides a clear description of the concepts that underlie operating systems. As
prerequisites, we assume that the reader is familiar with basic data structures,
computer organization, and a high-level language, such as
C. The hardware
topics required for an understanding of operating systems are included in
Chapter 2. For code examples, we use predominantly
C as well as some
Java, but the reader can still understand the algorithms without a thorough
knowledge of these languages.
The fundamental concepts and algorithms covered in the book are often
based on those used in existing commercial operating systems. Our aim is to
present these concepts and algorithms in a general setting that is not tied to
one particular operating system. We present a large number of examples that
pertain to the most popular operating systems, including Sun Microsystems’
Solaris 2, Linux; Microsoft
MS-DOS,WindowsNT,andWindows 2000; DEC VMS
and TOPS-20, IBM OS/2, and the Apple Macintosh Operating System.
vi Preface
Concepts are presented using intuitive descriptions. Important theoretical
results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. The bibliographical notes
contain pointers to research papers in which results were first presented and
proved, as well as references to material for further reading. In place of proofs,
figures and examples are used to suggest why we should expect the result in
question to be true.
Content of this Book
The text is organized in seven major parts:
• Overview: Chapters 1 through 3 explain what operating systems are, what
they do, and how they are designed and constructed. They explain how the
concept of an operating system has developed, what the common features
of an operating system are, what an operating system does for the user,
and what it does for the computer-system operator. The presentation is
motivational, historical, and explanatory in nature. We have avoided a
discussion of how things are done internally in these chapters. Therefore,
they are suitable for individuals or for students in lower-level classes who
want to learn what an operating system is, without getting into the details
of the internal algorithms. Chapter 2 covers the hardware topics that are
important to an understanding of operating systems. Readers well-versed
in hardware topics, including
I/O, DMA, and hard-disk operation, may
choose to skim or skip this chapter.
• Process management: Chapters 4 through 8 describe the process concept
and concurrency as the heart of modern operating systems. A process
is the unit of work in a system. Such a system consists of a collection
of concurrently executing processes, some of which are operating-system
processes (those that execute system code), and the rest of which are user
processes (those that execute user code). These chapters cover methods for
process scheduling, interprocess communication, process synchronization,
and deadlock handling. Also included under this topic is a discussion of
• Storage management: Chapters 9 through 12 deal with a process in main
memory during execution. To improve both the utilization of
CPU and the
speed of its response to its users, the computer must keep several processes
in memory. There are many different memory-management schemes.
These schemes reflect various approaches to memory management, and
the effectiveness of the different algorithms depends on the situation. Since
main memory is usually too small to accommodate all data and programs,
and since it cannot store data permanently, the computer system must pro-
vide secondary storage to back up main memory. Most modern computer
systems use disks as the primary on-line storage medium for information,
Preface vii
both programs and data. The file system provides the mechanism for on-
line storage of and access to both data and programs residing on the disks.
These chapters describe the classic internal algorithms and structures of
storage management. They provide a firm practical understanding of the
algorithms used—the properties, advantages, and disadvantages.
I/O systems: Chapters 13 and 14 describe the devices that attach to a com-
puter and the multiple dimensions in which they vary. In many ways, they
are also the slowest major components of the computer. Because devices
differ so widely, the operating system needs to provide a wide range of
functionality to applications to allow them to control all aspects of the
devices. This section discusses system
I/O in depth, including I/O system
design, interfaces, and internal system structures and functions. Because
devices are a performance bottleneck, performance issues are examined.
Matters related to secondary and tertiary storage are explained as well.
• Distributed systems: Chapters 15 through 17 deal with a collection of
processors that do not share memory or a clock—a distributed system.
Such a system provides the user with access to the various resources that
the system maintains. Access to a shared resource allows computation
speedup and improved data availability and reliability. Such a system also
provides the user with a distributed file system, which is a file-service
system whose users, servers, and storage devices are dispersed among
the sites of a distributed system. A distributed system must provide
various mechanisms for process synchronization and communication, for
dealing with the deadlock problem and the variety of failures that are not
encountered in a centralized system.
• Protection and security: Chapters 18 and 19 explain the processes in an
operating system that must be protected from one another’s activities. For
the purposes of protection and security, we use mechanisms that ensure
that only those processes that have gained proper authorization from the
operating system can operate on the files, memory segments,
other resources. Protection is a mechanism for controlling the access of
programs, processes, or users to the resources defined by a computer
system. This mechanism must provide a means for specification of the
controls to be imposed, as well as a means of enforcement. Security
protects the information stored in the system (both data and code), as
well as the physical resources of the computer system, from unauthorized
access, malicious destruction or alteration, and accidental introduction of
• Case studies: Chapters 20 through 22, in the book, and Appendices A
through C, on the website, integrate the concepts described in this book by
describing real operating systems. These systems include Linux,
2000, FreeBSD, Mach, and Nachos. We chose Linux and FreeBSD because
viii Preface
—at one time—was almost small enough to understand, yet was not
a “toy” operating system. Most of its internal algorithms were selected for
simplicity, rather than for speed or sophistication. Both Linux and
are readily available to computer-science departments, so many students
have access to these systems. We chose
Windows 2000 because it provides
an opportunity for us to study a modern operating system that has a design
and implementation drastically different from those of
the Nachos System, which allows students to get their hands dirty—totake
apart the code for an operating system, to see how it works at a low level, to
build significant pieces of the operating system themselves, and to observe
the effects of their work. Chapter 22 briefly describes a few other influential
operating systems.
The Sixth Edition
As we wrote this Sixth Edition, we were guided by the many comments and
suggestions we received from readers of our previous editions, as well as by
our own observations about the rapidly changing fields of operating systems
and networking. We rewrote the material in most of the chapters by bringing
older material up to date and removing material that was no longer of interest.
We rewrote all Pascal code, used in previous editions to demonstrate certain
algorithms, into
C, and we included a small amount of Java as well.
We made substantive revisions and changes in organization in many of
the chapters. Most importantly, we added two new chapters and reorganized
the distributed systems coverage. Because networking and distributed systems
have become more prevalent in operating systems, we moved some distributed
systems material, client–server, in particular, out of distributed systems chap-
ters and integrated it into earlier chapters.
• Chapter 3, Operating-System Structures, now includes a section dis-
cussing the Java virtual machine (
• Chapter 4, Processes, includes new sections describing sockets and remote
procedure calls (
• Chapter 5, Threads, is a new chapter that covers multithreaded computer
systems. Many modern operating systems now provide features for a
process to contain multiple threads of control.
• Chapters 6 through 10 are the old Chapters 5 through 9, respectively.
• Chapter 11, File-System Interface, is the old Chapter 10. We have mod-
ified the chapter substantially, including the coverage of
NFS from the
Distributed File System chapter (Chapter 16).
Preface ix
• Chapter 12 and 13 are the old Chapters 11 and 12, respectively. We have
added a new section in Chapter 13,
I/O Systems, covering STREAMS.
• Chapter 14, Mass-Storage Structure, combines old Chapters 13 and 14.
• Chapter 15, Distributed System Structures, combines old Chapters 15
and 16.
• Chapter 19, Security, is the old Chapter 20.
• Chapter 20, The Linux System, is the old Chapter 22, updated to cover new
recent developments.
• Chapter 21, Windows 2000, is a new chapter.
• Chapter 22, Historical Perspective, is the old Chapter 24.
• Appendix A is the old Chapter 21 on
UNIX updated to cover FreeBSD.
• Appendix B covers the Mach operating system.
• Appendix C covers the Nachos system.
The three appendices are provided online.
Teaching Supplements and Web Page
The web page for this book contains the three appendices, the set of slides that
accompanies the book, in PDF and Powerpoint format, the three case studies,
the most recent errata list, and a link to the authors home page. John Wiley &
Sons maintains the web page at
/>To obtain restricted supplements, contact your local John Wiley & Sons sales
representative. You can find your representative at the “Find a Rep?” web page:
/>Mailing List
We provide an environment in which users can communicate among them-
selves and with us. We have created a mailing list consisting of users of our
book with the following address: If you wish
to be on the list, please send a message to indicating your
name, affiliation, and e-mail address.
x Preface
We have attempted to clean up every error in this new Edition, but—as hap-
pens with operating systems—a few obscure bugs may remain. We would
appreciate hearing from you about any textual errors or omissions that you
identify. If you would like to suggest improvements or to contribute exer-
cises, we would also be glad to hear from you. Please send correspondence
to Avi Silberschatz, Vice President, Information Sciences Research Center, MH
2T-310, Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974 (avi@bell-
This book is derived from the previous editions, the first three of which were
coauthored by James Peterson. Others who helped us with previous editions
include Hamid Arabnia, Randy Bentson, David Black, Joseph Boykin, Jeff
Brumfield, Gael Buckley, P. C. Capon, John Carpenter, Thomas Casavant, Ajoy
Kumar Datta, Joe Deck, Sudarshan K. Dhall, Thomas Doeppner, Caleb Drake,
M. Ras¸it Eskicio˘glu, Hans Flack, Robert Fowler, G. Scott Graham, Rebecca Hart-
man, Wayne Hathaway, Christopher Haynes, Mark Holliday, Richard Kieburtz,
Carol Kroll, Thomas LeBlanc, John Leggett, Jerrold Leichter, Ted Leung, Gary
Lippman, Carolyn Miller, Michael Molloy, Yoichi Muraoka, Jim M. Ng, Banu
Ozden, Ed Posnak, Boris Putanec, Charles Qualline, John Quarterman, Jesse
St. Laurent, John Stankovic, Adam Stauffer, Steven Stepanek, Hal Stern, Louis
Stevens, Pete Thomas, David Umbaugh, Steve Vinoski, Tommy Wagner, John
Werth, and J. S. Weston.
We thank the following people who contributed to this edition of the book:
Bruce Hillyer reviewed and helped with the rewrite of Chapters 2, 12, 13, and
14. Mike Reiter reviewed and helped with the rewrite of Chapter 18. Parts
of Chapter 14 were derived from a paper by Hillyer and Silberschatz [1996].
Parts of Chapter 17 were derived from a paper by Levy and Silberschatz [1990].
Chapter 20 was derived from an unpublished manuscript by Stephen Tweedie.
Chapter 21 was derived from an unpublished manuscript by Cliff Martin.
Cliff Martin helped with updating the
UNIX appendix to cover FreeBSD. Mike
Shapiro reviewed the Solaris information and Jim Mauro answered several
Solaris-related questions.
We thank the following people who reviewed this edition of the book:
Rida Bazzi, Arizona State University; Roy Campbell, University of Illinois-
Chicago; Gil Carrick, University of Texas at Arlington; Richard Guy, UCLA;
Max Hailperin, Gustavus Adolphus College; Ahmed Kamel, North Dakota
State University; Morty Kwestel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Gustavo
Rodriguez-Rivera, Purdue University; Carolyn J. C. Schauble, Colorado State
University; Thomas P. Skinner, Boston University; Yannis Smaragdakis, Geor-
Preface xi
gia Tech; Larry L. Wear, California State University, Chico; James M. Westall,
Clemson University; and Yang Xiang, University of Massassachusetts.
Our Acquisitions Editors, Bill Zobrist and Paul Crockett, provided expert
guidance as we prepared this Edition. They were both assisted by Susan-
nah Barr, who managed the many details of this project smoothly. Katherine
Hepburn was our Marketing Manager. The Senior Production Editor was Ken
Santor. The cover illustrator was Susan Cyr while the cover designer was Made-
lyn Lesure. Barbara Heaney was in charge of overseeing the copy-editing and
Katie Habib copyedited the manuscript. The freelance proofreader was Katrina
Avery; the freelance indexer was Rosemary Simpson. The Senior Illustration
Coordinator was Anna Melhorn. Marilyn Turnamian helped generate figures
and update the text, Instructors Manual, and slides.
Finally, we would like to add some personal notes. Avi would like to extend
his gratitude to Krystyna Kwiecien, whose devoted care of his mother has given
him the peace of mind he needed to focus on the writing of this book; Pete,
would like to thank Harry Kasparian, and his other co-workers, who gave him
the freedom to work on this project while doing his “real job”;Gregwould
like to acknowledge two significant achievements by his children during the
period he worked on this text: Tom—age 5—learned to read, and Jay—age 2
—learned to talk.
Abraham Silberschatz, Murray Hill, NJ, 2001
Peter Baer Galvin, Norton, MA, 2001
Greg Gagne, Salt Lake City, UT, 2001
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What Is an Operating System? 3
1.2 Mainframe Systems 7
1.3 Desktop Systems 11
1.4 Multiprocessor Systems 12
1.5 Distributed Systems 14
1.6 Clustered Systems 16
1.7 Real-Time Systems 17
1.8 Handheld Systems 19
1.9 Feature Migration 20
1.10 Computing Environments 21
1.11 Summary 23
Exercises 24
Bibliographical Notes 25
Chapter 2 Computer-System Structures
2.1 Computer-System Operation 27
2.2 I/O Structure 30
2.3 Storage Structure 34
2.4 Storage Hierarchy 38
2.5 Hardware Protection 42
2.6 Network Structure 48
2.7 Summary 51
Exercises 52
Bibliographical Notes 54
xiv Contents
Chapter 3 Operating-System Structures
3.1 System Components 55
3.2 Operating-System Services 61
3.3 System Calls 63
3.4 System Programs 72
3.5 System Structure 74
3.6 Virtual Machines 80
3.7 System Design and
Implementation 85
3.8 System Generation 88
3.9 Summary 89
Exercises 90
Bibliographical Notes 92
Chapter 4 Processes
4.1 Process Concept 95
4.2 Process Scheduling 99
4.3 Operations on Processes 103
4.4 Cooperating Processes 107
4.5 Interprocess Communication 109
4.6 Communication in Client -
Server Systems 117
4.7 Summary 126
Exercises 127
Bibliographical Notes 128
Chapter 5 Threads
5.1 Overview 129
5.2 Multithreading Models 132
5.3 Threading Issues 135
5.4 Pthreads 139
5.5 Solaris 2 Threads 141
5.6 Window 2000 Threads 143
5.7 Linux Threads 144
5.8 Java Threads 145
5.9 Summary 147
Exercises 147
Bibliographical Notes 148
Chapter 6 CPU Scheduling
6.1 Basic Concepts 151
6.2 Scheduling Criteria 155
6.3 Scheduling Algorithms 157
6.4 Multiple-Processor Scheduling 169
6.5 Real-Time Scheduling 170
6.6 Algorithm Evaluation 172
6.7 Process Scheduling Models 177
6.8 Summary 184
Exercises 185
Bibliographical Notes 187
Contents xv
Chapter 7 Process Synchronization
7.1 Background 189
7.2 The Critical-Section Problem 191
7.3 Synchronization Hardware 197
7.4 Semaphores 201
7.5 Classic Problems of
Synchronization 206
7.6 Critical Regions 211
7.7 Monitors 216
7.8 OS Synchronization 223
7.9 Atomic Transactions 225
7.10 Summary 235
Exercises 236
Bibliographical Notes 240
Chapter 8 Deadlocks
8.1 System Model 243
8.2 Deadlock Characterization 245
8.3 Methods for Handling
Deadlocks 248
8.4 Deadlock Prevention 250
8.5 Deadlock Avoidance 253
8.6 Deadlock Detection 260
8.7 Recovery from Deadlock 264
8.8 Summary 266
Exercises 266
Bibliographical Notes 270
Chapter 9 Memory Management
9.1 Background 273
9.2 Swapping 280
9.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation 283
9.4 Paging 287
9.5 Segmentation 303
9.6 Segmentation with Paging 309
9.7 Summary 312
Exercises 313
Bibliographical Notes 316
Chapter 10 Virtual Memory
10.1 Background 317
10.2 Demand Paging 320
10.3 Process Creation 328
10.4 Page Replacement 330
10.5 Allocation of Frames 344
10.6 Thrashing 348
10.7 Operating-System Examples 353
10.8 Other Considerations 356
10.9 Summary 363
Exercises 364
Bibliographical Notes 369
xvi Contents
Chapter 11 File-System Interface
11.1 File Concept 371
11.2 Access Methods 379
11.3 Directory Structure 383
11.4 File-System Mounting 393
11.5 File Sharing 395
11.6 Protection 402
11.7 Summary 406
Exercises 407
Bibliographical Notes 409
Chapter 12 File-System Implementation
12.1 File-System Structure 411
12.2 File-System Implementation 413
12.3 Directory Implementation 420
12.4 Allocation Methods 421
12.5 Free-Space Management 430
12.6 Efficiency and Performance 433
12.7 Recovery 437
12.8 Log-Structured File System 439
12.9 NFS 441
12.10 Summary 448
Exercises 449
Bibliographical Notes 451
Chapter 13 I/O Systems
13.1 Overview 455
13.2 I/O Hardware 456
13.3 Application I/O Interface 466
13.4 Kernel I/O Subsystem 472
13.5 Transforming I/O to Hardware
Operations 478
13.6 STREAMS 481
13.7 Performance 483
13.8 Summary 487
Exercises 487
Bibliographical Notes 488
Chapter 14 Mass-Storage Structure
14.1 Disk Structure 491
14.2 Disk Scheduling 492
14.3 Disk Management 498
14.4 Swap-Space Management 502
14.5 RAID Structure 505
14.6 Disk Attachment 512
14.7 Stable-Storage Implementation 514
14.8 Tertiary-Storage Structure 516
14.9 Summary 526
Exercises 528
Bibliographical Notes 535
Contents xvii
Chapter 15 Distributed System Structures
15.1 Background 539
15.2 Topology 546
15.3 Network Types 548
15.4 Communication 551
15.5 Communication Protocols 558
15.6 Robustness 562
15.7 Design Issues 564
15.8 An Example: Networking 566
15.9 Summary 568
Exercises 569
Bibliographical Notes 571
Chapter 16 Distributed File Systems
16.1 Background 573
16.2 Naming and Transparency 575
16.3 Remote File Access 579
16.4 Stateful Versus Stateless Service 583
16.5 File Replication 585
16.6 An Example: AFS 586
16.7 Summary 591
Exercises 592
Bibliographical Notes 593
Chapter 17 Distributed Coordination
17.1 Event Ordering 595
17.2 Mutual Exclusion 598
17.3 Atomicity 601
17.4 Concurrency Control 605
17.5 Deadlock Handling 610
17.6 Election Algorithms 618
17.7 Reaching Agreement 620
17.8 Summary 623
Exercises 624
Bibliographical Notes 625
Chapter 18 Protection
18.1 Goals of Protection 629
18.2 Domain of Protection 630
18.3 Access Matrix 636
18.4 Implementation of Access
Matrix 640
18.5 Revocation of Access Rights 643
18.6 Capability-Based Systems 645
18.7 Language-Based Protection 648
18.8 Summary 654
Exercises 655
Bibliographical Notes 656
xviii Contents
Chapter 19 Security
19.1 The Security Problem 657
19.2 User Authentication 659
19.3 Program Threats 663
19.4 System Threats 666
19.5 Securing Systems and Facilities 671
19.6 Intrusion Detection 674
19.7 Cryptography 680
19.8 Computer-Security
Classifications 686
19.9 An Example: Windows NT 687
19.10 Summary 689
Exercises 690
Bibliographical Notes 691
Chapter 20 The Linux System
20.1 History 695
20.2 Design Principles 700
20.3 Kernel Modules 703
20.4 Process Management 707
20.5 Scheduling 711
20.6 Memory Management 716
20.7 File Systems 724
20.8 Input and Output 729
20.9 Interprocess Communication 732
20.10 Network Structure 734
20.11 Security 737
20.12 Summary 739
Exercises 740
Bibliographical Notes 741
Chapter 21 Windows 2000
21.1 History 743
21.2 Design Principles 744
21.3 System Components 746
21.4 Environmental Subsystems 763
21.5 File System 766
21.6 Networking 774
21.7 Programmer Interface 780
21.8 Summary 787
Exercises 787
Bibliographical Notes 788
Chapter 22 Historical Perspective
22.1 Early Systems 789
22.2 Atlas 796
22.3 XDS-940 797
22.4 THE 798
22.5 RC 4000 799
22.6 CTSS 800
22.7 MULTICS 800
22.8 OS/360 801
22.9 Mach 803
22.10 Other Systems 804
Contents xix
Appendix A The FreeBSD System (contents online)
A.1 History A807
A.2 Design Principles A813
A.3 Programmer Interface A815
A.4 User Interface A823
A.5 Process Management A827
A.6 Memory Management A831
A.7 File System A834
A.8 I/O System A842
A.9 Interprocess Communication A846
A.10 Summary A852
Exercises A852
Bibliographical Notes A853
Appendix B The Mach System (contents online)
B.1 History A855
B.2 Design Principles A857
B.3 System Components A858
B.4 Process Management A862
B.5 Interprocess Communication A868
B.6 Memory Management A874
B.7 Programmer Interface A880
B.8 Summary A881
Exercises A882
Bibliographical Notes A883
Credits A885
Appendix C The Nachos System (contents online)
C.1 Overview A888
C.2 Nachos Software Structure A890
C.3 Sample Assignments A893
C.4 Obtaining a Copy of Nachos A898
C.5 Conclusions A900
Bibliographical Notes A901
Credits A902
Bibliography 807
Credits 837
Index 839
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Chapter 1: Introduction
■ What is an Operating System?
■ Mainframe Systems
■ Desktop Systems
■ Multiprocessor Systems
■ Distributed Systems
■ Clustered System
■ Real -Time Systems
■ Handheld Systems
■ Computing Environments
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
What is an Operating System?
■ A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of
a computer and the computer hardware.
■ Operating system goals:
✦ Execute user programs and make solving user problems
✦ Make the computer system convenient to use.
■ Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner.
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Computer System Components
1. Hardware – provides basic computing resources (CPU,
memory, I/O devices).
2. Operating system – controls and coordinates the use of
the hardware among the various application programs for
the various users.
3. Applications programs – define the ways in which the
system resources are used to solve the computing
problems of the users (compilers, database systems,
video games, business programs).
4. Users (people, machines, other computers).
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Abstract View of System Components
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Operating System Definitions
■ Resource allocator – manages and allocates resources.
■ Control program – controls the execution of user
programs and operations of I/O devices .
■ Kernel – the one program running at all times (all else
being application programs).
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Mainframe Systems
■ Reduce setup time by batching similar jobs
■ Automatic job sequencing – automatically transfers
control from one job to another. First rudimentary
operating system.
■ Resident monitor
✦ initial control in monitor
✦ control transfers to job
✦ when job completes control transfers pack to monitor
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Memory Layout for a Simple Batch System
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
Multiprogrammed Batch Systems
Several jobs are kept in main memory at the same time, and the
CPU is multiplexed among them.
Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne 2002
Operating System Concepts
OS Features Needed for Multiprogramming
■ I/O routine supplied by the system.
■ Memory management – the system must allocate the
memory to several jobs.
■ CPU scheduling – the system must choose among
several jobs ready to run.
■ Allocation of devices.