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SAP Basis Installation on UNIX:
Oracle Database

Release 4.6D


SAP AG ã Neurottstr. 16 • D-69190 Walldorf
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SAP Basis Installation on UNIX: Oracle Database


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July 2000


SAP Basis Installation on UNIX: Oracle Database

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July 2000


SAP Basis Installation on UNIX: Oracle Database


SAP Basis Installation on UNIX: Oracle Database ...................... 10
Part I Standard SAP System Installation........................................... 13
1 Installation Planning ...............................................................................17
1.1 System Configuration .....................................................................................................17
1.2 Distribution of Components to Disks ..............................................................................19
1.2.1 Recommended Configuration...................................................................................22
1.2.2 Minimal Configuration ...............................................................................................22
1.2.3 SAP File Systems .....................................................................................................23
1.2.4 Oracle File Systems .................................................................................................26
1.3 Hardware and Software Requirements Check...............................................................28
1.3.1 Checking Requirements for a Central System .........................................................30
1.3.2 Checking Requirements for a Standalone DB System ............................................31
1.3.3 Checking Requirements for a Central or Dialog Instance ........................................32
1.3.4 Checking Requirements for AIX ...............................................................................33
1.3.5 Checking Requirements for Compaq Tru64 UNIX ...................................................36
1.3.6 Checking Requirements for HP-UX..........................................................................39
1.3.7 Checking Requirements for Linux ............................................................................42
1.3.8 Checking Requirements for Reliant (RM300/400/600).............................................44
1.3.9 Checking Requirements for IBM NUMA-Q ...............................................................46
1.3.10 Checking Requirements for Solaris ........................................................................47

2 Installation Preparations.........................................................................50
2.1 Adapting UNIX Kernel Parameters and Swap Space ....................................................51
2.2 Integration of LDAP Directory Services..........................................................................52
2.2.1 Preparing the Active Directory for SAP ....................................................................54
2.3 Choosing an SAP System Name ...................................................................................55
2.4 Setting Up File Systems and Raw Devices....................................................................56
2.5 Setting Up the Transport Directory.................................................................................56

2.6 Setting Up an Installation Directory................................................................................58

3 The SAP System Installation ..................................................................59
3.1 Central System Installation ............................................................................................61
3.1.1 SAP Instance Installation for a Central System........................................................62
Mounting the Kernel CD-ROM ........................................................................................63
Running the Shell Script INSTTOOL.SH ........................................................................63
Customizing the Installation Command File....................................................................63
Configuring Tablespaces ................................................................................................64
Starting INSTGUI ............................................................................................................64
Setting the Library Path Environment Variable...............................................................65
Running R3SETUP for Central System Installation........................................................66


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SAP Basis Installation on UNIX: Oracle Database

Setting the Password for User <sapsid>adm .................................................................68
Creating User for LDAP Directory Access ......................................................................68
Checking Settings for OS Users (AIX only) ....................................................................68
3.1.2 Oracle Database Instance Installation......................................................................69
Required CD-ROMs for Database Installation ................................................................70
Mounting the Kernel CD-ROM ........................................................................................70
Setting the Password for User ora<sapsid> ...................................................................70
Starting the Script rootpre.sh (AIX only) .........................................................................71

Oracle DB Software Installation ......................................................................................71
Installing the Oracle DB Software with orainst .............................................................72
Installing the Oracle DB Software with runInstaller ......................................................74
Creating and Loading the Database with R3SETUP - Central Instance with DB ...........77
Updating the MNLS Tables .............................................................................................77
Running R3SETUP for RFC Installation .........................................................................78
3.2 Standalone DB System Installation................................................................................79
3.2.1 SAP Instance Installation for a Standalone DB ........................................................80
Mounting the Kernel CD-ROM ........................................................................................81
Running the Shell Script INSTTOOL.SH ........................................................................81
Customizing the Installation Command File....................................................................81
Configuring Tablespaces ................................................................................................82
Starting INSTGUI ............................................................................................................82
Setting the Library Path Environment Variable...............................................................83
Running R3SETUP for Central Instance Installation ......................................................84
Setting the Password for User <sapsid>adm .................................................................86
Setting the Password for User ora<sapsid> ...................................................................86
Creating User for LDAP Directory Access ......................................................................86
Checking Settings for OS Users (AIX only) ....................................................................86
3.2.2 Oracle Standalone Database Instance Installation ..................................................87
Required CD-ROMs for Database Installation ................................................................89
Mounting the Kernel CD-ROM ........................................................................................89
Running the Shell Script INSTTOOL.SH ........................................................................89
Starting INSTGUI ............................................................................................................89
Setting the Library Path Environment Variable...............................................................90
Running R3SETUP for Database Instance Installation ..................................................91
Setting the Password for User <sapsid>adm .................................................................91
Setting the Password for User ora<sapsid> ...................................................................91
Checking Settings for OS Users (AIX only) ....................................................................92
Starting the Script rootpre.sh (AIX only) .........................................................................92

Oracle DB Software Installation ......................................................................................92
Installing the Oracle DB Software with orainst .............................................................93
Installing the Oracle DB Software with runInstaller ......................................................95
Creating and Loading the Database with R3SETUP - Standalone DB ..........................98
Updating the MNLS Tables .............................................................................................98
Running R3SETUP for RFC Installation .........................................................................99
Enabling Remote Monitoring...........................................................................................99

July 2000



15 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation

15 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation
This documentation describes how to install SAP instances in a heterogeneous UNIX
environment, that is:

You run instances on different UNIX platforms.

You mix 32-bit instances and 64-bit instances in one landscape.

This section does not apply to installations of SAP instances in a mixed UNIX /

Windows NT environment. See the documentation SAP Basis Installation on
Windows NT for more information.

Local Software Installation

Proceed as follows to store the SAP executables locally:
1. Install the central instance and the database as described in the documentation
SAP Basis Installation on UNIX.
2. Log on as user root on the dialog instance host.
3. Create <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe as a local directory on the dialog instance.
4. On the central instance host, export the directories <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/global and
<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/profile via NFS and mount them on each dialog instance host as
described in section Mounting directories via NFS.
5. Mount the CD drive (via NFS) and insert the CD with the SAP executables on the dialog
instance host.
6. Install the dialog instance.

Shared Software Installation

It is also possible to perform a shared software installation. The executables are installed in a
differently named directory on the server and mounted via NFS. Shared software installation
makes upgrading and maintenance of SAP software easier while producing a greater load on the
To perform a shared software installation, install the executables of dialog instance hosts on
different platforms to the central instance host on the central instance host in the directories
<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>//exe (/sapmnt/BZ6/AIX_32/exe for example)
and NFS export the directories in read-write mode. On the dialog instance host, create
<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe, <sapmnt>/profile and <sapmnt>/global as a NFS mount
to the corresponding directories on the central instance host (<sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe must

be a link to <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>//exe created above on the central instance

July 2000


15 Heterogeneous SAP System Installation


host). Now, install the dialog instance. Take account of the following aspects during the dialog
instance installation:

During the installation of the first dialog instance of a platform, R3SETUP must be forced to
copy the correct executables from CD-ROM to the directory <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>/exe
(which is <sapmnt>/<SAPSID>//exe on the central instance host).

In the command file for R3SETUP, specify the key EXTRACT_ON_NFS=YES in the steps that
extract SAPEXE.SAR and SAPEXEDB.SAR. (When installing additional dialog instances of
this platform, do not specify this key.)


July 2000
