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Oracle Database 10g:
Administration Workshop I
Student Guide

Edition 1.0
March 2004



Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Ric Van Dyke
Russ Lowenthal

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is also protected by copyright law. Reverse engineering of the software is prohibited.
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Technical Contributors
and Reviewers
Donna Keesling
S. Matt Taylor
Jean-Francois Verrier

Craig Hollister
Bob Bungenstock
Tony Woodell
Joel Goodman
John Watson
Dairy Chan
Martin Jensen
Janet Stern
Dr. Sabine Teuber
Kyle Hailey
Christopher Lawless
Dominique Laugraud
Isabelle Marchand
Yi Lu
Elizabeth Treacy

Jobi Varghese

Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions for
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Objectives 1-2
Course Objectives 1-3
Oracle Products 1-4
Relational Database Systems 1-5
How the Data Is Organized 1-6
Integrity Constraints 1-7
Structured Query Language 1-8
Tasks of an Oracle Database Administrator 1-9
Summary 1-10


Installing Oracle Database 10g Software
Objectives 2-2

System Requirements 2-3
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) 2-4
Using Optimal Flexible Architecture 2-5
Setting Environment Variables 2-7
Preinstallation Checks 2-9
Oracle Universal Installer 2-10
Inventory and UNIX Group Name 2-11
orainstRoot.sh 2-12
File Locations 2-14
Install Type 2-15
Prerequisite Checks 2-16
Starter Database 2-17
Configuration and Management 2-18
File Storage and Backup Recovery 2-19
Passwords and Summary 2-20
Installation 2-21
Configuration Assistants 2-22
Summary 2-24
Practice 2: Installing the Oracle Software 2-25


Creating an Oracle Database
Objectives 3-2
Database Architecture 3-3
Exploring the Storage Structure 3-4
Control Files 3-5
Redo Log Files 3-6
Tablespaces and Datafiles 3-7
Segments, Extents, and Blocks 3-8


Oracle Instance Management 3-9
Oracle Memory Structures 3-10
Oracle Processes 3-12
Data Dictionary 3-13
Database Control 3-14
Grid Control 3-15
Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) Overview 3-16
Creating a Database 3-17
Database Identification 3-18
Management Options 3-19
Passwords and Storage 3-20
File Locations and Backup Recovery 3-21
File Location Variables 3-22
Content and Initialization Parameters 3-23
Database Storage 3-25
Creation Options and Create 3-26
Other Actions with DBCA 3-27
Summary 3-28
Practice 3: Creating an Oracle Database 3-29

Database Interfaces
Objectives 4-2
What Is SQL? 4-3
Using SQL 4-4
Enterprise Manager: Seeing the SQL 4-5

What Is SQL*Plus? 4-6
What Is iSQL*Plus? 4-7
Using iSQL*Plus 4-9
Describing Data 4-10
Querying Data 4-11
Sorting the Data 4-12
Joining Tables 4-13
Manipulating Data 4-15
Defining Data 4-16
Overview of Transactions 4-17
Transaction Control Statements 4-18
Locking Data 4-19
Other Statement Categories 4-20
What Is PL/SQL? 4-21
Example PL/SQL Block 4-22
Uses of PL/SQL 4-23
What Is Java? 4-24
Oracle and Java 4-25


What Is OCI? 4-26
Other APIs 4-27
Summary 4-29
Practice 4: Using SQL 4-30

Controlling the Database
Objectives 5-2

Starting and Stopping iSQL*Plus 5-3
Management Framework 5-4
Starting and Stopping Database Control 5-5
Accessing Database Control 5-6
Database Home Page 5-8
Changing the Listener Status 5-9
Startup and Shutdown 5-10
Starting Up a Database NOMOUNT 5-11
Starting Up a Database MOUNT 5-12
Starting Up a Database OPEN 5-13
Shutting Down the Database 5-14
SHUTDOWN Options 5-15
Initialization Parameter Files 5-18
Viewing Initialization Parameters 5-19
Viewing the Alert Log 5-20
Summary 5-21
Practice 5: Controlling the Database 5-22


Storage Structures

Objectives 6-2
Tablespaces and Data Files 6-3
Space Management in Tablespaces 6-4
Creating a New Tablespace 6-5
Storage for Locally Managed Tablespaces 6-7
Tablespaces in the Preconfigured Database 6-9
Altering a Tablespace 6-11

Actions with Tablespaces 6-13
Dropping Tablespaces 6-15
Viewing Tablespace Information 6-16
Summary 6-17
Practice 6: Working with Tablespaces 6-18


Practice 20: Database Recovery (continued)
b) The Help desk has received a call from a user complaining that they are unable to
access the countries table in the HR application schema. Check the table to see if
there is a problem.
c) Troubleshoot and recover as necessary.
4. Recover from loss of a system/undo data file.
a) Why is recovery from the loss of a system data file or a data file belonging to an undo
tablespace different from recovering a nonsystem or undo data file?
b) Run the SQL script $HOME/labs/lab20_04.sql. This script deletes one of your
system or undo data files.
SQL> @$HOME/labs/lab20_04.sql

c) The Help desk begins receiving calls saying that the database appears to be down.
Troubleshoot and recover as necessary.

Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop I 20-15
