Oracle Database 10g: SQL
Fundamentals II
Student Guide • Volume 1
Edition 1.0
March 2004
Copyright © 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Priya Vennapusa
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Technical Contributors
and Reviewers
Nancy Greenberg
Priya Nathan
Andrew Brannigan
Angelika Krupp
Brian Boxx
Christopher Lawless
Joel Goodman
Malika Marghadi
Marjolein Dekkers
Stefan Grenstad
Zarko Cesljas
Rosita Hanoman
Ruediger Steffan
Joseph Fernandez
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Preface - 2
Before You Begin This Course
Before you begin this course, you should have working experience with SQL.
Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals I
How This Course Is Organized
Oracle Database 10g: SQL Fundamentals II is an instructor-led course featuring lectures and hands-on
exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.
Preface - 3
Summary (continued)
SGA Memory Structures
The System Global Area (SGA) has three primary structures:
• Shared pool: Stores the most recently executed SQL statements and the most recently used
data from the data dictionary
• Database buffer cache: Stores the most recently used data
• Redo log buffer: Records changes made to the database using the instance
Background Processes
A production Oracle instance includes the following processes:
• Database writer (DBW0): Writes changed data to the data files
• Log writer (LGWR): Records changes to the data files in the online redo log files
• System monitor (SMON): Checks for consistency and initiates recovery of the database
when the database is opened
• Process monitor (PMON): Cleans up the resources if one of the processes fails
• Checkpoint process (CKPT): Updates the database status information after a checkpoint
• Archiver (ARC0): Backs up the online redo log to ensure recovery after a media failure
(This process is optional, but is usually included in a production instance.)
Depending on its configuration, the instance may also include other processes.
SQL Statement Processing Steps
The steps used to process a SQL statement include:
• Parse: Compiles the SQL statement
• Execute: Identifies selected rows or applies DML changes to the data
• Fetch: Returns the rows queried by a SELECT statement
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