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mcgraw hill html and xhtml demystified nov 2010 1254

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About the Author
Lee Cottrell started programming in 1982. Since this time, he has worked in many
different programming languages. Lee has a Master of Science degree in information science from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently, Lee is the Program
Manager for Computer Programming and Computer Networking programs at
Bradford School in Pittsburgh. His teaching duties include networking, hardware,
programming, database design, and web development. Lee also develops and
writes curriculum for Bradford Schools nationwide. During his free time, Lee
coaches baseball, softball, and soccer for his community athletic organization.

About the Technical Editor
Les Graves has been a technology instructor at a variety of schools for 10 years
teaching programming, including HTML, and networking. He also has 17 years of
corporate business and programming experience. He received his Bachelors
of Science in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh and his
Masters in Information Systems from the University of Phoenix. He resides in
Pittsburgh, PA.
Les has had the privilege of working side by side as a technology instructor at
Bradford School with the author, Lee Cottrell, and can attest to what an awesome
instructor Lee is with great depth of experience and passion for his students’



H T M L & XHTML De mys tified

<script> tag, 233
scripts, 232
concatenation, 242
correcting errors, 233–235
creating script files, 242–246
inline scripts, 233, 237–239
using existing scripts, 246–249
using in the head, 239–242
variables, 236–237
scrolling option, 318
<select> tag, 175–176
Simpletext, 8–9
site navigation. See navigation
size property, 164–165
embedding sounds, 281–283
overview, 280–281
playing sounds on demand, 283–285
<span> tag, 200–201
spanning rows and columns, 134–144
Sponsored Search, 340–341
src attribute, 167
strict doctype, 18

See also doctype
style attribute (CSS), 41–42
style documents, 97–99
subdomains, 329
See also domain names
suffixes. See top-level domains
SWF files, 286
See also Flash

<table> tag, 125
attributes, 126, 145–147
border properties, 149
borders, 125
cells, 124
cellspacing and cellpadding, 146–147
formatting with CSS, 147–155
overview, 124–129
practice creating, 129–134
spanning rows and columns, 134–144
Taco HTML, 9
tag-level classes, 150, 198–199
tags, 4
<!-- --> tag, 34–35
attributes of, 19–20, 28–29, 35–37

tag, 30–31
<caption> tag, 127–129

and case, 29

tag, 220
closing, 29
and CSS, 43
<dd> tag, 116
<div> tag, 201–204
<dl> tag, 116
<dt> tag, 116
<embed> tag, 282
<fieldset> tag, 183
<form> tag, 160–161
<frame> tag, 305–307
<frameset> tag, 304–307
<h#> tags, 32–34
<hr/> tag, 32
<img/> tag, 57, 93
<input> tag, 163
<label> tag, 182
lang tags, 20
<legend> tag, 183
<li> tag, 105
meta tags, 21
nested tags, 6
<object> tag, 281
<ol> tag, 105–106
<option> tag, 175–176

tag, 29–30
<script> tag, 233
<select> tag, 175–176
<span> tag, 200–201
<table> tag, 125

<tbody> tag, 147
<td> tag, 127
<textarea> tag, 177
<tfooter> tag, 147
<th> tag, 126
<thead> tag, 147
<tr> tag, 126
<ul> tag, 111
use of, 28–29
<tbody> tag, 147
<td> tag, 127
templates, 22–23
text controls, 164–165
<textarea> tag, 177
textareas, 176–177
practice using, 177–181
<tfooter> tag, 147
<th> tag, 126
<thead> tag, 147
title attribute, 58, 76–77, 93

I n d ex

titles, 20–21
top-level domains, 328–329
<tr> tag, 126
transfer rates, 335
transitional doctype, 19

See also doctype
type attribute, 163

<ul> tag, 111
Uniform Resource Locators. See URLs
unordered lists, 105, 110–115
URLs, 4
U.S. Department of Defense, 2

validation, 44–46
variables, 236–237
embedding, 286–291
and HTML 5, 299–300
See also Flash; movies

W3C, 5, 282
WAV files, 280–281
Wayback Machine, 3
web browsers, 11
clearing cookies, 270
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 12, 13
Mozilla Firefox, 12, 13
Safari, 13

web pages
automatically publishing your page, 339

components of, 18–21
opening in a browser, 21
publishing your page, 337–339
using CSS on a web page, 40–43
well-formed, 5
web sites
advertising your web site, 339–341
creation checklist, 28
folder structure, 23–24
index page, 24
practice creating a web site, 24–28
See also domain hosting; domain names
WebM Transcodes, 300
white space, 30
width attribute, 145–146, 168
World Wide Web, 3
World Wide Web Consortium, 5, 282
WWW. See World Wide Web
WYSIWYG editors, 10
Adobe Dreamweaver, 10–11
Microsoft Expression Web, 11

overview, 5–6
scrolling option, 318

Yahoo!, Sponsored Search, 340–341
YouTube, 291

embedding YouTube videos, 293–295
See also movies

