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Edited by Magnus Johnsson

Applications of Self-Organizing Maps
/>Edited by Magnus Johnsson
Wattanapong Kurdthongmee, Dimitris Kontogiorgos, Hector Benitez-Perez, Hiroshi Dozono, Flavius Gorgonio,
Huliane Silva, Cícero Silva, Ji Zhang, Jennifer Francis, Natasa Skific, Ryotaro Kamimura, Lydwine Gross, Arnaud
Quesney, Suzanne Angeli, Marina Resta, Yuan-Chao Liu, Masaki Ishii, Fernando Bacao, Victor Lobo, Roberto
Henriques, João Carlos Soares de Mello, Eliane Gomes, Lidia Angulo Meza, Sérgio De Zen, Thiago Bernardino De
Carvalho, Urbano Gomes Abreu, Luiz Biondi Neto

Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Copyright © 2012 InTech
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Publishing Process Manager Iva Lipovic

Technical Editor InTech DTP team
Cover InTech Design team
First published November, 2012
Printed in Croatia
A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com
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Applications of Self-Organizing Maps, Edited by Magnus Johnsson
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0862-7


Preface VII
Chapter 1

Graph Mining Based SOM: A Tool to
Analyze Economic Stability 1
Marina Resta

Chapter 2

Social Interaction and Self-Organizing Maps 27
Ryotaro Kamimura

Chapter 3

Using Wavelets for Feature Extraction and Self Organizing

Maps for Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems 43
Héctor Benítez-Pérez, Jorge L. Ortega-Arjona and Alma BenítezPérez

Chapter 4

Ex-Post Clustering of Brazilian Beef Cattle Farms Using Soms
and Cross-Evaluation Dea Models 67
João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de Mello, Eliane Gonỗalves
Gomes, Lidia Angulo Meza, Luiz Biondi Neto, Urbano Gomes Pinto
de Abreu, Thiago Bernardino de Carvalho and Sergio de Zen

Chapter 5

A Self – Organizing Map Based Strategy
for Heterogeneous Teaming 89
Huliane M. Silva, Cícero A. Silva and Flavius L. Gorgônio

Chapter 6

Application of Self Organizing Maps to Multi Modal Adaptive
Authentication System Using Behavior Biometrics 119
Hiroshi Dozono

Chapter 7

Quantification of Emotions for Facial Expression: Generation of
Emotional Feature Space Using Self-Mapping 143
Masaki Ishii, Toshio Shimodate, Yoichi Kageyama, Tsuyoshi
Takahashi and Makoto Nishida

Image Simplification Using Kohonen Maps: Application to Satellite Data for Cloud Detection and Land Cover Mapping
[18] Kohonen, T. (1994). Self-Organizing Map, Springer, Berlin.
[19] Lebbah, M., Thiria, S., & Badran, F. (2000). Topological Map for Binary Data, Proceedings
of ESANN 2000, Bruges, 26, 27-28.
[20] Baatz, M., & Schäpe, A. (2000). Multiresolution Segmentation: an optimization ap‐
proach for high quality multi-scale image segmentation. Journal of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 58(3-4).
[21] Heidinger, A. K., Anne, V. R., & Dean, C. (2002). Using MODIS to estimate cloud
contamination of the AVHRR data-record. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technol‐
ogy, 19, 586-601.
[22] European Space Agency. (2010). Sentinel 2 payload data ground segment, product defini‐
tion document (GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-09-0029)., />ESRIN/Sentinel-2/ProductsDefinitionDocument(PDD).pdf.

