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Photoshop CS5

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Photoshop CS5

Annesa Hartman

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Exploring Adobe Photoshop CS5
Annesa Hartman
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| Index |



drawing, 161–163

Save for Web & Devices, 10–11, 133,
setting, 256–259

style selection, 163
tools, 161–163
Sharpen tool, 121, 126

Scale tool, 68

shazam, 41

Scattering effect adjustments, 150

Skew tool, 68

screen modes, 35

Slice tool, 262–263

Select Blending options, 49

smart filters, 205

selection, image area

Smudge tool, 46, 121, 130

add effects to, 70

Snap, 201–202

adding, 65

spectral illusion, 91–92

copying, 69

Spot Healing Brush tool, 121, 136

deleting, 70

stage. See Photoshop interface

deselecing, 67

status bar, 23

duplicating, 69

Stroke options box, 9

feathering, 60

style, 204

filtering, 70

subtracting selection area, 65

highlighting, 61
lessons, 71–81
object on layers, 65–66
pasting, 69
refining, 65

Summerhays, Joe, 190–191
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), 45, 249
Swatches panel, 98
SWF, 249
formats, 45

select menu, 61
subtracting, 65
transforming, 67–68
selection, pixels, 60, 62
selection tools

color changes, 9

Lasso tools, 63–64

font changes, 9

Magic Wand, 62–63

formatting, 159

Marquee tools, 61
overview, 60

texture mapping, 297
lesson, 285–288

Quick Mask, 66

3D files, 278

Quick Selection, 63

3D modeling and animation authoring

select menu, 61

programs, 278
3D Object Pan, 283

customizing, 26–28

3D Object Rotate tool, 283

deleting, 28–29

3D objects

Seurat, Georges, 90

creating and moving, 278–281

shadow effects, 8–9

importing, 294

Shape layers style, 162

material settings, adjustment, 285–288

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| Index |

rotating, 282–283


scaling, 281–282

vector-based file formats, 249

texture mapping, 285–288

vector graphics, 44

moving in camera view, 284–285

2D images into, 289–294

compatibility, 160

3D Object Scale, 283

paths, 153–155

3D Object Slide, 283

pen tool, 156–158

3D Pan Camera tool, 285

vector masks, 158

3D Postcard, 289
lesson, 290–292
3D rendering, 297
3D Rotate Camera tool, 285
3D tools, 283–285
3D Walk Camera tool, 285
3D Zoom Camera tool, 285
thumbnail sketches, 195
TIFF format, 45, 227–228
title effect, photograph, 9–10
tolerance, color, 60, 62, 63
tonal range adjustments, 121
toolbox, 20, 21
hidden, 20
panel, 20
shape options, 24
tips, 24
transformation, image, 67
transform tools, 68
Trash Can icon, 51
2d images into 3d objects, turning,
Type tool, 158–159
Tyrone, 32

Understanding Art, 90

vector masks, 158
Vertical Type Mask tools, 183
Volume from Layers, 289

Warnock, Tim, 86–87, 194
Warp tool, 68
WBMP format, 251
Web animation, 264–268
Web browsers, 12, 250, 251, 254, 260
Web Color model, 93
Web galleries, 270–271
Web optimization
color, 251–253
compression, 248–249
image format, 249–251
image size, 253
lesson, 10–12
Save for Web & Devices option,
settings, 255
workflow techniques, 255–256
workspaces, 18–19, 36–37

X, Y, and Z, 278–289

undoing actions, 7, 130


user interface. See Photoshop interface

Zoom tool, 31–32, 259

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