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Books for professionals by professionals ®
Free Companion
eBook Available

Accelerated C# 2008

Accelerated C# 2005
Coauthor of
Accelerated VB 2005
Accelerated VB 2008

In your hands is a guide to creating effective C# 3.0 code. This book focuses
precisely on the C# 3.0 language, showing you how to write programs that are
robust, fault-tolerant, and ready to be put into widely available libraries.
Accelerated C# 2008 won’t burden your time with endless discussions of
libraries. Instead, it presents you with a well organized, focused and easy-toread text about C# 3.0 and all of the tried and true idioms, patterns, and design
principles developed in the object oriented arena during the lifetime of the
.NET Framework. With many short examples, I will show you how common
design patterns are used routinely in the .NET Framework and how you should
employ them in your own designs.
In this book I’ll explore with you all the new features of the C# 3.0 language
in detail, including extension methods, lambda expressions, and Language
Integrated Query (LINQ) among others. These are all exciting additions to C# 3.0
that foster a functional programming model within what has previously been

almost exclusively an imperative programming language. As you put these new
features of C# 3.0 to use, you’ll find that they expand your horizons and open
up new possibilities of solutions using functional programming techniques!
Another area of particular interest for C# developers is how we can write
exception-safe and fault-tolerant code. The .NET Framework includes several
facilities, including Critical Execution Regions, to help protect the state of your
application in the event of an asynchronous exception. In this book, I explain
how to use these new facilities to your advantage.
Have fun programming and remember, always defining a contract before
implementation, striving to be exception-neutral, and being frugal with your
resource usage are all keys to entering the halls of C# guru code-dom.
Trey Nash

Free Companion eBook

Beginning C# 2008:
From Novice to Professional

For a limited time only.
See last page for details.



Accelerated C# 2008
C# 2008 Databases:
From Novice to Professional

Pro C# 2008 and the
.NET 3.5 Framework, 4e
Language Integrated
Query in C# 2008

Pro WPF in C# 2008:
Windows Presentation
Foundation with .NET 3.5, 2e
Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft
SOA Implementation
Illustrated C# 2008

Accelerated C# 2008

Dear Reader,

Author of

The EXPERT’s VOIce ® in .NET

US $39.99

See last
last page
page for
for details.

Offer ends
ends June
June 30,
30, 2008.


C# 2008
Trey Nash

ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-873-3
ISBN-10: 1-59059-873-3

For a limited time,
get the free, fully searchable
eBook—a $20 value!


Foreword by Wes Dyer
C# Language Design Team, Microsoft

Shelve in
Programming Languages/C#
User level:

9 781590 598733

this print for content only—size & color not accurate

spine = 1.028" 544 page count



11:04 AM

Page i

Accelerated C# 2008

Trey Nash



11:04 AM

Page ii

Accelerated C# 2008

Copyright © 2007 by Weldon W. Nash, III
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-59059-873-3
ISBN-10 (pbk): 1-59059-873-3
Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Trademarked names may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence
of a trademarked name, we use the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark
owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
Lead Editor: Dominic Shakeshaft
Technical Reviewer: Shawn Wildermuth
Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Ewan Buckingham, Tony Campbell, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick,
Jason Gilmore, Kevin Goff, Jonathan Hassell, Matthew Moodie, Joseph Ottinger, Jeffrey Pepper,
Ben Renow-Clarke, Dominic Shakeshaft, Matt Wade, Tom Welsh
Project Manager: Sofia Marchant
Copy Editor: Jim Compton
Assistant Production Director: Kari Brooks-Copony
Production Editor: Laura Cheu
Compositor: Jimmie Young
Proofreader: April Eddy
Indexer: Beth Palmer
Artist: April Milne
Cover Designer: Kurt Krames
Manufacturing Director: Tom Debolski
Distributed to the book trade worldwide by Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 233 Spring Street, 6th Floor,
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The source code for this book is available to readers at .



11:04 AM

Page iii

This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather
Weldon W. Nash, Sr.
December 19, 1912 – April 29, 2007

To Svetlana
for believing in me



9:52 AM

Page 509


uint type, 20, 22
ulong type, 20, 22
unary operators, 150, 153
unbound delegates, 259–262, 276
UnboundDelegate, 276
unboxing, 87–93. see also boxing/unboxing
undefined behavior exception, 107
unhandled exceptions, 164
UnhandledException, 164
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs, 164
unheld thread mode, 348
UnloadException, 165
unsafe code techniques, 24
unspeakable field names, 2, 82
Unstarted state, thread, 322
upgradeable thread mode, 348
UpgradeToWriterLock method, 347
ushort type, 20, 22
using directive, 4
using keyword
deterministic destruction, 190, 376
disposable objects, 375
extension methods, 418
namespaces, 34
overloading, 19, 110

Validate method, 186
value arguments, 111
value equality, 382, 385
value keyword, 265
value types
C# support, 21
canonical forms, 405–413
checklist, 363, 415
definition, 40, 75–81
described, 87
finalizers, 406
ICloneable interface, 406
IComparable interface, 406, 411
IConvertible interface, 406
IDisposable interface, 406
IFormattable interface, 406
interface implementation, 134, 139–141, 410,
new keyword, 96
terminology, 24
type safety, 411–413
uses, 3
ValueType class, 410
ValueType.Equals method, 385
var keyword, 6, 26
VarArgs method, 114
variables. see also data types
capture, 5, 270–272, 436, 456–460
default, initialization, 292

implicit typing, 6, 25–26, 450
naming, LINQ, 25

Find it faster at />
aborting, 322
background, 326
creating, 318
data storage, 327–330
Dispose method, 375
exceptions, 348
foreground, 326
modes, 348
.NET and, 3, 17, 331
recursion, 348
states, 320, 322, 323, 330, 348
synchronizing, 331–353
terminating/halting, 323–325
unmanaged, 330
waking, 324
Thread.Sleep method, 322, 324, 332, 335
ThreadStart delegate, 318
ThreadState enumeration, 322
ThreadStaticAttribute attribute, 327
Thread.Suspend method, 323, 325, 332
throw statement, 36, 164, 167, 174, 176
throwing exceptions, 164–172
thunks, 253
Timer class, 361, 362
TimerProc method, 362

timers, 361–362
TInput placeholder identifier, 288
TLSClass, 328
TLSFieldClass, 328
ToArray extension method, 494
ToList extension method, 485
ToString method, 95, 198, 201–202, 204,
393–396, 397
TOutput placeholder identifier, 288
transforms, 425–429
translating exceptions, 168
Troelsen, Andrew, 9
try statement, 165, 173
try/catch statement, 19
try/finally statement, 19, 109, 242
TryGetValue method, 234
type casting
conversion operators, 58, 149, 153, 156–158,
explicit, 27, 40
generic, 3–14, 291, 305
implicit, 27, 40, 58
from larger to smaller, 156
Type Library (TLB), 14
type safety, 281, 399–403, 411–413
TypeConverter class, 398
TypeInitializationException, 171, 185
typeof keyword, 14
typeof operator, 315
types, data. see data types





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Page 510


vectors, arrays compared, 226
verbatim strings, 196
Vermeulen, Allan, 320
versioning, 13, 141
virtual keyword, 115–116, 133
virtual members, 62
virtual methods, 103, 115–118, 264, 366, 367
Visitor pattern, 437–440
Visual Basic collection types, 235
Visual Studio code analysis, 27
Vlissides, John, 123, 366, 437
volatile field modifier, 44
vtables, interface tables compared, 137

Wait method, 322, 342
WaitAll method, 351
WaitAny method, 351
WaitHandle class, 349–353

WaitOne method, 349–350
WaitSleepJoin state, thread, 322
waking threads, 324
where clause (LINQ), 475, 483
where keyword, 299
Where method, 474
while statement, 19, 35
Win32 functions, 184
Win32 Synchronization objects, 351
write thread mode, 348
write-only properties, 48

Y fixed-point combinators, 463
“Yet Another Language Geek” blog, 437
yield blocks, 243, 244–245, 247–248, 251, 482
yield break statement, 244
yield keyword, 237, 243, 288
