Software Process Improvement
Using PDCA
Lecture # 27
Software Process Improvement
• There are a number of models for instituting
software process improvement programs in
• All these models have to be incorporated in
orderly and cyclic manner
• These introductions cannot and must not be
made abruptly
Shewart cycle
• The Shewart cycle is one such way of
introducing software process improvement
program in organization. It was was
popularized by W. Edwards Deming
• The Shewart cycle has four steps
• Plan: Identify and resolve risks
• Do: Train, adapt, consult, remove barriers
• Check: Evaluate results, ensure success,
• Act: Revise, develop nextlevel process,
convince others
• The PDCA model can be combined with the
famous spiral process model, specially
adapted for process improvements
• This results in a new spiral process
improvement model for software
Following slide to be inserted
Spiral Model for Process
Improvement Adoption
Spiral Model for ProcessImprovement
• Let’s discuss this picture in some detail
cycle by cycle
Cycle I: SPI Spiral Model
Project plans new practice (plan)
Project tries new practice (do)
Successful project (check)
Practice described as part of success (act)
Cycle II: SPI Spiral Model
Other project(s) plan to use (plan)
Minimal new documentation added (do)
Other successes linked to practice (check)
Decision for “organizationwide” use,
successes told widely (act)
Cycle III: SPI Spiral Model
• People assigned to document, train, and support
• Training manual, process support by staff, initial
process metrics (do)
• More projects use with few hard problems, initial
measurable results (check)
• Procedures revised, expected results quantified,
management refers to as “standard” (do)
Cycle IV: SPI Spiral Model
• All projects plan to use, urgent requests for
training, improvements planned (plan)
• Support processes standardized, initial
automation, metrics to monitor effectiveness (do)
• Most projects use, practice evaluated against
measurable goals, most people convinced to value
• Procedures revised, ongoing responsibility for
effective use assigned, management reviews
effectiveness (act)
Cycle V: SPI Spiral Model
• Plans to optimize infrastructure (plan)
• Number of infrastructure personnel reduced
to optimal ongoing levels (do)
• Metrics monitored to ensure no loss of
benefits (check)
• Effectiveness reviewed, process tuned (act)
• The figure shows a progression from first
time practice usage (in the center, “project
plans new practice”) to widespread
organizational adoption
• Normal product (development) projects
aren’t organized to go through this entire
spiral. At best, there may be a productline
architecture that could ideally do so if all
planned products were done
• This figure shows some useful insights for
process improvement projects that can help
us assess to what extent an improvement
has been adopted
• The model includes several patterns across
the plan/do/check/act quadrants. These
– Increasing people and resource investments
– Greater management understanding, attention,
and commitment, and
– Better control with process metrics
• Let’s now talk about the steps/quadrants of
the Shewart cycle
• Most new improvements are first tried by
one project team. If it is a success, these
improvements are spread to other projects
• As usage spreads, planning aspects of new
adoptions include ways to provide better
documentation, training, and support
• Eventually, demand outpaces the ability of
the people helping the new adopters to keep
pace, and plans for an ongoing
infrastructure are developed and tuned
Plan: Identifying Risks and
Deciding What to Do
• While P/D/C/A always starts with some
form of commitment, the nature and
strength of that commitment is constantly
challenged as plans solidify
• Anticipating these challenges helps you to
strengthen plans to help ensure success
• Business planning includes changes that makes
good business sense to you and link to your
goals. The closer the tie they make between
you and your competitive needs, the easier it
will be for you to decide and act
• You need to plan the scope, timing, cost, and
payback of each change. Without such
scoping, you have no basis for comparing
proposed processimprovement projects to any
other business proposals
• Understand your organization’s readiness
and enthusiasm for each proposed change
• Your culture, your existing processes, and
your people’s underlying beliefs all affect
• If you don’t consider these aspects, even a
simple process improvement can fail or not
be cost effective
• Focus on developing corecompetence is
extremely important for organizations in
software business
• By thinking about these needs strategically,
managers more easily tie improvement
objectives to business needs
• Such objectives are compelling and more
likely to sustain management commitment
than ones justified solely around some
methodology or technology that is poorly
understood by decisionmaking managers
• Corecompetence planning is just as
important as business planning in setting an
organization’s longterm strategy