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How to write an informal letter

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How to write an informal letter:
Greeting: Dear …., /Hello …,
Introduction: It’s great to year from you after so long. How are you doing? ….
Thank you for your letter …..
I’m very excited to receive your letter …..
It’s great to hear from you! ….
How are things? / How’s it going?
Reacting to good news:
I’m glad to hear that …
I’m so happy that …
Great news about your …
I’m very happy to hear about …
It’s so great that ….
Reacting to bad news:
I’m so sorry to hear about ….
I’m extremely sorry to hear about that ….
Paragraph 1: Main idea 1 + supporting ideas
Paragraph 2: Main idea 2 + supporting ideas

Ending the letter:
If the letter asks for advice or help, you can write:
Thank you for your help/advice.
I really appreciate any suggestions you can give me.
Let me know if you can help me.
If the letter contains an invitation, you can write.
Let me know when you can come
Let me know which dates are best for you.
I hope you can accept my invitation.
I look forward to seeing you

If the letter suggests some solutions to a problem, you can write:
Let me know what you think of my ideas.
I hope one of these solutions works for you.
I hope we can meet to discuss these ideas.
I hope we can agree on a solution to these problems.
I hope you are willing to accept my solution.
Closing the email or letter:
All my love,
Lots of love,
All the best,
Take care,

Best wishes,
Kind regards,

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