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Ebook Plant biotechnology (Volume 1: Principles, techniques, and applications): Part 1

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Principles, Techniques, and Applications

Principles, Techniques, and Applications

Edited by
Bishun Deo Prasad, PhD
Sangita Sahni, PhD
Prasant Kumar, PhD
Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD

Apple Academic Press Inc.
3333 Mistwell Crescent
Oakville, ON L6L 0A2 Canada

Apple Academic Press Inc.
9 Spinnaker Way
Waretown, NJ 08758 USA

© 2018 by Apple Academic Press, Inc.
No claim to original U.S. Government works
Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper
Plant Biotechnology (2-volume set)
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-77188-580-5 (Hardcover)

International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-315-21374-3 (eBook)
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-77188-582-9 (2-volume set)
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-315-21309-5 (eBook)
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Plant biotechnology (Oakville, Ont.)
Plant biotechnology / edited by Bishun Deo Prasad, PhD, Sangita Sahni, PhD, Prasant Kumar, PhD, Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: Volume 1. Principles, techniques, and applications
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-77188-580-5 (v. 1 : hardcover).--ISBN 978-1-315-21374-3 (v. 1 : PDF)
1. Plant biotechnology. I. Siddiqui, Mohammed Wasim, editor II. Prasad, Bishun Deo, editor III. Sahni,
Sangita, editor IV. Kumar, Prasant, editor V. Title.
TP248.27.P55P63 2017




Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Prasad, Bishun Deo, editor.
Title: Plant biotechnology. Volume 1, Principles, techniques, and applications / editors: Bishun Deo Prasad,
Sangita Sahni, Prasant Kumar, Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui.
Other titles: Principles, techniques, and applications
Description: Waretown, NJ : Apple Academic Press, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017034336 (print) | LCCN 2017044760 (ebook) | ISBN 9781315213743 (ebook) | ISBN
9781771885805 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Plant biotechnology.
Classification: LCC TP248.27.P55 (ebook) | LCC TP248.27.P55 P5545 2017 (print) | DDC 630--dc23
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Bishun Deo Prasad, PhD
Dr. Bishun Deo Prasad is an Assistant
Professor and Scientist in the Department of
Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering,
Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, India.
He has published several research papers in
reputed peer-reviewed international journals
which have been cited more than 100 times.
He has also contributed to two authored
book, has written several book chapters, and
has submitted 10 sequences of different isolates to the National Center for

Biotechnology Information (NCBI). He is a reviewer of the International
Journal of Agriculture Sciences and Journal of Environmental Biology.
Dr. Prasad has received the DAE—Young Scientist Research award in
2013 and the Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists award by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India, in 2012. He has also been
awarded with an Outstanding Achievement Award in 2014 from the Society
for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology (SSDAT) and an
Inventor of the Year Award, 2015 in the discipline of Molecular Biology and
Genetic Engineering from the Society of Scientific and Applied Research
Centre at an international conference (iCiAsT-2016) held at the Faculty of
Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand in 2016.
Dr. Prasad acquired his BSc (Agriculture) degree from MPKV, Rahuri,
Maharashtra, India, MSc (Agricultural Biotechnology) from Assam Agricultural University and his PhD from M. S. University from Baroda, Gujarat,
India, with a thesis in the field of Plant Biotechnology. He also worked at the
John Innes Centre (JIC), Norwich, UK, during his PhD. Subsequently, he
worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Western Ontario
University, London, Ontario, Canada. He also worked at V.M.S.R.F., Bangalore, as a Scientist and S. D. Agricultural University, Gujarat, as an Assistant
Professor. He has received grants from various funding agencies to carry out
his research projects. He is a member secretary of Biosafety Committee and
member of different committees of Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour.


About the Editors

Dr. Prasad has been associated with biotechnological aspects of rice,
Brassica napus, Arabidopsis, linseed, lentil, vegetable (bitter guard and
pointed guard), and horticultural (mango, litchi, and banana) crops. He is
also associated with host–pathogen interaction studies in rice, B. napus,
and Arabidopsis as well as mutational breeding aspect in rice for abiotic

stress tolerance. He is dynamically involved in teaching graduate and postgraduate courses of Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Vegetable
Crops, and Horticultural Crops.
Sangita Sahni, PhD
Dr. Sangita Sahni is a Junior Scientist and
Assistant Professor in the Department of
Plant Pathology, Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar, India. She has
published several research papers in reputed
peer-reviewed national and international
journals. She has published two authored
book and several book chapters. She has
isolated several bacterial isolates from
different sources and submitted their sequences to the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Dr. Sahni acquired a BSc (Agriculture) degree from A.N.G.R.A.U, Hyderabad, India, and an MSc (Agriculture) in Mycology and Plant Pathology
from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. She received her PhD
(Agriculture) in Plant Pathology from the B.H.U, Varanasi. Subsequently,
she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Western
Ontario University, London, Ontario, Canada.
Dr. Sahni has been awarded with the Dr. Rajendra Prasad National Education Shikhar Award for outstanding contribution in the field of education,
a Young Scientist Award in 2014 from the Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology (SSDAT), and an Innovative Scientist
of the Year Award, 2015, from the Scientific Education Research Society for
outstanding contribution in the field of Plant Pathology. She is a Principal
Investigator in All India Co-ordinated Research Programme at MULLaRP
and Chickpea Pathology at T.C.A., Dholi. She is an officer in-charge of ARIS
cell, TCA, Dholi, and a member of different committees of RAU, Pusa. She

About the Editors


has been an active member of the organizing committees of several national
and international seminars.
Dr. Sahni has been associated with molecular host–pathogen interaction
studies in Arabidopsis and B. napus. She is also associated with pathological aspect of chickpea and MULLaRP. She is actively involved in teaching
graduate and post-graduate courses in Plant Pathology and Biotechnology.
She has proved herself as an active scientist in the area of Molecular Plant
Prasant Kumar, PhD
Dr. Prasant Kumar is an Assistant Professor
at the C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Fundamental and
Applied Science at Uka Tarsadia University,
Surat, Gujarat, India, and is the author or
co-author of several peer-reviewed journal
articles and eight conference papers and a
He is a reviewer and editorial board
member of several peer-reviewed journals. He has been an active member
of the organizing committees of several national and international seminars
and conferences.
Dr. Kumar received a BSc (Agriculture) from Acharya N. G. Ranga Agriculture University through the all India combined entrance exam conducted
by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research, India. After graduating from
Acharya N. G. Ranga Agriculture University, he was selected for the MSc
Biotechnology program of The Maharaha Sayajirao University of Baroda,
Gujarat, through the all India combined biotechnology entrance exam
conducted by Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of India) and Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi. Along with completion of his postgraduation,
with first class with distinction in Biochemistry, he qualified GATE, ICMRJRF, UGC-NET exam of national repute. Later, he joined the PhD program
in Biochemistry from The Maharaha Sayajirao University of Baroda. He
was awarded an Indian Council of Medical Research Fellowship Award for

the PhD from the Indian Council of Medical research, New Delhi, India. He
worked as an Assistant Professor in Sardar Patel University, Anand, Gujarat,
from August 2011 to June 2012.


About the Editors

Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD
Dr. Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui is an Assistant Professor and Scientist in the Department of Food Science and Post-Harvest
Technology, Bihar Agricultural University,
Sabour, India, and author or co-author of
34 peer-reviewed research articles, 26 book
chapters, 2 manuals, and 18 conference
papers. He has 11 edited and one authored
books to his credit, published by Elsevier,
USA; CRC Press, USA; Springer, USA; and Apple Academic Press, USA.
Dr. Siddiqui has established an international peer-reviewed journal, Journal
of Postharvest Technology.
He has been honored to be the Editor-in-Chief of two book series:
“Postharvest Biology and Technology” and “Innovations in Horticultural
Science,” being published by Apple Academic Press, USA. Dr. Siddiqui is
also a Senior Acquisitions Editor for Apple Academic Press, for Horticultural Science. He has been serving as an editorial board member and active
reviewer of several international journals, such as PLoS ONE, (PLOS),
LWT—Food Science and Technology (Elsevier), Food Science and Nutrition (Wiley), Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (Springer), Journal of Food
Science and Technology (Springer), Indian Journal of Agricultural Science
(ICAR), etc.
Recently, Dr. Siddiqui was conferred with the Best Citizen of India Award2016; Bharat Jyoti Award, 2016; Outstanding Researcher Award, 2016; Best
Young Researcher Award, 2015; and the Young Scientist Award, 2015. He was

also a recipient of the Young Achiever Award, 2014, for outstanding research
work by the Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA),
Nauni, Himachal Pradesh, India, where he is an honorary board member and
lifetime author. He has been an active member of the organizing committee
of several national and international seminars/conferences/summits. He is
one of the key members in establishing the World Food Preservation Center
(WFPC), LLC, USA. Presently, he is an active associate and supporter of
WFPC, LLC, USA. Considering his outstanding contribution in science and
technology, his biography has been published in Asia Pacific Who’s Who and
The Honored Best Citizens of India.

About the Editors


Dr. Siddiqui acquired his BSc (Agriculture) degree from Jawaharlal
Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, India. He received the MSc
(Horticulture) and PhD (Horticulture) degrees from Bidhan Chandra Krishi
Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, India, with specialization in Postharvest
Technology. He was awarded a Maulana Azad National Fellowship Award
from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India. He is a member
of Core Research Group at the Bihar Agricultural University (BAU) where
he is providing appropriate direction and assistance to sensitizing priority
of the research. He has received several grants from various funding agencies to carry out his research projects. Dr. Siddiqui has been associated with
postharvest biotechnology and processing aspects of horticultural crops. He
is dynamically indulged in teaching (graduate and doctorate students) and
research, and he has proved himself as an active scientist in the area of postharvest biotechnology.


List of Contributors ...................................................................................... xv
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................... xix
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................... xxiii

Part I: History, Scope, and Importance of Plant Biotechnology ...........1

History of Biotechnology ................................................................................3
Suhail Muzaffar and Bishun Deo Prasad


Scope and Importance of Plant Biotechnology in Crop Improvement ....27
Ashish Ranjan and Devanshi Khokhani


Scope of Plant Biotechnology in the Developing Countries ......................45
Nand K. Sah

Part II: Plant Tissue Culture ..................................................................67

Sterilization Technique .................................................................................69
Tushar Ranjan, Sangita Sahni, Bishun Deo Prasad, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Kumari Rajani,
Vijay Kumar Jha, Vaishali Sharma, Mahesh Kumar, and Vinod Kumar


Basic Principles and Recent Advances in Anther/Pollen Culture
for Crop Improvement .................................................................................87
Govinal Badiger Bhaskara


Embryo Culture and Endosperm Culture ................................................125
Manoj Kundu, Jayesh Pathak, and Sangita Sahni


Callus Induction ..........................................................................................143
Tushar Ranjan, Bishun Deo Prasad, Sunita Kumari, Ram Balak Prasad Nirala,
Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Vijay Kumar Jha, Vaishali Sharma, Md Shamim, and
Anand Kumar


Protoplast Isolation and Fusion .................................................................161
Uday Sajja, Tushar Ranjan, and Bishun Deo Prasad


Somaclonal Variation ..................................................................................185
Ashutosh Pathak and Aruna Joshi



10. Somaclonal Variation: A Tissue Culture Approach to
Crop Improvement .....................................................................................215
Kumari Rajani, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Tushar Ranjan, Ganesh Patil,
Anand Kumar and Jitesh Kumar

Part III: Techniques in Molecular Biology ..........................................233
11. Restriction Endonucleases..........................................................................235
Shiv Shankar, Imran Uddin, and Seyedeh Fatemeh Afzali

12. Ligation of Insert DNA into Cloning Vector .............................................259
Tushar Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar, Bishun Deo Prasad, Sangita Sahni, Vaishali Sharma,
Sonam Kumari, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, Vijay Kumar Jha, and
Prasant Kumar

13. Blotting Techniques.....................................................................................283
Prasant Kumar, Mitesh Dwivedi, Chandra Prakash, Sangita Sahni, and
Bishun Deo Prasad

14. Advances in PCR Technology and RNA Interference .............................301
Suhail Muzaffar

15. TILLING: Genome Poking with Diligences and Constraints.................321
G. Thapa and J. G. Hehir

16. Advances in Molecular Techniques to Study Diversity ...........................341
Prasant Kumar, Mitesh Dwivedi, Mitesh B. Patel, Chandra Prakash, and
Bishun Deo Prasad

17. ProteinPurification:ScienceandTechnology ..........................................367
Ganesh Patil, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Tushar Ranjan, Kumari Rajani, and Jitesh Kumar

18. Protein–Protein Interaction Detection: Methods and Analysis ..............391
Vaishali Sharma, Tushar Ranjan, Pankaj Kumar, Awadhesh Kumar Pal,
Vijay Kumar Jha, Sangita Sahni, and Bishun Deo Prasad

Part IV: Molecular Markers and QTL Mapping ................................413
19. Molecular Markers in Plant Biotechnology..............................................415
Gaurav V. Sanghvi and Gaurav S. Dave

20. Development of Mapping Populations ......................................................455
Anand Kumar, Tushar Ranjan, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Kumari Rajani,
Chandan Kishore and Jitesh Kumar

21. Principles and Practices of Mapping QTLs in Plants..............................479
Sunayana Rathi, Akhil Ranjan Baruah, Surojit Sen, and Samindra Baishya



22. Association Mapping: A Tool for Dissecting the Genetic Basis
of Complex Traits in Plants ........................................................................497
Sweta Sinha, Amarendra Kumar, Renu Kushwah, and Ravi Ranjan Kumar

Index .....................................................................................................................527


Seyedeh Fatemeh Afzali

Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Samindra Baishya

Department of Biochemistry and Agricultural Chemistry, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam,

Akhil Ranjan Baruah

Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam, India

Govinal Badiger Bhaskara

Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas-78712, United States

Gaurav S. Dave

Department of Biochemistry, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360005, India

Mitesh Dwivedi

C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Fundamental and Applied Science, Uka Tarsadia
University, Bardoli, Surat 394350, Gujarat, India

J. G. Hehir

Department of Crop Science, Oak Park Crops Research Centre, Teagasc, Carlow, Ireland

Vijay Kumar Jha

Department. of Botany, Patna University, Patna, Bihar, India

Aruna Joshi

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodra,
Gujarat, India

Chandan Kishore

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Devanshi Khokhani

Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 583 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden
Dr. Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

Amarendra Kumar

Department of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Anand Kumar

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Jitesh Kumar

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour,
Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

Mahesh Kumar

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India


List of Contributors

Manoj Kundu

Department of Horticulture (Fruit and Fruit Technology), Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour,
Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

Pankaj Kumar

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India

Prasant Kumar

C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Fundamental and Applied Science, Uka Tarsadia
University, Bardoli, Surat 394350, Gujarat, India

Ravi Ranjan Kumar

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India

Renu Kushwah

Department of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, IGKV, Raipur 492012, India

Sonam Kumari

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India

Sunita Kumari

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kishanganj, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India

Vinod Kumar

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India

Suhail Muzaffar

National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560065, India

Ram Balak Prasad Nirala

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Awadhesh Kumar Pal

Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Ganesh Patil

Vidya Pratisthan’s College of Agriculture Biotechnology, Vidyanagari, Baramati 413133, India

Mitesh B. Patel

C. G. Bhakta Institute of Biotechnology, Uka Tarsadia University, Tarsadi, Surat 394350, Gujarat, India

Ashutosh Pathak

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodra,
Gujarat, India

Jayesh Pathak

Department of Silvicuture and Agroforestry, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India

Chandra Prakash

Genome Research Centre, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Science,
The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390002, Gujarat, India

Bishun Deo Prasad

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour 813210,

Bihar, India

List of Contributors


Ashish Ranjan

Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 583 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

Kumari Rajani

Department of Seed Technology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210, Bihar, India

Sunayana Rathi

Department of Biochemistry and Agricultural Chemistry, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam,

Tushar Ranjan

Department of Basic Science and Humanities Genetics, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour 813210,
Bihar, India

Nand K. Sah

Post-Graduate Studies and Research Centre, Department of Botany, T. N. B. College, Bhagalpur, T. M.
B. University, Bhagalpur 812007, Bihar, India

Uday Sajja

Department of Biotechnology, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sangita Sahni

Department. of Plant Pathology, Tirhut College of Agriculture, Dholi, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India

Surojit Sen

Department of Zoology, Mariani College, Mariani 785634, Jorhat, Assam, India

Gaurav V. Sanghvi

Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara
390002, India

Shiv Shankar

Department of Food Engineering and Bionanocomposite Research Institute, Mokpo National University,
61 Dorimri, Chungkyemyon, Muangun, 534-729 Jeonnam, Republic of Korea

Md Shamim

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kishanganj, Bihar,

Vaishali Sharma

DOS in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Mysore, India

Sweta Sinha

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour
813210, Bihar, India

G. Thapa

Molecular Plant Pathogen Interaction Group, Earth Institute, Science East, University College of Dublin,
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Imran Uddin

Nanotechnology Innovation Centre, Department of Chemistry, Rhodes University, PO Box 94,
Grahamstown, South Africa


2, 4-D


2, 4-dichloropheonoxyacetic acid
two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
abscisic acid
1-aminocyclopropane-1- carboxylic acid

amplified fragment length polymorphism
arbuscular mycorrhizal
adenosine monophosphate
amplex red
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation
amplex ultra red
backcross population
Bacillus thuringiensis
callus induction medium
clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
DNA amplification fingerprinting
diacylglycerol acyltransferase
double haploid lines
deoxyribonucleic acid
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
electron paramagnetic resonance
expressed tagged sites
fluorescence activated cell sorting
gibberellic acid
genetic modification
genetically modified organisms
indole-3-acetic acid
indole-3-butyric acid
introgression lines
inter simple sequence repeats




List of Abbreviations

Kbioscience competitive allele specific PCR
linkage disequilibrium
multi-parent advanced generation inter crosses
marker-assisted selection
messenger RNA
mass spectrometry
Murashige and Skoog
α-naphthalene acetic acid
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
nitroblue tetrazolium

next generation sequencing
near-isogenic lines
nuclear magnetic resonance
polyacrylamide gels
programmed cell death
polymerase chain reaction
polyethylene glycol
plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
poly (3-hydroxybutyrate)
pollen mother cell
post-transcriptional gene silencing
quantitative real-time PCR
quantitative trait locus
restriction site-associated DNA
rapid amplified polymorphic DNA
restriction enzyme-mediated integration
restriction fragment length polymorphism
recombinant inbred lines
RNA-induced silencing complex
RNA interference
reactive oxygen species
reverse transcription PCR
sequence characterized amplified regions
sodium dodecyl sulfate
simple interval mapping

List of Abbreviations


small interfering RNAs
single nucleotide polymorphism
simple sequence repeats
sequence-tagged microsatellites
simple tandem repeats
sequence-tagged sites
thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR
targeting induced local lesions in genomes
terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
virus-induced gene silencing



At the end of editing this book, I close my eyes and remember the day when
the idea of writing this book was seeded in my mind, followed by discussion about this with my other colleagues, which led to the foundation of this
project. From that initial day to now, when we are finally publishing our
book, there have been several ups and downs. However, with blessings of
“Almighty God,” we were able to convert our ideas, teaching, and research
experiences to a logical end in the form of this book. Therefore, first of all,
we would like to thank “Almighty God” from whom all blessings come.
Further, I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw us
through this book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read,
wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks, and assisted in
the editing, proofreading, and design. I would like to thank Dr. Tusar Ranjan
and Dr. Mitesh Dwivedi for helping us in the process of editing this book.
With a profound and unfading sense of gratitude, I wish to express our
sincere thanks to the Bihar Agricultural University, India, for providing me
with the opportunity and facilities to execute such an exciting project and
for supporting me toward research and other intellectual activities around
the globe.
We feel privileged to acknowledge our immense sense of devotion to
our parents and family members for their infinitive love, cordial affection,
and incessant inspiration. Last not least: we beg forgiveness of all those who
have been with us during the course of writing this book and whose names
we have failed to mention.
