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Student implementation: Grade: A01E, Group 1

Dang Gia Huy – 195120064


Le Nguyen Hoang Kim – 195120452


Tran Tuan Thanh – 195120266


Tran Thi Thu – 195120643


Pham Tran Ngoc Thao Trang – 195120634

Lecturer: MBA.Pham Su Tien Trinh

Ho Chi Minh City, November

Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance

We are a group 1 (ÉCC) - University of Economics - Finance in Ho Chi
Minh City. We are currently working on information management systems
in education and to better understand how a system works. We conducted a
study on the activities that the users engaged in using this system.

In this study, we will look at key data from our data communications
and user experiences, see what they have applied to improve and build
their information management system. The report results are made by us
objectively through searching information online and evaluating the
system through our use.
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our
lecturer, Mr. Pham Su Tien Trinh, MBA. Furthermore, we really
appreciated his enthusiasm, optimistic energy and great sense of humour,
which motivated us to maintain and complete our work.
We would also like to thank all the support from our friends in the
Management Information Systems course; Without them, we would not
have completed this thesis in the best way. We are grateful for all the love
we received along the way.

Best regards,
Team ÉCC


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance


Dang Gia Huy

Le Nguyen Hoang Kim

Tran Tuan Thanh

Tran Thi Thu

Pham Tran Ngoc Thao Trang


HCMC – November 03th, 2022


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

FOREWORD............................................................................................................................. I
ASSIGNMENT TABLE............................................................................................................. II
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURE.................................................................................................................... IV
OBJECTIVES OF REPORT..................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUE.........................................................................2
CHAPTER 2. SOLUTION......................................................................................................... 3
2.1. STRENGTHS....................................................................................................................3
2.2. WEAKNESSES.................................................................................................................3
2.3. OPPORTUNITIES............................................................................................................4
2.4. THREATS..........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 3. BUILD AND DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................... 11
3.1. RECORD A MACRO WITH A BUTTON.........................................................................11
3.2. RECORD A MACRO WITH A KEYBOARD SHORTCUT..............................................14
CHAPTER 4. APPLICATION................................................................................................. 16
4.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................16
4.2. WHY WE CHOOSE YOUNGMIX?.................................................................................16
4.3. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF YOUNGMIX............................................17
4.3.1. Advantages.......................................................................................................... 17
4.3.2. Disadvantages..................................................................................................... 18
4.4. RIVALS............................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 5. YOUNG MIX SOFTWARE USER MANUAL.................................................... 24
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................................... 29


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

Figure 1- SAP model........................................................................................ 10
Figure 2 - Example of original exam questions................................................ 25
Figure 3 - Upload file....................................................................................... 25
Figure 4 - Change parameters.......................................................................... 26
Figure 5 - Files after mixing exam questions................................................... 27
Figure 6 - Excel file containing answers.......................................................... 27
Figure 7 - Create a QR Code............................................................................ 28


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

Know the necessary steps when it is necessary

to improve the

information system to suit the growth of the business

and when it is

necessary to develop the information system to solve

the information

overload for the business.
Consciously complete the work that the teacher / group leader requires
each individual to do during the learning process on time. Actively
contact teachers and classmates to answer questions during the learning
process. Actively think in the style of “critical thinking” to solve work in
the learning process.
The course provides students with the knowledge and skills involved
in designing an information system to help companies manage their
businesses more effectively. While enterprise resource planning (ERP) is
geared towards optimizing operational processes between different
business modules in an enterprise, this module is geared towards assisting
business owners in decision making. faster and more accurate
determination. This will create a significant competitive advantage for
those who take this course in their career opportunities.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

The Lego Group, which is headquartered in Billund, Denmark, is one of the
largest toy manufacturers in the world. The name ‘Lego’ is an abbreviation of
the two Danish words “Lego godt”, meaning “play well”. Lego’s main products
have been the bricks and figures that children have played with for generations.
The Danish company has experienced sustained growth since its founding in
1932, and for most of its history its major manufacturing facilities were located
in Denmark.
Lego has continuously enhanced product quality to fulfill the growing

demands of generations of kids throughout the world by using toys to spark
kids' imaginations, curiosities, and excitement. They define quality as the effort
to continuously improve in order to offer the greatest possible playthings for
kids and their growth. Since then, Lego has won the faith of many parents and
is now gaining popularity all over the world. But few people are aware that
Lego had to go through a challenging development process in the past in order
to attain the remarkable successes it has now.
In 2003, Lego was facing tough competition from imitators and
manufacturers of electronic toys. In an effort to reduce costs, the group decided
to initiate a gradual restructuring process that continues today. To reduce labor
costs, manually intensive processes were outsourced, keeping only the highly
skilled workers in Billund. Lego’s workforce was gradually reduced from
8,300 employees in 2003 to approximately 4,200 in 2010.
Lego’s restructuring process, coupled with double digit sales growth in the
past few years, has led to the company’s expansion abroad and made its
workforce more international. These changes presented supply chain and
human resources challenges to the company. The supply chain had to be
reengineered to simplify production without reducing quality. Improved
logistics planning allowed Lego to work more closely with retailers, suppliers,
and the new outsourcing companies.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

We will examine Lego's SWOT model, one of the pillars supporting the
present major improvements of the world's top manufacturer of built toys, before
learning about the remedies that the company has outlined for its system.

The Lego Group enjoys a well-known brand name around the world. The
business is acknowledged as one of the major manufacturers in the toy sector.
Another asset of the business is its capacity for technological innovation
without compromising its fundamental principles. The Lego Group's capacity
for constant product innovation helps to draw in new customers and raise brand
As the Lego Group has been in the toy production industry for a long time,
the expertise the firm has allowed them to meet the needs of their customers.
Second, the company's experience makes it simple for them to identify and
execute adjustments to their product lines.
Another asset of the business is the variety of its products. The business has
expanded its brand into television, video games, and motion pictures. The
youngsters play the game while learning via play thanks to the Lego Group.
These advantages also enable the business to compete with other toy industry
The Lego Group's biggest flaw is that its product designs are simple to
imitate. Since many businesses in the sector provide goods and services that are
identical to those offered under the Lego Group brand. Therefore, making it
difficult for the business to totally differentiate its product lines from what its
rivals are offering.
The issue of the Lego Group is that it finds it challenging to set itself apart
from other participants in the market due to the quick loss of identity caused by
the growth of the toy sector. Because there are many low-cost alternatives

Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

accessible, the company's products may lose market share because they are
pricey. Another flaw in the firm is its singular product category focus.
To address the new market target demographics, The Lego Group will need to
create additional branding-related programs and activities. However, this will
assist the business in extending its product range to new nations worldwide.

The organization also has the chance to improve its learning by utilizing the
most recent technology. Additionally, it helps the business have a better
awareness of the ongoing developments in the sector.
The Lego Group has the option of moving its production processes and
activities to a location where they may be produced more affordably.
Additionally, it will provide the business a chance to lower its production costs.
Second, it will assist the business in achieving long-term growth in the sector.
Children are increasingly choosing other forms of entertainment, which has
a significant impact on the electronic industry. To attract more kids to its brand,
the corporation might set up gaming tournaments at the school. It could lower
the switch count while raising the retention rate.
The primary threat to the Lego Group is that its product designs are simple
to imitate. Since many businesses in the sector provide goods and services that
are identical to those offered under the Lego Group brand. Therefore, making it
difficult for the business to totally differentiate its product lines from what its
rivals are offering.
In addition, Hasbro, the second-largest toy maker in the world, is getting
ready to join the market by introducing a brand-new line of competing products
named Kre-O. (Lego Group: Building Strategy Harvard Case Solution &
Analysis, 2011)


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
Here is a diagram that illustrates the SWOT

•The oldest trademark
•The experience summarized
•Diversification of the products

•Loss of identity
•The expensive products
•Focus on the one product
category in the past




• Use the latest technologies
•Move to the other place
where is cheaper than
• Organize the game
competitions in the school

•Product designs are simple
to imitate

•The second-largest toy
maker in the world, is
getting ready to join the

Therefore, as part of the solution, Lego chose to move to SAP business
suite software. SAP AG, a German company that specializes in enterprise software
solutions, is one of the leading software companies in the world. SAP’s software
products include a variety of applications designed to efficiently support all of a
company’s essential functions and operations. Lego chose to implement SAP’s
Supply Chain Management (SCM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) modules. The SCM module includes
essential features such as supply chain monitoring and analysis as well as
forecasting, planning, and inventory optimization. The PLM module enables
managers to optimize development processes and systems. The ERP module
includes, among other applications, the Human Capital Management (HCM)
application for personnel administration and development. SAP’s business suite is
based on a flexible three-tier client-server architecture


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

that can easily be adapted to the new Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
available in the latest versions of the software.
Lego has reaped several rewards by using the appropriate strategy.
Assisting in the development of Lego's business strategy, which produced the
company's current triumphs. The appropriate strategy including support
business innovation, choose the right components, secure the building blocks,

design with long-term application, assembled the physical components, create
the template, keep copies of finished work, connect with other components,
plan future models:
About supporting business innovation, all of our business activities,
including finance, logistics, and sales, are supported by the SAP landscape, and
integrating SAP Product Lifecycle Management with SAP Warehouse
Management is on the long-term path. Beside, as the business expands and
introduces the "cookbook" to new regions, we'll also add SAP ERP Human
Capital Management to the offering. The methodical expansion of the SAP
landscape is an excellent illustration of how they can customize SAP
applications to meet their business requirements, enabling Lego to concentrate
on its core innovation and excellence.
About choosing the right components, SAP software provided the
optimum balance of conventional procedures and adaptability to the changing
needs of the toy sector. All of their business activities, including finance, logistics,
and sales, are supported by the SAP landscape, and integrating SAP Product
Lifecycle Management with SAP Warehouse Management is on the long-term
path. We will also add SAP ERP Human Capital Management to the offering as
the business expands and introduces the "cookbook" to new regions.

Abroad to secure the building blocks, Lego is able to think about its
main business requirements because to its dedication to SAP applications. Of
these, product lifecycle management and warehouse management are two
examples that show how integral SAP apps can be. By integrating SAP Product


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

Lifecycle Management, the finance and production solutions will reflect the
cost and manufacturing consequences of product development choices,
providing them with a thorough understanding of the business effect. They will
be able to respond quickly and effectively to market changes and opportunities
as a result of being able to make educated decisions early on.
Just about design with long-term application, for Lego, a few things
are essential: first-rate product lifecycle management, which enables the
introduction of great new items quickly and effectively; and always-on
logistics, which controls global manufacturing and distribution. Along with the
typical business requirement for financial management and analysis, Lego also
requires effective human procedures to support its multicultural and
multinational workforce. Lego is now able to respond to market possibilities
more quickly because to the integrated SAP applications on the IBM Power
platform. These processes encompass every area of the company, from staff to
production systems, from product design to final sales.
More abroad assembled the physical components, each new operation
will start small and expand quickly, therefore it's important to select scalable
platforms that can expand to handle growing workloads. Due to its two systems,
Lego is able to utilize all of its capability. Planned service reductions
automatically reallocate capacity needed for the development, test, simulation, and
integration environments to the production systems whenever one data center goes
offline. Additionally, IBM Enhanced Technical Support assigns experts to each
hardware and software platform along with a platform and product account
advocate that has extensive knowledge of the Lego installation. To fulfill its
contractual obligations, Lego divides the whole compute capability amongst
systems in accordance with the demands of the workload. To increase supply
chain effectiveness, for instance, Lego employs SAP Advanced Planning and
Optimization (APO). Lego assigns spare computing capability to APO on
weekends when the main systems are generally unusable, ensuring that it complete
fast and successfully with ample time for a rerun if necessary.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

About create the template, some of the 19 billion components that
Lego manufactures annually in Denmark, Eastern Europe, and Mexico are kept
in centralized high-bay warehouses. It is crucial that the warehouse solution be
dependable and simple to replicate in other locations as the business expands.
They could not rely on the vendor's help since the warehouses were run by
proprietary systems. Beside, they want to develop a template based on SAP
Warehouse Management that they can quickly duplicate when they set up new
activities in order to lower business risk. The benefit of this strategy is that it
provides any new foreign endeavor with a consistent operating model and full
access to SAP's support and development resources.
Just abroad to keep copies of finished work, Lego has consolidated its
data storage, utilizing IBM System Storage DS8700 systems with 1.5TB of
production data, with one system in each data center for redundancy.
Additionally, desktop application storage is sent to the DS8700s so that Lego
has full access to all corporate data. To manage practically every area of its
information infrastructure, including network and system health monitoring,
graphical views of application performance, and IBM Tivoli Netcool/Webtop,
Lego has chosen a full package of Tivoli products. In this globally
heterogeneous environment, the Tivoli solutions standardize administration and
control for Lego and assist in lowering infrastructure management costs.
More about connecting with other components, incorporating crucial
application data into a single, user-friendly interface, IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Manager (ITCAM) for Applications offers a single solution for
tracking, displaying, analyzing, and controlling connected SAP applications

throughout the company. With the help of this technology, external applications
may seamlessly integrate with the SAP system, giving Lego complete access and
management over the whole application landscape. IBM Tivoli Network Manager
reduces expenses by increasing network asset usage, which improves IT service
availability. IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer delivers straightforward, intuitive
resource trend forecasts, assisting Lego in planning its


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
expansion as economically as possible. The IT architecture is drastically
simplified as a consequence, with fewer processors operating at greater utilization
levels and handling the same processing demand. Simplicity through virtualization
lowers costs for software licensing that are paid per CPU, and there are fewer
servers to purchase, maintain, and run since Tivoli offers a thorough solution to
manage the complete application, storage, and network environment.
Finally, about planning future models, Lego has ambitious ambitions to
implement SAP ERP Human Capital Management and enhance its enterprise
reporting capabilities using SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse in addition to the
warehouse and production systems (SAP NetWeaver BW). The enormous
scalability of IBM technology and the simplicity of management offered by Tivoli
solutions make such expansion a practical and financially wise idea. For sales
reporting throughout the extended organization, as a "source of opportunity" for
procurement expenditure, and as an internal benchmarking service to boost
performance, Lego will employ SAP NetWeaver BW. Transactions will be
transmitted from SAP apps to SAP NetWeaver BW so you can see how much
Lego spends together with different suppliers or on individual raw materials. The
knowledge may enable them to lower the price of raw resources. Similarly, they
may compare supplier pricing in each Lego business using SAP NetWeaver BW,

giving each procurement division a baseline to beat.

The gradual expansion of the SAP landscape is an excellent illustration
of how we can modify SAP applications to meet our business requirements,
enabling Lego to concentrate on its core innovation and excellence.
“IBM technology and SAP software offer a highly successful
combination that has proven its value to Lego, with a standards-based yet
highly flexible operating model that helps us roll out a commercially effective
business model, and continue with double-digit growth,” concludes Esben
Viskum - Senior Director Lego Service Center.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

Figure 1- SAP model


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

To save time on tasks you do often, bundle the steps into a macro. First, you
record the macro. Then you can run the macro by clicking a button on the
Quick Access Toolbar or pressing a combination of keys. It depends on how
you set it up.
1. Click View > Macros > Record Macro.

2. Type a name for the macro.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
3. To use this macro in any new documents you make, be sure the

Store macro in box says All Documents (Normal.dotm).

4. To run your macro when you click a button, click Button.

5. Clickthenewmacro(it’snamedsomethinglike

Normal.NewMacros.<your macro name>), and click Add.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

6. Click Modify.

7. Choose a button image, type the name you want, and click OK twice.

8. Now it’s time to record the steps. Click the commands or press the

keys for each step in the task. Word records your clicks and

Note: Use the keyboard to select text while you’re recording your
macro. Macros don’t record selections made with a mouse.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
9. To stop recording, click View > Macros > Stop Recording.

The button for your macro appears on the Quick Access Toolbar.

To run the macro, click the button.
1. Click View > Macros > Record Macro.

2. Type a name for the macro.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
3. To use this macro in any new documents you make, be sure the

Store macro in box says All Documents (Normal.dotm).

4. To run your macro when you press a keyboard shortcut, click


5. Type a combination of keys in the Press new shortcut key box.

6. Check to see whether that combination’s already assigned to

something else. If it's already assigned, try a different combination.
7. To use this keyboard shortcut in any new documents you make, be

sure the Save changes in box says Normal.dotm.
8. Click Assign.
9. Now it’s time to record the steps. Click the commands or press the

keys for each step in the task. Word records your clicks and
Note: Use the keyboard to select text while you’re recording your
macro. Macros don’t record selections made with a mouse.
10. To stop recording, click View > Macros > Stop Recording.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

Young Mix is software that supports creating multiple-choice questions
from the original test set to create multiple exam questions with different test
codes. The software has 3 modes to mix multiple-choice questions such as
creating a question permutation test, creating an answer permutation test and
creating a question and answer permutation test.
Young Mix Online mixes multiple-choice questions correctly in just 3
seconds for 24 codes (if you need 4 codes, it's only 1 second). The original
exam questions may not be beautiful, not standard, after mixing it will be

properly aligned, beautiful and full of information.
Moreover, Young Mix also outputs an Excel file with the correct answer of
each code (this Excel file can be quickly imported into the QM multiple-choice
marking App on the phone for later marking), and the original exam questions
file has been determined. Re-formed for more standard, more beautiful.
(ChamThi, n.d.)
From 2017 to now, the multiple-choice test has been applied to most of the
exams, leading to the situation of copying each other quite easily. Therefore, it
has to be mixed into many different exam codes and mixing multiple-choice
questions has become a regular job for teachers. However, mixing exams
directly on the computer will use resources on the computer and slow down
weak machines. Not to mention manual mixing will take a lot of time and
effort of teachers. To optimize teaching, teachers need to find a software to mix
multiple-choice questions (reverse exams, shuffle questions) that is fast,
accurate, easy to use, free, and meets all subjects. Since then, multiple-choice
mixing software has been born to serve the needs of teachers, in which the
most popular and widely used online mixing software is YoungMix.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)

4.3.1. Advantages
Using Young Mix online quizzes software brings a lot of benefits, including:
Themes with many different bridges
Young Mix can combine exams that are 100% multiple choice or have
both multiple choice and essay. It can combine questions in groups (matching

group questions), and combine groups in order.
In addition, Young Mix can also combine the following styles:
_ Or change both the question and the answer in each question
_ Or just replace the questions without replacing the answers in the question
_ Or the answer only replaces in the question, not the question
From there, it can meet all the user's exams.
Young Mix outputs an Excel file with the correct answer for each
question (this Excel file can be quickly imported into the QM multiple choice
test app on your phone for later marking). Proposing exam questions &
question banks to Word and the original question file has been reformatted to
make it more standard and beautiful.
Easy to use and no installation required
A special thing of Young Mix is that users do not need to learn how to
use, do not have to install multiple-choice mixing software, Young Mix is
released for free at: youngmix.vn, is a product of ChamThi - supplier provide
the famous QM exam marking application on the phone. Therefore, users just
need to go to the link youngmix.vn, then upload the Word file, enter the
number of exams to mix and download.


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)
Any computer can use this software to mix multiple choice questions

Young Mix does not distinguish any type of computer (Dell, Asus,
desktop, Macbook, Ipad, Surface, ...), even phones (Iphone, Samsung,
Oppo, ...) can do it. Young Mix does not use any resources on the user's
machine, so even a weak computer can be completely run.
Satisfies all subjects

Young Mix is a software that mixes multiple-choice questions applicable
to all subjects, from English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History,
Geography, Citizenship Education, Informatics, etc. It has been used by
teachers at all levels, from primary, secondary, high school to university, as
long as the test questions need to be mixed into many different codes.
4.3.2. Disadvantages

Young Mix can only mix up to 24 codes. Teachers can only mix
multiple codes from the one original exam.

The original exam needs to be standardized according to
youngmix's regulations to mix the correct exam.

Once the original exam has been uploaded to the software, it cannot be
edited. If you want to change the original exam, you must re-upload it
to mix the exam.

In addition to YoungMix, there are now many software that support users in
mixing exams, each software will have different advantages and disadvantages.
The detailed analysis is shown in the table below:


Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance (UEF)


ED Quiz
