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Luận án kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục trường trung học phổ thông, tỉnh long an TA

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Major: Education Management


Ho Chi Minh City– 2022

Research work conducted at Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

Supervisors: Doctor Nguyen Duc Danh
Professor Doctor Nguyen Loc

Steering Committee Member 1: Associate Professor Dr. Duong Minh Quang

Steering Committee Member 2: Associate Professor Dr. Tran Van Dat

Steering Committee Member 3: Doctor Tran Xuan Phu

Research Paper reported to Referee Committee at:

Research paper available at:

- Vietnam National Library
- Library of Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

- General Science Library of Ho Chi Minh City

1. Background of the research
The quality of education and training today has become a national issue. Ensuring the
quality of general education is regarded as a duty, and one of the important solutions to
promote socio-economic development in a certain area as well. The following factors are
often considered to have an impact on the quality of a particular educational institution:
management staffs and their management measures, teaching staffs, students, teaching
and studying processes, doing scientific research (in the case of a university or college),
facilities; finance; other fields (international cooperation, services, etc.). It is accepted that
these eight most important factors (standards) can directly affect the quality of education.
In reality, the current high school education quality accreditation activities, however, have
not placed special emphasis on building and forming an internal quality assurance system
of the school.
Education quality accreditation is one of the quality assurance activities and one
of effective instruments to enhance, promote and improve the quality of education of each
educational institution. In recent period, people's education is gradually shifting from
subsidized education to education approaching the socialist-oriented markets economy,
under the management of the State. This has created a target shift, from the school's
academic orientation to the labor markets-oriented education. Therefore, the quality of
education must constantly be improved, but also to maintain educational quality standards
and promote responsiveness to social needs.
Nevertheless, the awareness of education quality accreditation at management

levels is still vague, and it is inevitable for them to get the achievements by dealing rather
than building. Education quality accreditation to achieve achievement goals, therefore,
neither reflects the correct quality nor facilitates the quality improvement management in
educational institutions, but distort information for making important decisions of the
local authority in the field of education and training
As a province in the Mekong Delta, Long An lies next to Ho Chi Minh City,
having typical socio-economic conditions and representing the South of Vietnam. As a
result of its position, Long An's general education tends to minimise the quantity and
increase the quality and scale. For the high school level, in 2011 there were 48 public
schools, by the beginning of the 2018 - 2019 academic year, there were only 43 schools, a
decrease of 5 schools due to merger (People's Committee of Long An province, 2019). In
the Report on the implementation of the 2018 plan and the 2019 development plan of the
People's Committee of Long An province, it is stated that "It is essential to expand
investment in facilities and equipment for the education sector, continuing to invest in
schools meeting the national standards according to the new criteria; in 2019, ensuring the
percentage of schools to meet the national standards according to the new criteria reaching
48%" (People's Committee of Long An province, 2019). Thus, to meet the requirements of
education and training development, the authority of Long An province has invested in

facilities to improve the quality of education and implement the education quality
accreditation. This is the problem posed to the quality management of education, in which
education quality accreditation becomes a key step to meet the requirements of the goals
to improve the quality of general education in Long An.
From the above reasons, the author has decided the research topic as " Education
quality accreditation of high school education, Long An province" for the dotoral thesis of
educational science, majoring in Educational Management.
2. Aim of the research
By establishing the theoretical foundation for the education quality accreditation

of general education institutions, surveyed and evaluated the current situation of education
quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province, the thesis has proposed
measures to manage the education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An
province contributing to the improvement of the quality of high school education.
3. Objects, research objects
3.1. Objects
Quality management of high school.
3.2. Research objects
Management of education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province.
4. Research hypothesis
Education quality accreditation of high schools has been strictly regulated through
legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Training. However, there may not be an
appropriate approach, so the effectiveness of this work has not strongly promoted the
quality of educational institutions. The thesis applies the standards-based management
and accreditation model to evaluate and specify the actual limitations of the management
of the process of targeting the standards of education quality accreditation, the current
state of management of standards-based goal performance activities, the status of
performance evaluation of standards-based objectives, the status of recognition of
achievements of standards-based goals. If the proposed measures to manage the activities
of education quality accreditation according to the quality accreditation standards of high
schools in Long An province work well, it will contribute to improving the quality of
education quality accreditation of high schools in Long An province.
5. Research procedures
5.1. Studying the theoretical basis of education quality accreditation, based on that
foundation, it will build a theoretical framework for the management of education quality
accreditation in high schools
5.2.Evaluating the current status of management of education quality accreditation in
high schools in Long An province.
5.3. Proposing the measures to manage education quality accreditation in high schools
in Long An province.

5.4. Surveying the necessity and feasibility of the proposed measures
5.5. Experimenting a measure in the proposed system of management measures for
education quality accreditation in order to evaluate the feasibility of the measure.
6. Research scope

The research scope of the thesis is determined as follows:
6.1. Limits on research contents: Research on the current status of education quality
accreditation, management of education quality accreditation and measures to manage
education quality accreditation of high schools in Long An province based on the SBM-R
model. Management subject: Principals of high schools.
6.2. Limits on survey subjects: Collecting the surveyed data on the quality of school
education based on the criteria standards of education quality accreditation for the subjects
who are managers, part-time staff of education quality accreditation, and teachers of 13
schools. High school (selected sample in 2.2.3- Chapter 2) is 500 people. Collecting
surveyed data on the management of education quality accreditation in high schools,
including administrators, teachers, and staff participating in the accreditation of 13 schools
(from the sample selected in the next section, 156 people).
6.3. Limits on research area: Conducting survey at 13 high schools in Tan An city and
districts of Long An province.
6.4. Limits on experimenting: 2 schools, including: Duc Hue High School, Ha Long
Secondry & High School
7. Approaches and research methods
7.1. Approaches
7.1.1. Standards-based management and accreditation (SBM-R) approach
This is the main approach of the thesis used to conduct research on activity of
education quality accreditation. The Standards-based management and accreditation
model consists of four process steps: concretizing the evaluation criteria into the standards
of the quality management objectives, implementing and evaluating the standards, and

measuring progress and objectives. benchmarking standards with criteria for evaluation,
recognition of results, and rewards.
7.1.2. Practical approach
The problem of studying the education quality accreditation of high school mentioned
in this thesis has its roots in practice. The development strategy of education and training
to meet the industrialization - modernization and international integration has set a
requirement to improve the quality of education. School administrators and teachers need
to raise awareness of education quality accreditation as a quality assurance activity in line
with current development trends.
7.2. Research Methods.
7.2.1. Theoretical research methods
The thesis uses theoretical research methods to:
- Collect, analyze, synthesize and systematize relevant theoretical issues, explore the
core of the research problem to realize the dialectical relationships between education
quality assurance and education quality accreditation.
- Analyze and clarify the core concepts, the theoretical issues related to education
quality accreditation.
- Clarify the nature and specific problems of management of education quality
accreditation in high schools in Long An province.
7.2.2. Practical research methods

Quality assurance management of high schools in Long An province was surveyed
through the combination of research methods such as: Questionnaire survey method,
product research method, deep interview method and data processing method.
- Questionnaire survey method: Based on theoretical issues on education quality
accreditation, develop the questionnaires to investigate the current status of education
quality and management of education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An
province; the necessity and feasibility of management measures to overcome the

limitations of this situation.
- Interview method: Interviewing administrators, teachers about a number of issues
that need to be verified the truthfulness and objectivity of the survey results by using
- Product research method: Used to review the education quality accreditation records
compared with practice and investigation results.
7.2.3. Data processing method
+ Utilizing escriptive method to analyze the current situation of education quality
and management education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province
+ Utilizing statistical method to process data and evaluate the obtained results.
+ Utilizing SPSS software to enter and process the obtained data to analyze and
draw the conclusions from the obtained results.
8. Arguments to be defended
8.1. Education quality assurance is understood as a management mechanism with an
aim to maintain the standards and continuously improve and increase the quality of
education. Education quality accreditation in high schools is an activity of quality
management. Theoretical issues will clarify this argument.
8.2. The current education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province
is based on the evaluation standards of the Regulation on educational quality
accreditation and recognition of national standards for secondary schools, high schools,
and high schools with many levels of education promulgated together with Circular
18/2018/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training. To make this activity
effective, the thesis additionally adjusts the standards and criteria for assessing the quality
of high school education with 5 standards and 30 criteria.
8.3.The management measures of education quality accreditation based on the SBM-R
model of high schools are built based on the combination of the theoretical basis and the
problems raised from the actual situation. It must be verified by testing and experimental
9. New contributions of the thesis
9.1. In theory

On the basis of the theory of education quality accreditation, the thesis builds a
theoretical basis for the management of education quality accreditation of high schools
according to the standards-based management and recognition model (SBM-R).
9.2. In practice

- Survey, analyze and evaluate the current status of education quality and management
of education quality accreditation in high schools and the factors affecting the
management of education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province
- Propose some measures to manage the education quality accreditation in high
schools to contribute to improving the quality of high school education in Long An
- Experiment 1 measure to assess the feasibility of the management of education
quality accreditation activities in high schools at present.
10. Organization of the report
In addition to the introduction, conclusions and recommendations, references, the
thesis consists of 3 chapters
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of education quality accreditation management of high
Chapter 2. Current status of education quality accreditation management in high
schools in Long An province
Chapter 3. Management measures of education quality accreditation in high schools
in Long An province

1.1. Research overview

1.1.1. Abroad
The debate about the standards for assessing the quality of education in Western
countries has also come to a halt when the issues have been clarified, the quality assurance
of education and the education quality accreditation exist mutually as a dialectical
relationship between the contents and the quality of education both internal and external
force in each educational institution. Many issues of quality assurance and education
quality accreditation have been published in academic works and scientific articles
published in specialized journals. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the trend of
internationalization of education posed many challenges to the education quality
accreditation, especially in university institutions. From research issues to quality and
quality approach, studies on educational management apply to expand the scope of
research for education quality accreditation. At the beginning of the twenty-first century,
in the trend of globalization of educational quality, along with the expansion of
educational services and the transnational movement of learners, the education quality
accreditation is not only mentioned by the internal structure. quality but rather how to
approach it and the emergence of more and more quality assurance and management
models that govern the approach to education quality accreditation in each country.
In the literature review of this thesis, we focus on 02 issues: The trend of
approaching education quality accreditation and models of education quality accreditation.
1.1.2. In Viet Nam
In the context of globalization and international integration, the issue of quality
assurance and education quality accreditation has had an impact on the development
policy of our country's education and training in recent decades. However, the standards
for evaluating the quality of education in Vietnam, especially for higher education are not
suitable, many problems are inadequate and heavy in form, achievement disease, and lack
of feasibility (Vo Sy Manh, 2013; Le Duc Ngoc & Sai Cong Hong, 2013). In the seminar
on Standards for Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Vietnam: Issues and Solutions
for Implementation (held in Hanoi, December 2013), Nguyen Duc Chinh gave his views
on developing a set of assessment standards. Quality assessment of higher education
ensures a moderate globality with characteristics of Vietnam's socio-economic and cultural

conditions (Nguyen Duc Chinh 2013). The doctoral theses majoring in Educational
Management and research articles aimed at the management of quality assurance of
education in high schools have made certain contributions to school management
according to the objectives of education quality accreditation like Nguyen. Manh Hung
(2010), Pham Thanh Nghi (2000), Nguyen Quang Toan (2014), Do Thi Thuy Hang (2014)
… Because the issue of quality assurance management is quite new to Vietnam, many
authors still remain the concept of education quality accreditation management is an
activity separate from the quality management of education quality in schools, considering
the education quality accreditation management in high schools as the management of
self-assessment process (Le Thanh Tra, 2019; Dang Thi Thuy). Linh, 2015;…)

One of the research trends on education quality accreditation in Vietnam is the
approach based on foreign experiences (Pham Thi Huong, 2019; Pham Thi Tuyet Nhung,
1.1.3. General assessment
From the above review issues, the following issues can be drawn:
- The viewpoint: education quality accreditation is closely linked to institutional
improvement and educational management system and is an element of the quality
assurance process.
- The management method: In order to do education quality accreditation and its
results, the educational institution must implement the management method according to
the quality objectives.
- The research objects and space: There have not been studies on activities that
create quality education in high schools, the foundation to ensure the education quality
accreditation is implemented.
- The research space: So far, there has not been any study on the management of
education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province.
1.2. Some basic concepts

1.2.1. Education quality accreditation of high school Quality
Quality is a concept that has penetrated in all areas of life including education.
Quality is a much more complicated term to define than it appears because many different
viewpoints such as the customer's viewpoint and the specification-based perspective need
to be considered. A modern definition of quality as "meeting or exceeding customer
expectations" has been derived from the 1951 Juran definition of quality as "fitness for
purpose" (Juran et al. Godfrey, 1999). Education quality
The term education quality is approached in terms of education quality
accreditation, then “The quality of high school education is the fulfillment of the goals of
the schools, ensuring the requirements of the educational objectives of the Education Law,
and being suitable with the socio-economic development of the area and the whole
country” (Article 2 of Circular 18/2018/TT-BGDĐT). Quality management
Quality management takes place according to the processes: quality control (QC),
quality assurance (Quality Assurance), quality improvement (Quality Improvement). Quality assurance
Despite the differences, these definitions imply that quality assurance is the
policies, procedures, and activities that aim to evaluate, identify, validate, facilitate,
promote and assist educational institutions to achieve , maintain and improve educational
standards. accreditation
Quality accreditation (product) is the testing, accreditating and certificating of that
product's quality. The quality can be given by the manufacturer or a standard or a

8 Education quality accreditation

Education quality accreditation is a phrase indicating management activities, and is
also a term of quality assurance in the field of education and training. Therefore, the
Encyclopedia (open) defines:
Education quality accreditation is the quality assurance process in which the
services and activities of educational institutions or programs are evaluated and validated
by an external department to determine whether the applicable and recognized standards
are met. If the criteria are met, accredited status will be granted by the appropriate
department. Education quality accreditation in high schools
Education quality accreditation in high schools aims to perfect the educational
quality of the school according to the standards along with the evaluation and recognition
criteria of the whole country. Thereby, publicizing the school's educational quality
assurance results to the community (showing accountability to society); at the same time,
helping the school develop a plan to "constantly improve the quality of education" in order
to better serve students' learning and meet social needs, according to the quality
commitment of the subjects in the high school.
1.2.2. Education quality accreditation management in high schools Management
Management is the influence of the subject of management by organizing and
controlling the managed object in order to mobilize, promote, combine, use, adjust and
coordinate resources inside and outside the organization through management functions to
achieve organizational goals Education quality accreditation management in high schools
Education quality accreditation management in high schools is the management
process in which the management subject affects the managed object to ensure that the
school's activities operate according to quality standards in order to achieve the objectives
of education quality accreditation.
1.2.3. Standards-based

management Standards
A standard is a document established by agreement and approved by a recognized
organization that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for the activities, or results of
activities for general use. and iteratively to achieve an optimal order in a given scene. Standardization
Standardization is the process of encoding the standards and quality assessment
criteria into goals, targets, and tasks that are suitable for the context, resources and
conditions of a given organization.
For the education quality accreditation management in high schools,
standardization is the encoding of the standards of the education quality accreditation into
the objectives and tasks of the quality assurance of the school in order to develop, approve
and implement the standards. Standards-based management

Standards-based management is a process of influencing management subjects in high
schools to perform activities: standardizing goals, organizing activities to achieve goals,
measuring results achievement of goals, recognition and reward for achievement of goals
in order to meet the quality requirements of education quality accreditation in school.
1.2.4. Evaluating the educational quality of educational institutions based on
Evaluating the quality of education for an educational institution is through a set of
tools including standards, criteria, and evaluation indicators that are suitable for the object
of assessment when the quality assurance conditions of an institution have been met. The
purpose of education is to review and evaluate the performance of the quality standards of
the educational institution to meet the standards in the fields of the educational quality

accreditation or not.
1.3. Evaluating the quality of high school education based on standards
1.3.1. Establishment of a system of standards for education quality
accreditation of high school
Legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Training from 2008 to 2018 on
the education quality accreditation of high schools.
1.3.2. The system of standards for evaluating the quality of high school
From the theoretical study of the education quality accreditation, combined with
the analysis of the legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Training from 2008
to 2018, the thesis has adjusted,supplemented to complete the set of standards for
assessing the quality of high school education according to 5 standards and 30 criteria.
1.3.3. Using the standards of education quality accreditation to the school
development goals
School management based on determining unit development goals based on
education quality accreditation standards is a form of quality management. In which, the
objectives on each element of education quality have become clear and specific. It has the
ability to guide the actions for individuals and organizations in the school to operate
according to quality goals. To promote the advantages of this management, it is necessary
to have a quality management model according to the standards of the education quality
accreditation. This is addressed by the thesis in the following sections.
1.4. Applying a standards-based management model to quality assurance
management in high schools
1.4.1. Standards-based Management Model (SBM-R)
The SBM-R (Standards-Based Management and Recognition) model was initiated
by JHPIEGO, an international health non-profit organization affiliated with Johns Hopkins
University and was first applied to staff training management. in-service nursing in 2003
in Afghanistan, at a time when midwifery education here was being significantly
reformed. The effectiveness of the training management model in Afghanistan has been
shared with other countries (e.g. Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique and Liberia...). Thereafter,
Edgar Necochea and Débora Bossemeyer (Necochea, 2005) edited, revised, supplemented

and published the Field Guide to Standards-Based Management and Accreditation: an
illustrated guide to the methodology. a practical approach to improving the performance

and quality of health services (Standards-Based Management and Recognition-A Field
Guide: A Practical Approach for Improving the Performance and Quality of Health
Services). This model is increasingly being developed and perfected by scientists to
become an effective training program for managers.
1.4.2. Principles of approach and conditions for applying the SBM-R model in the
education quality accreditation management in high schools Principles of approach the SBM-R model
On the principles of approach, based on the principle of action of the education quality
accreditation, one of the guiding principles for the assessment and accreditation of
education quality of current legal documents, the author agrees to apply the method. SBMR approach to quality management of educational institutions is based on the principle of
4 steps Conditions for applying the SBM-R model
In terms of application conditions, the SBM-R model is applied in the educational
environment, including 3 elements: (1) Context, (2) Standards, (3) Tools.
1.4.3. Contents of education quality accreditation management in high schools
according to the SBM-R model Targeting school development strategies based on education quality
accreditation standards
(a) Standard analysis
(b) Context analysis
(c) Evaluate the capabilities and potentials of resources in the organization
(d) Determine the gap of the standard
(e) Decide and disclose the goal Standards-based goal execution
(a) Establish the basis of actual performance

(b) Detail goals into tasks
(c) Shorten the gap to the target
(d) Coordinate and cooperate to achieve the same goal
(e) Regular inspection to ensure on schedule Evaluate performance the goals based on standards
(a) Self-assessment to determine the need for an assessment
(b) Propose needs to be assessed with the education quality accreditation agency
(c) Coordinate with an external rating agency to properly assess the quality
(d) Finalize the standards required by the consulting external assessment agency. Recognition for achievement of standards-based goals
(a) Determine the level of achievement
(b) Quantification of achievements
(c) Commendation
(d) Summarize and prepare to set new standards for the next phase
Basic factors affecting education quality accreditation management in high
1.5.1. Subjective factors

- Awareness
- Deviation in objectiveness in school management.
- Local authority’s concern
- The unprofessional, policy regime for this activity is not satisfactory, so the
efficiency cannot be high.
- The school website system does not have enough contents to ensure publicity and
supervision from many sides.
1.5.2. Objective factors
- The socio-economic conditions and cultural environment of the locality.

- The system of guiding documents and guidelines on quality assessment in the
national education system is not consistent..
- The mechanism of quality assurance of education is not clear, it is still
administrative procedure.
- The local socio-economic development strategy does not have important policies
on quality assurance of education.
Sub-Conclusion Chapter 1
Research on education quality accreditation in developed countries has existed for a
long time and is affecting many other countries globally. Studies abroad are focused on
quality assurance of education, especially in higher education. In Vietnam, research on the
education quality accreditation began in 2002, also started at the university level, then
gradually expanded to preschool, general education and vocational education levels.
Researches in Vietnam have not penetrated into the expertise and specialization of
education quality accreditation.
The theoretical issues in Chapter 1 are the basis for approaching the standards-based
assessment and management method (SBM-R) to establish a theoretical framework to help
assess the current status of C management in high schools and to propose measures for this

2.1. An overview of economy, society, education and education quality
accreditation activities in high schools in Long An province
2.1.1. Some aspects of economy, society and education in Long An province
2.1.2. System of high schools in Long An province
The system of high schools in Long An province has 49 schools, an increase of 8
schools compared to 2016. In which, there are 33 high schools; The school has many
levels: 16 schools. Among the schools with many levels of education, there are 14 schools

with two levels of education (middle and high school); There are 2 schools with 3 levels of
education (elementary school - middle school - high school).
2.1.3.Administratorss, teachers, staffs and students
According to the statistics of the Department of Education and Training of Long An,
the situation of administrators and teachers in high schools in Long An province is
basically guaranteed in number, but in terms of subject structure, there is still a shortage of
teachers. Regarding the situation of students, the majority of students in high schools in
Long An province are of the right age according to regulations. However, in some schools
there are still students who are not of the right age.
2.1.4. Facility
In general, the facilities of the high schools in Long An province are quite complete.
2.1.5. Organization and unions
According to statistics, the high schools in Long An province have all the
organizations and unions as prescribed.
2.1.6. Quality of education
According to statistics, the quality of education of high schools in Long An province
is relatively high
2.1.7. Education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province through
- The period from 2008 to 2013
- The period from 2014 to 2018
- The period from 2020 to present
2.1.8. General comments on the socio-economic situation and high school
education in Long An province Positives
High school education in Long An province has had a system of schools distributed
fairly evenly across areas, from urban to rural, remote areas bordering with many different
types of schools.
Regarding the education quality accreditation, high school education in Long An
province has had many educational institutions participating in the education quality

accreditation quite early and has maintained until present. This activity has also
contributed to improving the quality of education for high schools in Long An province. Some limitations

The development of high school education in Long An province has not been
commensurate with the province's geo-economic position.
2.2. Organize a situation survey
2.2.1. Survey purposes
2.2.2. Survey contents
2.2.3. Survey methods
2.3. The situation of education quality in high schools in Long An province
2.3.1. The organization and management of the school
Most public high schools now pay little attention to building school development
strategies and they think that the school year plan has shown that. As for the education
development strategy in general, it must be at a higher management level because they are
not qualified to implement it if they want. With the majority of opinions evaluating the
criteria of the standard "Organization and management of the schools” (80%), which did
not meet the standards of the education quality accreditation.
2.3.2. The administrators, teachers, staffs
The observed variables show 3 criteria of the administrators and teachers all at Level
2, it means that the school meets the national standard of Level 1. Standards on policy
regime and education for students implementation is difficult because this standard is
influenced by many different factors and conditions. Compared with the survey results, out
of the 4 criteria, the 4th criterion as mentioned has the lowest results.
2.3.3. The facilities
High schools have been given priority to invest in facilities to serve teaching
activities. Between the criterion of teaching equipment and the criterion of the efficiency
of using teaching equipment, the average value is relatively close. It proves that teachers

often use teaching equipment, which means the innovation of teaching methods from one
element in its process; that is the relationship between contents - methods - means in the
teaching process to achieve educational goals.
2.3.4. The school, family and society coordination
Parents' representative boards in high schools have been established, but their
activities are not effective. In addition, the consultation with the Party committee and the
authority to create conditions for the implementation of the school development strategy
and the coordination with other organizations and unions to organize highly educational
activities has not been done very effectively so it did not receive many teachers' approval.
2.3.5. The educational activities and educational outcomes
The results of this measurement of the current situation of educational activities show
that the high schools in Long An province have properly implemented the educational
program and have many educational activities for students. The superiority of the average
ratio of the criteria compared with the average ratio of the criteria of the remaining 4
standards proves that the high school education in Long An province has made many
progresses in terms of quality.
2.3.6. Summary and assessment of the current situation of education quality in high
schools in Long An province

The quality of the high schools in Long An province is below average, that is, the
average value is only at Level 1 (= 1.692). The effectiveness of the education quality
accreditation in recent years has not really strongly promoted the quality of high schools in
Long An province.
Among the achieved standards, standard 2 “Administrators, teachers and staff” and
standard 5 “Educational activities and educational outcomes” are the highest.
2.4. The situation of management of education quality accreditation activities in
high schools in Long An province
2.4.1. The situation of management of the process of targeting the standards of

education quality accreditation
The goals for school development are often stated by principals in their school year
plan. The determination of goals usually comes from three factors: the department's
guiding document, the document guiding the implementation of the school year's tasks of
the Department of Education and Training, and the school's educational achievements
from the previous school year. However, the establishment of school development goals
based on the evaluation criteria of the education quality accreditation has been
implemented by few people.
2.4.2. The situation of management of standards-based goal realization activities
This shows that the high schools in Long An province properly perform the
management function, only the standard approach to education quality accreditation for
school management has not been implemented or is carried out spontaneously and
randomly, so it only achieves the average value
2.4.3 The situation of evaluating the results of the achievement of goals based on
The results of this management activity reflect the progress in performing the
management function in high schools in Long An province. This is the condition for
effective management of performance evaluation activities to achieve internal goals.
Management activities to evaluate the performance of goals in this group of activities are
at the "average" level and the difference in mean values is not much, which proves that
these activities are not regular but focused mainly on the schools that have been accredited
for quality education and are striving to achieve a higher level.
2.4.4. The situation of recognition of achievement of standards-based goals
The results show that: the majority of administrators and teachers of all schools rate
"the activity of standardizing the results of educational quality accreditation for the annual
emulation and commendation" as the most effective. The lowest performing activity is
“Setting a new standard for the next phase”. Thereby, it shows that the results of the
survey method by questionnaire and interview method are similar.
2.4.5. Summary and assessment of the current situation of education quality
accreditation management in high schools in Long An province

From this viewpoint, the assessment of the current situation of the management of the
internal education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An province is to evaluate

the process of organizing and implementing the goals based on the education quality
accreditation standards.
Summarizing the evaluation comments in each standard shows that these management
standards have no similarities. Regarding the standard "Evaluating the performance of
standards-based goals" received the most agreement, followed by the standard "Targets of
the school's education quality accreditation standards".
Opinions on these two standards are superior because in some management activities,
there are overlapping contents with school management such as the study of legal
documents of the Party and State on education and training; or organize for the collective
to evaluate achievements in emulation and commendation work, and report on annual
Summarizing from the results of the analysis of survey data, determining the level of
implementation of management activities on the education quality accreditation in high
schools education based on the objective can be determined that the quality of education
quality accreditation management in high schools in Long An province is only reached at
an average level.
2.5. The situation of factors affecting the management of education quality
accreditation in high schools in Long An province
2.5.1. The situation of objective factors
All four objective factors are assessed by administrators and teachers in high schools
in Long An province as affecting the management of education quality accreditation, in
which the factor of the attention of local authorities and educational management levels is
assessed the tallest.
2.5.2. The situation of subjective factors
There are two factors that are assessed to have a very strong impact on the quality of

education of the school according to the standards of educational accreditation, namely
"The misperception of the goal of the management of education quality accreditation (=
4.2821) and " Lack of experience in management educational quality accreditation
management” (= 4.3077). These two factors are related to each other from a management
perspective and belong to the subject of management.
2.6. General assessment
2.6.1. Strengths
The socio-economic context has had certain impacts on the development of high
school education in particular in Long An province. This shows that the high schools of
Long An province will have the opportunity to improve the quality of education according
to the standards of the education quality accreditation.
Some high schools in Long An province have been accredited early, so they have
experiences in standard school quality management.
2.6.2. Limitations
Regarding the educational situation of high schools in Long An province through
quality assurance factors, it shows that most of the criteria in each standard have met the
education quality accreditation, but there are still some standards that have not met the

Sub-Conclusion Chapter 2
The situation of the education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An
province is reflected in this chapter in the following contents:
The situation of education quality and education quality accreditation in high schools
in Long An province through documents. The situation of education quality of Long An
province's high schools is based on education quality accreditation standards. By the
method of sociological investigation, based on the evaluation criteria of current high
school education quality accreditation to build a questionnaire with 30 questions to fully
evaluate 5 criteria for all 3 subjects: administrators, teachers, and staff in the schools were

selected according to the sampling method to assess the quality of the high schools in
Long An province at four levels.
Through analyzing the survey results and summarizing the above-mentioned levels, it
shows that the high schools in Long An province have average quality.
Through the situation of education quality accreditation management in high schools
in Long An province. The thesis applies the SBM-R model to determine the process of
education quality accreditation management in high schools through 4 factors: objective
assimilation of education quality accreditation management standards; organize for
collectives and individuals to achieve goals; organize the evaluation of the results of the
implementation of the goals; recognize achievement of goals and prepare for new goals.
To assess the current status of education quality accreditation management in high schools
in Long An province, the thesis builds a survey with 4 standards, each standard has 5
criteria corresponding to each activity of education quality accreditation management in
high schools. Selecting 156 participants to answer the questionnaire to ensure the
suitability of subjects including administrators, professional team leaders, staff in charge
of facilities and libraries using questionnaires General assessment of the current situation
education quality accreditation management in high school in Long An province is only
To improve the quality of high school education in Long An province, first of all, it is
necessary to increase awareness for administrators, teachers,staffs about the nature,
characteristics and requirements of the education quality accreditation; at the same time,
applying the SBM-R model to the education quality accreditation management in high
schools in Long An province. This is not only the orientation and goal but also the
management measures for the education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An
province that the thesis continues to deploy in the next chapter.


3.1. Principles of proposing measures
3.1.1. Principles of goal assurance
3.1.2. Principles to ensure feasibility and effectiveness
3.1.3. Principles of ensuring practicality
3.1.4. Principles of ensuring systematic
3.1.5. Principles of ensuring scientific
3.2. Standards-based measures for education quality accreditation management in
high schools in Long An province
3.2.1 Measure 1: Organize awareness raising activities about education quality
accreditation for administratorss - teachers – staffs in the school The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
Organize research and propaganda on education quality, education quality
accreditation, requirements for innovation, basic and comprehensive education and
training for improving the quality of education at present. ways to take the measure
Step 1, make a policy and create a consensus on the education quality
accreditation in the school.
Step 2, direct organizations, unions to disseminate and propagate the school's
Step 3, organize the dissemination and propaganda of the policy of education quality
accreditation in many different forms.
Step 4, check - evaluate the awareness and consensus of administrators - teachers staffs with the policy of education quality accreditation in school. Conditions for taking measures
3.2.2. Measure 2: Concretize the school's goal of ensuring the quality of education The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
Define the school's goals based on standards. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, establish a standing council of education quality accreditation.

Step 2, direct departments in the school to develop standards-based operational
Step 3, organize the implementation of activities to achieve the goals
Step 4, check - evaluate the operation goals of organizations, unions, and individuals
throughout the school Conditions for taking measures
3.2.3. Measure 3: Plan school activities according to education quality assurance
standards The goals of the measure Contents of the measure

Organize for the entire education quality accreditation system to develop a plan
based on the objectives identified in Measure 2. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, give directions for planning.
Step 2, direct organizations, unions and departments in the school to develop a
plan to achieve the goal
Step 3, implement the bottom-up planning process.
Step 4, check - evaluate the results of building the education quality accreditation
management plan in school. Conditions for taking measures
3.2.4. Measure 4:
Organize the implementation of the school's action plan
according to the goal of ensuring the quality of education The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
Check the implementation of the plan of the collectives and individuals in the
school, evaluate the level against the goals and progress against the plan. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, disseminate the schedule to check the implementation progress of the plan
to each department in the school.
Step 2, direct organizations and unions in the school to carry out the
implementation of the goal-based plan.
Step 3, organize the control and urge the implementation of the plans of the
Step 4, check – evaluate the results of the implementation of the plan. Conditions for taking measures
3.2.5. Measure 5:
Organize the school's self-assessment according to education
quality assurance standards The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
The measure helps all members of the school understand the process, techniques, and
requires a self-assessment report to meet the improvement and improvement of education
quality for the whole school. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, train the team directly doing the education quality accreditation system in the
Step 2, direct organizations, unions and individuals in the school to participate in the
Step 3, organize cross-check between departments on the results achieved according to the
Step 4, test - evaluate the overall quality of school education based on standards. Conditions for taking measures
3.2.6. Measure 6: Coordinate self-assessment with external assessment to enhance
the effectiveness of school education quality assurance

19 The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
The School's Standing Council of education quality accreditation supports and helps
the External Evaluation Council of the Department of Education and Training to complete
its tasks. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, disseminate the plan and schedule of activities of the external accreditation
agency to all administrators - teachers - staffs so that they are ready to participate in
Step 2, direct relevant organizations and individuals to participate in coordination with
external assessment agencies in the process of education quality accreditation.
Step 3, organize the coordination of external and internal education quality accreditation to
improve the quality of education.
Step 4, check - evaluate the results of the coordination process of education quality
accreditation Conditions for taking measures
3.2.7. Measure 7: Recognition of achievement and promotion of education quality
in school The goals of the measure Contents of the measure
Measures are taken according to the process: publicizing achievements, recognizing
achievements of organizations and individuals in the school; commendation based on
achievements for organizations and individuals within the school; organize conferences to
announce achievements and set guidelines for setting new standards. The ways to take the measure
Step 1, Determine the level of achievement achieved by the school and the standards
achieved by organizations and individuals.
Step 2, direct organizations, unions and the Emulation - Commendation Council to
evaluate the achievements of organizations and individuals based on recognized standards.

Step 3, the organization recognizes and rewards organizations and individuals with
outstanding achievements.
Step 4, check - evaluate the results of recognition of achievements after the education
quality accreditation. Conditions for taking measures
3.3. The relationship between the management measures for education quality
accreditation in high schools
3.3.1. Serial relationship
3.3.2. Structure-function relationship
3.4. Survey on the necessity and feasibility of educational quality accreditation
management measures in high schools in Long An province
3.4.1. Survey purposes
3.4.2. Survey objects
3.4.3. Survey contents

3.4.4. Survey methods
3.4.5. Results of the survey on the necessity and feasibility of the measures The necessity of measures
There are no more superior assessment measures, showing that the views on the
necessity of the measures are not much different and there are many opinions that are not
appreciated; because it is not enough to measure the need for qualitative measures, but to
measure quantitatively. This poses a requirement that the measures of education quality
accreditation management in high schools in Long An province need to be tested. The feasibility of measures
These management measures are highly feasible, because quality assurance is a
common task of all administrators - teachers - staff in the whole school, but the
administrators are responsible for the management activity.
Although there are some differences in evaluation but in general, the measures to

manage education quality accreditation activities in high schools in Long An province are
evaluated at the "necessary" and "feasible" levels.
3.5. Experimental organization of measures to plan school's activities according to
educational quality assurance standards
3.5.1. Experimental purposes
3.5.2. Experimental objects
3.5.3. Experimental contents
3.5.4. Experimental methods
3.5.5. Experimental hypothesis
3.5.6. Experimental processes
3.5.7. Data processing methods
3.5.8. Experimental results Results of measuring the feasibility of the measure before the experiment
The measures that will be tested are all at the "feasible" level (indicators in the
observed variables are within the range from 3.56 to 4.06). This shows that the
experimental contents here have met the requirements; none of the empirical measures
were evaluated at levels below “Feasibility”. Results of measuring the feasibility of the measure after the experiment
The management tasks of the experimental measures are at the level of “feasible” and
“very feasible”. There are 2 observed variables (4) and (5) whose values are at the level of
“feasible” (= 4.06) (= 4.19); the remaining variables are all at the level of “very feasible”. Feasibility of education quality accreditation management measures
through pre- and post-experiment surveys
The management work of the experimental measures achieved higher value than the
survey results on the content of management measures before the experiment. In which,
the observed variable "Checking - assessing the quality and feasibility of the plan of each
department" has similar values before and after the experiment (= 4.06). Feasibility of education quality accreditation management measures through
the quality of experimental products

The quality assessment standards of the quality assurance plan of Long An high
schools mostly (9/10) are at a good level, of which 2 standards are very good, that is TC1,
TC3 with high value. respectively = 4.26; = 4.27.
Thus, the experimental results have solved the problem that the research hypothesis
poses; It means that the experimental results have proved that the problem posed by the
school planning management in the direction of ensuring the quality of meeting the
education quality accreditation objectives is consistent with the requirements of the
practice and the aspirations of the administrators, teachers and staffs in the school. At the
same time, it has demonstrated the practicality of the theoretical problems posed in
Chapter 1 and the actual problems posed in Chapter 2. The experimental results have
shown that the management measures to develop plans according to the standards. The
education quality accreditation standards are in line with the requirements of school
development in the current context.
Sub-Conclusion Chapter 3
Measures to manage education quality accreditation in high schools in Long An
province comply with scientific and practical principles, specifically measures must derive
from the objective nature of education quality accreditation, must ensure feasibility and
effectiveness when applied in practice, must be suitable to the circumstances of each
school, must be in a system and presented according to the scientific method. Since then,
the research results on the management of education quality accreditation activities in high
schools in Long An province are given 7 measures. These measures are presented
according to the structure - function of management activities. The objective approach to
research on the management of education quality accreditation activities in high schools
has dominated the relationship of these measures: it is a continuation relationship (good
implementation of this measure is a condition for implementing this measure: take the next
measure); and structure-function relationship (each measure is a component of a structure
and performs a specific function in the system).
Measures to manage education quality accreditation activities in high schools in Long

An province have been verified by organizing the research object which is the high
schools in Long An province to evaluate its necessity and feasibility by survey method.
Simultaneously, 01 measure was introduced experimentally in 2 representative high
schools in Long An province. Experimental results are measured by comparison with the
results before and after the experiment. The survey and experimental results have proved
the scientific and practicality of the measures to manage the education quality
accreditation in high schools in Long An province.

1. Conclusions
The review of documents is the basis for establishing the theoretical issues of the
education quality accreditation management in high schools. The main purpose of
education quality accreditation is to ensure quality assurance in an educational institution
through the use of rigorous standards and evaluation criteria. External assessment can also
see this activity as an incentive for educational institutions to seek some action to ensure
the educational quality of each institution. This is the task of management in educational
institutions in general and high schools in particular. The theories and experiences of
education researchers around the world on educational accreditation have changed the
thinking about accrediting and evaluating an educational institution. The purpose of the
management quality accreditation of high schools is not "how to get recognized?" but
“how to achieve quality and recognition”. Therefore, in order to achieve the goals, it is
necessary to use a "constructive" method instead of "to deal with" to overcome the chronic
achievement disease in education in Vietnam.
To assess the current situation of education quality accreditation management in high
schools in Long An province, the thesis builds a toolkit based on the criteria of applying
the SBM-R model with 4 standards corresponding to each management function: digest
quality management standards; organize for collectives and individuals to achieve goals;
organize the evaluation of the results of the implementation of the goals; recognize

achievement of goals and prepare for new goals. Each standard has 5 criteria
corresponding to each education quality accreditation management activity in high
schools. Based on the results of the analysis of the survey data, it can be seen that the
schools that have not been accredited by the education quality accreditation have not yet
implemented or rarely implemented the school quality management based on the
educational accreditation standards. Schools that have been accredited by education
quality accreditation and have been recognized as meeting national standards, some
schools have had some school management activities based on educational accreditation
standards, and some schools have done it from time to time. The overall assessment of the
management quality accreditation of the high schools in Long An province is only
average. The main cause of the situation is the separation of quality assurance
management of education from quality assurance management.
From the problems of the education quality accreditation management in high schools
and the current situation of management of education quality accreditation in high schools
in Long An province, the research thesis proposes 7 measures for this work, including: (1)
Raising awareness about education quality accreditation for all administrators - teachers staff of the school; (2) Standardize the school's educational quality assurance objectives;
(3) Planning the school's activities according to educational quality assurance standards;
(4) Organize the implementation of the school's action plan according to the educational
quality assurance objectives; (5) Organize the school's self-assessment according to
educational quality assurance standards; (6) Coordinating self-assessment with external
assessment to enhance the effectiveness of quality assurance in school education; (7)
Recognition of achievement and promotion of quality school education. These measures
