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Ielts xuan phi giai de writing 14 01 2023

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Written by: Xuân Phi, 16/01/2023
Supported by: Ex-BC Examiner, 17/01/2023
Question: Video records are better to learn about the way other people in the world
live than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
(IELTS Academic – 14/01/2023)
ANSWER (8.0+):
It is stated that acquiring information about global lifestyles through videos is more
effective than reading written materials. Although I admit that video recordings leave
more of a lasting impact on people’s minds, I mostly disagree with this notion since
they are not suitable for all learners and limited in their availability.
Admittedly, video recordings can be a valid approach to gain a greater understanding
about different lives in various nations on account of better visualisation. To explain,
images and audio recordings enable people to observe things in an authentic way,
leaving better impressions in their minds and thus facilitating their memories. In other
words, by watching videos, they can experience these customs firsthand in lieu of
imagining them through a secondhand perspective when they read written documents.
For example, a video about the harsh living conditions of residents in Africa having to use
dirty water for household tasks and their desperate voices in the video would be more
indelible in viewers’ minds than simply text
However, there are two reasons for my disagreement. Chief of these is that learning via
videos is not an optimal medium for all types of learners. This is because those who favor
other learning styles such as reading and writing may prefer written documents instead.
Another justification is that videos are lacking in their attainability. More specifically,
numerous materials are recorded in written form only, especially about details in the past
due to the lack of technology, thus it is hard for people to access information regarding
important individuals and events through videos alone. For instance, for those who want
to research eating habits of people in a country, it is more useful for them to choose
articles or references because there is a scarcity of videos that illustrate real dietary
In conclusion, the value of video recordings is significant in terms of enhancing

visualisation; however, I maintain that they are not suitable for those who follow other
learning styles and written documents are still of importance because a wider range of
information is offered. It is advisable that people should opt for the materials that suit
their preferences and the specific topic.
(Word count: 360)



Tiếng việt

Global lifestyles

Lối sống toàn cầu

Leave a lasting impact on

Để lại một tác động lâu dài lên

Limited in their availability

Hạn chế, ít có sẵn

Observe things in an authentic way

Quan sát mọi thứ một cách chân thực

Through a secondhand perspective

Qua góc nhìn của người khác


Khơng thể xóa nhịa

Learning styles

Phong cách học tập

Lacking in their attainability

Thiếu, ít

A scarcity of

Sự khan hiếm

Dietary patterns

Chế độ ăn uống

5.58 là điểm trung bình IELTS Writing tại Việt Nam, thấp nhất trong 4 kỹ năng. Vậy nên
IELTS Xuân Phi đã xây dựng khóa học chuyên sâu writing, để hỗ trợ các bạn khắc phục
từng điểm yếu về Từ vựng, Ngữ pháp, Phát triển ý tưởng... với cam kết tăng ít nhất 0.5
band sau khóa học!
✔ Chương trình học thiết kế riêng theo điểm mạnh – yếu từng học viên

✔ Bài viết được chữa chi tiết để học viên khắc phục từng lỗi nhỏ
✔ Giảng viên và trợ lý học tập riêng theo sát quá trình học
✔ Được học lại miễn phí nếu làm đầy đủ bài tập mà không tiến bộ
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