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Skkn some experience applications of mind maps in teaching and learning in english class 11 vinh loc high school

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Written by: Vu Thi Ha
Position: Teacher
Field: English

THANH HOA - 2022




Aims of the study
Limitation of the study
The object of the study
Method of the study
The new poits of the initiative



Base theory and practice-oriented research for the resolution of the subject.
Practical basis
The measures carried out, while creating solutions
A. measures carried out:
B. Time to create solutions:
C. Solution description of the subject
C1- Notes novelty:
a) A mind map is formed for how effective?
b) How effective record on mind maps:
c) The novelty of applying themes:
C2- The ability to apply:
a) Apply a mind map on the warm-up
b) Application of mind maps to discuss and report a presentation
c)Application of mind maps to the pre -practice(or pre-introduction corpus)

d)Application of mind maps to the free –practice (or post - file applications / advanced)
e) Application of mind maps to the consolidation(or remember invigorating)
The effectiveness of experience initiatives
References and experience initiatives are categorized





Experience initiative
Some experience applications of mind maps in teaching and learning in
english class Vinh Loc high school.
1. Rationales.
Thesedays the trend of development and integration of economies
between the countries in the regions and the world, especially Vietnam officially
becomes a member of the World Trade Organization WTO, the use language in
communication has become very necessary and common. More and more people
involved in foreign language classes at the center, said many people not only
good, but also to use two or three foreign languages. For university graduates in
addition to professional qualifications they have diplomas and certificates of
foreign languages and informatics. In special schools at the secondary school
foreign language teaching and learning was more concerned, teaching methods
have also been renovated from old methods of literacy training heavily on new
methods to attach much importance to forging skills training. This is a positive

change because learning languages is to communicate and communication is the
first form of human.
School year 2018-2019 school year is the continued implementation of
the major campaigns of the industry's most distinctive "Building friendly
schools, students actively '' In the campaign, including effective teaching content
fruit-most important content in the content of the movement. To do that teachers
have done a lot of innovative measures including teaching methods as required
in order to create learning atmosphere exciting episode, students active learning,
quality, high efficiency.
For years, teaching in the education of students, most of them to 'cram' a
large amount of knowledge from many disciplines by 'rote learning '-just
memorizing without understanding primary care. My personal from routine
teaching and passive learning, which students only know one way to acquire
knowledge without self-focused studies and research, took care of the unit. To
guide them to a positive approach to learning autonomy and teacher oneself not
just help them to discover new knowledge, but also to help them gain the
knowledge systems that they built "images" shows the relationship between the
knowledge will bring considerable benefits in terms of: memory cognitive
development, critical thinking, imagination and innovative capabilities of these
tools Every effective way to create the image link is the mind map. You were


born as a breath of fresh air blowing in the arid lands of the type conveyed and
heard before.
No prism shape teachers know how to present on it to bring high
efficiency most. No one helps students actively develop their ideas, forming
independent thinking, initiative from which they can participate more actively in

the entire process knowledge is obtained. For the style of English 'rote learning'
cannot match more. They cannot be humming a structured way of learning
English as a subject for all memorized it with these reasons, from what was
concluded by applying mind maps in teaching and learning English last time, I
boldly wrote the theme "some experience applications of mind maps in
teaching and learning in English class 11 Vinh Loc high school." hope will
demonstrate real evidence applying mind map is changing the most active new
method is effective teaching and learning in today's era.
2. Aims of the study.
The brain involved in the process acquire knowledge on a subject difficult
to remember, difficult as English belongs, the application of mind maps will
certainly help them to be more creative, develop skills painting, their
interests .The students can freely choose colors, contours; freedom 'composing'
should work from their main thoughts. Moreover they can save time studying,
not boring with lengthy sentences from which they will remember it better and
see overall picture of the lesson; organize and categorize their thoughts at each
stage of the process of teaching and learning.
3. Limitation of the study.
In terms of myself, I just boldly outlined my experiences from the
application of the subject in many lessons and is divided according to each step
up in English class in 11th grade high school.
4. The object of the study.
+ Class 11B10, 11B7 consists of 43 and 45 students-the most brilliant
students of our school’s social Science Department.
+ The students’ knowledge of the environment causes nature in danger,
sources of energy, The steps to write a letter, retelling a celebration ,
language focus skill
5. Method of the study.
On this subject I have applied the following research methods:
+ Observing students.

+ Student interviews.
+ Check and compare students' learning results.
+ Discuss with teachers and textbooks.


After each lesson unit there is a test and evaluation to draw experience on
the pictures practical implementation in each lesson, analysis of strengths then
maintain additional strengths and improve the shortcomings to continue to
experiment in the next lessons.
Through the many units of study I have chosen and found the best form
pulled into experience.
6. The new points of the initiative.
In this topic, I conduct research on the effectiveness of using mind maps
to achieve the following purposes:
- Comparative analysis of the situation in the process of teaching and learning
without applying mind map to teaching and learning to apply mind map.
- Analyzing and proving new and bright points of the new solution with the aim
of replacing the old methods already applied.
- Specify the applicability of the new solution to be effective in the process of
teaching and learning English at my school.
1 Base theory and practice-oriented research for the resolution of the
Theoretical basis:
This school year is also the year of application of the use of mind maps as
a new teaching method follows a year in more than students across the country

but this is the year in high school application Vinh Loc for this school year the
education and training has decided to put this method into 1 in 5 thematic
trainings for school teachers .The basis Vu Dinh Chuan, head of secondary
education for the Ministry of education and Training 'all science, this method
has many advantages in line with economic conditions and infrastructure of
Vietnam's education sector.' 'Mapping only can apply to many different areas,
especially in poor areas, teachers have to just use a map and a calendar sheet and
then, just a paper surface can also be mapped private. The students can learn
only on one surface, even a platform for flexibility should be received from
applying it feasible '' 'the development of student thinking and teaching is real
about the world pulse around has always been one of the priorities
Top of the people working in education. "According to Dr. Tran Dinh
Chau- the first research methods and sought to 'mind map' to teach in Vietnam,
the 'common key is this teaching method to teachers, instead of teaching
changed their minds'


2. Practical basis.
In recent years,Thanh Hoa Department of Education and training very
pays attention to the renovation of teaching methods, improve the quality of
school education. Thanh Hoa Department of Education and training always
helds periodically examinations of good teachers, good student competitions at
province, provincial English exam last Olympic year. Department has held
training school inspectors to advise, promote for teachers renewing teaching
methods and examination of the active learning of the children, organizing
seminars on improving the quality of teaching and learning. The same time there
is also a major issue in the meeting copper, conferences and seminars in the

quality. The students need to approach innovation, focused on how to guide
students to self-study, self-exploration and creative discovery. In fact using mind
maps in teaching and learning show that there are many teachers and students do
not know how to express mental map is how (namely write wordy); to apply it
to the item in the process section unit (usually only applies to the consolidation);
use it so effectively. However, there are a lot of teachers have shown the right
way and especially the mental map of the students are very creative and
innovative in an unexpected way. They can be quickly digested knowledge and
expressing it through a map full of vivid, concise, success.
3. The measures carried out, while creating solutions.
A. measures carried out.
Intuitive method (use of thinking maps of teachers and students)
Method of instruction (instructed them how to draw, how to present and how to
Practical training method (for students paint, applied in each lesson and
each type of exercise class).
Comparative method.
B. Time to create solutions.
The solution is implemented and applied as soon as the first to be trained
in the 2018-2019 school year and over time guidance telling them to get
acquainted, gradual approach to expression and collective mind maps for I care
a great way to present to the class.
Before conducting this subject I made a survey about the possibility steps
apply mind maps of the pupils in their 11th grade teaching. The purpose of the
new application method is raising the quality of students. Therefore, I would like
to raise the level of mastery of knowledge before applying mind maps through
tests 45 'No. 1 as follows:




11B10 43
11B7 45

SL %

SL %
10 23
12 27



SL %
10 22

* Objective: The mission of the subject.
To apply mind maps in the sewing class (in all, introduced new language,
practice controlled, advanced practice -bright create and reinforce). In addition,
guidance for children how to draw and present mind maps through each part of
the lesson 11th grade English program includes:Reading, speaking, write and
Unit language in many different focus. At the same time by applying
presentation more thinking through every map that details how to effectively
teach (applications in which activities. For example: lucky numbers, matching,
networks, brainstorming ...) So, What are mind maps?
According to 'education and age: 'A mind map is a form recording the use
of color, image to expand and deepen the idea; is an organizational tool platform
thinking, might describe it as a graphic technique with the combination of
words, images, contours, colors matching the structure, operation and function
of the brain, helping humans endlessly exploit the potential of the brain '.
In addition, there is a mind maps, methods are in place to leverage the
capability to record images of the brain this is how to remember the details, to
sum up or to analyze a problem into a form of branching scheme.
C. Solution description of the subject
C1- Notes novelty:
a) A mind map is formed for how effective?
 First I would like to mention again how to draw a mind map so that it
brings true meaning.
1. Start from the center and the branch deployment (can use key words or
images required).
2. Create an image center clear and 'strong' describe the general content of the

entire map.
3. Create centers and branch details quickly. The major tributaries order or oneto medium average. The images secondary tributaries to the primary branch, and
so on with this line of road .The closer is highlighted.
4. Put the focus on the row from increased texture of the notes.
5. Where better and then distinguish the case before.


6. Use color to highlight color issue and also stimulate the brain as images.
7. What is not included in the presentation are not included in the map.
8. Thinking bidirectional.
9. Use arrows, images, icons to create the link (draw curves will attract more).
10. Not to be blocked at a region depleted .If thoughts shifted to another branch.
11. Remember immediately idea on where once thought of it.
12. Breaking the boundaries out of paper to present a paper should not replace
other than that used to add additional sheets grafted.
13. Be creative.
b) How effective record on mind maps.
1. Use keywords and key medicine.
2. Write the phrase, do not write the sentences.
3. Use of acronyms.
4. Titles.
5. Numbers.
6. Links dashed medical use, arrows, numbers, colors.
7. Notes the source of information that can easily look up.
c) The novelty of applying themes.
Mind Maps have presented ace like application and efficiency summed
brought from many aspects. So it’s also just been introduced in the education

sector of the province before. The new school year in this topic is that: first: it is
a completely new approach to the teachers in the school; second - it applies to
the English subject not only with the purpose is to brief recorded content from
maps lesson myself thinking can apply it as an effective method for sequencing
the internal lesson content, make it through, deepened the problem for partial
position throughout the process .The unit can use your mind maps to get them to
ask questions - answers ( portion controlled); synopsis lesson (remember parts /
components controlled); study reinforce previous knowledge (the warm-up / part
pre-); to at all locations (lead-in); held games (part free ) from that they can
remember to apply knowledge to test all test-old or 15 minutes, 45 minutes gain
better results.
A Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal
key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical
skills – word, image, number, logic, rhythm, color and spatial awareness – in a
single, uniquely powerful manner. In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam
the infinite expanses of your brain The Mind Map can be applied to every aspect


of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human
7 Steps to making a mind map.
1. Start in the center of a blank page turned sideways. Why? Because starting
in the center gives your Brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to
express itself more freely and naturally.
2. Use an image or picture for your central idea. Why? Because an
image is worth a thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central
image is more interesting, keeps you focused, helps you concentrate, and gives

your Brain more of a buzz!
3. Use color throughout. Why? Because colors are as exciting to your Brain as
are images. Color adds extra vibrancy and life to your Mind Map, adds
tremendous energy to your creative thinking, and is fun!
4. Connect your main branches to the central image and connect your secondand third-level branches to the first and second levels, etc. Why? Because your
Brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things
together. If you connect the branches, you will understand and remember a lot
more easily.
5. Make your branches curved rather than straight-lined. Why? Because
having nothing but straight lines is boring to your Brain.
6. Use key words per line .Why -Because single key words give your Mind
Map more power and flexibility.
7. Use images throughout. Why -Because each image, like the central image,
is also worth a thousand words. So if you have only 10 images in your Mind
Map, it’s already the equal of 10,000 words of notes!
C2- The ability to apply:
a) Apply a mind map on the warm-up
UNIT 10: Nature in danger.
Lesson 1: reading.
In this lesson to introduce into all parts writing with a few questions to
check memory, mobilizing medical article (Brainstorming) that they have
known about environment in the reading I fell in love restated their demand by
private The maps that they can and teacher asks Students to discuss and make a
list of things and people’s activities that destroy the environment, has more than


10 children can draw, presentation and answer questions about the environment

summary in a mind map.

b. Application of mind maps to discuss and report a presentation
Students will discuss and comment on a given topic based on their recent
knowledge. In this section, teachers should encourage students to use mind maps
to express ideas and express the relevance of those ideas. Teachers can provide
sub- tables or paper to groups and ask groups to write their thoughts on a map of
thinking in the table. Subsequently, students will report, present what they have
learned, read and discussed through their group's thinking map. Obviously this is


a difficult activity, so students must prepare well and can report in groups or
take turns reporting.
Example 1: English Textbooks 11, Unit 11: Sources of Energy- Speaking
Task 3:
The teacher asked the students to discuss the group, then report on the
types of energy, their strengths and weaknesses, and how to utilize and develop
alternative energy sources.
- Dicussion: Students discuss in groups, brainstorming about four aspects of the

- Reporting a presentation : Teachers ask students in each group to take turns
lecturing on the topic. Not only good students but also weak ones in each group
have a chance to report.


Student 1:
For a long time, the major source of energy used by people has been
fossil fuels (including coal, oil and natural gas). However, this kind of energy is
limited, non-renewable and will be exhauted soon. That’s why we should use
alternative sources of energy such as nuclear energy, water energy, solar
energy or wind energy.
Student 2:
These alternative sources of energy have their own advantages and
disadvantages. For example, nuclear power is unlimited but very dangerous.....
c) Application of mind maps to the pre -practice (or pre-introduction
I changed a description of one of the popular celebrations in Viet Nam into
writing a letter. According to the following steps:
Step1: Introduce the content of the lesson
Step 2: For students to work in groups, the task of providing a step with the
exercises of a number of ideas
Step 3: call the content in the body bang segment eliciting questions. The
student heard the king questioned, the king noted on the documents of the leader
because of his belief.
Step 4: The teachers help students become better educated.
Step 5: The students put the text into the text so it is perfect.
- Giving instructions: "Write a letter in groups using mind map.





d) Application of mind maps to the free -practice (or post - file applications
/ advanced)
Looking at the unit 8 Celebrations. Teacher divides the students into 3
groups and each group can use mind map to retell a celebration in details about
each that they have learnt.



e) Application of mind maps to the consolidation (or remember
By available only for the lack of words to fill, I ask students to look at the
mind map to present the missing information content to be sure this type of



exercise will form inculcate their knowledge about tenses.



4. The effectiveness of experience initiatives .
It is hard to say Mind Mapping economic benefits when applied to the
process of one of the course instructors, so very practical consequence that not
necessarily everyone can see it is a shift in terms of investment Journal of
student for example-Hang only for weak student, when I started with a circle
and a major health between and asked 'now we learn the lesson by what?', then
the children in unison 'by mind map'. The investment map so the children have
learned how to learn; learning in a positive way; effective record-not
documented widespread, lengthy, hard to remember, it is difficult to remember.
It is a very difficult process before.
Over time apply themes, namely from the test 45 minutes number 1 and
test its applicability through tests 45 minutes number 2. I have obtained the
following results:
Check 45 minutes




SL %
10 22

SL %
18 42
20 45


SL %

In comparison it with the results of the survey for the first time I noticed
the number of children reached with distinction as increased post 1 period of
students; Excellent, good, Average students is more; weak students is less (this
number had test results achieved quite-good); Number of poor students is very

one-sided hand. The reduction if applied only through a few tests. The result is
that more encouraging weaker students can also draw, answer questions,
present, deployed depending on them. The investment map is the most practical
result show changes their thinking.
1. Conclusion
Tony Buzan-father of mind maps during a meeting with students of
Vietnam told the story very interesting that: "As a child, with any subjects he
also wondered, 'Why should record much? He started thinking about the brain


and how the first show that we remember and inter. The imagine giving imagine
for example if a close friend, then close your eyes do not see the word' person
friend 'that is the image of the friend. So if you want to memorize one page of
text we will remember the images, pictures, symbols, numbers, colors,
association and links .Which is mind map. "11th grade students in my English
now have to do that. My only regret is that my ability cannot put limits are the
product of a mind map them to see the subject of product. The mind maps
formation of the results to make sure everyone will you- very surprised at the
creativity, the imagination, thinking, aesthetic aptitude in their paintings
Positive education for students learning English Grade 11th students in
particular and in general is the basic content of teaching methods and learning.
The innovation process methodology of innovation in information technology
application is required and application of mind maps is set really using mind
maps in teaching and learning, especially in English, surely I will find that
learning English without any difficulty. The words, English recipes dry, the
more knowledge of English, hard to remember will become realistic images,

vivid colors, eye-catching, and the curving lines attached flying.
The mind map the purpose of each person will be applied to at all,
introduce corpus, exercise control or exercise can improve and even reinforce
the lessons formation the lively, fun and promote participation in construction
all up and absorb all very good at them.
2. Recommendation.
In the era of open integration with the world in a myriad of opportunities
as well as many of the challenges, the younger generation are the pioneers
mount Vietnam to international friends, so more than anyone else the they are
people who have tried to learn more, devoted himself for a strong and
prosperous country, prosperity, ... and powers alongside five continents. And so,
the way to bring them to reasonable success is learning English is good! In that
sense, I strongly suggest some recommendations as follows:
+ For teachers, in addition to teaching in class participation should strengthen
class visits, take time colleagues. Sports regularly organize lecture topics
suitable for the actual situation of the school and classroom. There must be an
assessment, draw lessons comment frank, honest and accurate about the pros,
cons after lessons. Give them some playgrounds, clubs speak English at school.
By professional groups of foreign languages in schools shall have charge of and
coordination with other organizations in fields such as youth teams to the


implementation plan and a weekly or monthly basis encourage weaker students
to participate.
+ For school leaders, in addition to the leadership of all aspects of the school,
need more deep concern to the teaching of teachers; encourage teachers
themselves, effectively use and maintain teaching aids; always check, supervise,

remind and encourage all members of the school board work together better
human grow.
From reality itself was teaching 11th grade English, through theoretical
study and learn English colleagues taught 11th grade, I have some experiences in
teaching skills for high school students in grades 11th "above. I cannot rigidly
follow the steps taught in theory learned, I want to have a teaching method
combining what they learn with practical teaching and learning level of students
in line with the new policy.
In this article I am sure there are defects, these are the issues that concern
me a lot over the fact to draw the lessons and experiences in order to have better
orientation in the next way of the new dual approach teaching of English. And
since then I want my colleagues to remove the difficulties, add something
missing for a complete training lessons. I look forward to the comments of my
colleagues and the steering level to myself experienced accurate, science helps
to fulfill the duties of a teacher. I hope to receive the attention and divided share
and comment your sincere colleague.
Thank you very much!



Thanh Hoa, May 10th 2022
I hereby declare that this is my
experience initiative and that no parts
of the initiative have been copied or
reproduced by me from any other’s
work without acknowledgement.



