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Giai sach bai tap tieng anh lop 7 unit 6 after school

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Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 6:After school
A. What do you do? (Bài 1-7 trang 50-54 SBTTiếngAnh 7)
1. (trang 50 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): What after-school activities do you often do? Put the words in the
box in the columns that are true about you.
I often do these

I always do these

I never do these

meeting friends

doing homework

rehearsing a piay

listening to music


with playing computer game

going swimming
watching TV
writing letters to friends
talking with



2. (trang 50-51 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Rewrite the sentences. Put the frequency expressions in brackets
into the right places.
a. Ba is always interested in stamps.
b. Nga often rehearses a play with her friends.
c. Nga never plays video games.
d. Nam, Ba and Hoa are never late for their class.
e. Ba and his fiends often get together and talk about their stamps.
f. After class, Nam usually goes home and watches videos.
g. What do you usually do after school?
h. I usually help my mother with the housework.
i. I never go swimming on Sundays.
j. Sometimes Ba's friends give him stamps from other countries.
Đa's frends sometimes give him stamps from other countries.
Ba’s friends give him stamps from other countries sometimes.
3. (trang 51 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): This is the conversation between Kien and Lan. Match Lan’s
utterances in I column B with Kien's utterances in column A. Kien’s utterances are already in the

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correct order.
a - ii

b - iii


4. (trang 52 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Read the following passage then answer the questions by choosing
the best answers.
a. B

b. B

c. C

d. A

e. B

f. A

5. (trang 53 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Match the questions and responses. The first one is done for you.
1. d

2. e

3. f

4. b

5. h

6. a

7. g

8. c

6. (trang 53 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Read the table and write sentences about Lan and Ba. The first one is
done for you.
a. She listens to classical music two hours a day.
b. She goes shopping with her friends every Saturday and Sunday.
c. She never plays video games.
a. He usually listens to classical music.
b. He often goes shopping with his friends.
c. He plays video games three times a week.
7. (trang 54 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Underllne the correct answers.
a. to have

b. reading

c. talking

d. costs

e. more interesting

f. the best

B. Let's go! (Bài 1-7 trang 54-59 SBTTiếngAnh 7)
1. (trang 54-55 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Make questions and responses.
a. A: What about going to the library?
B: It's a good idea. rd love to.

b. A: What about going to the zoo?
B: I’m sorry, I can't.
c. A: What about going to the canteen?
B: It's great!

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d. A: What about going swimming?
B: I'm afaid, I can't go with you.
e. A: What about doing assignments together?
B: It’s a great idea. I’d love to.
f. A: What about going to the art gallery?
B: I'm sorry I can't.
2. (trang 55-56 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Write the expressions in the correct places in the dialogues.
a. A: We're going to the beach. Will you join us?
B: Yes. I would love to. What time?
A: At 4.30 p.m.
B: Where shall we meet?
A: In front of the Blue Ocean Hotel.
B: I’ll be there.
b. A: Would you like to come to my home for dinner?
B: I'm not sure. ril caỉl you later.
A: OK.
B: Thanks for inviting me.
A: It’s my pleasure.
c. A: Should we play chess?
B: I'm sorry, I can't.
A: WouId you like to play table tennis?
B: I'd love to.

3. (trang 56 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Answer these questions about yourself. Use short answers where
a. Tm studying English.

b. No, I'm not.

c. Yes, I do.

d. Yes, I am.

e. Yes, I do.

f. Yes, I am.

g. Bread and eggs.

h. No, I'm not.

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i. It's a great idea. I’d love j. Yes, we should.
4. (trang 57 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Read the top ten most popular activities American teenagers like to
a) Check the activities Vietnamese teenagers also do.
b) Add to the first activities you think Vietnamese teenagers like to do.

American teenagers


teenagers do

a. Eat in fast food restaurants

b. Attend school organizations

c. Leam to play a musical instrument such as the

d. Go shopping

e. Watch television

f. Go to the movie

g. Listen to music

h. Collect things such as stamps or coins

i. Make models of things such as cars or planes

j. Help old people with their shopping or cỉeaning

k. Do charity work

i. Attend social activities outside school

5. (trang 58 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Combine the two sentences, using the words in brackets. The first one
is done for you.
b. Huy prefers detective stories to love stories.
c. Ha doesn’t go to school today because she is sick.
d. Hoa’s house has more rooms than Ba's house.
e. I can cook as vvell as my mother.
f. That blue skirt is more expensive than the black one.
6. (trang 58-59 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Read the information and put a tick (✓)to the correct sentences.

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b. ✓

c. ✓

e. ✓

g. ✓

7. (trang 59 SBT Tiếng Anh 7): Underline and correct the mistakes in the folIowing sentences. Each
sentence has only one mistake.
a. Huong → Huong's

b. has → have

c. corning → to come

d. in → on

e. visit → visiting

f. to go → go

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